Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:


Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013

Training under the tutelage of an ancient animal that has long lived, these shinobi hone their ability as well as the bond that keeps their contract alive. After earning the ultimate trust and the capacity to contain an immense amount of chakra, these shinobi are given a chance to master the practice of Senjutsu they previously may have been exposed to, and are given the title of Archsage upon mastery. An Archsage is able to freely harness the Natural Energy of the world and have reached such a degree of control that Sage Mode takes but a simple breath to enter.

Kinjutsu Table
Prerequisites: Kinjutsu Application, B-Rank, 3 Ability Slots, a Contract

  • The user’s alignment changes to Holy and cannot be changed.
  • The user gains the Sage Mode Ability and it will not take up a slot. If the user already has the ability upon gaining Sage Art, the Sage Mode Ability will no longer take up a slot.
  • When using Sage Mode, if the user’s contract has a different alignment other than Holy, the Archsage remains Holy.
  • The user no longer needs to summon a Contact Beast to enter sage mode, they may choose to enter it at any time with 0 AP timing.
  • The user will no longer lose unspent Natural Energy upon exiting Sage Mode.
  • The Archsage may grant another player access to Sage Mode, making them a Disciple.
    • The Disciple gains a variant of the Sage Mode ability, tagged with contract name. (example; "Sage Mode [Toad Disciple]").
    • The Disciple may only enter Sage Mode for that contract only, but does not require the contract.
    • The Disciple Sage Mode ability requires an ability slot, and follows standard ability rules.
    • The Disciple Sage Mode ability does not requiring summoning a contract to enter it, they choose to activate it, and they enter Sage Mode after 3 AP timing.
    • The Disciple may continue to act while entering Disciple Sage mode
    • The Archsage may only teach someone the Sage Mode ability for a contract they own.
    • The Archsage may only serve as the patron to 3 Disciples at a time.
  • Archsage Techniques are Archsage Senjutsu, and follow the same rules as Contract Senjutsu.
    • The Archsage must choose a Jutsu subtype for the Archsage Senjutsu in their Dojo to apply to all Kinjutsu techniques.

Senjutsu Manipulation - Kinjutsu Ability

Natural Energy is the pure form of chakra and that exists in the world and atmosphere, and Senjutsu is the practice of combining and shaping it with ones own chakra to produce effects grander than either could create on their own. Honing this art, Sages are capable applying this in numerous ways. While the basis of this skill is to control it, an Archsage can learn to infuse this essence of life into other techniques, gather residual energy from their opponents techniques, and even use it to sustain their own life in dire circumstances.

Prerequisites: Archsage

  • The user has a pool of Natural Energy that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra. The user may cast Jutsu using their Natural Energy as normal while their Sage Modeis active.
    • User cannot partially use a portion of Natural Energy in combination to the normal Chakra Cost. They must use Natural Energy as the full cost instead, applying to both initial and maintenance cost.
    • Techniques and Jutsus used with Natural Energy are treated as Holy and gain +10% Damage. This is increased to 15% when used with Techniques or Jutsus that would restore Health or create a Barrier.
    • If Natural Energy is used to activate Contract Summoning Jutsu, the Contract recovers Health each round equal to the Cost.
    • The Archsage passively recovers 5% max CP as Natural Energy per round.
    • There is no limit on the amount of Natural Energy they can gain through battle.
    • Natural Energy cannot be damaged or recovered directly, unless specifically stated otherwise.

Unbound Loyalty - Kinjutsu Ability

A Sage's bond with their allied animal are deeper than the average relationship. Contracted animals have lived long enough to gain knowledge and experience that they usually keep to themselves, only revealing and sharing them to people who have earned their trust and in return, protect each other in the midst of battle. Even when uncalled, these contracted animals have a keen sense of protection, reacting independently from their given instructions for the sake of their friend.

Prerequisites: Archsage

  • While the user's Contract is present in battle, they have 2 Contract Conditionals of their own that do not count against the player's limit of 5.
  • While the user's Contract is not in battle, the 2 Contract Conditionals can be used with the following Pre-Made Conditionals. If a condition has been reached, the Contract is reflexively summoned into battle and will perform the given resolution.
    • Condition
      • If the user receives 10% or more damage.
      • If the user is bound by a Bind.
      • If the user receives a critical hit.
      • If the user performs or receives a Full Hit.
      • If the user performs or receives a Partial Hit.
      • If the user Misses or is Missed by an attack.
      • If the user is Suppressed.
      • If the user receives a Bleeding Rank.
      • If the user receives a Called Shot Rank.

    • Resolution:The Contract will
      • Perform an Offensive technique.
      • Perform a Defensive technique.
      • Perform up to 3 Basic Strikes.
      • Replace active Contract

    • Contracts summoned this way will remain in battle for the round and then leave.
    • Contracts summoned this way do not replace the current Contract on the battlefield.
    • Techniques performed by the Contract are chosen as part of the conditional set by the Archsage.
      • The AP cost is deducted if the Contract is summoned normally during the round.
      • The Chakra Cost is deducted from the Contract as normal.
    • If the Contract is summoned through Unbound Loyalty, they are considered valid targets for the round and will retain any damage or effects that were inflicted to them upon being summoned again.
    • Contract Conditionals follow standard Conditional Rules.
    • If the Archsage has two contracts, they can split the Contract Conditionals between the two of them.
    • Replacing an active Contract may only happen once per battle, but the replaced contract may continue to be used for other conditionals.

Essence of Life - Archsage Senjutsu

Chakra is life energy. All living beings, from humans, to plants and animals, to even demons, have chakra; this is the truth of the world. An Archsage that understands this may guide the flow of life in living creatures, and with a touch, can imbue the target with natural energy to strengthen their lifeforce.

Prerequisites: Archsage, B-Rank

Rank 1/2: Infuses an ally with Natural Energy for 20/30 seconds. During this time, the target is considered Holy and any Hp/Cp recovery that affects them is 10%/15% more effective. If cast with Senjutsu Manipulation, this may target up to two/three allies.

Special Action - Life Manipulation: If the user's HP drops to 0 while Sage Mode is active, they may reflexively cast this jutsu upon themselves. This allows them to remain conscious until Sage Mode ends, at which point they are immediately KO'd for the remainder of battle (even if their HP is healed above 0). Any damage taken past 0 HP is also dealt directly to their Natural Energy pool.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 2.5 AP and 730 Cp

  • Does not require handseals.

Naturalization - Archsage Senjutsu

In the world where chakra is almost utilized by everything, an Archsage with mastery over Senjutsu can cleanse the impurity infused into an attack, turning it into a harmless and pure chakra that they can absorb for their own.

Prerequisites: Archsage, B-Rank

Rank 1/2: The user may reflexively attempt to convert an attack targeting them into Natural Energy at +0/+1 accuracy. If successful, the attack is dispelled and converts the damage and into Natural Energy. If unsuccessful, its damage is reduced by 30%/40% and only this reduced amount is converted into Natural Energy.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 2.5 AP and 680 Chakra.

  • Does not require handseals.
  • Requires 10 second cooldown after use.
  • Naturalization makes a check using whatever accuracy type the incoming attack was used with. If the attack uses Melee Accuracy, a Melee Check between both the user and the attacker is made. If the user fails this check, they are auto-hit by the attack.
  • If used successfully while Sage Mode is active, the duration of Sage Mode is extended by 10 seconds; this may only occur once per Sage Mode activation. If used successfully while Sage Mode is on cooldown, this cancels the cooldown and automatically activates Sage Mode; this may only occur once per battle.

Breath of the Wild - Archsage Senjutsu

A technique, also known as Inorganic Reanimation, allows the user to figuratively breathe life into the land around them by directly taking control of Natural Energy, or infuse it into things without it such as the earth. In either case, this gives the user the capability to make even drastic alterations to their immediate environment that occur both suddenly and unexpectedly. The environment itself is an Archsage's ally.

Prerequisites: Archsage, A-Rank

Rank 1/2: Controls the environment. Once per round, the user may have the environment perform one of the below actions. The environment has no AP, HP, or CP, but actions performed by it takes the timing of 2 seconds.
  • Attack: When an enemy target the user is aware of dodges an attack, the environment may attempt to attack it for 3520/4400.
  • Protect: Reflexively defends all allied targets from a single attack that hits them, blocking up to 3520/4400 damage.
  • Alter: Changes the Terrain Modifiers of the battle into the user's choice for the duration of the round. At Rank 2, can nullify Terrain Techniques for the remainder of the round.
Rank 1/2 Cost: 3 AP, 3025 Natural Energy and 1510 Natural Energy per round.

  • This is a Creation Jutsu.
  • Does not require handseals.
  • Lasts for the duration of Sage Mode.
  • Attack: Uses the Archsage Senjutsu sub-type choice for acc/dc and damage buffs.
  • Protect: Follows all Barrier Rules, with DR matching the Archsage Senjutsu Sub-type.

Gaia's Vengeance - Archsage Senjutsu

The epitome of an Archsage is their oneness with the world around them. In a last ditch moment of desperation, an Archsage may draw upon the power of the world, from the smallest to largest creatures, the birds in the air, from every tree to every blade of grass as far as they can see. Though channeling such a power takes time, the result allows them to strike with the Natural Energy of the earth itself.

Prerequisites: Archsage, S-Rank

Rank 1/2: The user gathers energy for the duration of their Sage Mode. While active, this Technique stores damage equal to 20%/30% of all chakra and Natural Energy used by all participants in battle. At any point, the user may choose to add this stored damage into any given offensive attack (even one made by another target) to increase its damage by an equal amount (this additional damage cannot be increased via damage bonuses); this attack may hit an additional +3 targets. This Technique ends when the attack is launched or Sage Mode ends.

Cost: 4 Ap, 3980 Natural Energy and 1990 CP per round.

  • Does not require handseals.
  • Requires Sage Mode to be active.
  • Once initiated, this Technique cannot be cancelled (willingly or otherwise) outside of KO'ing the user. The user cannot be prevented from maintaining it.
  • If Sage Mode ends before using this stored energy, this jutsu will launch itself as an attack using the Archsage Senjutsu’s Accuracy, dealing the accumulated damage to up to 3 random targets.
  • The casting and maintenance cost of this technique is counted for the accumulated damage.
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Training under the tutelage of an ancient animal that has long lived, these shinobi hone their ability as well as the bond that keeps their contract alive. After earning the ultimate trust and the capacity to contain an immense amount of chakra, these shinobi are given a chance to master the practice of Senjutsu they previously may have been exposed to, and are given the title of Archsage upon mastery. An Archsage is able to freely harness the [I]Natural Energy[/I] of the world and have reached such a degree of control that [I]Sage Mode[/I] takes but a simple breath to enter.

[U][B]Kinjutsu Table[/B][/U]
[*][goto=Ab1]Senju Manipulation[/goto] (Ability)
[*][goto=Ab2]Unbound Loyalty[/goto] (Ability)
[*][goto=B1]Essence of Life[/goto] (B-Rank Technique)
[*][goto=B2]Naturalization[/goto] (B-Rank Technique)
[*][goto=A1]Breath of the Wild[/goto] (A-Rank Technique)
[*][goto=S1]Gaia's Vengeance[/goto] (S-Rank Technique)
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Kinjutsu Application, B-Rank, 3 Ability Slots, a Contract

[*]The user’s alignment changes to [COLOR=blue]Holy[/COLOR] and cannot be changed.
[*]The user gains the [URL=''][I]Sage Mode[/I][/URL] Ability and it will not take up a slot. If the user already has the ability upon gaining Sage Art, the Sage Mode Ability will no longer take up a slot.
[*]When using Sage Mode, if the user’s contract has a different alignment other than [COLOR=blue]Holy[/COLOR], the Archsage remains [COLOR=blue]Holy[/COLOR].
[*]The user no longer needs to summon a Contact Beast to enter sage mode, they may choose to enter it at any time with 0 AP timing.
[*]The user will no longer lose unspent [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] upon exiting Sage Mode.
[*]The Archsage may grant another player access to Sage Mode, making them a Disciple.
[*]The Disciple gains a variant of the Sage Mode ability, tagged with contract name.  [I](example; "Sage Mode [Toad Disciple]")[/I].
[*]The Disciple may only enter Sage Mode for that contract only, but does not require the contract.
[*]The Disciple Sage Mode ability requires an ability slot, and follows standard ability rules.
[*]The Disciple Sage Mode ability does not requiring summoning a contract to enter it, they choose to activate it, and they enter Sage Mode after 3 AP timing.
[*]The Disciple may continue to act while entering Disciple Sage mode
[*]The Archsage may only teach someone the Sage Mode ability for a contract they own.
[*]The Archsage may only serve as the patron to 3 Disciples at a time.
[*]Archsage Techniques are Archsage Senjutsu, and follow the same rules as Contract Senjutsu.
[*]The Archsage must choose a Jutsu subtype for the Archsage Senjutsu in their Dojo to apply to all Kinjutsu techniques.

[anchor=Ab1][U][B]Senjutsu Manipulation - [I]Kinjutsu Ability[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
[I]Natural Energy[/I] is the pure form of chakra and that exists in the world and atmosphere, and Senjutsu is the practice of combining and shaping it with ones own chakra to produce effects grander than either could create on their own. Honing this art, Sages are capable applying this in numerous ways. While the basis of this skill is to control it, an Archsage can learn to infuse this essence of life into other techniques, gather residual energy from their opponents techniques, and even use it to sustain their own life in dire circumstances.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Archsage

[*]The user has a pool of [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] that has a base amount equal to 30% of the user's Chakra. The user may cast Jutsu using their [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] as normal while their [I]Sage Mode[/I]is active.
[*]User cannot partially use a portion of [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] in combination to the normal Chakra Cost. They must use [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] as the full cost instead, applying to both initial and maintenance cost.
[*]Techniques and Jutsus used with [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] are treated as [COLOR=blue]Holy[/COLOR] and gain +10% Damage. This is increased to 15% when used with Techniques or Jutsus that would restore Health or create a Barrier.
[*]If [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] is used to activate [I]Contract Summoning[/I] Jutsu, the Contract recovers Health each round equal to the Cost.
[*]The Archsage passively recovers 5% max CP as [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] per round.
[*]There is no limit on the amount of [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] they can gain through battle.
[*][COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] cannot be damaged or recovered directly, unless specifically stated otherwise.

[anchor=Ab2][U][B]Unbound Loyalty - [I]Kinjutsu Ability[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
A Sage's bond with their allied animal are deeper than the average relationship. Contracted animals have lived long enough to gain knowledge and experience that they usually keep to themselves, only revealing and sharing them to people who have earned their trust and in return, protect each other in the midst of battle. Even when uncalled, these contracted animals have a keen sense of protection, reacting independently from their given instructions for the sake of their friend.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Archsage

[*]While the user's Contract [B][I]is[/I][/B] present in battle, they have 2 [URL='']Contract Conditionals[/URL] of their own that do not count against the player's limit of 5.
[*]While the user's Contract [B][I]is not[/I][/B] in battle, the 2 Contract Conditionals can be used with the following [I]Pre-Made Conditionals[/I]. If a condition has been reached, the Contract is reflexively summoned into battle and will perform the given resolution.
[spoiler="Pre-Made Conditionals"]
[*]If the user receives 10% or more damage.
[*]If the user is bound by a Bind.
[*]If the user receives a critical hit.
[*]If the user performs or receives a Full Hit.
[*]If the user performs or receives a Partial Hit.
[*]If the user Misses or is Missed by an attack.
[*]If the user is Suppressed.
[*]If the user receives a Bleeding Rank.
[*]If the user receives a Called Shot Rank.
[B]Resolution:[/B]The Contract will
[*]Perform an Offensive technique.
[*]Perform a Defensive technique.
[*]Perform up to 3 Basic Strikes.
[*]Replace active Contract

[*]Contracts summoned this way will remain in battle for the round and then leave.
[*]Contracts summoned this way do not replace the current Contract on the battlefield.
[*]Techniques performed by the Contract are chosen as part of the conditional set by the Archsage.
[*]The AP cost is deducted if the Contract is summoned normally during the round.
[*]The Chakra Cost is deducted from the Contract as normal.
[*]If the Contract is summoned through [I]Unbound Loyalty[/I], they are considered valid targets for the round and will retain any damage or effects that were inflicted to them upon being summoned again.
[*]Contract Conditionals follow standard Conditional Rules.
[*]If the Archsage has two contracts, they can split the Contract Conditionals between the two of them.
[*]Replacing an active Contract may only happen once per battle, but the replaced contract may continue to be used for other conditionals.

[anchor=B1][U][B]Essence of Life - [I]Archsage Senjutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
Chakra is life energy. All living beings, from humans, to plants and animals, to even demons, have chakra; this is the truth of the world. An Archsage that understands this may guide the flow of life in living creatures, and with a touch, can imbue the target with natural energy to strengthen their lifeforce.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Archsage, B-Rank

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] Infuses an ally with [I]Natural Energy[/I] for 20/30 seconds. During this time, the target is considered [COLOR=blue]Holy[/COLOR] and any Hp/Cp recovery that affects them is 10%/15% more effective. If cast with [I]Senjutsu Manipulation[/I], this may target up to two/three allies.

[I]Special Action - Life Manipulation:[/I] If the user's HP drops to 0 while [I]Sage Mode[/I] is active, they may reflexively cast this jutsu upon themselves. This allows them to remain conscious until [I]Sage Mode[/I] ends, at which point they are immediately KO'd for the remainder of battle [I](even if their HP is healed above 0)[/I]. Any damage taken past 0 HP is also dealt directly to their [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] pool.

[B]Rank 1/2 Cost:[/B] 2.5 AP and 730 Cp

[*]Does not require handseals.

[anchor=B2][U][B]Naturalization - [I]Archsage Senjutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
In the world where chakra is almost utilized by everything, an Archsage with mastery over Senjutsu can  cleanse the impurity infused into an attack, turning it into a harmless and pure chakra that they can absorb for their own.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Archsage, B-Rank

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] The user may reflexively attempt to convert an attack targeting them into [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] at +0/+1 accuracy. If successful, the attack is dispelled and converts the damage and into [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR]. If unsuccessful, its damage is reduced by 30%/40% and only this reduced amount is converted into [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR].

[B]Rank 1/2 Cost:[/B] 2.5 AP and 680 Chakra.

[*]Does not require handseals.
[*]Requires 10 second cooldown after use.
[*]Naturalization makes a check using whatever accuracy type the incoming attack was used with. If the attack uses Melee Accuracy, a Melee Check between both the user and the attacker is made. If the user fails this check, they are auto-hit by the attack.
[*]If used successfully while [I]Sage Mode[/I] is active, the duration of [I]Sage Mode[/I] is extended by 10 seconds; this may only occur once per [I]Sage Mode[/I] activation. If used successfully while [I]Sage Mode[/I] is on cooldown, this cancels the cooldown and automatically activates [I]Sage Mode[/I]; this may only occur once per battle.

[anchor=A1][U][B]Breath of the Wild  - [I]Archsage Senjutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
A technique, also known as [I]Inorganic Reanimation[/I], allows the user to figuratively breathe life into the land around them by directly taking control of Natural Energy, or infuse it into things without it such as the earth. In either case, this gives the user the capability to make even drastic alterations to their immediate environment that occur both suddenly and unexpectedly. The environment itself is an Archsage's ally.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Archsage, A-Rank

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] Controls the environment. Once per round, the user may have the environment perform one of the below actions. The environment has no AP, HP, or CP, but actions performed by it takes the timing of 2 seconds.
[*][B]Attack:[/B] When an enemy target the user is aware of dodges an attack, the environment may attempt to attack it for 3520/4400.
[*][B]Protect:[/B] Reflexively defends all allied targets from a single attack that hits them, blocking up to 3520/4400 damage.
[*][B]Alter:[/B] Changes the [URL=''][I]Terrain Modifiers[/I][/URL] of the battle into the user's choice for the duration of the round. At Rank 2, can nullify Terrain Techniques for the remainder of the round.
[B]Rank 1/2 Cost:[/B] 3 AP, 3025 [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] and 1510 [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] per round.

[*]This is a [I]Creation[/I] Jutsu.
[*]Does not require handseals.
[*]Lasts for the duration of [I]Sage Mode[/I].
[*][B]Attack:[/B] Uses the Archsage Senjutsu sub-type choice for acc/dc and damage buffs.
[*][B]Protect:[/B] Follows all Barrier Rules, with DR matching the Archsage Senjutsu Sub-type.

[anchor=S1][U][B]Gaia's Vengeance - [I]Archsage Senjutsu[/I][/B][/U][/anchor]
The epitome of an Archsage is their oneness with the world around them. In a last ditch moment of desperation, an Archsage may draw upon the power of the world, from the smallest to largest creatures, the birds in the air, from every tree to every blade of grass as far as they can see. Though channeling such a power takes time, the result allows them to strike with the Natural Energy of the earth itself.

[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Archsage, S-Rank

[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] The user gathers energy for the duration of their [I]Sage Mode[/I]. While active, this Technique stores damage equal to 20%/30% of all chakra and [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] used by all participants in battle. At any point, the user may choose to add this stored damage into any given offensive attack [I](even one made by another target)[/I] to increase its damage by an equal amount [I](this additional damage cannot be increased via damage bonuses)[/I]; this attack may hit an additional +3 targets. This[I] Technique [/I]ends when the attack is launched or [I]Sage Mode[/I] ends.

[B]Cost:[/B] 4 Ap, 3980 [COLOR=blue][I]Natural Energy[/I][/COLOR] and 1990 CP per round.

[*]Does not require handseals.
[*]Requires [I]Sage Mode[/I] to be active.
[*]Once initiated, this Technique cannot be cancelled [I](willingly or otherwise)[/I] outside of KO'ing the user. The user cannot be prevented from maintaining it.
[*]If [I]Sage Mode[/I] ends before using this stored energy, this jutsu will launch itself as an attack using the [I]Archsage Senjutsu’s Accuracy[/I], dealing the accumulated damage to up to 3 random targets.
[*]The casting and maintenance cost of this technique is counted for the accumulated damage.
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Current Ninpocho Time:
