Grains of grainy texture would silently slip through the streams within the Nara’s hands, his tundra gaze turning towards the semi-calm waters. Each lapping of foam against the banks would send a coral haired youth scuttling about, frantic sounds of laughter mixing into the airs above. The other in question was his other self, Sho’s personal embodiment of childish endeavors along with another important emotion would remain anonymous for the time being.
To provide insight, due to tragic events and hardening his soul for the task of former ANBU Sennin, he cast aside emotions to remain stoic and allowing a near perfect following of a Nara trait. This however didn’t mean he couldn’t allow himself to trail about in others, his others.
“Quiet down a bit, you don’t want to disturb any others nearby.” he comments, settling down against the sand, allowing for the waves to near reach. “Is the sea beautiful, Sho-nii?” the coral hair youth known as Keiko inquires. Upon further inspection one would be able to identify a key characteristic, hazed over spiraling spheres – blind. “I wasn’t aware we were near the sea.” he responds in a drooling tone. Of course this response would not fair well and the scuffling across the sand, louder thumps, would catch his attention.
Looming above was their trusty summon, Kuma, an ironic name and utterly against his species; though it was kept to due to Keiko growing fond of the creature and not understanding the visual difference between the two animals at the time. “Kuma-kun, raise your paw against Sho-nii, he is being rude!” she puffs her cheeks outward, the tiger known as Kuma (Bear), would press the pads against his bearers visage. “Ow....” he responds in a low tone, a clear sign of pain.
“Gotcha! That will teach you, Sho-nii!” a pause, “Come Kuma-kun! Back to the waters edge!” she commands, clicking her feet against the ribs of the beast. Much to his dismay the ivory stripped feline would march forward, halting against the oceans embrace. “You are a boring bear at times, Kuma-kun.” she comments, clicking her tongue to survey the sea. “It’s huuuuuge!” arms spreading forth.
To provide insight, due to tragic events and hardening his soul for the task of former ANBU Sennin, he cast aside emotions to remain stoic and allowing a near perfect following of a Nara trait. This however didn’t mean he couldn’t allow himself to trail about in others, his others.
“Quiet down a bit, you don’t want to disturb any others nearby.” he comments, settling down against the sand, allowing for the waves to near reach. “Is the sea beautiful, Sho-nii?” the coral hair youth known as Keiko inquires. Upon further inspection one would be able to identify a key characteristic, hazed over spiraling spheres – blind. “I wasn’t aware we were near the sea.” he responds in a drooling tone. Of course this response would not fair well and the scuffling across the sand, louder thumps, would catch his attention.
Looming above was their trusty summon, Kuma, an ironic name and utterly against his species; though it was kept to due to Keiko growing fond of the creature and not understanding the visual difference between the two animals at the time. “Kuma-kun, raise your paw against Sho-nii, he is being rude!” she puffs her cheeks outward, the tiger known as Kuma (Bear), would press the pads against his bearers visage. “Ow....” he responds in a low tone, a clear sign of pain.
“Gotcha! That will teach you, Sho-nii!” a pause, “Come Kuma-kun! Back to the waters edge!” she commands, clicking her feet against the ribs of the beast. Much to his dismay the ivory stripped feline would march forward, halting against the oceans embrace. “You are a boring bear at times, Kuma-kun.” she comments, clicking her tongue to survey the sea. “It’s huuuuuge!” arms spreading forth.