Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

An Unfortunate Visit [Open]


Well-Known Ninja
Jan 26, 2017
Going to the clinic was obviously not something Tatsuo looked forward to. However in his current state, he put up no fight with his mother who was bringing him to the clinic. He may have hated doctors, needles, and all of that, but he was in no shape to put up any type of fight. Instead of his typical clothes, he wore a white tshirt and a pair of black shorts. He looked disheveled, his is a mess and his nose stuffy and red. He honestly looked miserable and felt just as bad. His mother however, looked quite the opposite. She was a woman who always took care of herself, her clothes seemed to be perfectly styled. Her long black hair combed perfectly, a few grays stemming across her head. She seemed to be in her late thirties. She wore a very clean gray top with a white pair of pants going down to her ankles. Despite her almost manufactured look, she has a very caring expression especially towards Tatsuo. In her hands were a bundle of tissues pressed up against his nose. Softly she would say "Blow." To which Tatsuo would blow his nose, relieving the pressure from his nose. Even if for just a short bit. As they sat down in the clinic, Tatsuo laid his head down in the chair adjacent he was sitting to as his mother went to set up an appointment. Honestly he felt terrible, hopefully the doctor could fix him. And even more hopefully, his mother wouldn't give the doctor a hard time.

A small girl much shorter then the boy whom was sitting in the room walked in, in a white coat easily double the size that would be appropriate, maybe even three. "Morning, my name Is Sara." Sara closed the door behind her and jumped into the chair, causing it to spin around and move towards the patient. A big smile spread across her face. Then she tried to force a more professional expression but it was failing. "I will be your doctor today. So, what brings you here today?"Sara had already looked at the file and knew what the problems were but still asked because it was fun for doctors to screw with the patience as much as they could. It helped to build a relationship between the patient and doctor, but it also served as a way to find secondary problems.

It would be a little before a nurse would enter the room so for now they would have to deal with the young small girl and her barrage of questions to come.
Tatsuo and his mother walked into the doctor's office. His mother furrowed her eye brows and looked to the very short doctor. "Are there any other doctors on shift?" she would say to the young girl, obviously not content with her age. "My son is not feeling well and he could use someone more experienced." she would say avoiding any type of diplomacy. Tatsuo himself seemed indifferent to the fact that she was a young girl, his mother on the other hand would not be satisfied. Tatsuo would begin to say "I have a cou--" before his mom would cut him off with a wicked glare. "He needs a /real/ doctor, not someone playing pretend." Tatsuo would grimace, before letting out a sigh he hated when she acted like this but he expected nothing less. His mom would continue her rant, before asking "How old are you even?"

Tatsuo on the other hand would mouth "Sorry." to Sara, he wished her no harm and obviously was not comfortable with his mothers outbursts. He was however used to it, as any time they were in public and something wasn't to her liking she would do this. He had grown up with it, but it didn't make it anymore acceptable in his eyes especially as he was a pretty carefree guy.
The overbearing parent asked if anyone else could see her son. Sara answered with curiosity, "I am sorry that it took so long ma'am. There are a few of us on duty today but more critical situations take priority." Just before this patient she had been looking after anther boy whom had been stuck with 4 kunai during a 'training' accident. So much blood was coming out of him that she had to change jackets upon extracting them. That foolish nurse..she just had to fiddle with them...

Oh, that was why. She wasn't someone more older then she. "A date?" Sara said under breath quizzically. The boy spoke and again his parent interrupted. This time insulting her by saying she was pretending. 'Oh, one of those types.' Sara thought about a method she could use to silence the woman. Some medical jutsu maybe? Or a genjutsu? She pondered for a moment as the woman finished by asking her age, the question, would it be ethical to do such? It wouldn't hurt her. "Hmmm. Oh. Oh I am 8 years old. And yes I am playing doctor, though not pretend right now..that is later during my fake surgical exercise . This is for realz. As for more experienced. Um..." The mother was seeming to get more irritated. Sara looked back down at the notes. She thought for a moment. It would be inappropriate though, surely if someone found out she used a jutsu on an innocent,,

"Oh looky here. Your son is a leaf academy student. Sara looked at her notes then the boy then her notes again opening to a second and third page quickly. "Oh, oh no. This might be serious. Very. We can't have him infecting others at the school. I am going to have to ask you to stand outside. This has now become a matter of the village." Sara jumped out of her chair as he mouthed sorry to Sara but it was about to be fixed. Sara opened the door for the woman and stood waiting for her to exit. The tiny young girl looked out at the door and saw the room across the way was open. "I will have to have you stay in the room across the way until i figure out exactly what is affecting this boy,"
Tatsuo's mom's face quickly took on the shade of that of a tomato. Being told by someone so much her junior to get out was not something she was used to. She was about to give her a piece of mind before Tatsuo sighed, he poked her in the side and shrugged his shoulders. Making his way over to the young girl who was his doctor. His mother, with a huff gave up and left the office. Her fists clenched tighter than a knot.

As Tatsuo looked to the young doctor, with a sniffle he asked "I mean, I know some people become good ninjas at a young age, but are you really a doctor? And is it that serious?" he said a flash of uneasiness appearing on his face. "I don't wanna die, at least not like this, I wanna grow up and be a strong ninja and make a lotta friends before I die. I haven't even been outside of the fire country I wanna visit the other countries before I die. You don't think i'll die, do you?" Tatsuo seemed to scare himself more the talked about it, he was incredibly worried now and visibly discomforted.
Sara followed the woman out and closed the door, and flashed several gang signs. In a puff of smoke, another of her appeared before the woman. Sara clone entered the room of where the woman was going to be staying and the young girl spoke politely. "This beautiful young girl will be watching for any symptoms similar to his that should manifest. I promise she will take good care of you.

Sara waited until they were both in the room then would turn around and reenter the room with the boy. He spoke to her as she entered asking her credentials and if what he had was that serious. Again Sara jumped in the chair and it started to whirl around and around. "A doctor, not really. I like to play doctor though. Do you want to be my patient? And yes, it is serious, what you got. Well, to a degree." The last part said softly barely audible. He didn't enjoy her answers it appeared. Though it wasn't going to get any better. He spoke some more his wants and goals, and she perked up. "Are you going to die, eventually..Though lets see if we can stop so you can visit all those places similar to me, maybe even with. It's so much fun going to other places. I haven't been to many, some aren't so great but others." She smiled, "Well, even in the darker places, light can be found and enjoyed."

Sara stood up and grabbed the clip board, She looked him over, her eyes piercing cloth and flesh. "Hmm, interesting. So, lets start. What brings you here? " She would wait for a response before moving on.
"I just have a cough and my nose is stuffed. Nothing serious, until you told me it was serious. And I mean I knew I will die someday! I meant now though, I just don't wanna die now." he would blabber on before a few minutes. He sighed, looking at the girl, she was very confusing, she looked younger than him, but she didn't act like any eight year old he ever met. He went to one of the chairs, taking a seat across from her. Again he coughed into his arm waiting for her to give him diagnosis. He looked pretty terrible, honestly, stuffed and red nose from blowing into napkins. His hair was a mess and he generally looked uncomfortable.
Tatsuo's mother would quickly arrive in the office with an older doctor, she had obviously spent the last 10 minutes yelling at him as he was in quite a rush to get Tatsuo out of there. Quickly signing of a prescription for some antibiotics, he was pulled from the room and his mom took him home so he could eat soup and rest.

[Topic Left]
He continued his rant and Sara just sat there thinking how she would tackle the problem at hand. She knew her clones was destroyed by that boy's mother, so her time was little. As she burst through the door, an older doctor wispired to her about just letting him leave it's only a cold, and it would be better then a problem arising. She spoke as he left "Soup isn't going to do you any good, but after a few more hours it should be dead and come on out. You should show it to your mother after that, she will get a kick out of it!

Sara laughed as they left and thought for a moment. "Perhaps this would be a good subject matter for my required paper. The dangers of having a overly young Kikaichū handler in class. Hmmm a little long." She shook her head, disappointed that she couldn't help him quicker. Though it did last longer up his nose then she expected. The effects were lasting a little longer then they should have. Perhaps in class at some point a pregnant rogue one infested and laid an egg. "Hmm, no one has researched how those little buggers hatch." She swirled her eyes around at the thought of the incident and the separation some clans had from the allowances of the village. Private research was a pain...


Current Ninpocho Time:
