Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Answering the Medical Sennin Summons

May 7, 2023
Akira didn't sleep much, but instead, he found some peace and quiet and decided to let the night slip by with the aid of a book rather than focusing on the sleeping side, no this way he would make sure that he was able to prepare for what the day may bring, and see what this conversation would lead him to. As he walked the streets, he felt his stomach growl as he walked past the bars and food places, though he had made a little money the family took most, and going to eat out was still the last thing on his list, his clothes, the only ones he had got new from Kiriyomi still clung to him, as he didn't get the opportunity to wash them, he still tried to make the most of his looks and come with a tidy appearance. Walking into the hospital and reception he looked to the lady at the desk.

"Hello, I have been told to find the Sennin, I need to go to the office, you could point me in that direction?"

After a small lesson on the hospital, and the layout he found himself walking the corridors, up the stairs, and around the corridors, all packed in and seeming to be busy, it seemed they were short-staffed at the moment from the insight that he got, though he couldn't argue that happened from time to time, it was just something he noted down in his mind. As he finally found the office, he wrapped his knuckles on the door, before reaching down and opening the office room and stepping inside.

"You requested to see me the morning after the night had let the incidents of yesterday calm down a little bit?"

[Topic Entered]
[Requesting Nao]
Going over and forth in his place, it had a whole lot more roomy hint to it. A bit of color here and there too. Yet the main thing everyone could see was the mountain of paperwork he had been going on. One of his medical chiefs was supposed to start doing work around the place, but they vanished. Then his second Medical Chief... well, that was a spot still open. "Wish they would do their @!#$ paperwork themselves!"

Nao sat there, a few paper mugs were on his desk, clearly he had been here early in the morning working. There were two lids on his desk that had both paperwork files on them. One seemed a lot smaller than the other was and then there was still a big one beside. It was the pile of completed and the pile that still had to be processed. There was this smell of smoke hanging around but the window was open, in the windowsill was an ashtray that had quite a bit inside of it. A pack of smokes to the side.

he heard the knocking and Nao looked up, debating if he should answer or not as he was busy.. But as he looked to the ceiling he bit through the sour apple and told the other to come in as it wasn't locked. "Please come in." He would say and wait for the other to open up the door. "You requested to see me the morning after the night had let the incidents of yesterday calm down a little bit?"

"Yes, things have quiet down a little bit... No one so far has come to me for help, but I hope they will do. The guards body has already been picked up."He didn't want to turn more around the bush that what was going around.

"What do you think of the medical branch? What do you think of the work we do in and around the place?"
Akira stood in the office, in front of the Sennin, no seat offered meant that this was a standing situation for him, as he observed the room quickly glancing in and taking the environment around him, he allowed himself to pause for a few moments considering on the best cause of action to take. He would rather be direct and honest about what he saw and not just keep things in the shadows after all from what he could see sometimes telling the truth as it was was an interesting way to go, and he would rather be honest with the Sennin than just hide behind falsehood.

"Honestly, coming through the hospital, you seem understaffed, if not stretched to breaking at this point, that is as much as I could see from my trip to your office, I am not sure if the next generation of Shinobi have attention towards the Hospital, however, that being said that could be improved with more of a presence, and I do know that the branch could use that, the young blood coming up and assisting and wanting to learn"

He shrugged being honest with Nao he figured that was the way to start this conversation, and he wanted to maintain that. As he pondered the next part on the best way to approach the next part he decided to speak his mind on that front and not hold back at least.

"Also I believe development can be made in the mental health side, Shinobi service but have no-where to discuss the issues they face internally, at least this is to my belief Sennin."
Hearing what this kid had to say... he would nod a couple of times. "That is certainly true... Now what I want you to do... is two things." He spoke and grabbed a letter that had to be given to someone else. "I want you to deliver this as soon as possible as your first task as a Medical In Training, the second task is to be here at 9am sharp tomorrow morning, no butts no nothing. If... you are up for it.." And with that, he would hold the letter up for him to grab.

It was a letter for Ryuu Otami, a girl that was often around inside the byoin to gain this letter a summoning too.

[Medical in Training offered to Akira]
Akira took the letter and tilted his head slightly in respect down to Noa, as he moved away from Sennin and headed towards the door, with the letter clenched in his hand, he would make sure that this made its way to Otami, though he wasn't sure who this person was, it was clear that he would find out, after all it was funny but he had a second letter for this Otami as well, maybe some ramen would make the giving off all of this information across a little bit easier.

"I will see you in the morning, I accept the offer and look forward to seeing what my future brings for me, that being said I will deliver this letter right away"

With that Akira was gone from the office, he had his task and would make sure that he arranged the meeting in the morning, it was coming to the afternoon, and he was going to make sure the tasks he had been given were handed over. He would be back with some enthusiasm in his eyes as he left the Sennin office.

[MiT Accepted]
[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
