Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Alternative Therapies [Tutor]


Active Ninja
Oct 28, 2012
Yomi massaged her temples. All of this work was creating an atmosphere of exaggerated exhaustion to the point where she was becoming snappy at the littlest of things. This was amplified by the fact that village was in crisis mode after the latest incident. She just wanted a minute; a moment of reprieve. She thought of all the things that centered her besides her Goddess and faith. Something in the here and now. Of course, her family did that, but she leaned so heavily on Asuka that she never asked her to come to the hospital to work with her. That was a clear boundary that was set without either of them having to mention that it was. Besito, as loving as he was, was just too big to be of any help at this time.

Beyond them, there were only two people in the village that brought some semblance of calm to her life. One of which who would not be appropriate to call at a time such as this…actually, that was not true, but, she could and would not do it. It would be viewed as highly inappropriate given their status. The other person she would send for. Hopefully Kaori would be here soon.

In her recently vacated office, on the second floor, she set up a bed. Pushing her desk to the side and removed the chairs from the room. She gathered up some special sterilized needles and sat on the bed awaiting Kaori. Dressed in her boring lab coat and scrubs, today she would be teaching the girl some alternative therapies.

[Topic Entered]
[WC: 265]
[OOC: FYI, this is happening after the blowing up of the Hokage/Sennin Offices and the Academy
Yet another summons by Yomi to the hospital. Perhaps Yomi had another thing to teach Kaori, which was absolutely needed if she wanted to grow as a medical ninja. She thirsted for knowledge and the fact that Yomi was always willing and ready to grant her medical knowledge gave Kaori a step-up above the other candidates that wanted to become a medical ninja. Kaori was told to make it towards Yomi's office, finally being able to go the proper way instead of making detour-after-detour trying to avoid the Shrine Knights. Now that she was in charge of the Shrine Knights, she had nothing to worry about; no fear that the Shrine Knights would take her in for something as silly as fate.

Kaori walked into the room to notice the Sennin in her white jacket and the room seemed very different from the last time she was in here. Everything seemed neat and orderly and not a single thing was out-of-place. Now, however, things were pushed to the side in favor of a bed. Kaori tilted her head to the side and looked around the room for a moment before looking towards Yomi. "Hey, Yomi," she said as her voice trailed off after saying her name. She pointed all around the room, looking at the strangeness of the room before looking back at Yomi. "What's going on here? Something doesn't seem quite right here, ya know?"

Kaori came to a couple conclusions on this:
A) Yomi is going through some form of psychosis where she believed that her office in the hospital is meant to save lives instead of performing mundane paperwork and other procedures.
B) Yomi moved everything to the side due to needing hospital beds for some catastrophic event that happened.

Though, Kaori never actually ruled out the fact that this could just be a lesson to be taught to her, but thinking in the extremes was more her style. Though, she didn't plan on making too many assumptions without proper evidence. Her conclusions may be incorrect, very very incorrect, but they were the first conclusions that seemed to pop straight into her mind when she saw what was happening in the office. The Shrine was much too far away and secluded to even both noticing something like the result of the fight that happened the other day. So something like that seemed to have flown far below the Shrine's radar. Even if the village blew up with the Shrine remaining in-tact, the Shrine would continue as it was a relatively self-sufficient mini-village in it's own right.

Kaori closed the door behind her and walked in fully, standing next to the bed. Kaori scratched the top of her head and laughed a bit. "Well, okay then. Anyway, what's up?"​

WC: 459
WC total: 459
“Tenkawa Kaori” Yomi said with a smile as she entered her office. Literally, a sight for sore, overworked, annoyed eyes. Was this the first time Yomi smiled at the girl? Perhaps. The Goddess exhaled and stood up.

“As usual, I’m pressed for time, but, I did not want to neglect this part of my duties as it would be detrimental to your growth as a medical ninja.” Yomi made a gesture for Kaori to have a seat on the bed.

“Have you ever heard of Acupuncture? I learned it in my time before coming to Konoha.” Yomi paused waiting for Kaori’s response before she would continue.

“It is an alternative therapy where you place thin needles inside of the body to relieve ailments. The ailments can range from pain to stress. It is not a widely accepted practice, but, I never shy away from something that could be a potential benefit to a patient…” Yomi’s voice trailed off as she stared off into the distance. The exhaustion was making her a little scatter brained. She blinked a little as if snapping back to reality and continued on with speaking to Kaori.

“Anyway, it is generally thought of as safe and so far, I have not any adverse effects when using it. Infuse the needles with chakra and you can do all sorts of things with them.” She rubbed her right eye with her wrist as she tried to explain this concept to Kaori. It was quite difficult for her to do today.

“How about a demonstration?” Yomi held up the sterilized needles, wondering what Kaori’s reply would be.

[WC: 268]
[TWC: 533]
Yomi is quite beautiful when she smiles. Kaori responded to her smile with one of her own and took a seat next to Yomi upon the bed. Her smile faded and her left eyebrow twitched when she heard the word 'acupuncture' come out of Yomi's mouth. She raised a single brow and took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. "Yes,
I've heard of acupuncture,
" she said as if she wasn't very keen or fond of the idea of sticking needles into one's own body. She was on the receiving end of acupuncture on several occasions thanks to dear old mother as a method of unlocking chakra from her chakra circulatory system. Thankfully, those times were far behind her and the nightmare of undergoing some of her mother's 'torture' to prepare her for the feeding was over. A good thing about making amends is her ability to remind her mother of some of the atrocious things she had done to her in the name of fate.

What acupuncture was supposed to do, however, was a foreign concept to her only knowing acupuncture as a means of unlocking her tenketsu points. Strange how something so benign and meant to help people could be weaponized. "I didn't know that THAT was what it was originally used for. Maybe it'll work.
I guess we'll have to see huh?
" she said. She had this weird feeling that she would have to inject needles into Yomi due to how stressed out she seemed to be.
While Kaori doesn't seem to remember where one would put the needles, always having been strapped down to the ground in order to become the recipient of the acupuncture, she might need some tutelage on where to put them; which is probably going to be the case here.

Kaori was asked for a demonstration and she clenched her teeth together. She had to chant, in her own head, over and over again that if she was going to be the recipient of this procedure that it was meant to be used as a form of learning and that it's effects are to be therapeutic instead of a malignant means of gaining power. She had to repeat it over and over again in her head. Her body seemed to visibly shake at the thought of potentially being the subject of the needles. "S-s-sure," she said as she started to stumble on her words. She didn't have very fond memories of those needles, but she considered that it might be worth a venture if the end-result was one that would help people instead of harm them.​

WC: 429
WC total: 888
Yomi was happy that the girl wold oblige her. It was true, she did not make it clear who was to be the recipient of the needles today. From the look of how Kaori responded to the needles, the woman knew that Kaori was not to keen on being on the receiving end. Good, she would far prefer to lay down right now anyway.

Yomi took off her lab coat and tossed it across the bed. She followed up with her top before closing her office door. It was becoming a strange habit that someone ended up with articles of clothing missing when she was around. The Medical Sennin did not want any one to happen by and look at her strangely for being topless in her office with a teen. Rumors were the last thing she needed to also dodge in this time of crisis. That is also why she did not summon the first person she thought of.

"I'm going to lie down, and, I'll walk you through it. How does that sound to you?" Yomi asked Kaori as she laid down on the hospital bed. She rubbed her other eye with her wrist. Oh this felt unnaturally comfortable for someone who preferred sleeping on the floor. She practically sank into the bed, noting how odd it was. Usually hospital beds were not what you would describe as soothing or welcoming. Yet, here she was, falling in love with the thing.

"We will start off slowly first. Do not worry about hurting me, I assure you I do not hurt easily."The Sennin was not sure if Kaori needed that reassurance but she hoped that it gave her peace of mind. It was probably the girls first "live test" on a "human" subject. The subject who happened to be the head of a branch. No pressure though. If anything did happen, it would not be because Kaori poked her in the wrong area. With the way things were going in the village it was more likely that Yomi would get hit over the head with a flying brick that was slung shot in her direction by a blood clone of her own making.

[WC: 364]
[TWC: 897]
A slight feeling of relief washed over Kaori as she discovered that she wasn't going to be the victim of the acupuncture. Instead, the door closed, Yomi's top came off, and a trickle of blood came from Kaori's nostrils. She had seen Yomi half-naked before in the hotspring, but she never actually took the time to actually get to look at her like this. She snapped out of her gaze for a moment and shook her head. "Th-th-that's fine," she said, stumbling over her words not out of fear, but out of something else. She cleared her throat and tried to compose herself as she watched as Yomi laid down upon her stomach. She closed her eyes for a moment and activated her Ryuugan and the tenketsu points on Yomi lit up like the northern lights. She could see each individual point very clearly from this close.

She reached over to where the needles would be and held them firmly in her hand. She carefully handled the needles to not prick herself with them and she looked at the tenketsu points. A part of her instinctively wanted to put the needles directly around the tenketsu points, but with what needed to happen she had to take on Yomi's tutelage on where to put these needles. The urge to place the needles into the tenketsu points grew stronger and stronger but she shook her head and resisted the urge to do so. The only reason she had her Ryuugan activated is to use the tenketsu points as a frame of reference on where to put the needles. It would appall her if the tenketsu points were exactly where she needed to put the needles. Thankfully, however, the reason behind this was much more simple than anything sinister.

Hopefully a brick didn't fly into the office to hit anyone over the head. That would, indeed, be a tragic event that Kaori wouldn't want to deal with. Sure, she was a bit more proficient at the use of medical jutsu and simply healing off the brick wound would be more than easy to deal with, but it's just adding and compounding the stress of doing this almost blindly. She took a deep breath in, trying to compose herself as she held the needles in her hand and trying to hold back her urge to just poke at Yomi's tenketsu points, and awaited Yomi's instruction. "Okay, where do I poke?" she asked. She looked at Yomi's back and the tenketsu points there. There were quite a few. To think that she was expected to strike at ALL of these points with her fingers. She took another deep breath in and nodded to herself. She was ready.​

WC: 450
WC total: 1338
Unfortunately for Kaori, the woman had not heard her question. The Medical Sennin was fast asleep just as soon as she hit the bed. It was no ordinary sleep, where she could be nudged awake. Of course not. Of course something weird would happen when Kaori was getting her lesson. In fact, it was mainstay of Kaori's learning since she decided medicine was going to be her thing. Alas, Yomi was enveloped in a yellow aura. As it took a hold of her, it took the shape similar to that of a cocoon and warmed the room all at the same time. She looked as peaceful as ever as snoozed right there on the bed, unaware of the horror that Kaori undoubtedly felt as she witnessed what just happened. If Yomi could watch what was happening right now, she would undoubtedly wonder what Kaori would do. For all intents and purposes, The Sennin just appeared to be asleep and hopefully that would be enough for the girl to keep her wits about her.

Meanwhile, in La La Land....

Yomi did not dream as normal people did. Her dreams were more a kin to watching a movie that was actually happening. A better description is that she dreamed how Rei dreamed and how she imagined other Gods and Goddess dreamed. She was aware of it, but, helpless against it at the same time. Her body, like everyone else's, told them when to awaken and when to slumber. Her "dreams" were always the same. A memory of times past where events that she would rather forget played for her to witness and scrutinize. The dream she had most often was the night of her friends deaths. It seemed that it was something there for her to pull from it with how often she dreamed of it. The details were so rich and vivid that she would always awake with the stench of fire and blood in her nostrils. The screams of the innocents who died for her to become who she was now still sounded as frightened and shrill as they did that night. Or did it? She was a much more vicious person then and while it was necessary for them to die, there was always a twinge of guilt when it came to those she personally lost. In her mind, they all were supposed to do this together. That was a lie too. She did not feel for a long time and so this new found emotion made the dream more of a nightmare the more she was forced to relive it. There was no safe harbor from herself and the softening that came along with being in this village with people like Kaori, created cracks in her walls. Those cracks help create this new type of suffering. There was no winning here for her.

[WC: 475]
[TWC: 1372]
[ooc: Kaori can either leave Yomi there until she wakes up (whenever that will be), or she can attempt to poke at her chakra points in order to wake her up]
Kaori blinked as her answer went unnoticed. She was completely dumbfounded before leaning over to look at Yomi's face. She was fast asleep. Kaori nudged her a couple times to stir her awake for no response to be given to her. She looked around, now curious of what to do. She looked around the office for a moment before a yellow glow caught her attention. Upon looking back at Yomi, she noticed that the glow was coming from her and that a cocoon starting to take shape (as the yellow glow) around her. Kaori paused for a brief moment and just stared at what was happening. She blinked a couple times and simply breathed normally. She didn't know how to take on this new bit of information so she simply sat there, muddled at what she saw.

Kaori lowered the needles back onto an unoccupied part of the bed and rubbed her eyes, hoping it wasn't her eyes playing tricks on her. She opened her eyes afterward to see nothing had changed. Nope, she curled up into a cocoon and she's glowing a bright yellow color. She wasn't under the influence of any drug or alcoholic beverage (well, not that she knew of) and de-activated her Ryuugan for a brief moment to see if that would change things. Nope. She's still nestled in a cocoon. She re-activated her Ryuugan once again and sat there, pondering what to do. She couldn't properly do the acupuncture while she's swaddled within the hard casing. She bit her lower lip and looked around, hoping she had SOME literature to read about what to do in this instance.

Kaori stood up and walked around the office, searching high and low for some kind of books to figure out what the hell she needed to do. After searching, she came up with nothing she could read to help her out with this mess. She returned to the bed and sat upon it, next to Yomi and simply waited. She wanted to be there in case something actually went bad with her. Leaving her now would be callous and rude, considering that she was there for Kaori when she needed the help. She waited and waited. The time just slowly marched passed as she waited on the bed, on the floor, then on the bed again until she eventually moved the needles off of the bed and onto the desk that was shoved away before laying down on the bed, pressing her back against Yomi's and fell asleep until Yomi woke up. She was always a pretty light sleeper,
so when Yomi would make some movement, Kaori would most-likely awaken in response.

She didn't have the medical knowledge to stir her awake and it was best to keep something like this quiet. Not everyone should know about this weird state that she's in.
Medical professionals might run tests or examine her due to her having an 'oddity'. She was used to this kind of poking and prodding due to her horns so she knew that something completely outlandish like this needed to remain quiet. The most Kaori could do about this was simply wait it out and react if she had to.​

WC: 532
WC total: 1870
The dream felt like an eternity especially as she was forced to relive the darkest time in her life the entire time she was sleeping. The warmth in the room died down as the cocoon started to dissipate into small specks of yellow light before dissolving into nothingness. She would wake up two hours later in a jolt. It was the kind of jump you made when you hit snooze on an alarm that was supposed to wake you up again in ten minutes but you woke up the next day in a daze.

Yomi felt a body next to hers and saw Kaori laying there. She was unsure of how to explain what she knew happened to her to Kaori without sounding like a complete nutter. Yomi left the bed to put on her shirt eyeing the clock on the wall. She shook her head at it and was astounded that no one came to look for her for the two hours she had been missing. Yomi had spent enough time with Kaori that she felt it was necessary to give the girl some sort of explanation. Like the same explanation she expected when Yomi took her into her home all those years ago.

"I expect that, what I'm about to say, does not leave this room. You will pretend this conversation never happened and that short of an ANBU forced confession you'd keep quiet. At that point, I expect you to bite off your tongue to keep from answering." Was how she began.

"There is a lot to know about me that so far, only one person in this village, outside of my family, knows. You would be the second. While I don't expect you to believe, the truth does not require you to believe in it for it to be. In short, what you witnessed was called the Goddess Wrap. A protective measure against external factors that wear down this mortal body. While I am many things, the easiest way I can put it for you to understand, is that I am Goddess bound in the flesh." Yomi's tone was even, as it was usually. She would wait to see how Kaori responded to that initial piece of information. She was sure she had at least one question.

[WC: 381]
[TWC: 1753]
[Tutor Complete. Topic to Continue as a General RP]
When Yomi had stirred awake, this also stirred Kaori awake. She opened her eyes for them to be extremely bloodshot. She sat up slowly and turned around to see Yomi being just the way she was. Granted, she felt a little disappointed that Yomi didn't sprout wings, but she had to remain a bit grounded in reality as that seemed, even to her a little far-fetched. She rubbed her eyes awake and turned to look towards Yomi with a smile upon her face. "Well, look who decided to wake up," she said in a bit of a poking manner. Certainly, if someone were to walk in as Kaori was laying in the bed while Yomi put on a shirt, they'd jump to the absolute wrong conclusion.

She yawned and stretched her arms into the air as she looked towards the now-clothed Yomi. Yomi expected what was said to be in confidence and even dredged up the ANBU interrogation as a means to not say anything. This made Kaori laugh a little bit. "Oh, don't worry about the ANBU. I wouldn't tell those losers even if they tortured me," she said before stifling out another yawn. The nap she just took did more detriment to her than it actually helped, making her feel even more tired now then she was earlier. "I don't know about biting off my tongue. I'll need that if I want to eventually go on tour," she said. Now that she's a bit older, her voice is now reaching maturity which means it won't crack while she sang. And with her voice, she could easily fulfill Yume's legacy as the village's idol. Now all she had to do was audition.

'The Goddess Wrap' hm? Well, that did explain a lot of things. Her seemingly invulnerable nature and the time she stabbed herself in the hand only made her previous observations make a bit more sense. She nodded her head, believing the woman's words. "Oh, don't worry," she said, placing a hand upon her own cheek and laughing. "It doesn't seem far-fetched. If anything, it actually confirmed my suspicions," she said. At least it ruled out that she wasn't just a self-harming psychopath. Knowing now that she was a goddess made it easier for her to swallow that a mere flesh-wound like that meant absolutely nothing. "No worries, I turn into a monster, eh heh, eh heh," she said with uncomfortable laughter. It was true that when she fused with her weapon,
her's and Mina's souls combined to create an abominable creature.
"So don't worry, my lips are sealed," she said as she made the 'zipped lip' gesture with her hands over her lips. Even Kaori had other weird things that she could tell Yomi, like how her dead friend's soul was infused 'on accident' into her weapon and now her friend has a special space within the weapon where Kaori could visit and talk to her and how the weapon, itself, could talk to Kaori -- but she is the only one that could hear it's voice. There are a few more things a bit crazy about Kaori that now probably wouldn't be the right time to talk about.​

WC: 528
WC total: 2398

[Tutoring Complete. Gonna continue this as a general RP topic now]
Much to Yomi’s surprise, Kaori was not at all shocked by the woman’s admission. That bade well for any further things she might want to reveal about herself later on, to Kaori or to others. What’s more, is that Kaori had not questioned her further, and, accepted her as such. The Goddess smiled at Kaori again, relieved that she didn’t have to make her first murder of a villager be the one villager that she truly liked. She, in all her Godly wisdom, had made the correct choice when she allowed Kaori into her life. Praise be to Rei.

Thank you, Tenkawa Kaori. You shall have my aid whenever you require it.” Goddess on Demand, or GoD, was perk of those highly favored. Yomi listened to Kaori say she turned into a monster and nodded.

“You use the word monster as if it is a word that aptly describes anything about you. However, if, there is a lack of a better term, so be it.” Yomi was a monster or at least one point in time she was. What she knew of the girl standing before her did not resemble anything of the sort. It was true, that Yomi was in some sort of existential crisis with her Godhood and whether Rei had given her free reign to God as she saw fit or God how she wanted her to God. Because one required her to be relatively normal and the other required her to be the monster that she used to be. That person couldn't possibly resemble Kaori in the past present or future and so to Yomi, Kaori would never be a monster.
Kaori placed a finger upon her lips and turned her eyes upwards in thought before turning her focus back on Yomi. "Having a goddess at my beck-and-calling,
you say? That IS quite interesting indeed,
" she said in a mischievous manner, as if Yomi was speaking to some kind of fox demon. That's information that she would have to remember. Not only would Kaori be able to call upon a friend, but she'd also be able to summon a goddess; perfect~. It seemed that Yomi's admission of being a goddess was said in confidence, so speaking about it to anyone else is most likely of the utmost top-secret. The kind of people in this village would probably abuse the goddess in the form of turning in favors or even treating her like a genie. There is much more to Yomi than just granting wishes after all.

Kaori placed a hand upon her hips at the formal way of addressing her. A look of indignation came across her eyes as she raised one of her hands and pointed up to the sky while keeping her fist at chest level, as if to scold Yomi. "How long have we known each other, Yomi? Just call me Kaori! No need to be so stiff or so formal, geez," she said before lowering her hand down and giving her a big, cheesy smile. Having someone she saw as family addressing her so formally was just weird and awkward. Definitely not something Kaori would want from someone she's completely familiar with.

It was then that Yomi mentioned her use of the word 'monster'. While it wasn't something directly stated about her, exclusively anyway, it was a word associated with her for a long time. If only Yomi knew of the kind of abominable creature that she turned into when she mixed with Mina. Perhaps it was a beast of burden or the manifestation of her anger and hatred for this world. Kaori simply laughed a bit uncomfortably and nodded her head. "You'll see in due time," she said as she scratched the back of her head. There was a buzzing in Kaori's pocket before she pulled out a small watch. She turned her head down to look at the time and and stopped the beeping. Apologetic eyes turned and looked towards Yomi, holding up one hand directly parallel with her body at chest level, as if giving a non-verbal apology towards Yomi.

"I have a meeting at the Shrine in about an hour. Sorry to cut this short, eh heh," she said before bowing towards Yomi. "Thanks for the lesson!" she said before standing back up. She winked at Yomi with another finger-pointing hand-gesture. "Let's have lunch sometime, okay? On me, this time, yeah?" she said. Now that these two were friends,
she wasn't afraid of spending a little money on Yomi. Sure, Yomi got paid a whole helluva lot more due to Kaori spending several years away from being a ninja and dealing with the problems in the Shrine, but Kaori got paid enough to live quite comfortably, having lived humbly up to this point. Even becoming the one in-charge of the Shrine, she still handled her money wisely. It also helped that she frequently went on missions that were a bit over her head, taking the risk/reward gamble.

Kaori waved to Yomi and said, "Bye-bye!" before walking out the door, closing it behind her.​

WC: 567
Yomi chuckled at Kaori's cheeky comment. Unbeknownst to her, even if Yomi didn't share this information about herself, Kaori would have always been able to call on her. She seen a lot of herself in the girl even if Kaori was much more...lively to Yomi's drier personality.

"Okay, just Kaori." Yomi said as Kaori excused herself. It was fine for her to go, as Yomi's power nap left her feeling better but also behind schedule. She would have to work in a rapid pace to catch up but at least she wouldn't pass out doing it.


Current Ninpocho Time:
