Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

An Injured Demon is a Good Demon, A Dead Demon is the Best Demon [Kanmuri/Open]


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
From the Academy to the Hospital, it did not take a medical specialist too long to get from one to the another as they had been trained to find shortcuts throughout the village and the proper avenues to get their patient where they needed to be as quickly as possible. This was no different for Miss Furoorensu as she had made record time getting him here and getting him to other medics that were not as exhausted or bruised up as she was since they had merely been doing operations and check-ups all day while she had been giving this child literally Hell on the battlefield known as the Academy's training grounds. To say that she was not exhausted and heavy-footed was an understatement as she would go into one of the backrooms of the Hospital marked off for the staff personnel only and clean herself off thoroughly through a shower heading elsewhere in the Hospital to do other duties and assist where needed.

As for her opponent, he would be given a thorough checkup by the other medical shinobi in the Hospital and properly taken care of accordingly. In the end, the boy had sustained quite a few injuries during his fight. It was honestly a surprise that he had been able to fight as long as he did, but nobody in the Hospital had been made aware that he had been using a dark art known as a Curse Seal to assist him. In the end, his rib-cage had been the main target throughout all of it as he had been left with quite a few broken and cracked ribs. Fortunately, none of them had caved in and pierced his heart or another vital organ so he would be able to recover just fine from them. The rest of his body aside from outer bruises had not been harmed at all according to the numerous medics that attended to him while he had been evaluated. The worse part of all of this would likely be his ego that had been shattered when he lost as he appeared to had been overly confident when he was fighting Miss Furoorensu and pride came before the fall as it always did.

When the boy would eventually wake, he would notice that he was laying in a hospital bed in a private room with his ribs wrapped up and connected to a few machines to monitor his vitals and also to ensure that he was getting the proper fluids that his body needed. He had also been connected to a machine to allow himself to relieve himself and he was wearing nothing more than the traditional hospital gown. Once he assessed the situation, he would notice a card on the table beside him and if he proceeded to open it, it would read as followed:
The Boy known as Miroku Kanmuri,

If you are reading this message, you woke up after being knocked out yesterday by me. Hopefully, you are recovering well enough and will be able to get back on your feet within a few days. Do not rush yourself though as I will put you back into that bed if you must. Regarding your graduation exam, you passed and can continue to grown as a shinobi and a citizen of our village. However, I will forewarn you that it would be in your best interest to distance yourself from Miroku Akkuma as he is not worth the trouble and pain that he has caused the village. If you fail to heed my forewarning, I can ensure you that I will make sure you are not part of this world the next time that I see you. The same fate will be met if someone else finds you and you are still associating yourself with him unless there are other evil viruses in this village that plan to manifest with that bastard.

As for your injuries, you likely are in a lot of pain in your chest area as you have numerous broken and cracked ribs. I advise you remember this feeling the next time that you try to side yourself with someone that our village finds to be a pathetic excuse of a human being. This is your first and final warning as you can be a great beacon of hope for this village if you change your evil ways, but if you continue down this path you are on, you will be facing death sooner than you will want to. Your choice.

Lady Furoorensu​

  • Topic entered with Kanmuri, topic left without him. Time until actively out is an hour.
  • Feel free to RP as you see fit. I tried to set you up for character development.
  • I had fun RPing and sparring you. Thanks for the fun!


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
The short, white haired prince would awaken surrounded by nothing but darkness--a place devoid of light. Yet, Kanmuri could see his hands and legs and just to make sure he was tangible, the nine year old raised his small hands to his face. This doesn’t make any sense...Where in the world am I? He didn’t bother calling anyone out, as far as he could see, there was no one in that void of darkness but himself or at least he thought until he heard a voice.

“Have you forgotten so soon...Kanmuri-kun?”<i></i>

Upon hearing the voice, chills went down Kanmuri’s spines and his eyes opened as if he’d seen a ghost. There no mistaking that deep, cold and chilling voice; it was the shinigami. Kanmuri would slowly turn around to face extremely tall shinigami. It’s appearance was the same as before. In its right hand, it held a staff. Its head adorned a long, gold crown, and on its waist was a belt of skulls...and a scroll, their contract. Kanmuri knew exactly where he was now as the void began to fill with videos of his memories...videos of when his first Genin exam was supposed to take place. “I’m in my soul...this dark place is my soul…” Kanmuri would say looking ahead with a mixture of coldness and sadness. “I’m guessing you took control again…”

“No…”<i></i> The shinigami would say with a pause. “There was no time to...The Kyoujoran was more skilled than I previously thought. Before I knew link with you was severed.”<i></i>

Upon hearing the word “Kyoujoran” Kanmuri would clench his fists as the atmosphere only got heavier. Upon feeling this change, the shinigami’s skull would smirk and its bony fingers crack in delight.

“It seems your hatred hasn’t died ye-”<i></i>

“It’ll never die. Not until I kill them all.” Kanmuri would say as he interrupted the shinigami. He had lost. Everything was clear now. He remembered. Everything. The dark void would light up with multiples of the same video, the last few seconds of his bought with the pink haired Kyoujoran. Dripping profusely in blood, the girl stood there and he dashed towards her until, suddenly, his body felt weak and tired. He was sluggish. He was weaker. Worst of all, he was in trouble. He tried cutting her with his sword but it was to no avail. She brushed it off easily before multiplying into three others. Then he’d feel a strong punch aimed at his skull causing him to skid across the floor. The other two versions of her would then charge and crash into his skull as well. If he had been in his right mind, he would have heard ringing, but the demonic enzymes working in his body were going overdrive protecting vital organs; in this case, it was his brain. Then his vision went black and he ended up here...his soul.

“...I a Kyoujoran...AGAIN!” As soon as Kanmuri screamed all the videos would disappear and his soul would fill with bloodlust--bloodlust that made the Shinigami grin. “I got my potential unlocked! I made a contract with YOU! I even got this dumb cursed seal!” With each sentence, the void would vibrate--each time stronger than the last. “Even against that Uchiha. I barely survived. Why...Why can’t I win…” The young boy would ask as his voice faded and the atmosphere of his soul returned to its normal state.

“You already know why...Kanmuri-kun”<i></i> The shinigami would take its bony fingers and raise the face of the boy to meet the eyeless sockets of its skull. “You need more power,”<i></i> and with that a deep, blue fog would begin to roll over Kanmuri’s soul. “The power you harbor is not enough to kill anyone. You need more in your arsenal. You need more conviction. You need more evil in your heart.”<i></i> To finish off its statement, the shinigami would do two things. In its right hand, it held a scythe. It’s left was holding the face of the young demonic prince. Releasing the face of Kanmuri, the shinigami would point its dead, bony finger into the heart of Kanmuri sending shivers through his spine but also causing the boy to spasm uncontrollably. Unknown to him, Kanmuri’s eyes would flicker between its usual scarlet red and a bright, icy blue. Anyone walking past his room would not only see or hear the boy spasming in his bed but also hear the disorganized, rapid sounds of the heart monitor. However, the shinigami had not finished it’s job yet. It’s left hand would leave the heart of the boy, but a string would stretch out along with it. With it’s right hand and sycthe raised, the shinigami would say these words,
“The power of a god...always comes with a price.

With strength worthy of applause...our two souls have become spliced.

Come now can’t take your last breath.

Shine bright like a full moon…for you are this world’s...future god of death.”

Then, quickly and swiftly, the shinigami would cut a fragment of the string using his scythe causing the string to quickly retract back into the boy’s heart. Unbearable pain would overtake Kanmuri’s body as he screamed and spasmed both in his bed and deep within his soul. The heart monitor would then begin to yell like crazy almost as if it was aware of what was going on. Then, suddenly, Kanmuri would awaken in a cold sweat. His heart still racing faster than normal, but he could feel more power flowing through his veins. Though in his heart, he could feel only stabbing pain.
Oct 4, 2015
Kurokawa was on call as she would be sometimes. She didn't do any surgeon work as the hand eye coordination was still something wanted here although she had the ability to sense most of the body without it. Mostly it was to calm the patients in the hospital that she would officially not be able to perform surgery but she preferred it that way anyway. In the fields beggars could not be choosers so there she didn't have that same bias towards sight. Her remarkable hearing, which she used to compensate for the lack of sight picked up irregularities in one of the patient rooms. She would send a message out to summon any available new medics as any chance to check up on patients in rooms would be a good learning experience.

As she rushed to the room not knowing who would respond to the call she noticed that the person had started seizing which made her pick up the pace. As soon as she entered to room she knew what as wrong as she could literately hear the irregular heartbeat both via the monitor and through the chest of the patient so she formed a few seals and used a combination Medical and lightning jutsu to defibrillate the patient back into Sinus rhythm. It took a few shocks before he would come back to the right side of the tunnel but in the end it seemed he was stable and as it turned out, awake.

While Kanmuri would orient himself as to his whereabouts Kurokawa would snatch his chart and run her fingers over the ink. Kanmuri would see a nurse dressed in a tradition white nurse gown, and sporting a white blindfold with a medic symbol over it.

"Are you with us again? Do you know where you are? This is the hospital. You came to use badly injured but have been tended to. You just suffered a myocardial infarction but should currently be out of any mortal danger. You may feel a burning sensation in your chest and around your heart."

As her monologue finished she would put the chart back in place, and wait for the response from the patient as well as any medical students who might turn up to get practical experience.

[Topic entered.]
[WC: 379]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
It was round time at the hospital and behind the counter an older silver haired man in a lab coat had his bare feet kicked up on the round nurses’ desk centered in this wing of of the ICU. He was bored out of his genius mind as the hospital had decided to use his ‘once a week’ policy to spite him as much as they could. This was the third week in a row he was forced to play babysitter for a bunch of injured shinobi and not trying to save their life. Ryuu Tama was one of the most practiced and calm-handed surgeons in all of Sunagakure but here he was. Watching the heart monitor alert panel.
Bored out of his mind.
A long yawn escaped his mouth as he stretched out his seven foot frame in the chair he had tilted back. Reaching a hand into his right pocket he gently flicked opened the silver pocket watch he pulled out to check the time. His eyes caught the hours and almost immediately they sarcastically rolled back into his head as he gave out the most dramatic sigh a man his size could; there was still at least two hours left in his shift.
Tama looked around trying to figure out what it was he could do to kill time when he noticed that his coffee cup was empty and that one of the lights on the monitor was flipping out. His heterochromatic eyes made a mental note of the room number as he grabbed his coffee mug by the handle and swung his chair so that his feet flew across the desk. They knocked over charts, some blood samples and another mug that had belonged to the other nurse he was working with; the one actually doing her job. Once they cleared the desk he lowered them down into the Italian style house shoes and stood up to lazily walk over towards the hall where the room of the distraught patient was, past it, and into the break room. As leisurely as he could the scientist poured the black hot liquid into his mug about 3/4th the way and filled the rest with powdered creamer before giving it a stir with a simple push of energy. Lifting it to his lips he sipped down the bitter brew that had really no more effect that keeping his mood sour - the Hybrid couldn’t even consume it. Why he was bothering to drink coffee when his current body not only didn’t need it but was one of the many foods/beverages that it actively tried to reject by giving it a horrible flavor remained a mystery. Perhaps it was just Tama being his prideful self and one-upping his curse with the thought process that coffee tasted horrible to begin with, perhaps he was doing it just to remind him to at least pretend to be human; it was anyone’s guess.

Armed with a mug full of useless bitter water he shuffled back out of the break room and down the hall towards the light where the other medical professional would already be in the room treating the young boy who had gone into a sort of cardiac arrest - according to the monitor anyways. Pushing at the door with a disgusted look on his face the man ducked under the frame and stepped into the room to catch the end of the process. He lifted the cup to his mouth to sip on it loudly, as his face turned to disgust before lowering it back down.
’He going to live or do I need to go look for a small bag?” the scientist remarked sarcastically knowing full well the boy was just fine but his intense dislike of the female gender and the fact he didn’t want to be here drew the ire out of him. Coffee probably wasn’t helping either.

[Topic Entered with NPC - Ryuu Tama]


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
Kanmuri raised his head slowly as it seemingly bobbed up and down. The nine year old would have to squint and try to take in his surroundings. His squinted eyes made his already blurry vision a lot worse but it was all that could be done to lessen the pain from the lights both coming from the windows and the bright lights overhead. With his vision blurry, Kanmuri could only make out the general figures of the woman next to his bed. With long, beautiful purple hair, the woman would be speak to him, but the words went in one ear and out the other. His brain couldn’t comprehend it. As of right now, everything was too much--too complex. The only word the young boy made out was “hospital.”

What………….? This one word was all that the child's brain could think.

As much as he searched for the words, Kanmuri couldn’t form anything together in his head. It was as if the words in his heads were running away from him in his mind--as if they were playing some sick game with him. As soon as he had the formation of a thought in his head, it’d slip through his fingers. Each and every time, the words--and even letters--would slip past his cognitive mind. Given that his normal form of introspection was taken away from him, the boy had no choice but to talk. Needless to say, it was pitiful.


The words would slur from his mouth, and the “I” at the end of his sentence would be stretched out. Unable to comprehend anything he said. Kanmuri would rub his temples before instantly grabbing his head in pain as an unbearable headache would bang against his skull. Besides the grabbing of his head, the other sign of his pain would be his gritting of teeth and grunt of pain. The young boy was messed up--badly--and things would only get worse.

The door to the room would open rather swiftly and loudly causing the boy to flinch in pain; however, the sudden change in spatial awareness was not something that Kanmuri’s body could handle, and as a result, food would begin to make its way back up. Eyes opening wide, the young, demonic child would use his right hand to cover his mouth, a clear indicator of what was to come.
Oct 4, 2015
While Kurokawa was trying to calm the patient and explain the usual, what, when, where and why questions a seemingly completely useless elderly relic walked in with a poor remark as if he was in any way important. It was clear from every ounce of his posture, tone of voice and general mood that he could not care less when it came to what happened in the hospital and that he'd rather be anywhere but here. Why someone would work in a place they didn't even like and why the hospital still employed him was a mystery Kurokawa didn't take the time to investigate. she would just quickly reply to his remark with indifference.

"Oh, so the bag provider is here? You can get a paper one for any eventual situation mister bag-san"

She weren't going to use a surfix like sensei or senpai for someone who didn't take the time of day to actually care, and even made suggestions towards body bags for nine year-olds who were not in immediate danger of keeling over. Getting back to the patient, it seemed the kid was trying to make sense of the situation surrounding his current condition.

"Seems you picked a fight with someone way stronger than you. But at least you'll live."

Kurokawa barely finished saying it before the familiar sounds of a contracting diaphragm would reveal that the bag provider would very soon have a purpose for one of his small bags. In an attempt to keep the food inside the kid Kurokawa would combine a medic jutsu with a gravity jutsu to try and simultaneously ease the nausea and used the kids own chakra to create a pull in his stomach to try and keep the food down. Hospital food was nourishing but rarely was it sought after so any sustenance already obtained by Kanmuri would be valuable if kept down. In case it didn't work out the way it was planned Kurokawa would also add a paper jutsu for defence against the barf, which would help with a quick clean up as well as keeping Kurokawa free of stomach content.

[WC: 353]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The old man scoffed at the woman throwing shade via her tone but he actually went through the effort to walk out and hunt down a paper bag, even if he did so with an exasperated sigh.
Stepping out of the room for a moment he looked down both directions the hall searching for a dispenser for vomit bags. Down the hall on his right side the scientist’s eyes locked onto a little blue bucket hanging off the wall with a bit of the end of a bag hanging out. It was probably a good ten yards from where was standing and to make the effort to walk over there would of cost him nothing, but Ryuu Tama was nothing if not lazy when it involved something he actually didn’t want to do..
He clasped his hands together and looked down at them with a sort of blank expression. He dug through the memories of his mind to remember what signs he needed to weave his energy through to call forth the air. As his hands went through a few practice symbols he was inevitably reminded of when he was more known for his master of wind than lightning.

It had been a unusually hot day. While they were trapped underground a true heated day was rare, but this had been one of them. The local government advised everyone to stay inside their houses and turn up the output on their water chakra crystals to keep them cool enough.. The Bazaar was shut down, the Crystal District closed their gates, and the streets of their cavernous city were barren except the occasional Main Branch or Medical moving around looking to make sure no one was out.
Tama was in his early twenties and one of the few medicinal shinobi who had volunteered to keep track of everyone and make sure no one had been dumb enough to step out in the heat without the proper training to endure it. Of course through the day he had personally found two people he had to redirect and one homeless woman whom was dehydrated. With his special medical jutsu that took from his own life instead of the injured he was able to restore some function to the woman’s vital organs and helped her drink water - though he nearly spilled it all over her after she woke up. With a bit of bile in the back of his throat the scientist pushed past his fear and directed her back to where the hospital was. She was told to mention his name and she’d be admitted in without need of anything else; such was the pull he used to have. It had been a rather great day as far as work went but then the fires in the bad parts of town started happening...

A gust of air brushed by his hair and t that told him he was finally going through the right order of seals. It snapped the old scientist back to the present. Moving through the correct ones he felt his energy begin to sway in a certain direction. Tama pushed his arm out in front of him causing a ball of air to travel down the hall, causing a flurry of paper charts hung on each door to flutter up but thankfully non of them slipped off their boards; that would of created a hell zone of a work environment. Everyone had a hard time working with Tama except one particular young male nurse on the night shift, and even he had seen the side everyone else was used to, but the old man wasn’t that cruel. Clenching his open palm into a fist and jerking it back the invisible tether of energy he had attached to the air ball caused it to suddenly jerk which created a small vacuum under the puke bags. About four bags was pulled out and sucked up into the swirling air ball that now gusted its way back towards the scientist. Casually he reached up and snatched one of them causing the bubble to break and the other three bags to fall to the floor. For a moment the ‘genius’ considered picking them up but then remembered how bad cross contamination could get in a hospital.

This took all of about two minutes. He reopened the door, less noisy this time but still with an egotistic air about him. Calmly he walked over to the side of the bed Kanmuri was turned towards and with the mocking grace of a trained butler began to slowly open the bag. This he did all while glaring at the woman in there with him though he had reason to believe she wasn’t using her sight so it was kind of a moot gesture.


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
Kanmuri would feel some imaginary force within him forcing his food down, or rather--his stomach acid--but that would only escalate the situation. The nurse had not made a bad call by using gravity jutsu. In fact, it was most likely the best procedure to be followed in this instance, but Kanmuri’s body was just so savagely beaten that it had no choice but to release some gas and substance from itself. Forcing down the stomach acid made the boy’s stomach play a sick game of trampoline where the food would go down and then up and then down again. Kanmuri, the unfortunate victim, would then be stuck in a cycle of nausea and pre-vomit until eventually his body forced the vomit out of his mouth and into the bag of the tall, blue-haired old man.

Seeing his barf in the bag would only make the young boy barf some more before he fell back into the hospital chair. Although it was soft, the impact would only make the boy’s headache even worse, and his squinted eyes would close in pain. Kanmuri was dehydrated, discombobulated, and confused. Words would come out of the mouths of his nurses, but he couldn’t understand it. He kept trying to speak, but his mouth failed to open and move, and to cap it all off he couldn’t formulate thoughts. The young demon slowly opened his eyes, but the bright light stabbed at his retinas, so he closed them again. He couldn’t do anything--nothing at all!

There was no way for him to communicate how he felt. How was he supposed to heal? How was he supposed to recover? And what was this nagging fog he had in his head. What exactly happened when he was asleep? Kanmuri knew he had questions, but he couldn’t even formulate them in his head. The short boy would press his eyelids down against each other trying--hoping--to make some sort of thought, but nothing was formed. He panicked.

First, it was laughter. Uncontrollable laughing would come from the boy, for almost two minutes straight, Kanmuri would laugh before those laughs turned into tears, tears of despair. Although he couldn’t control his tears, they more accurately described how he was feeling compared to his uncontrollable laughter. Then anger set in. Thrashing around his bed, Kanmuri tried to speak, but all said--all that he repeated--was,


Then, out of nowhere, Kanmuri’s eyes would open in surprise before he asked, “Where am I?”

A moment of clarity is what the boy had, but even that would be taken from him as he mouth went back to incoherent slurs and babbles. How would these two experienced medics save this boy desperately in need of help?
Oct 4, 2015
It seemed to have worked. Infusion medical jutsu with gravity to create a pull on the stomach content attempting to leave the patient held out long enough for the older guy to fetch a puke bag. The occasional burp had foretold that out was not optional, merely when. After basically turning inside out the patient started laughing which soon turned into crying. Kurokawa made a mental note that perhaps a specialist should be called at some point for a psych eval, but for now priority number one was to keep the patient calm so that his body could recover. Physically there was nothing pressing wrong with him other than his already treated injuries so as long as he stayed still time would do the rest.

When the thrashing around started Kurokawa would grab some portable restraint from the closet and start strapping the young boy down so that he could not cause any more harm to himself. After the restraint were safely attached to both patient and bed he spoke a few words.

"You were in a fight. You are at the hospital."

She didn't get to say much more before the young one started talking gibberish. Just to be safe she would go through the motions of completing a full work-up of C-rank medical jutsu as they were the most useful for long term recovery. This entailed both removal of build up toxins, Fortification and healing amplification of the skeletal system, a general anesthetic infusion to help with the pain and a general system restoration with focus on internal bruising. Anything more than that would prove to either require time and rest or medication and psychological help beyond what Kurokawa was allowed to provide here. In the field one did what they could to help but here psychological aid required a tiring long term treatment that Kurokawa didn't want to be part of. The long term mentally ill was not her specialty and never would be.

As she did whatever she could to try and help she would direct an inquiry towards the older doctor in the room.

"Care to provide some of your expertise towards finding a more long term solution to this situation. No shift ends mid treatment so the sooner we get this done the sooner you can be on your way."

Kurokawa was not blind to the fact that this man did not want to be in this situation so now that he had proven at least somewhat useful she figured she would try to appeal to his own desire to get on with it.

[WC: 430]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
The scientist held onto the puke bag and, unlike most, studied the color and texture of the vomit that was being poured and splashed onto his hands; you know, since he was already there. Once the boy had finished and flopped back on his bed the scientist would seal and discard the bag in the waste bin under the sink he had turned on to begin sterilizing his hand. As he did so the boy finally managed to speak clearly, once, then fell back into a gibbering mess as Kurokawa started to preform emergency jutsu. Tama decided to stay back and watch for the moment as he dried his hands. The nurse that was his partner for the day was already acting far faster than he did at administrating the first aid treatment which was probably why he wasn’t a combat medic. A hand raised itself up to stroke and scratch at the stubble on his chin as the scientist’s brain went over all the medical reasons the boy had just done that. A possibility of brain damage or even hemorrhagic trauma was on his list of things as well as a really bad shock to his nervous system. For a brief few seconds the old man had to wonder just what the hell the boy had been fighting to get such injuries. It was rare for any one in Sunagakure to get this badly beaten. The number one priority of every Suna shinobi was survival as that was what allowed them to live in the desert in the first place. They usually didn’t focus on an overwhelming offense, but instead an impenetrable defense. Even when you had one of their shinobi beaten and seemingly on their last leg the truth generally was that they were still holding back. The well of vitality for one of their villagers was enormous which told him that whatever the boy had been fighting was probably best to be avoided if possible.

It reminded the scientist briefly of the explosions from the freak heat wave he had been pondering about earlier. It had left so many injured yet they managed not to lose a single person and a large part of it was the populaces’ survival instinct. Of course even the prideful self that he was still remembered that it wasn’t just his hand alone that had save so many of those who had lived in the slums. He could still easily see his old self gathering children, lifting the old, and yes even carrying out females from the burning buildings. A smirk started to cross his face a little remembering what had started the fires in the first place when his partner’s words cut across his thinking process. Unable to help it he shot another nasty glare at her and then turned it towards the still struggling boy. He crossed his arms across his chest and without saying a word scoffed before starting to walk away from the patient’s room to leave Kurokawa to tend to Kanmuri when something gripped his hand.
The presence of the room shifted from three to four as Tama held his arm out behind him. An invisible force was gripping his wrist hard and it seemed to very obviously bother him. Anyone able to see the ghostly forms of spirits would see that the thing gripping his wrist was in fact himself. It was the young beautiful blond man he had once been with a noble soul the entire village treasured.
You’re not going to let me do what I want, are you Tama?” he whispered to himself hoping no one else could hear his secrets as he jerked his hand back to his side with a sigh. Moving back towards the boy’s bedside he positioned his hands over the youth and began to speak in an old forgotten language.
The old man had very few ways in which he could still use the Ancient power that was mainly being used to hold his very form together. The words he spoke visibly aged his features a little more with each incomprehensible sentence but a golden light eventually formed in the center of his hand. Gently he reached it towards Kanmuri’s head and tapped it to his brow. Tama gasped a little as his eyes glossed over and he began to view in a printed map behind his eyes; an image of the boy’s brain. Using the energy like a sort of echo location he rubbed his palm against his forehead to prod and scan for anything that could cause these problems. Indeed he saw that there was still some swelling but he couldn’t detect any sign of blood or real trauma. It was then that he suddenly noticed the presence of something deeper and darker. It all at once instantly reminded him of his master and before the Death God the boy had arrangements with could detect his presence the scientist withdrew his hand.

Well then,” he said rolling his dry tongue across the roof of his mouth. “I think his problem right now is less physical and more…ehh, spiritual if you will. Maybe call an exorcist? Whatever it is I can tell you that it is beyond my ability to get rid of. I can however set up a seal that will suppress the thing, but, I can’t do it unless the boy is spiritually willing. Other than that I’m pretty muda.


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
As restraints were put around the boy, his thrashing would return again but in conjunction with the gibberish; however, after a few seconds, Kanmuri would give up before laying back and just blinking...a lot. Upon feeling a warm, soothing sensation throughout his body, the nine year old with drool--wide mouthed--with euphoria. Despite a fog being the only thing floating around in his mind, Kanmuri’s mind could still process pain, happiness, and other emotions. Because the white haired boy currently lacked the cognitive ability to speak, the only way for the young demon’s body to manifest signs of its happiness, from the decrease in pain, was to unwittingly drool.

It was a weird situation for Kanmuri. He had no sense of self; no control of his actions; a deep fog in his mind, random fits of gibberish, amnesia, difficulty concentrating, and a whole multitude of problems, but most important of all, he had the worst headache in the world as shown by his hard squints. His sensitivity to light was unbearable, if Kanmuri wasn’t restrained, he would have been clenching his head with enough force to break a wall.

How long was this suffering going to last?

[OOC - Kanmuri is only suffering from something physical. It’s up to you guys to come together IC and find out what’s going on based on the symptoms he displayed...unless you don’t want to xD. I’m down for whatever, but school has started for me, so my posting speed as declined (as you can probably tell). The post is short, but there’s not really much Kanmuri can do as the patient right now, since he’s kind of restrained lol.]
Oct 4, 2015
Kurokawa found no signs of blood collecting where it shouldn't and no obstruction of airway. With those things eliminated all she could think was that either this was an unusual reaction to being concussed or it was some sort of deficiency that could easily be dealt with. Kurokawa decided to summon a medical assistant who would fetch some vitamin D supplement and a banana bag to hang. With the patient restrained, all that was left was to monitor and wait until he either healed or something palpable surfaced. In case he was concussed Kurokawa would draw the curtains to keep the light from making any head ache worse, but other than that she decided to make a round of the hall to see if anyone else were in dire need of assistance. She left behind her medical assistant to what over the situation while she walked.

"I'll be back in a minute."

Kurokawa had mostly chosen to take a walk to get a fresh perspective and would return after a few minutes as it seemed no other patients required her attention except for an older woman who needed help falling asleep. On her way back she would grab a cup of cold water for herself, slurp it down, fill it again and take that with her.
When back in the room she would dismiss the medical assistant to gain the knowledge of anything that might have transpired while she took a walk.
Just for good measure she would also draw some blood and drip it into her hand to have her blood spirit analyse it. Normally testing blood would take days to give a result but this way she had a chance of knowing in time if anything there would reveal an underlying cause.

[OOC - Since there hasn't been any indications pointing towards information one might acquire if one had some form of speciality they could draw upon which almost all characters have, I took the liberty of deciding that it is not related to anything my character could easily detect like collections of blood, atypical heart rhythm, or obstructed wind pipe or major blood vessels. If it was bacterial there would be a fever and if it is something like a virus I am half tempted to just put you under and run you through the catch all treatment I have, but that is kinda boring.]
[Edit - I added the last 2 lines about drawing blood and forgot to add this edit so that's why it says it has been edited twice :p]

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
Tama watched in some annoyance as the female left and brought in a scrub to watch over himself and the boy and take notes as she left to walk around. Looking around the Ancient Hybrid moved his eyes around looking for something to sit on. After a few moment he saw a rolling stool in the corner meant for the doctors and walked over to it. Picking it up he strode back over to Kanmuri’s beside and tossed it down before taking a dramatic flop that rolled him over. The nurse left behind frowned at the rude surgeon’s actions but as with most things he chose to ignore them as he began to look over the boy’s abrasions.

In a lot of ways spiritual and mystcial surgeries were more his speciality. If he had a lot of energy he couldn’t control tearing across his body, Tama was your guy to go to. He had a number of ninjutsu rituals and seals that he could use. Even physical damage, to an extent, was something he could heal but with the creature residing inside of the boy he knew from experience he had best not touch him with any of his raw energy. Ancients and Demonic energy got a long like Fire and Water - they don’t. It was like literally opposite spectrums and though the scientist wasn’t for sure what kind energy directly related to the dark presence inside he was fairly sure it would not react well to him. So, his practice eyes looked over any of the more visible injuries and rolled over to the foot of the bed to actually pick up the hanging chart. His eyes began to quickly sweep over the medical jargon as he tried to puzzle out how to bring the patient back into a stable condition.

It wasn’t that he really cared but more that his curiosity had been switched on. He doubt that he’d be able to fix anything he found but he was sure the other doctor on duty with him would be able to. As much as he was reluctant to admit to it physically his mind knew she was undoubtedly a better doctor than he.


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
As best as Kanmuri’s eyes could see, the young boy would see a figure, presumably the purple haired nurse due to the large amount of purple, walk towards the window on his right. The bright, blinding light would then be vanquished and the nine year old would slowly open up his eyes. Things were clearer now--much clearer.

With his vision no longer blurry from his squinted eyelids, Kanmuri would once again look around himself. To his left stood two physicians. A short woman with purple hair and a uniquely long eyepatch. If he had his usual ability to think, Kanmuri would have questioned it, but any time he tried to use his brain, all he could muster was a fog that prevented his thinking--along with a hammering headache. Next to the lady was an extremely tall man with blue hair and a look of annoyance and apathy. The more the young demon stared at the giant of a man the more chills he’d get. Bad vibes filled the body of the young prince, and those vibes would only intensify as more events began to unfold.

The purple haired woman quickly proceeded to leaving the room only to be replaced by some assistant; however, as the woman left, the blue haired man--who resembled that of a mad scientist--would go to a corner of the room in order to retrieve a rolling chair. Once in his grasp, the man sit down, which only showed how tall of a human being he was, and roll over to the boy. For some reason beyond Kanmuri’s control and knowledge, the closer the man got, the more the tiny hairs on the boy’s arms would raise. There was something about him that Kanmuri’s body didn’t like-something he couldn’t explain.

With his eyes functioning, Kanmuri’s scarlet eyes would match the black pupils of the giant beside him as they scanned his body. It was weird. He couldn’t really feel anything, but it wasn’t a feeling that was “new” to him. When he was much younger, Kanmuri’s body would display unnaturally fast healing, but everything came at a cost. The common cost would be that all his symptoms would present themselves quickly and spontaneously. This time it was no different. The worst seemed to have passed--his symptoms already manifested and passed--and slowly, the fog in his mind was beginning to clear; however, the pain in his mind did not.

Soon, the eyepatched woman would return and dismiss her assistant before making her way to Kanmuri. Her young, slender hands would reach into a nearby drawer and draw out an old, robust object with a piercing tip. Eyes open wide, Kanmuri would watch as the purple haired medic soon pierced his young, delicate skin. In both pain and shock, the young boy would yelp, “Ow!”

Kanmuri’s jaw would slowly drop as he then went on to think Woah, I spoke! Upon having this thought, the nine year old’s eyes would continuously grow before he screamed, “I can think again,” with a smile on his face.

[OOC - I apologize for the long wait, I try to post once a week, but last week was unnaturally hectic for me. Thanks for the poke, Kuro.]
Oct 4, 2015
Shutting the blinds seemed to have been the right call as it seemed to clear out some of the discomfort related to the boys condition. REmoving light from the equation was however not a valid treatment for anything other than cutaneous porphyria and perhaps severe sunburns, and neither of those would come just from being in a fight. Acute porphyria would account for most of the symptoms but very rarely had anything sunlight related symptoms. Either of them were blood related diseases so she would have detected those when she examined the patients DNA for blood related factors anyway so she knew it would not be the case. It was a genetic thing anyway so it would not be something they could fix.

"Well, seems he is at least coming through enough to complain about getting an IV so that's positive."

After securing the IV with some cotton and a sticky patch she would add discomfort related to light to the chart. How she did that without sight would be anyone's guess unless one was particularly looking for it but she didn't really mind anyone knowing how she got by. It's not like most people showed an interest in others these days anyway.

"So now that you can 'think' again and speak as well, is there anything you want to add to this whole ordeal? Welcome to your hospital suit by the way. My name is Kurokawa an I will on of your attendants for this stay. Can I interest you in a beverage? Water perhaps?"

Kurokawa didn't know if the boy even knew where he was. It was common that patients either forgot, didn't hear or couldn't comprehend it when they were told where they were, so the best thing to do would be to just repeat till you were sure and then add an extra mention for good measure. Her colleague seemed to stand idle like a golem waiting for an order but she she figured she would avoid bossing a fellow co-worker around as if she was some kind of administrator. She was sure than when it counted he would be of use. Why else would sand even allow him into the hospital, let along treat patients.

Toraono Michino

Mayor of Flavortown
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
When the boy woke up and finally spoke Tama then lifted his eyes from the chart. He had studied well into what the kid had gone through and, at least according to the papers in his hand, it wasn’t uncommon to be reacting the way he was. Yet the speedy recovery to already to opening eyes and talking was a bit of an odd factor for the scientist. From what he had theorized by what he had saw inside the kid he guessed it be either what darkness that laid inside or the good beating he had received that triggered the symptoms. Since it appeared that the boy was recovering far beyond what a normal human would be, even with chakra reserves, Tama decided to scratch off “Evil Aura = Bad” from his list of reasons the kid was having problems. It did appear that he just been delivered one hell of a whooping but now he was curious on what kind of power Kanmuri had used to recover.

There was all sorts of abilities that gave off that kind of aura one could use to recover and for a second the scientist was going to do another chakra check now that the boy was conscious when he noticed the kid’s hair raising in his presence. The closer his hand came the ever so slight the EKG would beep differently. Anyone outside of the medical field, and hell honestly anyone that wasn’t also a shinobi in some way, would not have noticed the slight difference in blips. To Tama and the other doctor he would find there was no mistaking that his presence instantly drove a defensive instinct out of their patient. To continue to stick around with this knowledge would just be putting the patient in further danger of other health risks. Part of the scientist wanted to just keep around to mess with the other doctor and satisfy his own curiosity about the boy, but instead a voice reminded him that this was his ticket out of work. No doubt it was the shell that held the Hybrid together in more ways than one.

Well! I imagine then that you will recover better without my toxic presence,” he said to try and cover his presence itself being the problem rather than his personality, “However, if you ever need anything sealed away…” from thin air a card appeared in the giant’s hand as he laid it down next to Kanmuri’s bedside table, “That’s my address. Business hours too. Get better youngin,” he said with a cheer before turning a frosty nod to the other shinobi and ducked under the doorway to exit.

[Topic Left]
Oct 4, 2015
As Tama was leaving Kurokawa would do one last checkup and conclude that the condition corresponded with some form of head trauma seeing as the kid seemed to have some form of healing factor healing him recover form physical injury faster and it seemed to be working overtime right now. The blood tests showed no signs of anything but enzymes consistent with trauma so Kurokawa figured there was not much else to do other than keep the boy under observation. There were nurses for that.

After calling someone to attend the boy and sound the alarm if anything more happened Kurokawa would take her leave. It had been a tiring day and she had a long journey to prepare for.

[Topic Left]


Dec 18, 2017
OOC Rank
With his body literally recovering by the second, the medics in front of him began to filter out. The abnormally tall medic would scurry out but not before quickly spitting out his business information and leaving his card. It wouldn’t be long before the purple haired medic would leave as well. New doctors would eventually filter in and take their place before performing tests and clearing the young boy to leave. Jumping out of his hospital bed, the young prince would stop dead in his tracks as the business card of the man came to mind. It was hard for him to put in words, but the card seemed to be of significant importance. Lacking a strong reason against leaving the card behind, Kanmuri walked to the desk and placed the card in his pocket before taking his leave.

[OOC - Thanks for giving me the opportunity to RP this with you guys. Unfortunately, I some things to deal with irl which resulted in the RP slowly down to a halt. Maybe our next RP will be better next time, if there is a next time. Best wishes to the both of you!]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
