Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

[ANBU Class] Tokubetsu Koutou Keisatsu

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Santaru Rin

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012

A bulletin had been distributed to all of the trainees and the newer mempo about a course on ANBU protocols for making arrests. The ANBU delivery service worked in the usual way--a veritable information bomb exploded through the branch, leaving self-destructing letters everywhere and creating minor fire hazards for the unwary and/or completely soused. If an operative hadn't woken up one morning with paper crammed in an uncomfortable area, it was because an ANBU acting as courier had blasted him or her with a paper jutsu with the appropriate information.

Rin waited now in the designated room. To create a more appropriate atmosphere, she had moved long tables and chairs into rows to make desks for the unwilling students she expected. After all, most boys joined the branch with an expectation of non-stop slaughter festivals, not workshops on the right and wrong way to handle criminals, latent criminals, and morons. A sausage fest could only sustain itself for so long before the meat ran out... No, this metaphor was going on too long.

She idly turned back and forth on the metal stool she'd set up before the room. There was a touch of a draft, but if enough people showed up, things would heat up properly. She eyed the scorch marks on the wall from her predecessor's inane move to oil lamps and torches. What the hell was it with Kumo that people couldn't leave electricity well enough alone? It worked fine, and didn't soot things up or risk poisoning the air all ANBU had to share.

Anyway, the kids had to start coming in at aaaaany time now... And the sooner, the better, too.

Motomiya Kinten

New Member
Nov 11, 2012
Character appearance: Middle character(Lupin III) but imagine scars on his face and hands.

After an uncomfortable exertion removing a flyer from areas he preferred not to think about, Kinten carefully shifted his legs as he walked towards his destination inside the impressive feat of engineering that is the Sileo Tempestas. He was clad in one of his typical lavishly colorful suits. Today's choice of color? A nice dark emerald green suit jacket with a creamy white tie and black pants. It was a breath taking ensemble that screamed good taste and class. He was impressed with the stealth of whomever had "delivered" the bulletin to him. "S'pose you'd need to be awfully stealthy with an assignment like that. I can about imagine anyone caught doing the deed that was dirtily done to me would have a hard time walking away from it." As he walked, he began mentally drawing various blueprints for a device to keep him safe from a similar future incursion of his personal space. It was as well thought out as the building process of the structure he was walking in now. Or at least, it was as well thought out as he believed it to be. He wasn't a damned engineer. How could Kinten possibly comprehend the complexity behind designing a multi-level building without having any prior experience, or interest for that matter, in engineering. Maybe he could design a one level house- No, who was he kidding? A small shack to store tools would be a herculean challenge at the very least.

"Man, all this self-doubt is giving me a formidable headache. Shit. Which room was I supposed to go to?" Unfortunately, checking the flyer someone so graciously gave him was no longer an option. Who the hell wouldn't throw something so... dirty away as soon as possible?

Just as he was preparing himself to ask someone for direction, he tripped over something laying in the hallway. It was a young shinobi if his clothes were of any indication of his trade. There was a piece of paper covering his face. Kinten checked his pulse. "He's fine." He wasn't The way his hair was pressed against in the wall in his slouched position. "He was forced back against the wall before he slid down... Hmn." Kinten removed the paper covering his face. There was a thin layer of soot on his face. It was the same letter he'd received earlier this morning. Now that he knew which room the class was being held in, Kinten began walking towards the room. Before the young shinobi was out of sight, Kinten turned back and looked at him. "Lucky bastard."

Upon arriving to the room, the somewhat young ANBU-hopeful took a deep breath, braced himself and opened the door. The room was empty, save for a purple haired woman sitting on a stool in the front. There were long tables set up. The room itself was nothing spectacular or at least it didn't seem like anything special. "Greetings. A thousand thank yous for the the delicately delivered bulletin. Who needs coffee with a wake-up call like that, am I right?" With a smirk, he sat down at a table in the back. It had been a while since he'd be in a classroom. There weren't a lot of required classes for Jounin Shinobi. He sat up straight and waited for someone or something else to to do something.

Hoshiko Gin

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Really? Simply placing the small parcel somewhere less... distressing was such a hard task? Whoever had executed this task must be far beyond her skill level, indefinitely. She didn't really consider herself as an entrance level ANBU, but then again, a little refresher never hurt; because certainly there was still much to learn. As she was conveniently off-duty anyways, and it was in audience of their regent commander, there was sadly no excuse for her absence if she blew it off. 'Fuck' As much as she had rather enjoyed Rin's earlier speech weeks ago, sitting through a class that wasn't necessarily 'mandatory', didn't much interest her. Then again, considering Rin and Masao seemed to know more about her then she realized, and any request made by Rin was likely 'mandatory'; she would be easily marked as an absentee. 'Well her last class was amusing anyways that I remember...' Chuckling at this thought, she slid on her standard ANBU garb and walked towards her destination.

It was surprisingly barren, especially since she had just made it in time. 'Wow... do I really suck this much that I'm one of two people who got drug to this class, or what?" No, couldn't be. Why take such space and time arranging the room, for only two people? With a polite bow to Rin at the front of the room, she than looked to the unfamiliar face in the room, and blinked as she took a seat beside him. 'Did I miss a new dress code or something?' There had been two reasons for her vantage point beside this man. One. He could hopefully not see her bewilderment and questioning glances from so close. Second. Even with his strange choice of apparel, sitting next to him was much better than some of her other choices. 'I suppose some would find him quite dapper..'

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma awoke noticing the Anbu couriers 'handiwork' 'And here I was thinking they scanned the corps for people like serial perverts...' he thought to himself before making a mental note to station one of the clan guards in his household to insure such an incident didn't happen again. Once Akkuma had gotten appropriately dressed along with eating his fill and consuming a jug of warm sake he proceeded to his class. The young trainee had mentally mapped out all of the area's of the complex he'd been authorised to enter (and some he hadn't) finding the classroom with ease. The anbu in training watched as one of his fellow classmates entered the designated room, the short spiky blue haired Uchiha wore his Anbu robe and armour along with the mask he'd made on the last big corps event.

Standing at a height of six foot and five inches the seventeen year old was quite tall for someone his age, weighing one hundred and fourty-nine pounds, when he entered the room Akkuma bowed to his superior "Regent Commander." he said with a wink once he was at full height, those entrancingly deep crimson coloured eyes looking into the superiors bluish grey eyes. Moving to the empty table he took a seat having to keep his chair a distance back from desk so he could sit there without having to awkwardly be seated in the cramped spot. Akkuma was surprised to see only two others within the class not too mention one of those two not being in their appropriate garments. Not that he really cared he was more interested in participating in the class particularly since it was being held by the Anbu Regent Commander herself, which he considered an honour. 'I wonder if others will make it here on time I was only just before the designated time, anyone arriving too long after this is bound to get more than a rude wake up call.' he thought with a smile behind his mask.

But again he wasn't bothered because he was sure that nonetheless it would be entertaining for the Uchiha to see, then again perhaps there would be a hoard of AiT and qualified shadows pouring in at any moment but he doubted it. Perhaps some were to afraid to come back after the courier had 'delivered' the message, again he couldn't shake the thought that they hadn't screened someone that perverted.

Tagiushi Moro

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
He was taking his customary morning slop in the Mess, (a rare moment of actually spending time inside the Sileo when off duty, this particular morning had left him with such a crippling hangover that breakfast somewhere…nice, or farther away than 1000 meters had been nothing short of a pipe dream,) when one of Rin-sama’s personal couriers threw open the heavy double doors with a loud CLANG.

Everyone froze, including Moro, but when her eyes briefly scanned and then fixed him, as she began to make a beeline straight for the veteran operative Moro exploded into movement, cramming a last bite of stiff biscuit, and several spoonful’s of gruel into his maw as she closed the distance. Before he could even wash it down with some orange juice she spread her palm mere inches from his face,


and paper flew everywhere, covered everything. Small notes not only went into his food, knocking over his glasses of water and juice, invading his bowl of porridge probably fairly similarly to how the dinosaurs felt when Armageddon interrupted their previously peaceful existence, and entered every nook and cranny of his casual attire. Superficial paper cuts dotting his body would be the least of his worries today it seemed, as by the time he brushed the the notes off of his eyeballs the courier had vanished.

Shaking some of the notes off like a wet dog, Moro pulled one of the memos, stuck in his biscuit like a playing card in a potato, and perused it. Oh Raiden’s nipples class TODAY? I’M OFF DUTY FOR SHINBATSU’S SAKE! The missive was time stamped Immediately. No time to change I guess! Considering the second the courier left the Mess returned to status quo and everyone resumed eating, sparing not even a glance his way, Moro flipped his tray for good measure, and made his way to the designated area, entering the room behind a tall, gangly, stick figure of a man. Where Moro had expected some senior desk jockey, ‘Grand’ Commander Santaru Rin stood before him in all of her disapproving glory. Hair disheveled, not even in combat attire much less formal dress, and bright red scratches covering his bare face and arms, he must have been quite a sight to behold. Heels clicked to attention as his posture instantly righted itself, he bowed deeply and straightened before his hand slammed over his heart in three-pronged salute. “Reagent Commander.” He echoed before taking a seat as far away from Gin as he could immediately find, which happened to be at the table with the blue haired chap.

In what seemed like a time long forgotten, Moro couldn’t get within a hundred yards of Rin without the hair on the back of his neck standing up. Now there was nothing. She had told him the night of the October Rebellion that they were through, that he was going to have to find himself a new Sensei. Moro would never dare call her that to her face anymore. He had never received any sort of closure. What happened to you Sensei?

Glancing over those gathered, he sighed. A burn victim pinyata, an ‘i-see-dead-people’ zombie girl, and an anorexic blue hedgehog, all at the mercy of a humorless witch. Just gonna be one of those days I guess...


Oct 23, 2012
Shindou was in the shower one morning and he heard a creak near the door but thought nothing of it. His eyes were closed do to shampoo bubbles rolling down his face and it left him unaware of an attack that was about to take place. In an instant piles of paper was falling on top of him and they were getting soaked with water. Of course like any sane man, Shindou jumped out the shower purely naked to see who the perpetrator was but he did not find out who would do such a thing. Since the surprise attack was over so the old vet read what the papers had to say and it was all but to clear. He HAD to go to a ANBU class and he knew he couldn't get out of this one.

The oldest AIT probably in Kumo history got dressed in his proper AIT attire with a black robe over him to protect him from the harsh winds from the winter air. He didn't know who would be the proctor but he must be pretty important; maybe Masao himself would be there. If that was the case Shindou can show up an hour late and Masao probably wouldn't be there. He wouldn't take the chance so the 47 year old machine went to class and was surprised to see only four participants.

A pleasure to see you, Commander. Shindou said with a bow and went to take his seat near Hoshiko Gin.


New Member
Oct 29, 2012
A veritable train of resigned shrieks could be heard across the Sileo as the courier swathed a path of messy, informative destruction upon the poor souls who misfortune had tagged, claimed, and listed upon the class roster. Those that had seen the courier run past merely made the mark Shinbatsu, whispered a prayer of thanks to Raiden, or otherwise hurried along with their business with a renewed vigor. The sight was enough to make the captain smirk in fond remembrance of the past. Time may have passed, but certain traditions stayed strong no matter what happened. Ah to be a trainee again... Hmm. Nevermind. Perhaps it was a better idea to not relive some of those memories.

A short couple of minutes traversing the familiar passageways that was the maze of the Sileo led Risu to Plum Block, Level C. Ah, the informal class rooms. More memories better served by nostalgia rather than specifics. Turning around the corner caused the woman to tilt her head slightly. A body, slumped against the wall. A victim of the courier, it would seem. A quick check verified a couple things. Still alive. Someone, or a couple someones, had poked at the body already. And he had a valid ANBU tattoo. Sighing, she slung the body across her shoulder with an oomph and made for the room. She had to kick the door open, probably creating more of an entrance than she wanted but hey, whatever. It was already annoying enough to have to carry the unconscious kid.

“Some of them made it here alive. Excellent!”

Oshiro Saki

Oct 22, 2012
So many people... why couldn't this have just been a small one-on-one meeting with him? In the back of Kosei's mind, he knew this was his fault, and that this meeting would primarily directed at him. He was the one who'd somewhat frozen up with that encounter with Gekido, so yes, he was the cause for this... "refresher." He really wished that Rin had just laid into him when he'd reported in, and be over with it.

But that didn't happen, and what was in the past was in the past. Nothing to be done about it now, save to attend this meeting and formally go over procedures that he'd learned years ago. Kosei sighed as he entered the designated room, and took his place amongst the other ANBU, somewhat to the back, and near a corner. Not as many people as he'd thought had showed up. Oh well, that's better. He wasn't really in the best modd at the moment.

Santaru Rin

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012

The first one in was a younger man who, after pausing outside the door, casually sauntered into the room. Too casually.

"Greetings. A thousand thank yous for the the delicately delivered bulletin. Who needs coffee with a wake-up call like that, am I right?"

As she racked her memory for his name, Rin gave him a brilliant smile envied by a thousand sharks. "I like people who are enthusiastic about their work, trainee."

Motomiya, that's right. He took a seat in the rear, perhaps to make an easier escape. Not a completely bad idea, but a little transparent.

The next one in was a familiar face--much changed since days of old, but still...

"Hisashiburi, Hoshiko."

The door opened again. They sure are taking their time.

A scrawny, gangly youth entered next. He bowed and then had the gall to wink his weird albino eyes at her. "Regent Commander."

"HEY, YOU. What are you, 150 soaking wet? As soon as you get the hell out of my class, you will start a sumo diet, STAT. Next time I see you, I want you to have gained like 20 stone!" Perhaps unknown to all but her original students (and her unfortunate husband), Rin had a powerful bellow that could peel the spots off of a pizza boy.

Speaking of original students. “Reagent Commander.” Moro looked like one of the couriers had gotten the better of him. Her invisible laser beams of disapproval probed his battered body.

"Tagiushi--" She cut herself off and shook her head instead, dismissing him. He sat in one of the corner seats. A more veteran figure followed after Moro, dressed crisply in black.

"A pleasure to see you, Commander." He seemed to have some paper pulp still in his hair.

"Kizoku-san," she replied, giving him the nod.

With the vigor of at least twenty men, and the thirst for ale to prove it, the new head of the Oinin Butai burst into the room with an unconscious boy slung over her shoulder. “Some of them made it here alive. Excellent!” she announced.

"You're certainly feeling lively today," Rin said approvingly. "Just drop him where ever, you guys can do what you want with that one."

A second Jinkotsu showed up--and this was one of the individuals she had cooked this little class up for. He didn't feel like acknowledging his commander today, but that was okay. She could acknowledge the room enough for all of them. Taking in the scene, she opened her third eye to lightly scan the mood.

"GOOD MORNING, CLASS!" she roared, after losing patience for waiting on Ouja and the rest of the trainees to arrive. If they didn't want to learn how to do things right, it was their funeral--maybe literally. So what if it wasn't morning? "TODAY, WE'RE GOING TO LEARN ABOUT... HOW TO HANDLE SUSPECTS. Do you know what the original purpose of the Kumogakure no Sato Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai was? TO KILL OUR LORD'S ENEMIES! Where is our lord? DEAD AS A DOORNAIL! If you want to join him in the next life, YOU WILL LEARN WHO OUR ENEMIES ARE, HOW TO KILL THEM, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, WHEN TO KILL THEM!"

Most people didn't really understand the art of a good, commanding yell. They tensed up their throats and constricted their windpipes and made horrible faces that caused their eyes to bulge. While certain segments of the population were into that sort of thing, Rin wasn't a godforsaken pervert. She knew that, like chugging a pint of beer or deep-throating a popsicle, required relaxing the jaw and opening the throat. One could achieve excellent volume, surprising depth, and premium air control this way.

"We are primarily a POLICING FORCE. Who do we police? AN IRREGULAR MILITARY FORCE. What's so irregular about us? Cloud ninja do not follow the regular Kaminari no Kuni military chain of command--we are not a part of the Bakufuu, nor are we levy troops. We are elite forces primed to accomplish specific goals. Approximately ten percent of the village at any given time is composed of NINJA. What's a ninja?" She smirked, but didn't go for an obvious joke. "What's so special about us? Obviously, we utilize the force inherent within all things! The consequence is that each and every one of us, from the lowliest, fresh-faced student to the most doddering elder is a potential weapon of mass destruction! A serial killer of civilizations! When one of us turn, we don't simply kill a few people in our military unit, or strangle a prostitute, or steal our brothers' payroll! We go nuclear!

"More than that, an AWOL ninja represents an enormous risk as well as a huge waste of resources! A rogue ninja is expensive! A dead ninja is expensive! What don't we want? Rogue Cloud ninja! Dead Cloud ninja! A shinobi who is unable to generate a return on our village's investment, our nation's investment, is dead weight we must all lug around for the rest of our lives.

"So what is the true goal of a force composed of ninja who police ninja? RISK MANAGEMENT. GARBAGE MANAGEMENT. That's right, we account for filth. We investigate heinous crimes committed by ninja or other extraordinary, unusual individuals and organizations and we punish the bastards who break the law. We prevent heinous crimes. We guard against treason. We support security in the village. When a shinobi from our village goes AWOL, Risu is one of the ones responsible for hunting that bitch down, cutting off the head, and destroying the body. When our Raikage is asleep, when our Raikage is awake, Jeada is the one responsible for letting no one touch him.

"What does that have to do with class today? We are talking about the ANBU as a special military police. We have jurisdiction over shinobi as well as civilians, particularly in the realms of potential or actual treason. What is treason? For us, treason is anything which hurts our village's ability to act or react on our goals. Murdering a shinobi is tantamount to treason. Going missing is treason. Robbing the treasury is treason. Giving aid or comfort to our enemies is treason. Gene theft is treason. If it's questionable? It's probably treason."

She glanced around the faces in the room. Her tone smoothed into a more normal speaking voice. "That's right. Everyone is potentially a god-rotting traitor. Isn't that a terrible burden to live with? Damn right it is. Get over it. Assume your brothers in arms are, less any actual evidence, acting out of goodwill. We obviously need each other to survive, and to do more than survive--to live within the time allotted to us, and to live satisfied with the knowledge that we have done our best. Living void of trust for your comrades is no life at all."

Rin ripped through a series of seals, activating projector on the back wall. Luminous blobs fluoresced behind her, not quite resolving into legible characters.

"Let's get into the practical part of our day! List for me some circumstances under which you might detain, but not execute, a shinobi you suspect of a crime! Don't give me shitty answers like shop-lifting, either."
If you're a trainee or ANBU and need in, feel free to walk in late.

Everyone, I hope you enjoy the CAPSLOCK LECTURE! 8D


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
He was late or was he? Hidden in the back of the room, no one seemed to acknowledge him or if they had realized he was there, he didn't care. He spoke up hearing the end of her lecture. " A ninja surrendering him or herself after attempting, yet not successfully going rogue from the Kumogakure no sato." said the Captain of the Raikage guard as his voice echoed in the now silent room. Joukuu-taichou was still missing from the meeting. Hopefully he was well. But honestly, Do you kill someone willing to come back to you to the prison? absolutely not. The ANBU captain had his ANBU robe on as well as his mask that he had made that day. The kanji for loyalty was blue on the forehead of his silver mask. He kept the mask on even when he spoke. There was no need to introduce himself. Most here already knew whom he was due to the ceremony and the others would find out soon enough. He looked the room through once more. Kaikai wasn't here either, but Kosei was. Two out of three wasn't too bad he guessed. Takaki-san wasn't here at all. He stood in the back silent after speaking, keeping his after thoughts to himself.

Hoshiko Gin

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
The others snailed their way into class, one by one; in what she hoped wasn't a reflection of their dispatch rate.

In walked, first after her, a lanky youth who seemed to awkwardly reposition himself every which-way to fit his spider-esque limbs in cramped quarters. Gin snickered inaudibly from the opposite corner at Rin's thought. It was hipocracy for the younger woman to be laughing at such a matter, considering her current status.

But no matter.

The next to meander in, was a face all to familiar. She noted the assurance and effortlessness in his gait, however disheveled and mangy as he was in his current state. It was that very confidence that both enticed and repulsed her.

Readily, her attention moved on to the following entrant who took the open seat beside her. Indeed, he was the oldest trainee to her knowledge; evidence that tenure truly is not a determining factor in rank.

The door swung open with a crash to reveal a woman with a young trainee in tow strewn across her shoulder. 'Now SHE knows how to make an entrance.' Gin thought, before the last of the bunch entered. She was rather unimpressed with this one though, giving him a subtle once-over before being diverted to what they were all really there for. How could you ignore such volume?

Dazedly, she wondered how the Commander projected with such ease. A trick Gin had not yet been taught, perhaps? 'Wonder if the Regeant Commander would be interested in instructing a public speaking class of sorts?' This was a matter Gin would address, only of the opportunity presented itself.

Now, onto the task at hand!

'Someone most of fucked up pretty bad.' This information was fairly self explanatory, in her opinion. It was an absolute must to know how to handle such situations; that is, if you wished to thrive in the Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai. They were far from being an elite force currently, but they were on the fast track to getting there. 'Our soul purpose is to prevent and punish acts of treason...' She thought aimlessly.

The other students seemed to be in either a stupor or in deep thought. "Simply considering treason is enough reason to be detained in my opinion. If someone has the audacity to speak out and threaten Kumogakure verbally, what makes us so sure they will not ACT against us? You never can be sure. If you suspect a treasonous plotting afoot, given a particular statement, detain them for further questioning. From here, you or another operative can determine whether it was simply a false alarm. Security of our village is no laughing matter.. Better to be over prepared, rather than unprepared. "


Oct 23, 2012
The Regent Commander knodded back out of respect like a true leader and she began her class with power. Her voice could be heard from blocks away and she was able to speak with a powerful voice with ease. She was quite capable of opening her wind pipes; she must have had a lot of practice. By the end of her speech her voice became smooth but her words would still have a lasting affect on everyone in the room. The Commander wanted them to list reasons of why to detain someone but not execute a shinobi you suspect of a crime. The word suspect repeated in Shindou's head and he knew that one word was the answer. You shouldn't kill anyone if you suspect them of doing something because you can be wrong.

You shouldn't execute anyone you suspect of committing a crime because you maybe wrong. You should interrogate and investigate the crime before such a punishment is enforced.

This is true to all crimes. It can be from the assassination of the Raikage to theft of a puppy. You do not execute someone until you know its them and you have concrete proof because you wouldn't want to kill someone and let the actual perpetrator go. Shindou didn't give her a list like she wanted but he gave her an answer that was just as good and it made perfect sense.

Tagiushi Moro

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Others walked in, even a female captain, (judging by her reaction) toting a corpse. Oh, no I guess it’s just a trainee. Moro’s anticipation grew, he had no idea why they were summoned here under the guise of a class, but clearly some sort of big announcement awaited them.

"GOOD MORNING, CLASS!" Rin-sama’s characteristic banshee shriek greeted them, echoing off the walls. Just like the good ol’ days. "TODAY, WE'RE GOING TO LEARN ABOUT... HOW TO HANDLE SUSPECTS.”

Wat. She wasn’t kidding. On and on she droned about the purpose of this and that, protocols and regulations that even the lowliest kitchen scullion, toilet scrubbing trainee could have recited in their sleep. If this was her idea of some kind of joke it was VERY poorly received. The Reagent Commander must have either hit her head and forgotten that the corps wasn’t started this morning, or she was a Master Troll. Molten fury began to bubble up inside him, not only was this a waste of time on one of his precious days off duty, but his headache was really starting to kick up, his earlier attempts at keeping water down foiled by none other than Rin-sama’s envoy.

As she finished, Moro looked around. From what he could tell none of the others were sharing his fury, some of them were even buying into her bullshit wholesale and answering her inane questions. As much as could be expected from Gin, the sycophantic marionette of a girl had lately been dancing to any and all strings, but as for the rest, he expected better. DON’T THEY KNOW NOT TO FEED THE TROLL? Reaching a breaking point, as the doddering old-man of a trainee finished speaking; Moro slammed his fist on the metal table and stood, chair scraping behind him as he rocketed to his feet.

Jaw tightening, he looked Rin square in the eye. “All due respect Reagent Commander-sama-dono, but this is horseshit. I don’t know about the rest of these chucklefucks but this is a complete waste of my time. I didn’t spontaneously develop Alzheimer’s, as I’m sure can be said for those of you that I actually know,” He glared venomously at Gin “so unless you can at least do us the common courtesy of telling me why you’re subjecting us to this…three ring circus,” He gestured around him disapprovingly “I’m gonna go. Anyone who doesn’t know this rudimentary crap can do us all a favor and kindly get the fuck out of the Sileo, and go pick up a pamphlet at the tourist kiosk at the village gates.” The last part dripping with sarcasm.

Politely pushing his chair in with a faux shit-eating grin, he moved for the door.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma chuckled devilishly as the Regent Commander bellowed orders for him to gain almost twenty stone "My appetite rivals that of the Akimichi Clan...I'll try my best." he said in that usual annoyingly friendly and charming voice. 'Perhaps the Akimichi Clan will have something that will allow me to gain more mass? I'll have to find out..' he thought to himself sitting there his blood crimson eyes scanning all of those who entered, whilst making a note to visit the Akimichi Clan. The spiky blue haired anbu in training listened to what the Regent Commander said with intent everything she'd stated was obvious 'So who messed up to get this speech brought on us?' he thought to himself knowing he most likely wasn't the only one trying to work it out.

The anbu in training sat there waiting for the others to give their reasons before he finally decided to speak up however he was interrupted by a fist slamming loudly into a desk behind him. Then however he possessed the audacity to begin ranting and raving like a child at their Regent Commander, the pupils of the seventeen year olds eyes turned into three tomoes. Akkuma sat there silent, statuesque waiting for the man behind him to make a foolish action, this the man did with his ranting but not anything that would require his intervention as he was sure the Regent commander would discipline him. However he couldn't say that the man didn't have a point standard arrest procedure was something he even as an anbu in training knew. Chakra flowed throughout his body he could see the chakra that those in the room possessed giving him a good estimate of their strength unless they were purposefully hiding their chakra pool.

'Fools the lot of them, I should have a chat to this fellow...' he thought to himself deciding that sooner was always better than later. So he'd wait to see what the Regent Commander made of it before he'd try anything although Akkuma couldn't say that he agreed with his comrades open objections. Blood red murderous eyes looked up at Rin a smile on his face behind that mask of his, no matter what he wouldn't allow her to be harmed no matter how pointless he thought this class. But evidently someone had failed to know the essentials. Not that he couldn't say he didn't agree with the group class, after all they were meant to be one unit. Accomplishments and failures carried by them all, if one of them was they needed to be made strong or taken out. For those of the Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai it was necessary to be the best of the best if you weren't you jeopardized everything they stood for.

Santaru Rin

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
The not entirely unexpected response to her opening salvo was a few beats of dead silence.

"A ninja surrendering him or herself after attempting, yet not successfully going rogue from the Kumogakure no Sato," Jeada stated, breaking the silence with the first and hopefully most obvious case.

Rin nodded once. That wasn't the response she was waiting for.

Gin followed up with a more draconian perspective. "Simply considering treason is enough reason to be detained in my opinion. If someone has the audacity to speak out and threaten Kumogakure verbally, what makes us so sure they will not ACT against us? You never can be sure. If you suspect a treasonous plotting afoot, given a particular statement, detain them for further questioning. From here, you or another operative can determine whether it was simply a false alarm. Security of our village is no laughing matter... Better to be over prepared, rather than unprepared."

Rin nodded again, still silent.

"You shouldn't execute anyone you suspect of committing a crime because you maybe wrong. You should interrogate and investigate the crime before such a punishment is enforced." Shindou, a veteran, was obviously correct.

Rin nodded a third time.

With a shriek of metal on concrete, Tagiushi stood up. “All due respect Reagent Commander-sama-dono, but this is horseshit. I don’t know about the rest of these chucklefucks but this is a complete waste of my time. I didn’t spontaneously develop Alzheimer’s, as I’m sure can be said for those of you that I actually know, so unless you can at least do us the common courtesy of telling me why you’re subjecting us to this…three ring circus, I’m gonna go. Anyone who doesn’t know this rudimentary crap can do us all a favor and kindly get the fuck out of the Sileo, and go pick up a pamphlet at the tourist kiosk at the village gates.”

Rin grinned at her former trainee.

"I'm so glad that you remember the protocols I wrote for you and your generation, Tagiushi-kun." Her voice oozed honeyed poison. "Perhaps if you weren't such an enormous goddamn chucklefuck yourself, you would have instilled these protocols into the ANBU recruited under my successors. Perhaps I would not have found evidence that these procedures based on village laws had not been passed down by Sennin and not kept alive by those I trained myself." Her sweet tone grew only more stingingly pointed. "So evidently you don't understand this 'rudimentary crap,' the foundation of our order, well enough to teach it to your subordinates. If you want to get the fuck out of my Sileo, you walk out of this room.

"The rest of you are going to learn how to do things the right way, and you're going to be able to teach that to others. Moreover, you're going to know the most up to date 'right way' to operate a three ring circus. This class hasn't been taught in nearly sixteen years, and I don't give a flying rat's ass about the why or how--you're getting it now, and you're getting it right, and the next one of you who fucks up washes out, I don't care what rank you are or how goddamn strong you are. The next time a former nukenin murders people in the streets of Kumogakure and no one reports to me, someone's going to pay." She ended the 'threat portion' of the class with a withering smile at the young man's back.

Something always had to give; some weak point had to rupture to release the pressure building up in the relationship, in the room, in the Corps, in the village, in the nation. This scene played itself out time and time again across the world any time more than one force existed somewhere. She could not hide her disappointment at the half-cocked organization the ANBU Corps had once again become. She had tried to change things when she first became Sennin, and now, nearly thirty years later, she was back to square one, inheriting ANBU who didn't know how to do their jobs, uneducated trainees who thought they'd be the next Akiyama Kin, and rogue former ANBU who had gotten into the Corps thinking that it was a road to power rather than a path of personal ruin.

"Putting that aside, we have things to talk about and plots to disrupt, so let's get back to the business of not fucking up.

"It is appropriate to arrest anyone you suspect of a crime but did not witness them committing it; to arrest someone who tries to go rogue without attempting assault of anyone; to arrest someone you suspect of conspiracy; to arrest someone you must hold in protective custody, such as a witness.

"Unless you know that the subject has harmed someone, including the use of offensive genjutsu, or that the subject has murdered someone, it is not appropriate to kill the subject on contact. The only time extrajudicial execution is acceptable is when you know the subject has committed assault with intent to kill or disable or when the subject has a known history of more than one attempt to go rogue, is known to be a murderer, or a serial assaulter. Obviously, you may also kill when trying to defend others or in the process of subduing the subject, but the latter is not preferred, and a history of such behavior on your part will lead to an inquiry you will not enjoy.

"When you encounter a subject of interest or come upon the scene of a crime, the first thing you should do is record it. If you don't know that jutsu yet, you should. If you haven't mastered it, and can't demonstrate that mastery, you better still be Genin-ranked, because your goose is cooked.

"There are two situations in which you'll be making arrests. The one where you know you're arresting a subject in advance, and the one where you don't find out until it's time to deal with the subject. The former you will encounter most on missions, the latter, in ordinary patrol and discipline. That's all that needs to be said.

"How you make an arrest, and when you do it, can make all the difference in the subject's fate and even the village's or nation's fate. The subject should be arrested when he feels safest--when he least expects you--and thus when his guard is lowest. The early hours of the morning are generally the best time. Most subjects will be shocked, insecure, and terrified and will not be able to adjust. Putting them off-balance is an excellent state for their eventual questioning with T&I.

"Your manner should be efficient, impersonal, and professional. You need extend no courtesies, but you shouldn't offer abuse, either. Speak as little as possible around the subject--only give orders. Immediately bind, blind, gag, and deafen your subject. Chakra-users should have their hands and fingers bound. Doujutsu users must be blinded. In any case, it is often best to knock out a jutsu user to prevent escape attempts, or otherwise render the subject incapable of using techniques. Be brusque.

"Thereafter, you should immediately search the subject and area for weapons, documents, equipment, or other items of intelligence value. These things should accompany you to the detention facility OR to the Sileo evidence lock-up for review. If you take souveniers, I will personally strip you of your access seal and tender my personal apologies to the Raikage for having such a useless sack of shit in the Corps.

"Back to being quiet. As soon as you apprehend the subject until their interview, you should not speak to them and, if you are arresting more than one subject, they should not be permitted to speak to each other. Speak only as necessary--orders--you are not to question someone you arrest. That is T&I's job. Your relationship with the subject is that of the apprehender. Are we clear so far?"
OOC said:
Subsequent round will be up in 48 hours. Please don't wait on posting order.

Santaru Arisu

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Kirito opened his eyes just barely. A lot of him was hurting and for some reason he had no real idea why. He placed a hand on his face and tried to rub his eyes but when he did his eyes began to sting. He thought he could hear a bit of a ringing in his ear but that was going away rather quickly. When he noticed that his hand now had a bit of black smeared onto it he started to try to figure things out. The first thing he needed to do was to get his mind straight before he could even begin to figure what was going on.

He blinked a bit and put his head back against the wall. He thought he saw a man walking away in a…Green suit…? O god he must be really out of it if that was what he was seeing. He maybe thought that the man said something but with everything going on within him he was pretty sure that he was not catching anything. My name is Heriashi Kirito…I am in the cloud village…my title was Jounin until I was demoted because I wanted to join the Anbu…I was on my way to a classroom…I am a chimera…I do not really remember much else other than where I live…

He thought that was enough as he mind started to click back together rather well. Kirito was unsure as to what really had happened to him earlier today. He got notification for a class and then he started to make sure he would be there early meaning really early. Apparently something might have gone off? He honestly had very little idea and to be honest he had an absolutely horrible headache. He wondered if he had a concussion…?

Kirito put his hand on the wall and slipped once but eventually made it to his knees. He coughed a little and figured he could at least take a few minutes to move himself to the bathroom that he believed himself to be near instead of making it to the class. He stood up and used the wall as a prop and suddenly wondered why no one had helped his unconscious body.

After a few more minutes he finally caught himself across the room and started to walk. Albeit a bit wobbly but he made it none the less. When he got to the bathroom he waited till his head stopped spinning and then he put his hands on the sink. He blinked and noticed he had soot on his face and he eventually started to wash himself. There was soot also on his clothing but that could not really take care of itself so he would have to wait until the end of class and he went home.

After he finished up in the bathroom he made his way back over to the room and noticed that the class had started. He honestly was not sure how he felt about Rin and honestly wondered if he would just be used by her. Her resources were useful to him and if nothing else he defiantly knew that she would give him missions and that was the most important thing to him. He was definitely getting stir crazy when it came to just sitting in the village. He saw Akkuma and figured he would probably take a seat near him but other than that he knew he did not want to draw attention.

Focusing on his chakra he turned it yellow and then teleported into the seat two spaces away from Akkuma. He had already missed what she said so he could not comment but at least now he was in the class and going to participate. Kirito noticed that the man in green was here too so that meant he was not a figment of his imagination.

Thank you man in green for stirring me into consciousness.

Tagiushi Moro

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Moro froze at the sound of her voice. Sickly sweet, like the scent of decay:

"I'm so glad that you remember the protocols I wrote for you and your generation, Tagiushi-kun. Perhaps if you weren't such an enormous goddamn chucklefuck yourself, you would have instilled these protocols into the ANBU recruited under my successors. Perhaps I would not have found evidence that these procedures based on village laws had not been passed down by Sennin and not kept alive by those I trained myself. So evidently you don't understand this 'rudimentary crap,' the foundation of our order, well enough to teach it to your subordinates. If you want to get the fuck out of my Sileo, you walk out of this room. The rest of you are going to learn how to do things the right way, and you're going to be able to teach that to others. Moreover, you're going to know the most up to date 'right way' to operate a three ring circus.”

Blaming him personally for the state of the corps was absurd, he’d personally never even met almost all of the trainees present. But for the most part she was right, and he knew it. The thought of a former nuke murdering citizens in the streets going unreported sent cold shivers down his spine. She’s right. This is completely necessary. Deflated, but not embarrassed, Moro calmly walked back to his seat. The Reagent Commander paid him no more mind. Time and time again it seemed Rin-sama and Takaki-sama were left picking up the pieces of a fractured and largely useless military organization. He knew that much from experience, had cleansed the previous corruption with his own two hands. Instead of feeling disappointment or resentment, Moro suddenly felt excited.

His recent outbursts were starting to make sense. Watching the ANBU deteriorate first hand, witnessing them revert to how they were when he first became a trainee, had drained his spirit. Duty-bound, he would never succumb to helplessness but his frustration was obvious. Once again it was time to pick up the reins, and he was ready.

“Crystal, Reagent Commander-sama!”

Kogami Ayumu

Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Ayumu shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he stood in the line at the bakery. This was an incredibly popular bakery, evidenced by the line which trailed out the door and along the front of the establishment. They had arguably the best cookies in town, which was why Ayumu was waiting in such a ridiculous line. He slipped a hand in to his pocket and drew a stick of gum, unwrapping it and popping it in to his mouth and dropping the wrapper back in to his pocket. He was sure it would only take another 20 to 25 minutes. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a dark clad figure traversing the rooftops nearby. This was not unusual, he lived in a shinobi village after all, but suddenly the figure launched something in Ayumu's direction. Naturally, stepping out of the way would have been easy, but he wasn't going to lose his spot in line.

Ayumu quickly ducked, easily avoiding being his by the unknown object. As he dropped, however, the hood of his hoodie caught the object anyway before resting against his back once more. Ayumu stood up and stretched his arms, trying to remove the object from his hood, but couldn't quite reach it. Having no other choice, he slid his fingers under the bottom of his jacket and started to pull it off. As he did, he caught a whiff of what smelled distinctly like smoke and heard a crackle. Realization quickly set in as he struggled to pull the hoodie off quickly only for it to get stuck as things started to get hot. "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" he shouted as he finally manage to rip it off, throwing it on the ground and stomping it until the fire was extinguished.

"What the hell!?" he exclaimed, looking up to scan the rooftops for the culprit whom had already left the scene. He looked back at the people to his front and back in line and shrugged, picking up his charred hoodie and checking the hood. Inside was a burnt, folded piece of paper. He took a step forward in line and unfolded the paper, trying to make out some of the words despite the charred state. 'What is the point of a letter that destroys itself?! I didn't even get to read it, who was this even from...' he thought as he looked hopelessly at the almost entirely destroyed letter. That was when he noticed it. Scorched almost beyond recognition like the rest of the letter were the partial words "ileo mpest". Of course. ANBU. He had just recently been inducted in to the AiT program, so he wasn't familiar with their eccentric message system quite yet. Of course, now all he knew was that he was wanted at Sileo Tempestas. Well, he would be sure to head there as soon as he received his baked goods.

Some time later Ayumu strolled in to the Sileo Tempestas with a large bag of delicious fresh chocolate chip cookies. The guard at the entrance kindly informed him that he was late for the ANBU class, and that the Sennin herself was instructing them and surely would not be pleased with his tardiness. As a new trainee, this was probably not going to be a good first impression, but what was he going to do? They had sent him a burnt up letter. Shrugging, he approached the classroom door and opened it, stepping inside and closing it behind himself as quietly as possible. He simply took a spot on the wall and listened silently, munching on cookies. He adjusted his glasses and waited to be chewed out, or preferably just ignored. Crunch crunch crunch.

Motomiya Kinten

New Member
Nov 11, 2012
This seemed like one of those times where Kinten should have gone with the tattoo of eyeballs on his eyelids instead of getting his personal mantra under his waist. "No Fat Chicks." Aw, who was he kidding? It's a kick ass tattoo. And he likes the bigg'uns(sp?) on occasion. The lecture was probably pretty exciting for anyone fussing or getting fussed, but Kinten had been quiet for as long as he could stand it. He missed talking. He missed hearing his voice. "Oh, voice. We've been together for so long! I can't bare to be without... Hey! You're in my head, voice." For a moment, Kinten thought without thinking.

People were still walking in. Hell, at least one of them even teleported in. The one who chose the latter, and much cooler, entrance seemed to acknowledge Kinten's presence without doing or saying anything at all. Nice guy. Kinten looked around attempting to not make it too obvious. There was a guy in the back with an ANBU mask on. "An ANBU amongst ANBU hiding his or her identity. No, not shady at all. Although, if anyone knows the mask, they know who it is. But then why would hee-shee wear it? Maybe hee-shee's just trying to look cool." Fair enough reason, the majority of Kinten's actions were attempts to fufill the same purpose. But the Green Suit amongst black tights was better at looking cool.

And of course there was this whole back 'n forth between the reagent commander and a Tagiushi. It was not a name that rolled off of the tongue. The latter of the two didn't seem very happy about being here. Something about horseshit, then the purple-haired lady gave him a nasty verbal lashing, and then he seemed happy as a peach. "Crystal cleeeeeaaaaar," he mockingly mimicked in his mind. The master masticater continued his menacing mental mockery, "What. A. Rube." Sometimes the masterful mockery lacked a certain... everything. That was terrible.

Kinten, bored with himself (yeah, right), started paying attention to the reagent commander's speech again. Protocols, rules, recommendations that didn't need to be mentally repeated. Two strings of words stung the scarred up shinobi's ears in the closing bit of the speech. "Back to being quiet." "RAAAAAAGGGEEEEEE!" "Are we clear so far?" Kinten had a history of fighting rhetorical questions. Some say it was because of a mental deficiency and some theorize that they killed his kitty cat when he was just a little kid. Though visibly unshaken, he was sweating on his brain trying his best to fight the urge to stab the reagent commander's closing question. Maybe he could catch the illicit inquisition outside after class. Maybe in a dark alleyway? Oooohh, yes.


Oct 23, 2012
A small vein grew on Shindou's head. He wasn't pleased that one of the Mempo ANBU had the audacity to speak up against the Regent Commander. Surely, the next class they should hold is "How to respect your superiors and allies." The ANBU branch is falling apart and he maybe one of the reasons why and the Commander not scolding him rough enough is another reason. Punishments like D rank missions and washing the Sileo should be in order. The old vets anger receded as Rin put him back into his place. It's not like Shindou didn't like the ANBU, it was just the way he was acting. The Commander proceeded with the lesson and he didn't have any remarks to her. Shindou sat there and knodded.

OOC: Sry for the post. I don't have much time. It's last two weeks of the semester so you know what that means.
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