Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open All Warefare is Deception 4 - ‘A Konoha Adventure!’

Oct 3, 2017
OOC Rank
Daisuke’s body never ceased to twist and contort as the strange grey energy from within continued to tear holes in his flesh. At this point his face was almost unrecognisable apart from the signature Minamoto tattoo that sat under his right eye. Every now and then it pulsated, and with it the energy withdrew slightly, yet whatever it was did not hold enough power to keep whatever this was at bay. The hidden puppeteer stumbled around in in the foliage and debris around the Hokage Mansion, narrowly avoiding several strikes before being caught and continually hammered by seemingly never ending onslaught. Not only was the figure of the boy seemingly fighting for control of its vessel, it was also fighting not to be killed outright before a full transformation could take place.

Daisuke’s mouth opened, slowly at first until it could open no further. But then it didn’t stop; his jaw unhinging to create an unholy visage of steaming gore. White mist poured from the gaping maw, surrounding what shell of the boy still remained. It didn’t seem to do much good to protect against the wolf-puppet amalgamation, but maybe it wasn’t meant to. None of what the boy was really doing made much sense; and in all honesty Daisuke was absent from the battlefield. Only his body remained, controlled as it was by something yet to make itself properly known.

As if from nowhere, an inhuman roar rang out – piercing the air and shattering windows moments before the torrent of water that followed had time to do the same. It was sage to say that the mansion was going to need a lot of repairs thanks to the combined ‘efforts’ of Kiko and Daisuke (or whatever masqueraded as the young ANBU. The sudden change in pressure seemed to have no impact on either of the combatants, leaf’s intruder took to water like it was nothing, spinning circles around the smaller boy as he continually writhed in pain – like a moth trying to break out of a fleshy cocoon.

The barrage of jutsu that soon flowed from the husk didn’t do a whole lot, wiping out some clones at most. A disappointing performance, but then again whatever it was that was taking hold of the boy didn’t seem to be fully capable. At least not in this state.

The water darkened, another form rising to join the fray within the giant half-sphere of water. Anyone else would have given it a large proportion of their attention. However, whatever was going on with the boy was still more of a distraction. Even as the shadow grew larger, Daisuke could be seen to still be tugging at this own skin, ripping chunks off in an effort to escape from the prison that was his own body…

[WC: 464]
[Sending actions soon]
[Sorry for the delay!]


Staff member
Feb 21, 2013
HP: 33169.48
AP: 12.5 - 12.5 = 0
AP next round: 10
Status: Partially Caught, Fused, Giant
HP: 15862.875
AP: N/a
Status: Bleeding Rank 1, Transformed, Fused, Giant.
HP: -10202.5 - 2925 - 4738 = 17865.5
AP next round: 0
Status: Bleeding Rank 5, Broken Heart, Broken Hands, Ko’d.
HP: 20206.3 - 50811 = -30604.7 (only 10k off of dead, for the record)
CP: 24478.2
IR: 7,800
AP: 10.25 - =
AP next round:
Status: Bleeding Rank 5, Fractured Heart, KO’d

Round Five
0.00 Kiko and Daisuke maintain all the things.
0.00 Soku continues to bleed quietly on the floor.
0.00 Kiko-Wolf uses Galeforce for Extra AP
0.68 Daisuke uses White Mist Special action, it does nothing.
1.20 Kiko-Wolf users Higuma against Daisuke, hits 3 times, crits once. Blood Rack (bleed) Cleaves to SAR, Cleaves to Abysmall Harbringer hit 3 times, crit once, its dead, cleaves to Soku
1.20 Kiko-Wolf attempts to use Higuma against Daisuke again, hits 4 times
1.20 Kiko-Wolf drops her weapon, and auto equips her puppet body.
3.18 Daisuke uses Black Mist against Kiko-Wolf, but it misses.
3.20 Kiko-Wolf Combo’s Higuma with Higuma using Alpha Status.6 hits and 2 crits. 2 Blood Rack Triggers. Daisuke is KO’d
3.20 Supreme Aqua Realm ends. Everything Daisuke was maintaining ends.
3.20 *Insert simpsons stop hitting him, he’s already dead meme.*
5.00 Uru uses Stardust Nova, auto hit. (I’m not rolling for crits, screw Kiko)
5.00 Kiko-Wolf does Higuma again, 4 auto hits
5.20 Kiko-Wolf uses Collection of 10 Puppets, auto hits
5.20 Kiko-Wolf does Higuma again, 4 auto hits
5.80 Kiko-Wolf does Critical Exposure, auto hit
8.00 Kiko-Wolf Perfected Rasengun against Daisuke, Crits.

Round Ends

Mod Notes:
  • I’m not updating the CP and AP, sorry for taking forever. Mod over.


Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
Like a monster from a nightmare, the porcelain giant’s head maintained perfect focus on the struggling ANBU, her targets flesh tearing away as the seal on his forehead struggled to contain what was bound within. She did not know what he was but she could not risk an uncontrolled manifestation, especially if the boy was a Jinchuriki! She would have to take him out and fast!

She began to move, faster than before, hairline fractures began to spread across the porcelain giants body as it met the resistance of the chakra enhanced Supreme Aqua Realm.

The Sennin’s damaged body tumbled through the rapidly swirling waters, blood trailing through the water from the deep chest wounds inflicted on the woman like a signal flare behind her.

She had her subject.

She had her location.

She had her incentive.

She had her desire…

In a flicker of speed surpassing even the extremes displayed moments earlier, the porcelain puppet moved through the water, superheating her path with the kinetic force applied. Monstrous porcelain talons slid into the Sennin’s unresisting flesh and throwing her towards the seemingly possessed ANBU with all of the Puppet’s mechanical force. Like a torpedo Kiko herself sped after, first obliterating the Abysmal Harbinger in a hyper violent flash, it’s unnatural form giving no resistance before her onslaught. Then on to her true target, the unraveling ANBU.

Her four limbs moved with perfect precision, every blow finding its mark, taking its bloody tithe. Though something was wrong, each strike seeming to release more and more of whatever was escaping from the masked shinobi. A wave of dark vapour poured from the ANBU, perhaps a reflexive defence mechanism, though she was able to avoid the attack with little effort she had not expected the attack at all…

’Finish this Kiko, he is manifesting and this magic feels old.’

The deep voice of Urufuebi implanted itself directly into Kiko’s head through telepathic means. Kiko nodded almost imperceptibly, she would finish this now before the boy could fully manifest. Urufuebi rarely told her what to do, and the hint of concern in the ancient Deep Sea creature words lent urgency.

Cursed chakra pulsed through her artificial body, surging the puppet body to its limits. Vicious strikes fell over and over, carving through flesh and armour with no resistance.

The ANBU’s chakra faltered, the supreme aqua realm cascading around them as the monster-puppet spun the leaf shinobi through the air, his limp form ragdolling between the flickering Kiko, blood fountaining from boys unconscious form. One final flash of hyper speed and the monster appeared above the tumbling ANBU, four sets of monstrous porcelain hands flew through esoteric hand-seals a sphere of pure chakra formed above her head.

The perfected Rasengan hissed as it spun through the air. The last of the ANBU’s resistance ended as he struck the Konohan ground, almost instantly impacted by her perfected Ninjutsu, the chakra tearing into the already immensely injured chest.

The monstrous puppet suddenly collapsed to the ground, causing further cracks to appear across the porcelain body. Chakra strings flashed briefly into existence disappeared almost as quickly. The threads had lead to young fingertips, those fingertips belonging to a young, dark haired girl, no older that 19 or 20.

The redhead Sunan shinobi-puppet named Kaen once more walked across the now open field of combat, his glazed eyes locked on to the limp and mangled body of the Konohan Sennin still bleeding on the hard ground. He walked with intent, blood still dripping onto the floor from the open wound the Sennin inflicted on him earlier.

His large hand lifted the Sennin’s unconscious form easily off of the ground, his fingers wrapped around her face. He slammed her against the remains of the Hokage tower’s wall, hard enough to form cracks around her. His free hand reached to the Sennin’s waist, drawing the sword that still remained sheathed at her hip. He drove the blade with a sudden violence into the unconscious body, driving the keen edge deep into the stone behind her and pinning her to the wall. Before her released his grip on the Sennin’s face a pulse of healing chakra flooded through his palm and into her chakra system, bringing the Sennin back to consciousness if she had the willpower.

”You have failed your people Lady Sennin…”

His hand reached viciously into her open chest wound, exposed ribs forced aside by suddenly burning hands. If the Sennin had regained consciousness she would be in immense pain with every passing second.

”Your Hokage will die, your village will burn and you will be forgotten…”

He gritted his teeth in a display of effort as the ribs snapped under the pressure, his burning hands forcing into her chest cavity and clasping around the Sennin’s exposed heart.

”…and when there is nothing but ashes you will be forgotten!”

The Kaen-puppet’s voice bellowed through the open battlefield as he wrenched the Sennin’s heart from her chest, blood cascading down his muscly arm and he held the trophy in the air. The Sennin left pinned against the Kage tower as more Konohan blood soaked into Konohan soil.

He began to walk away dramatically, heart still clasped in his hand, reaching down with his other as he approaches the fallen ANBU and lifting the unconscious body in a similar way to how he had lifted the Sennin only moments before, his large fingers wrapping around the limp boys face.

The young girl quickly moved towards the dying Sennin pinned to the wall, a Sunan headband clearly displayed tightly around her neck. Her hands burst in a shower of healing chakra to sustain her life.
The Kaen-puppets voice echoed once more as he slung the unconscious ANBU’s body effortlessly over his shoulder, the last words yelled like a petulant child.

”Leave her to die like a dog Kiko! Don’t ruin my DRAMATIC EXIT KIKO!!!”

The young girl, now identified as Kiko gave the Sennin a concerned look for a moment before running after the large Sunan Kaen-puppet.

”Why you have to imbaress me like that girl…”

His words said quietly as the pair left the scene, the Sennin’s heart and the unconscious ANBU trophies held tightly in his muscular hands.
All warfare is deception…

Soku = Victims Choice.
Daisuki = Spare but kidnap with ooc permission.

Topic left with Daisuki (if he allows it).

Thanks for the fight people and thanks for modding that chaos for us Metsu.

Snapshot master rank used after the fight is over.

Left Blood Sample of Kaen’s actual blood, as obtained here if someone wants to find some physical evidence.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
It had sounded like a fight. It had all the right things looking like a fight.. 'Please... Please let me be in time...' Out of the Byoin, he had spotted some things but wasn't able to round up what he was doing. A surgery. As soon as he was done with the surgery, he would move towards the hectic.

On the route, he found countless bodies on the floor, summoning a Medical copy of himself, he would check them all over. At this point, he blamed the jutsu for not being able to summon more than he could. But as he got to the major scene... He was baffled, he was honestly gobsmacked. Frozen at the moment, he stood there watching the Sennin that was hung up like a pride of a ship.

Finally, he got his limbs to move. "I got to save her..." He muttered and would first start with getting her off the wall, with removing the headband from her throat. He knew... she was gone, there was no heart... He checked for warmth in the body, trying to determine how long she was gone for. To his surprise, the body was still warm. The gears inside of his brain started to rattle. In just a split second he summoned Excursai in a weakened state. "Heal her!" He commanded and Xai through it was honestly strange. But he did obey that command. Moments later the other two clones started to get closer also. "Blood donor..." One Clone started to walk away, trying to find a suitable match for Soku.

As Nao kept going, he started to form towards his sage form. If he honestly was going to attempt this, he might as well give it everything. Even if that meant trying to tap into the natural reserves of a human body.

He had found a donor body, the clone had found fitting group blood also with the person simply dead but all the blood stored inside. "We have to do this quick..." He would ask forgiveness later from the sennin after.

He took out the heart from the dead body and tried to place it in by Soku, trying to align every blood vessel that was left. And then he burst out all the high-end medical knowledge he knew. "C'mon! It ain't over yet!" He would say and kept ongoing.

As the storm had blown over, more and more people started to gather around the place where the Sennin was still trying to rescue the other sennin that was limb on the ground. "Not giving up!" He panted, he had been successful in re-attaching the blood vessels, to get the blood going through the heart. He had gotten this far... Now to heal and regenerate bones... Muscles, everything from the body.

It took him longer than he wanted, help had arrived from both the main branch and the medical squad in order to shield nao and attempt to find other survivors. "Nao- Your chakra reserves are getting low, I cannot stay here," Excursai spoke worried as the sennin was still healing. He wasn't going to give up on Soku. She was always strong, always wise. It wouldn't be the best scenario to let her just simply die without trying everything he had. She was important to Leaf too.

After burning up quite a bit of Holy natural energy, burning through his regular chakra. Even burning beyond that till his own stamina was giving way. He finally had a breakthrough. He stopped healing chakras and felt the fatigue kicking in. Panting heavily he would start checking for vital signs, blood pressure, temperature, and everything that he was capable of doing so. He knew he wouldn't be able to stand up or move much more anyway. His own vision was blurry, but at least glad she was breathing.

Out of breath, he commanded two medical ninjas to keep a close look at the Sennin on the ground, as he took a moment to regain himself a little. Water was offered, but Nao refused, saying it wouldn't be wise as he pushed himself over the limits. The day was going to be a long one, one full of burials, sadness, sorrow, anger, and many more emotions. Nao was getting helped up and supported by a Jounin as he walked off with him. He went towards his office to rest further where he would probably stay till Keiji would come to pick him up. His body was simply too acking up.

[Was allowed to enter by Soku and Kiko.]

[topic entered]
[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
