Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

All This For a Silly Title! [Private w/ Yomi]


Well-Known Ninja
Jan 26, 2017
Apparently by the mercy of ANBU Tatsuo had been allowed to live but was now in the hospital, a little more injured than his liking. The fight went rough, he only expected to have to last three rounds. Once he dropped to his ass he didn't expect to be struck.. His mind wandered over to the betrayal the Hokage apparently put onto him. It was a confusing situation, why would she do any of this? What did he ever do? He shrugged his shoulders before wincing in pain, God this is terrible, I hate hospitals. he said whining to himself as he laid back, wincing on the way down. His whole body was hurt, but his abdomen especially was struck quite hard. At least the feeling in his legs had returned.

He was too worried to sleep, but too bored to stay awake it really was terrible. They didn't even have a T.V in his room.

Leaving her own medical appointment the woman waddled wandered through the hospital halls, peeking in on patients and allowing herself to be stopped for questions pertaining to hospital dealings. She'd do anything not to be cooped up and hovered over in the Hokage Mansion and although she dreaded doing anything that resembled work, this was a welcome reprieve despite the implication that it was, in fact, work. ''

A non-descript nurse waved her down and leaned over to whisper something in her ear. Yomi pinched the bridge of her nose and nodded to her, letting the nurse guide her to her newly minted patient. Patient was a strong word, because Yomi gave strict orders that she would only be attending to Kage, Sennin, Ambassadors, or any other visiting dignitaries while she was scheduled to be on maternity leave. Of course she didn't stop working for any length of time, but, she still enforced some restrictions upon herself and, by extension, the requests made of her by the hospital staff. MIkasa would be proud.

Yomi peeked her head in and looked at Tatsuo, before she entered the room. She was already given a stern glare and talking too by Tamashii over her 'pregnancy brain' but she didn't think she would then have to be Tatsuo's Doctor. Life was coming at her fast and Yomi didn't understand how come her karma always seemed to be immediate while others were just skating by doing all manner of foul and suspicious things without so much as a stubbed toe.

The Goddess pushed open the door and sauntered in like nothing was wrong, folding her hands in front of her, trying to appear unbothered by the situation.

"So, Tatsuo. How did it go?" As per usual her tone was even and assured. No one would fault him if he threw a rasengan at her face.

While a Rasengan might be overkill, there definitely would be a reaction out of him. As Yomi stepped into the door, Tatsuo's arm instinctively shot up and fired off wooden tendrils that stopped just short of her, "If you're here to finish the job, I won't go out without a fight." he said, gritting through his teeth. Enemies doing terrible things to him was one thing, but your own? His own Hokage? Setting him up.. for what? No matter how forgiving he was, he couldn't die here. Imagine if they went for Saito next, until his student was safe he couldn't die.

When she asked him the question he furrowed his brows, almost confused, was she mocking him? "What do you mean how did it go? Were you not watching the whole thing? What did I even do?" The pain in his voice was apparent, while he was a shinobi, he was just barely a man. Barely growing hair on his chin at this point, being betrayed by a office he respected so much truly shook his world view. He had always held the Hokage to the highest regard, even if he didn't always agree with them. "Why would you do it?" he asked one more time, trying to hold back the chokes in the back of his throat.
Of course he was mad though Yomi did not foresee him reacting so rashly towards her. He truly believed she set him up. The woman didn't know if she were in his position that she would feel much different than he, so she let him slide. Folding her arms behind her back, she didn't move, allowing him a moment to come to his senses on his own, with the help of her honest explanation.

"Finish the job? No. You were quite capable of that seeing as you lived to threaten me like this." She kept her tone even with him.

"But you are under the impression that I set you up to be killed by the ANBU Sennin. I did not. I simply did not inform him of your arrival. Think what you will but I do not believe he is in the business of killing Leaf Chuunin even if it was some devious plot I didn't let him in on. But, since I forgot to inform him, did you not say I sent you?" Yomi raised a brow knowing that he did not given his reaction to her.

"Though you can be mad at me because I forgot to tell him and he...messed with you as a result." Yomi placed her hand on belly and rubbed it absent mindedly. "But if it means anything to you, I do apologize for the oversight." Would he be accepting of this? Her trust in the ANBU Sennin to be who he was should have been enough to make sure she remembered to let him in on it, though her desire not to jump to worse place with the Uchiha probably clouded her judgment. Either way, Yomi did not know what Tatsuo would think about all this and if he would want to forgive her. Tatsuo did not know her well enough to know that she did not hand out apologies lightly, if ever. She was sincere in her statement and hoped that one day that he could see it.

"Would you like another Doctor to treat you if you are not willing to let me assist you?"
It took Tatsuo a moment to realize what he had just done. It wasn't about him, but still that wasn't an excuse. It wouldn't have mattered who walked through that door, his worry was not with threatening a Kage, but threatening any one at all. Fear makes you do things you'd never imagine. Releasing the seal he had in his hands, he retracted the wooden tendrils which grew back into him. He tried to stay up right and conscious of what was going on but it wasn't long until it happened.

He broke down, the crying only hurt his injured chest even more. In between winces and small sniffles, those which soon evolved into full sobs, he was so confused. What was going on, why was this all happening? It wasn't as much about the violence, or anything like that, but he hated that he threatened someone as a result. It's something he'd never forgive himself for. He was so close to actually hurting her. "I-i'm sorry." he said in between gasps for air. He imagined if had he been pushed just an inch farther? Would he have killed her? Inside he wanted to say no, but here he was reminded that even good people could be pushed to do terrible things when in terrible situations. A behavior he tried to suppress in anyway possible. At no point in his life was he pushed to a point where he could ever imagine doing that. It made him sick, sick of himself, even if it was unreasonable to feel this way.

When she apologized, Tatsuo protested, shaking his head many times, each adding to the significant pain from his injuries. He finally laid back down as it hurt too much to sit, his breathing was labored and he felt dizzy. Too much was happening; in one night he went from being excited, brought down to his knees starting death in the eyes, to now, nearly failing everything he stood for. He knew he could never do something like this again, it would be something that would haunt him for the rest of his days, a moment he couldn't share with anyone else. When she asked him about assisting him, Tatsuo let out a gentle whisper accompanied by a single nod. "I-it is fine. It hurts really bad, i'm not really in the shape to ask for anything else."
The woman's calm demeanor almost faltered at the raw expression of emotion. She had no aversion too it she just preferred people to keep their emotions in check. Yet here he was crying, overwhelmed in the moment and in pain from his wounds. Yomi wanted to explore his mind to understand what he was thinking in this moment, but, that sort of invasion was not warranted or like her to do unprovoked. She wanted to align his thoughts with his emotional display to better understand him. It seemed that this would have to wait for a time when he was in a less vulnerable state.

"Don't your energy." Yomi did not feign the usage of hand-seals to treat him. She let her healing aura flood the room, violently erupting from her body. Ever since she became pregnant she found that her chakra wanted to escape her body as quickly as it regenerated. Yomi believed that it was the twins doing, giving her and extra boost for her troubles. She moved to place her healing hands on the boy and gave him a small smile.

"This should help, but, I think it would be in my best interest to have you treated by another Doctor. If I'm caught here the Medical Chief will have a fit." Yomi suddenly eyed the door. The thought of Mikasa bursting the door was enough to make her think twice about staying here and giving him a thorough examination. Sure she was "in charge" but that really didn't mean much due to her current condition. Out side of a crisis she was sure they were trying to keep her indoors and insolated at all times.

"So I'll get you a different Doctor, or, will this regenerative treatment be enough since you're a big bad Jounin now?"
Yomi peeked out the door and flagged down an non-descript nurse giving her instructions on how and who she wanted Tatsuo to be treated. He was going to get the VIP treatment for her error as well as the silly title that got him here in the first place.

"Congratulations, Tatsuo."
Yomi said softly.

Tatsuo was still in pain but couldn't deny that Yomi's technique helped him. He instantly felt relief flood his body as his wound began to prepare. There was no doubt he'd be in here for a night or two but at least it didn't feel like he was going to die. When she placed her hands on him, the healing increased until the point he felt like he was fully conscious. Though he was wise enough to not try and test the limits of his newfound strength. After such an injury he would definitely need to relax.

He couldn't help but smile when she called him a Jonin, he nodded a few times and said "I-I think this'll do. Just get someone to bring me some food.." his stomach grumbled loudly, "If that's included, of course." After she left the room he laid down and thought about everything that happened that night. There were some definitely things he needed to work on.

Current Ninpocho Time:
