Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.
Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.
Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.
The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.
Have you ever wondered how the battle system works? Ever been confused or unsure where to find a rule about it or whether or not you can do something? Search no further than this topic, it has nearly everything you'll need to know about the battle system.
Every Playable Character or PC in this game has stats. These stats are as follows: Agility, Stamina, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Chakra Control. At the start of the game, you will receive a '5' for each of your stats, except Chakra Control. For Chakra Control, you will start with zero. To increase your stats, you must train (See: Training) and this can be done once a week.
What do your stats do? Your stats determine various things: How accurate certain attacks are, how well you are at dodging certain attacks and much, much more. For modded battles, your stats are converted into something called Secondaries. (See: Secondaries) Those are the actual values used to determine directly whether an attack hits or misses.
On Ninpocho Chronicles, we call the combined total of all your stats your Power Level. This is often abbreviated to "PL" or "Plvl". Regardless, Power Level affects many things. It is the number you get by adding all of your stats together.
Power Level or PL = Agility + Stamina + Ninjutsu + Genjutsu + Taijutsu + Chakra Control
Power Level is further used to determine various things, shown below, which will explained in further tabs.
Character Level or CL is determined from your Power Level. It also has various uses within our system and ranges from one to fifteen. You determine your Character Level by finding your Power Level and then comparing it to the following chart:
Action Points
AP is what determines how much you can do in a round. A round of battle is defined as 10 seconds. You use action points to do just about every action in a modded battle. Each OOC Rank has a the same amount of actions points:
E-S Rank: 10 AP
At the end of a round, a player can carry over 1ap or less to the next round.
AP Loss
A Player cannot lose more than half their AP from Poisons, Suppression, Max AP reduction and similar effects. This is worked off the player's AP for the current round, so a person with 10 AP that round cannot lose more than 5, but a person with 12 AP cannot lose more than 6.
Alright, so the timing of actions, or the so called Action Stack, or AP stack is something that is a bit confusing. It also seems to be a bit misunderstood, especially concerning round timers on jutsu, which actions resolve first and similar.
{[AP of Action / Player's AP in the Round] * 10} = Time action takes to resolve.
An alternative method is to divide 10 by their maximum AP, and this will give you the number of seconds a single AP is. You can then multiply it as needed. IE 10 AP, 10/10 = 1 seconds per 1 AP. A .5 AP move would be 10*.5=0.5. If it needs to be rounded up, do not round anything until the final output.
Rookie Class
When a character reaches 200 PL, they are able to create their own class. Until that class is created, players are given the Rookie Class.
Rookie Class said:
Rookie Class HP: (38+lvl) x Stamina CP: (38+lvl) x Chakra Control Class Feature: None High: None Average: All Low: None
What do classes do? Classes determine the strengths and weaknesses of your character. Your class is made up of HP (Health Points) and CP (Chakra Points) Modifiers, High, Average, and Low secondary stats, and a Class Bonus.
What is the difference in a having a secondary in High/Average/Low as opposed to somewhere else?
Having a secondary in a high slot means that one has a greater accuracy in that area as opposed to having said secondary in average or low. While having a secondary in low equates to having a lower accuracy; having a secondary in Low is usually meant for Jutsu/Accuracy Types you wouldn't normally use. You can also view this as your weakest element.
Custom Class Format: Class Name HP: (mod1+lvl) x stamina CP: (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Class bonus features High: High Stat(s) Average: Average Stats Low: Low Stat(s)
[u]Class Name[/u]
[b]HP:[/b] (mod1+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP:[/b] (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
Class Bonus: Class bonus features
[i]High:[/i] High Stat(s)
[i]Average:[/i] Average Stats
[i]Low:[/i] Low Stat(s)
Your total Class Modifier starts at 90 and may vary depending on where you wish to assign your Accuracy Types (see below). Once a player achieves the OOC Rank B-Rank they receive "Veteran Grade" which increases both of their HP and CP Modifiers are raised by +5 making the total base Class Modifier 100 with a minimum of 35 for each pool as opposed to the standard minimum of 30 and additional 2 Class Bonus Points to spend.
When creating your Custom Class you are able to move your Melee Accuracy, Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy and Genjutsu DC into any of the High, Average or Low Accuracy categories. Moving your Accuracy Types around will affect your HP modifiers in different ways (see below) and must abide by the following restrictions: IMPORTANT: Neither modifier can drop below 30 before Veteran status. At Veteran Grade, they must be at least 35. IMPORTANT: A player may not have more than 2 Accuracy Types assigned to High Accuracy. In addition if no Accuracy Types are assigned to High Accuracy then at least one must be assigned to Average Accuracy. IMPORTANT: Evasion (Dodge) and Genjutsu Save are a fixed secondary and are always in average.
Assigning an Accuracy Type to High Accuracy reduces your sum total Class Modifier by -10.
Assigning an Accuracy Type to Average Accuracy does not affect your total Class Modifier positively or negatively.
Assigning an Accuracy Type to Low Accuracy increases your sum total Class Modifier by +5.
You may assign your four Accuracy Types as you desire as long as they conform to the three rules listed as IMPORTANT. The resulting sum total of your Class Modifier is then divided between HP and CP Modifiers to your discretion (again conforming to the rules listed as IMPORTANT). A finished Custom Class will look something like this:
Example Class
HP: (50+Level) * Stamina CP: (40+Level) * Chakra Control High: Ninjutsu Accuracy Average: Dodge, Genjutsu Save, Melee Accuracy Low: Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
In the above example the player starts at 90 then assigns their Accuracy types. In total they gain +10 to their total Class Modifier from having two Accuracy Types assigned to Low Accuracy but then incur a penalty of -10 to their total Class Modifier for having assigned an Accuracy Type to High Accuracy. This leaves them with a total of 90 total Class Modifier which they have chosen to assign between their HP and CP Modifiers as 50 and 40. At B-Rank they gain an extra 10 total Class Modifier to play with which they may assign in any amount they wish to their HP or CP modifiers so long as each of them are, at minimum, 35.
Class Creation Guide Unsure of what to do for your class? Here's a helpful little guide!
When you start creating your Custom Class you should copy down the empty format below. This is your first step.
[u]<Insert Class Name>[/u]
[b]HP[/b]: (mod1+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP[/b]: (mod2+lvl) x chakra control
[b]Class Bonus[/b]:
First decide what Accuracy Types you want to assign to either High, Average or Low Accuracy. This will tell you what your total Class Modifier will be for assigning to your HP and CP Modifiers (remember that the base Class Modifier is always 90!). Once you have assigned your Accuracy Types and applied the changes to your Class Modifier that they cost you should be ready to move on to the next step. Refer to Example 1-1 below for how this step should look.
Rock Lee decides that he wants to be good at Taijutsu and no other type of techniques in order to have a higher base Class Modifier. He assigns his Melee Accuracy to High Accuracy which reduces his total Class Modifier from 90 to 80 but then assigns Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy and Genjutsu DC to Low Accuracy which increases his total Class Modifier to 95 total (+5 for each Accuracy Type he assigned to Low Accuracy). Knowing that he wants to have a high HP pool and Taijutsu techniques tend to be cheap on CP, he decides to assign the maximum that he can to his HP Modifier without dropping his CP Modifier below 30 (as that is not allowed). This gives him an HP/CP Modifier split of 65/30 and leaves his Custom Class looking like this so far:
[i]Green Beast of Konoha[/i]
[b]HP[/b]: (65+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP[/b]: (30+lvl) x chakra control
[b]Class Bonus[/b]:
[i]High[/i]: Melee Accuracy
[i]Average[/i]: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
[i]Low[/i]: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
The next step is to pick your Class Bonus. Each player starts with 4 points worth of Class Points to spend from the Class Bonus table found in the appropriate section (link: HERE).
Continuing from where we left Rock Lee in the last example, the time has come for Rock to select his Class Bonus. Previously Rock decided that his character would be extremely durable and an expert in the category of Taijutsu but be terrible at everything else so his Class Bonus should reflect that. At this point Rock decides that his character is also going to specialize in Unarmed Taijutsu so he selects the 3 point bonus "Choose a [Specific Jutsu Subtype]; these Jutsu gain +1 Accuracy/DC and +5% Damage" and applies it to Unarmed Taijutsu. With 1 point left he decides to take the 1 point choice of "+1 HP Mod" and that finishes his Class Bonus off. At this point Rock Lee's Custom Class looks like this:
[i]Green Beast of Konoha[/i]
[b]HP[/b]: (66+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP[/b]: (30+lvl) x chakra control
[b]Class Bonus[/b]: +1 Accuracy and +5% Damage to Unarmed Taijutsu
[i]High[/i]: Melee Accuracy
[i]Average[/i]: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
[i]Low[/i]: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
Advanced Scenario
Instead of the above, Rock decides to play around with a bit of a more advanced set-up. He decides he wants to go all-in on being as durable as he can possibly be so he selects the 4 point bonus of "+4 HP and CP Mod". This raises his HP Mod to 69 but more importantly raises his CP Mod to 34 which is 4 higher than the required minimum allowing him to redistribute 4 points into his HP Modifier. This means his final HP/CP Modifier split is 73/30.
At this point you are done creating your Custom Class assuming that you are not a B-Rank player. Upon achieving B-Rank you gain "Veteran Grade" which increases your total HP/CP Modifiers by 5 each (raising the minimum modifier respectively to 35) and gain an additional 2 Class Points giving you a total of 6.
After a couple of months of play, Rock Lee has finally reached B-Rank and unlocked his Veteran Grade status. This gives him an automatic bonus of +5 to both his HP and his CP Modifiers but also raises the minimum as well. Since he already had the minimum CP Modifier this doesn't change much for Rock in terms of HP/CP Modifier split but the 2 extra Class Points he gains mean quite a lot for him. In his time playing his character Rock has decided that his character absolutely must take on the Hachimon Kinjutsu in order to complete the hard working and tough master of Taijutsu. This means that he must spend all 6 of his Class Points on the "Kinjutsu Option" 6 point bonus which replaces his previous bonus. Rock Lee's final class now looks like this:
[i]Green Beast of Konoha[/i]
[b]HP[/b]: (70+lvl) x stamina
[b]CP[/b]: (35+lvl) x chakra control
[b]Class Bonus[/b]: Kinjutsu Option (Hachimon)
[i]High[/i]: Melee Accuracy
[i]Average[/i]: Dodge, Genjutsu Save
[i]Low[/i]: Ninjutsu Accuracy, Ranged Accuracy, Genjutsu DC
It is important to note here that in the examples we've gone over Rock Lee never selected a Bloodline or Core Ability and has not selected any Abilities. We won't go over every case which can affect your Custom Class here with those various things but things such as BL/CAs can increase or decrease your total HP or CP Modifiers or allow you to move your Accuracy Types around to High, Average or Low at no cost to your Class Modifier. If you end up having any questions about interactions like these feel free to PM either a member of your local Village Council or the Administrative Team and they will be happy to answer questions for you.
One of the unique aspects of a class is that you get 4 class points to put wherever you want.
- Everyone gains +2 Bonus Points upon reaching B-Rank.
These points can be spent on any of the following:
1 pt.
+1 Hp Mod
+1 Cp Mod
+.5 Accuracy
+.5 Dodge
+.5 Genjutsu DC
+.5 Genjutsu Save
-2% chance of being inflicted by Bleeding, Suppression, Called Shots and Secondary Effect
2 pt.
-5% Cp cost
+5% [Specific Jutsu Subtype] Damage (A specific Weapon-Type/Base or Advanced Element/Genjutsu Sense)
+5% Medical Healing given and received
+5% Damage Reduction
+10% Chance of inflicting Bleeding (May not be purchased more than twice.)
+10% Chance of inflicting Suppression (May not be purchased more than twice.)
+10% Chance of inflicting Called Shots (May not be purchased more than twice.)
+5% Chance of inflicting Secondary Effects
+5% Sneak Attack Chance (Attacks will be considered sneak attacks; if activated on a normal sneak attack, it will not drop the user from stealth.)
+5% Auto Detect Chance
+1 Miscellaneous Inventory slot
1 Free basic attack per round
3 pts.
+5% Auto-Dodge
+5% Auto-Hit
+5% [Damage Type] Damage (Damage Type must be Taijutsu/Ninjutsu/Genjutsu)
+1 to one Secondary and all its ‘Checks’* (See bottom notes)
+1 [Type] Accuracy and Genjutsu DC; (Accuracy Type must be Melee/Ranged/Ninjutsu)
+1 Dodge and Genjutsu Save
Choose a [Specific Jutsu Subtype]; these Jutsu gain +1 Accuracy/DC and +5% Damage. (A specific Weapon-Type/Base or Advanced Element/Genjutsu Sense)
+2 Stealth and Awareness
+1 Critical Range
4 pt.
+4 Hp and Cp Mod
+5% Auto-dodge and Auto-hit
+5% to all Damage
6 pt.
The ability to obtain a Kinjutsu (Once you obtain your kinjutsu, your class bonus is to be changed to "Kinjutsu Option" for free)
+1 Ability Slot
+1 to all Secondaries and their ‘Checks’.**(See bottom notes)
*- Choosing Accuracy or Gen DC gives the user a +1 bonus when maintaining an attack using said accuracy type against others.
*- Choosing Dodge gives the user a +1 Bonus when making a non-genjutsu check against someone else's attack.
*- Choosing Genjutsu Save gives the user a +1 bonus when making a check against some else's Genjutsu.
*-If the user already possesses a custom class effect that can only be purchased a limited number of times, Cursed Seals will not allow bypassing such limit.
**All the above notes apply.
No longer satisfied with your custom class? Want another? This is how you go about doing so!
- Write a 100 WC (Word Count) paragraph as to why your character has chosen to switch their fighting style.
- Sacrifice 35 Training Points/Advanced Shop Points.
- Post it up in your dojo!
- Kinjutsu Users!
Once you obtain your kinjutsu, head to your village request board for your class bonus to be changed to "Kinjutsu Option". If you wish to change the remainder of your class (HP/CP Modifiers, High/Average/Low) you need to follow the above.
Hand Seals Use of both hands; however there are abilities that allow single handed seals.
Ninjutsu: Require hand seals unless stated otherwise.
Genjutsu: Require hand seal unless stated otherwise.
Taijutsu: Do not require hand seals to perform, however you must have the proper weapon equipped.
Bloodline/Core Ability Jutsu: Do not require hand seals unless stated otherwise.
Kinjutsu: Require hand seals unless stated otherwise.
One Handed Seals: May be used while equipped with a weapon unless otherwise stated.
Important: All Ninjutsu and Taijutsu secondary effects, such as bleeding, suppression, stunning, Setting afire, debuffs, and other effects aside from damage do not apply on partial hits. These secondary effects are only applied upon a full hit of a Jutsu.
No Jutsu may stack with itself unless is states that it can.
Any action that targets an enemy is considered an "Attack"; regardless of whether it deals damage or not. A player may attack themselves.
Basic attacks (punches, kicks, attacking with a weapon, throwing Kunai/Shuriken/etc.) cost .75AP
When a player is out of CP, and attempts to use a technique using chakra, they suffer Chakra Burn, where the CP cost comes out their HP at a 2:1 ratio. (eg A user with 200 CP left, attempting a 400 CP Jutsu, would spend 200 CP, and the remaining cost would be 400 HP.)
Anything with a CP Stat that has run out of CP will take any remaining damage as Chakra Burn, with the CP damage converted to HP damage at a 2:1 Ratio. (eg 400 CP damage against an opponent with 200 CP left, would take 200 CP damage, and the remaining damage would deal 400 HP damage. Damage taken this way will remain without an alignment.)
CP damage against anything that does not have a CP stat is automatically in Chakra Burn and has the damage converted into HP damage at 2:1 Ratio. (eg 200 CP damage against Barrier or Abysmal Harbinger would deal 400 damage)
CP Damage retains the alignment of the attack it was made with, with the alignment effect applying to CP instead of HP. (Spiritual has 10% of it's damage restored as HP to the user before all damage bonuses and penalties have been calculated, Holy restores the users CP for 10% of the CP damage that it deals as soon as the attack is completed and Cursed causes the accumulated CP damage equal to 10% of the total amount of Cursed CP Damage dealt to opponents CP over the course of the battle to be dealt at the end of each round.
If the user is out of CP they are unable to cast any jutsu that restores Hit Points (HP). (If the player has an alternative source to draw CP to cast the Jutsu, they can do so).
Jutsu on NC are organized by level. The higher the level, the higher the rank you have to be to use the jutsu. There are also individual requirements for each specific jutsu. Jutsu themselves are sorted into three major categories: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. There are, however, some unique jutsu thrown in, that can be classified under the major three categories. Such jutsu include ANBU jutsu, Mednin Jutsu, Kinjutsu, Puppet Jutsu, and more.
The following describes who can use what level:
Level 1 Jutsu: E Rank and up
Level 2 Jutsu: E Rank and up
Level 3 Jutsu: D Rank and up
Level 4 Jutsu: D Rank and up
Level 5 Jutsu: C Rank and up
Level 6 Jutsu: C Rank and up
Level 7 Jutsu: B Rank and up
Level 8 Jutsu: A Rank and up
Level 9 Jutsu: S Rank only
There are also some jutsu that go by a different leveling system; but it is equal to the one above. As the system grows and gets updating, the following system will be replacing the one above.
Level E Jutsu = Level 1-2
Level D Jutsu = level 3-4
Level C Jutsu = level 5-6
Level B Jutsu = level 7
Level A Jutsu = level 8
Level S Jutsu = Level 9
Be very careful when purchasing jutsu, and be sure you meet all of the requirements beyond just rank!
E-Rank Ninjutsu: 1 AP unless noted
D-Rank Ninjutsu: 1.5 AP unless noted
C-Rank Ninjutsu: 2 AP unless noted
B-Rank Ninjutsu: 2.5 AP unless noted
A-Rank Ninjutsu: 3 AP unless noted
S-Rank Ninjutsu (Kinjutsu mostly): 3.5 Ap unless noted
Most Mednin jutsu fall under Ninjutsu, as well as many of the ANBU techniques. Ninjutsu use Ninjutsu Accuracy (Unless otherwise stated) against Ninjutsu Dodge. Medical Ninjutsu, however, use Melee Accuracy and require contact unless otherwise stated.
The first thing to know about Taijutsu is that they cost less CP and require less AP to use. But, as a result, they do less damage, and require different things to be effective. They are more focused on the variety of effects that can be obtained from using weapons and augments, and they have their own unique set of activated buffs. Each weapon has its own set of Taijutsu to use, and each weapon has a special ability that no other weapon has. Each type of damage can cause certain effects (like bleeding, for instance) to occur and augments can change this. Augments and weapons will be gone over in the next post.
For Taijutsu, everything costs .25AP less, and thus the following is used for Taijutsu AP:
E-Rank Taijutsu: .75 Ap
D-Rank Taijutsu: 1.25 Ap
C-Rank Taijutsu: 1.75 Ap
B-Rank Taijutsu: 2.25 Ap
A-Rank Taijutsu: 2.75 Ap
S-Rank Taijutsu: 3.25 Ap
Taijutsu use Melee Accuracy (Unarmed/Slashing/Bludgeoning/Piercing) and Ranged Accuracy (Projectile/Thrown/Puppet), dependent on the weapon and jutsu used, and of course, Melee Dodge and Ranged Dodge, dependent on the same factors.
Note:Buffing Taijutsu do not require handseals unless otherwise stated and may be done without a weapon equipped.
Genjutsu require handseals to use unless otherwise stated.
With Genjutsu one may only target someone that they are aware of. Targeting someone in stealth will result in the genjutsu action (and any connected actions) being skipped. You will not lose chakra or AP or time for not doing your Action.
Genjutsu used in battle are shown on the mod as "Shinobi Bob has used a Genjutsu".
Unless the target is aware of the Genjutsu being used, they cannot use Cancel to remove it.
Once a target is hit with a Genjutsu that is maintained the Genjutsu will receive a check every round it is maintained
If the same Genjutsu is used on the same target, that target has a 25% chance that the target will become aware of the Genjutsu.
Genjutsu have 4 Sense Slots, Will, Visual, Audial, Kinetic. Every Character has one slot for each sense.
A Genjutsu which partially hits has the damage reduced as normal and the target is aware of the Genjutsu.
You may not cast any Genjutsu on yourself normally.
If targeting an opponent that already has a genjutsu being maintained in the targeted sense, a check is made between the caster of the new genjutsu and the existing genjutsu, in an attempt to overwrite it.
- Kinetic: The mind's perception and control over touch.
- Audial: The mind's perception and control over hearing.
- Visual: The mind's perception and control over sights.
- Will: The mind's perception and control over the mind.
Every sense is now its own set (Much like how it was pre-5.5 and similar to Ninjutsu and Taijutsu). You may use multiple genjutsu on a single target but you cannot target the same sense multiple times normally.
Senjutsu are the Technique type for Contracts, and they require a Technique sub-type to be chosen upon gaining the Senjutsu Technique. This is noted in the user's dojo.
The choice of Sub-Type governs the rules of how the Senjutsu will work, for example:
Choosing the Unarmed Technique Subtype means the Senjutsu would require an Unarmed Weapon, and would gain the benefits of the equipped Augments.
Choosing the Fire Ninjutsu Technique Subtype allows the use of Major or Minor Affinities.
Choosing Will Genjutsu Technique Subtype would allow the use of Sensory Moves, and would take up a sense slot
Unless otherwise stated, jutsu damage types match their jutsu type. Ninjutsu is Elemental Damage, Taijutsu is Physical Damage and Genjutsu is Illusionary Damage.
If an attack consists of more than one damage type, then the attack will deal both damage types in the one damage pool, (eg Special Composition causes Taijutsu attacks made with the equipped weapon to be both Physical Damage and Elemental Damage matching the chosen element).
If an ability or technique adds a second amount of damage, it would count as two different damage pools from the same attack. (eg Fire Style - Flare Touch adds Fire damage to melee contact, so when attacking an opponent with Melee Accuracy Basic Strike, they would be dealing 150 Physical Damage and 400 Elemental damage in two separate pools. Or a Spiritual Basic strike would do 105 Physical damage and 45 Illusionary damage in two separate pools).
Illusionary Damage
The main source of Illusionary Damage is Genjutsu, However Illusionary damage does not work like normal damage.
Illusionary Damage caused by Genjutsu cannot be reduced by normal means. Only effects that state specifically that it reduces or blocks Genjutsu may reduce Genjutsu Illusionary Damage.
Non-Genjutsu sources of Illusionary damage can be reduced normally.
Illusionary Damage from Genjutsu or other sources cannot be healed by normal means.
Only effects that state specifically that they heal Illusionary Damage may heal Illusionary Damage.
Standard buff rules still apply to Illusionary Damage.
is a passive damage effect that causes damage at the end of a round. This damage cannot be Buffed or Debuffed in any way and unless otherwise stated lasts 3 rounds.
Passive and Active Damage
There are two ways of which damage is applied in a battle, Actively or passively.
Active Damage is damage caused by a direct effect or damage that is dealt at the same timing every round
A Techniques initial damage
A Maintained Technique's Damage.
Damage Per Round Techniques
Passive Damage is damage caused by an ongoing effect or damage that is dealt at the end of every round
Checks have been clearly defined and are as follows, with the technique type enforcing the check, unless otherwise stated.
Genjutsu Check
A roll between the user and the target of a Technique/ability using each players base Genjutsu Difficulty, unless stated otherwise. This can only be increased by specific buffs which increase Genjutsu Checks. (Eg. +2 Gen DC has no effect, but +2 to Genjutsu Checks does)
Ninjutsu Check
A roll between the user and the target of a Technique/ability using each players base Ninjutsu Accuracy, unless stated otherwise. This can only be increased by specific buffs which increase Ninjutsu Checks. (Eg. +2 Accuracy has no effect, but +2 to Ninjutsu Checks does)
Taijutsu Check
A roll between the user and the target of a Technique/ability using each players base Taijutsu Accuracy(Ranged or Melee dependent on the subtype of the technique), unless stated otherwise. This can only be increased by specific buffs which increase Taijutsu Checks. (Eg. +2 Accuracy has no effect, but +2 to Taijutsu Checks does)
Chosen Technique Check
A roll between the user and the target of a Technique/ability using each players base Chosen Accuracy, unless stated otherwise. This can allow one player to use Ninjutsu Accuracy, and another to use Genjutsu DC to oppose the check. This can only be increased by specific buffs which increase the Chosen Technique Type Checks. (Eg. +2 Accuracy has no effect, but +2 to Ninjutsu Checks does, if the user has selected Ninjutsu Acc)
- A Jutsu may only gain the effects of a single Affinity/Sensory move at a time (chosen at the time of casting). You cannot channel a Jutsu through your weapon and use 'Spread' at the same time, for example.
- Affinity/Sensory moves are not Special Moves, and both may be used together.
- Bloodline, Core Ability and Kinjutsu specific-jutsu are not able to use affinity/sensory moves. This does not apply to special dependent moves, modifications or anything not listed as a jutsu, only jutsu.
- With a Minor Affinity, the user may only use a Minor Affinity move
- With a Major Affinity, the user may perform any Affinity move
- When the user unlocks an Advanced Element, they may automatically use Minor Affinity move with it.
- If a player unlocks an Advanced Element through Bl/CA, the above note does not apply (Unless otherwise stated). They must master half the Jutsu for Minor Affinity moves, and all the Jutsu for a Major Affinity move.
Minor Affinity Moves<i></i>
Overcharge - Increases a Jutsu's damage by +15% and cost by +20% Cp.
Spread - Adds +1 Target to a Jutsu attack; this move may only be used once per round. (Cannot be used on techniques attacks which are not offensive, such as binds.)
Focus - Grants a Ninjutsu attack +2 Accuracy and +1 Critical Range; this move may only be used once per round.
Debilitate - Increases the Secondary effect chances of a Ninjutsu attack by 1/2; this move may only be used once per round.
Handseal Expert - The user may perform a 'Support' Jutsu (A jutsu that does not deal damage) modded as if .5 Ap faster (Ap cost remains unchanged). This may only be done on Jutsu that target themselves or an ally, and the user must perform this Jutsu with Handseals; regardless of any other abilities or effects.
Elemental Channeling - For .5 Ap activation, the user may choose to channel a Base element into an equipped weapon. This allows the user to cast a Jutsu attack of this element (And any Advanced Elements with this Element as a Major) through the weapon without the use of handseals. Only one 'Channeling' may be active at once, and the user loses 400 Cp/Rnd.
Major Affinity Moves<i></i>
Control - The user may cast a Ninjutsu using one handed seals, with -10% Cp cost.
Feint - The user may feint an attack, treating partial hits one level higher and allowing it to be rerolled if it is Auto-dodged.
Combo - The user may immediately follow up a Ninjutsu attack that is a full hit with another Ninjutsu attack of any element they have a major affinity in, modded as a combo; this follow-up Jutsu must be equal level or lower than the first Jutsu. This may only be done once per round, is not a free attack, and counts as the Affinity Move used for both Jutsu.
Advanced Channeling - For .5 Ap activation, the user may choose to channel an Advanced element into an equipped weapon. This allows the user to cast a Jutsu attack of this element and the two Base Elements creating it through the weapon without the use of handseals. Only one 'Channeling' may be active at once, and the user loses 400 Cp/Rnd.
Jutsu Clash - The user may reflexively use a Ninjutsu to counter an offensive Ninjutsu attack aimed at them. A Nin check is made between both users, and whichever side fails this check receives -2 dodge against the winning Jutsu. The losing Jutsu will be negated, and the winning Jutsu's Damage will be reduced by the losing Jutsu's damage.
A Jutsu of equal or greater level must be used to counter a Jutsu.
If an element has an advantage over another it receives a +2 bonus to its check.
In terms of advantages; Fire>Wind>Lightning>Earth>Water>Fire.
Advanced Elements are treated as their Major Element.
Upon mastering a certain number of Genjutsu, the user will be able to use Sensory Moves with their Genjutsu.
Mastering half the total number of jutsu for a single Sense grants the shinobi Sensory Knowledge on genjutsu of that particular sense and allows them access to Sensory Knowledge Special Moves for genjutsu of that sense.
Mastering the total number of jutsu for a single Sense grants the shinobi Sensory Mastery on genjutsu of that particular sense and allows them access to Sensory Mastery Special Moves for genjutsu of that sense.
Bloodline, Core Ability and Kinjutsu specific-jutsu are not able to use affinity moves. This does not apply to special dependent moves, modifications or anything not listed as a jutsu, only jutsu.
Sensory Knowledge Special Moves:
Mental Focus: +2 Gen DC. This may only be used once per round and the Genjutsu used with this may not be used for a full round after it resolves. In the case of a Maintain Genjutsu it wouldn't be able to be used again until a full round after it was no longer maintained though gains this bonus for any checks made for the Genjutsu's duration.
Deja-Vu: A Genjutsu used with this is re-rolled at -3DC if it initially fails. This may only be used once per round. This does not stack with any other re-roll techniques.
Mental Spread: May target an additional target with a genjutsu. The second target is targeted at -2 DC. Effects on the secondary target at -1/-5% weaker and does 50% less damage.
Blast: +20% Illusionary Damage. The Genjutsu effects used with this are -1/5% weaker, but can only be used on Genjutsu which have Genjutsu effects.
Lock: Genjutsu used with this have -2 DC but if successful don't need to make a maintain check at the beginning of any round.
Cortex Control: The user may cast Genjutsu with one handed seals at -10% CP cost.
Overload: +/- 1 and +/- 5% to the secondary effects of a genjutsu. May only be done once per round.
Sensory Mastery Special Moves
Sensory Switch: The Genjutsu used may count as a different sense. The Sense it is counting as must be one which the player also has Sensory Knowledge in, and must be declared at the time of casting the jutsu. This can only affect one jutsu at a time, and the jutsu it is used on cannot be used again until it is no longer maintained.
Cerebral control: The user may cast Genjutsu with no handseals. May only be used once per round.
Mental Chain: The user may immediately follow up a Genjutsu that connected fully with another Genjutsu of equal or lower level from a sense that the player also has Sensory Knowledge in. All costs are paid normally and the moves are considered a 'combo'. The second attack may not use a Sensory Special Move.
Each player must state which items their inventory slots are used for in their Dojo; (if this is not done, any unstated slots will be empty if they end up in a modded situation.)
Each player may only have 1 of each item; inventory slots cannot be filled with the same item.
Unless otherwise stated, Items cost 1 AP to use and require movement. They do not need to be equipped like weapons do, and they may be used while equipped with a weapon.
Unless otherwise stated, if an item is used as an attack or otherwise requires a check, it will use Ranged Accuracy.
All items are grouped by certain classifications;
Passive: Items of this type do not need to be equipped in order to be used.
Consumable: Items of this type only have a certain amount of usages; once all uses have been reached, the item may no longer be used for the remainder of battle.
Gear: For the most part, items that passively grant their effects during battle. In some cases these may be targetable by others.
Tool: A general purpose category of item that has no unique rules.
Trap: Traps have specific rules related to them linked here.
Poison: Poisons have specific rules related to them linked here.
Light Armor
Minimalist armor that offers abit of extra protection without slowing down its wearer, and a favorite of shinobi. The protection of this armor is often limited to only a few vital spots and areas, but this can often be enough to ensure the user won't be brought down a single well-placed strike.
Type: Armor, Passive Uses: N/A Effect:
All secondary effects from Ninjutsu and Taijutsu against the user suffer -5% chance.
The user has +1 Dodge.
Partials Hits that deal 25% damage now deal 0% instead
Heavy Armor
Sturdy armor that offers the user significant protection, although armor of this type does have a noticeable drain on the user's endurance. Even the toughest of shinobi will begin to show the effects of wearing such sturdy armor during a prolong battle, but it may be the difference between life and death.
Type: Armor, Passive Uses: N/A Effect:
The user has +5% DR against Physical and Elemental Damage.
The user gains +5 HP Modifier.
The user's chakra costs are increased by +15%.
All secondary effects from Ninjutsu and Taijutsu against the user suffer -10% chance.
No Armor
For some Shinobi, speed is all that matters, and while good armor can sometimes save you from death, these shinobi believe that if you are fast enough, then you don't need to even worry about getting hit.
Type: Armor, Passive Uses: N/A Effect:
The user's techniques resolve 0.25 AP faster.
The user has +5% secondary effect for Ninjutsu and Taijutsu
Weapons are the core of Taijutsu. Almost every Taijutsu involves using a weapon of some sort, and the jutsu themselves revolve around the damage and accuracy of the weapon.
Weapons are not considered items, and do not take up inventory slots.
Unarmed, Slashing, Bludgeoning and Piercing weapons all use Melee Accuracy.
Projectile, Thrown and Puppet weapons all use Ranged Accuracy.
Keep in mind weapons must be equipped before they can be used. The costs are as follows:
Equip = 0.5 AP
Un-equip = 0.5 AP
Drop = 0.0 AP
Pick up(From being dropped) = 1.0 AP
Important: One thing to note is that handseals cannot be made while a weapon is equipped.
A basic strike costs 0.75 AP and deal damage according to your OOC Rank:
E-Rank: 50
D-Rank: 70
C-Rank: 90
B-Rank: 110
A-Rank: 130
S-Rank: 150
Basic strikes are a E-Rank Taijutsu of the same subtype as the weapon used. If the weapon has multiple subtypes, the user chooses which subtype they are using.
Your standard weapon! This can be anything from a small dagger, a huge sword that makes up for lacking in other areas, a spiked whip blade, or a set of throw-able boomerang axes. It does not matter; this is your weapon. A player must post in their ability training thread (Dojo) before a weapon may be used in battle; this must state the following:
Weapon Type
Slashing: When creating a Slashing Type weapon the creator may choose either [Suppression] or [Bleeding]. Attacks made with the created weapon have a chance to apply the chosen effect as per the rules found
Bludgeoning: When creating a Bludgeoning Type weapon the creator may choose either Suppression or Bleeding.
Piercing: When creating a Piercing Type weapon the creator may choose either Bleeding or a +5% increased success chance with [Called Shot].
Unarmed: When creating an Unarmed Type weapon the creator may choose either Suppression or they may retain the ability to use Handseals with their weapon equipped.
Projectile: When creating a Projectile Type weapon the creator may choose either Suppression, Bleeding or a +3% increased success chance with Called Shot attempts.
Thrown: When creating a Thrown Type weapon the creator may choose either Suppression, Bleeding or they may retain the ability to use Handseals with their weapon equipped.
Puppet: When creating a Puppet type weapon the creator chooses either Bleeding, Suppression, or having non-offensive jutsu used with it modded .25 AP faster (affecting timing only, not AP cost). Important:
A weapon may only have 1 Weapon Type.
Trick Weapon only gives access to a second Taijutsu Sub-type, not a second Weapon Type.
Damage Modifier
Accuracy Modifier
Which Augments are equipped (up to 3 maximum -- see below)
This must be done for every puppet the player has in their Inventory. Any aspects of a created weapon may be changed or swapped at any point with a new post but it will not effect a battle already in progress. Making a new weapon or changing/swapping an aspect of an existing weapon does not require an RP of any length but still requires Council approval before usage in battle.
Damage/Accuracy Modifier
For every +1 Accuracy a weapopn has it has a -5% Bonus Damage modifier.
For every -1 Accuracy it has it has a +5% Bonus Damage modifier.
This has a cap of +2 Accuracy / -10% Bonus Damage or -2 Accuracy / +10% Bonus Damage.
Weapon modification (Accuracy/Damage) apply to actions taken with the user's weapon.
Each weapon has 1Augment Slot to be used for customization. All augments must be purchased individually. Players start out with their weapons and puppets having 1 Augment Slot. At D-Rank the number of Augment Slots increases to 2 and then again at B-Rank the total number of Augment Slots rises to 3.
Much like creating a weapon, a player must post in their ability training thread (Dojo) that they wish to remove the weapon they created, with the same information they provided while creating it
Weapon Creation Jutsu
Some techniques specifically generate a weapon when cast. These weapons must follow all rules and guidelines associated with Weapon Creation Rules (found here: [LINK]). Any other associated limitations or special rules for those weapons will be contained within the effects or notes of the jutsu itself. In general all Weapon Creation Jutsu follow the rules listed below:
A weapon created through a Weapon Creation Jutsu has Augment Slots equal to a normal weapon of the user's OOC Rank (A D-Rank player creates weapons with 2 slots and a B-Rank or above player creates weapons with 3 slots).
All characteristics such as which augments are equipped, what the Accuracy/Damage modifier is and the Damage Type are all chosen at the time the Weapon Creation Jutsu is cast. In addition the user must own any augments they select to be equipped to their newly created weapon.
Weapons created via Weapon Creation Jutsu are not considered standard Creation Jutsu and do not count against the user's limited number of creations.
Created weapons disappear immediately if the technique which created them is not maintained, is dispelled or if the weapon leaves the user's hand (unequipped/dropped/disarmed) for any reason.
This is the place that covers all the systems that don't have a place of their own. But they exist, and they can make a huge impact on the battle, so it's best you're aware of them and what they do.
Abilities are the things which allow you to fully customize your character beyond the level of your Custom Class and Bloodline/Core Ability. Both standard Abilities and Styles fall under the catagory of "Abilities".
Abilities must be activated in a Dojo topic with a 100 word RP and approved by a member of the Global Moderation Team.
To deactivate an ability, one may make a post in their Dojo topic stating that they wish to deactivate the ability. A new ability may be activated in its place in 7 days' time.
If the player chooses to write a 100 word RP to deactivate an ability, a new ability, with another 100 word RP, may be activated immediately in the deactivated ability's stead.
Abilities are Rank Dependent, meaning once you reach a specific OOC Rank, you are able to have a specific amount of abilities. The number each rank may have is as follows:
E-Rank: 3 Abilities
D-Rank: 5 Abilities
C-Rank: 7 Abilities
B-Rank: 9 Abilities
A-Rank: 11 Abilities
There are some cases of "free" abilities one may take. Free abilities do not take an ability slot, or require an RP to activate.
Branch Abilities
Upon joining either Main, ANBU, or Medical Branch, you gain access to one Branch ability of your choice from that branch when you reach C-Rank for free.
You may learn additional Branch Abilities from your own branch by allowing it to take up your Ability Slots.
You may not learn Branch Abilities from a branch you are not part of.
Leaving your branch at your own discretion will cause all associated Branch Abilities to be removed as well.
Being forced out of your branch, either by being kicked out or transferred to another branch against your will, will allow you to keep your current branch abilities for 14 days OOC. After this time you must have them replaced or they are lost.
Shinobi 101
Shinobi 101 is a free ability. Each player gets one Shinobi 101 ability, and only one.
Kinjutsu Abilities
Kinjutsu abilities do not require an ability slot (their slot is factored into the 3 ability slots all Kinjutsu cost). Additionally, some Kinjutsu may grant abilities for free (such as Abomination making the "Curse Seal" ability free)
Airborne Status
A Target with Airborne Status cannot be targeted with Melee Acc unless the User also has Airborne Status and vice versa. The Target also has a -4 Dodge vs Ninjutsu or Ranged Accuracy,
Each user has an Alignment Slot, which contains the below ability. The four alignments are Spiritual, Holy, Cursed and Unaligned. Each of these alignments have their own special effect assigned to them. The Alignment Ability can be changed the same way you change an ability, or swapped for free upon gaining a Bloodline/Core Ability/Kinjutsu. Any techniques the user cast will have the same alignment as the user.
Effect: The user gains the selected alignment, as well as the following effects:
Holy: The user is healed for 10% of any damage the user deals, at the end of each round.
Cursed: Hostile Targets take 10% Lingering Damage from any damage the user has dealt to them at the end of a round.
Spiritual: The user is healed for 5% of any damage the user has dealt, and hostile targets take 5% Lingering Damage at the end of a round.
Unaligned: Hostile Targets take 10% CP Damage from any damage the user has dealt to them at the end of a round. Notes:
If the user is granted an alignment from a Bloodline/Core Ability/Kinjutsu, they gain +2.5% to Alignment Effect.
If the user casts a technique with an alignment, they gain they gain +2.5% to Alignment Effect.
Alignments granted from a BL/CA/Kin and a Technique stack.
Healing/Lingering Damage caused by Aligned Offensive Techniques cannot be increased, decreased, blocked or ignored by any effect.
Alignment damage does not count towards damage dealt in a round (if a Cursed User deals 1000 damage and deals 200 Lingering Damage, the new Lingering Damage would be 100, not 120.)
All techniques the user casts will have the same alignment as they have chosen.
If the user casts a technique which has an alignment which does not match their chosen alignment, neither alignment effect occurs.
The user must choose an alignment in their Dojo
Only BL/CA/Kin or Techniques that specifically state they have an alignment have one, otherwise they are "Alignment-less". These alignments include Holy, Cursed, Spiritual, and Unaligned
AoE, "Area of Effect" techniques are actions that target multiple people. Some say "15x15" area (for example), and this should be ignored as it is flavor (Meaning it adds to the Rp description, but does not influence battle. In the future these will be removed from effects, as they cause confusion). Jutsu with these numbers mean the following:
Level E-B Rank jutsu may target up to two separate targets unless otherwise specified.
Level A Rank jutsu may target up to three separate targets unless otherwise specified.
Level S Rank jutsu will always specify how many targets they may target.
Additionally, a single character may only ever be targeted or hit once by an Area of Effect jutsu, even if there are damage redirection effects or other such circumstances active.
Note: All jutsu that are AoE may choose the number of targets. If a jutsu says something along the lines of "targets X number of people" it is not mandatory that you target that number of targets. Unless otherwise specified.
This is a Technique which creates an Arena. Only one of these may be on the Battlefield at a time.
Arena Techniques do not auto-hit, and require normal accuracy/dodge rolls to affect each target.
If another user attempts to cast a Arena Technique while one is already on the Battlefield, a check is made, using the user's Technique Type vs the Area Technique's caster's Technique, with the defender receiving a +2 to the check. (eg, If a user casts a Ninjutsu Arena Technique vs an existing Taijutsu Arena Technique, the check would be a Ninjutsu vs Taijutsu check, with the defending gaining a +2 bonus.)
If the check is successful, the new Arena Technique overwrites the existing one.
If the person maintaining an Arena Technique casts another, it will overwrite the existing Arena jutsu without a check.
Activated Auto Dodge (Ex. Body Switch): Is modded as avoiding the entire attack. By default, a player may only use one per round.
Auto-Dodge: Is anything which gives a % chance to "Auto" avoid an attack. It is checked once for the entire action.
Other Auto-effects: Unless otherwise stated, other auto-effects (such as auto-hit and auto-fail) work as auto-dodge; it is checked once and applied to the entirety of its relevant action.
Priority: In the event conflicting "automatic" effects occur, the order in which "Auto" effects are rolled is Auto-Fail % > Activated Auto-dodge > Auto-hit % > Auto-Dodge %
Barriers are techniques that block Offensive Techniques and need to be destroyed before a Protected Target affected by it may be damaged.
Barriers may be cast on the target of the user's choice, unless otherwise stated in the technique.
Barriers block all non-Genjutsu techniques.
Each Barrier states a type of damage it gets Damage Reduction against, (Physical, Elemental or Illusionary)
This DR is set at 25% and cannot be increased, reduced or ignored by any means.
if a Barrier does not state what type of damage it protects against, it protects against the matching technique damage type, Ninjutsu = Elemental, Taijutsu = Physical, Genjutsu = Illusionary.
What can bypass Barriers?
If a technique or item specifically states it can bypass/destroy, then it applies.
Genjutsu can bypass a Barrier unless that barrier specifies it blocks Genjutsu. Genjutsu already affecting a target under a barrier are not blocked and they will continue to take damage from the Genjutsu.
Using Elemental Illusion does not make Genjutsu blocked by Elemental Barriers.
How do attacks affect Barriers?
All Offensive Techniques aimed at Barriers are Auto-hits unless otherwise stated.
Offensive Techniques cannot deal critical damage against barriers.
If an Offensive Techniques' total damage is blocked by a Barrier, then its effects are blocked as well and do not affect either the barrier or the target protected by it unless specifically stated otherwise. (Contract ability Ferocity does not allow secondary effects to bypass barriers)
If a barrier's HP is reduced to 0, the Protected Target suffers -3 Dodge against the excess damage from the Offensive Techniques, and a full hit allows the Offensive Techniques' effects to apply as per normal.
All techniques that bypass Damage reduction inflict an equal percent of bonus damage to barriers. (An attack that bypasses 10% of Damage resistance would deal +10% Damage to barriers, but the Barrier's DR will still apply to the Offensive Techniques, and it is affected by the damage cap as per normal.)
If a Barrier states it only blocks a single Offensive Technique, it will apply to an entire multi-hit Offensive Technique (not just the first strike). However, in the case of an Offensive Technique with multiple targets, it will not apply to anyone other than the protected target.
Genjutsu can be specifically targeted at Barriers to deal double damage, but its secondary effects will not activate, and the Genjutsu cannot be maintained. A Genjutsu that lasts for multiple rounds will deal with the remaining damage it would have done against the barrier as if it was maintained for the full duration, this damage is applied all at once upon casting. Remaining damage after the Barrier is destroyed is lost.
CP damage does double damage to barriers, but is still affected by the Barrier's DR.
Protected Targets may use Offensive Techniques from behind the barrier, but this will end the barrier's protection of them, either ending the Barrier technique or ending the Barrier's protection on them if they did not cast it.
Miscellaneous Barriers Information:
Unless stated otherwise, Barriers will receive any damage bonuses and penalties that would normally apply to their Technique Subtype as bonuses and penalties to their HP.
A Protected Target can only be affected by a single barrier at a time unless otherwise stated.
When a Barrier is cast, anyone within it is automatically removed from Stealth. Any attempts to enter Stealth while within a Barrier automatically fail.
Casting a barrier technique on an enemy is considered an attack and will require a normal roll against them, using the appropriate stats against the target's evasion. (e.g: a Ninjutsu Barrier will require a Ninjutsu check vs the target's Evasion to have it applied on them. A Genjutsu Barrier will require a Genjutsu DC vs the target's Genjutsu Save, etc).
Binds are exactly what you think! In Ninpocho, binds are used to halt the movement of targets and to stop them from performing actions. Binds will usually state how one is able to break out from a bind!
Important: A victim may only be under the effect of a single bind at any given time.
Important: One can not perform a critical on a bound target.
Important: All attacks on a target whom is bound are considered an Auto-Hit; however there are a few binds where this does and does not apply.
Breaking Upon Damage
A bind that states this means: Once the user or the target suffer damage from a technique which is not caused by the bind itself, the bind is broken and the target/s that was/were once bound is/are able to dodge once more.
Attacks upon the target whom is bound are considered auto hit.
Breaking Upon Being Targeted
A bind that states this means: Once a bound victim is targeted with any technique, the bind is dispelled and the person once bound is then able to dodge. Binds that allow this usually grant the victim a Dodge Penalty to the attack targeting them.
Binds with Escape Chances
Most binds now state the chance to escape along with its costs. If a target is bound throughout the round, the target automatically spends the AP to attempt to break free of the bind unless specifically stated they do not wish to do so.
A bind which has an Escape Chance gives it's victim a +10% bonus to their escape attempts which stacks for each failed attempt. This effect stacks indefinitely.
Example: A character which is bound and has failed to escape three times has a bonus of +30% success rate to their next escape attempt.
While Bound
While you are bound, you are unable to perform the following:
Taijutsu: Weapons that are capable of Bleeding have a % chance to cause Bleeding once per jutsu.
Important:[/color] Bleeding Chances can only be caused on Full Hits unless stated otherwise.
Important: The highest chance to cause bleeding penalties cap out at 50%, meaning anything higher is placed automatically at 50%.
In order to cause rank two bleeding, you must place the opponent at rank one or have an opponent who is already at that level. The same applies for every other level.
The chances to cause ranks of bleeding are as follows:
Ninjutsu: Ninjutsu that has a chance to cause damage is listed in the general effect or notes. If a percent chance to cause bleeding is not listed and merely states Slashing or Piercing Damage, then the chances are as follows:
Ninjutsu Bleeding Chances said:
Rank 1: Ninjutsu Level x 10 = % chance. Rank 2: Ninjutsu Level x 9 = % chance. Rank 3: Ninjutsu Level x 6 = % chance. Rank 4: Ninjutsu Level x 4 = % chance. Rank 5: Ninjutsu Level x 2 = % chance.
Rank 1 Bleeding: Deals 1% Max HP Damage per round. Rank 2 Bleeding: Deals 2% Max HP Damage per round. Rank 3 Bleeding: Deals 3% Max HP Damage per round. Also requires 1AP more to effectively remove by resting. Rank 4 Bleeding: Deals 4% Max HP Damage per round. Also requires 2AP more to effectively remove by resting. Rank 5 Bleeding: Deals 5% Max HP Damage per round. Also requires a medical jutsu as well as 3AP more than normal rest in order to reduce bleeding level.
All Damage penalties do not start to occur until the start of the round following the Bleeding. (So if you reach rank 4 bleeding in round one, then you won't take the damage penalties until round 2, but restoring the ranks of bleeding by resting is treated as if you're rank 4).
A buff is a technique that improves a character's capabilities. A debuff is a technique that impairs a character's capabilities.
Flat buffs/debuffs are buffs that are normally whole numbers and are always present (eg, a Yamanaka having +3 Gen DC from Mentalist).
Percentage buffs/debuffs are buffs/debuffs that come in the form of percentages (eg, an Ashenheart dealing +2.5% Fire damage from Blaze).
Active buffs/debuffs are buffs/debuffs that require an additional action, such as equipping a weapon, activating a style or activating an ability, etc.
Important: The highest chance to cause called shot penalties cap out at 50%, meaning anything higher is placed automatically at 50%.
Important: Called Shots can only occur on Full Hits unless stated otherwise.
Called shots can only be made with Basic Weapon attacks.
One must have the ability Called Shot in order to inflict a broken status.
One has to Sprain a limb in order to cause a Fracture, then a Broken status.
The success rates of a called shot are:
Sprained: 20%.
Fractured: 15%.
Broken: 10%.
Healing Called Shot Penalties
Medical Jutsu may be used to heal called shot penalties. There is a % chance of success based upon the strength of the medical jutsu. The % chance for Healing Sprained is Hp Recovered/50. Fractured is hp Recovered/75. Broken is Hp Recovered/100.
Example: Healing a sprained limb with a jutsu healing 960/50 Hp would have a 19% Chance of success.
All of the following below, aside from Disarm attempts, are classified as 'limbs' in the battle system (Even if your vocabulary says otherwise).
Important: There is no longer a "Left" or "Right" in terms of targeting limbs in the Called Shot System.
Targeted at -2 Accuracy
Sprained = -1 Accuracy to All Attacks
Fractured = -2 Accuracy to All Attacks
Broken = -3 Accuracy to all Attacks.
Targeted at -2 Accuracy
Sprained = -1 Dodge
Fractured = -2 Dodge
Broken = -3 Dodge and attempting to Escape a battle takes an additional round.
Targeted at -3 Accuracy
Sprained = -2 Genjutsu DC and 10% chance for any maintained Jutsu to be dispersed.
Fractured = -2.5 Genjutsu DC and 20% chance for any maintained Jutsu to be dispersed.
Broken = -3 Genjutsu DC and 30% chance for any maintained Jutsu to be dispersed.
Targeted at -5 Accuracy
Sprained = +.1 Hand seal Ap and 5% chance for Jutsus to fail, resulting in AP lost.
Fractured = +.2 Hand seal Ap and 10% chance for Jutsus to fail, resulting in AP lost.
Broken = +.3 Hand seal Ap and 15% chance for Jutsus to fail, resulting in AP lost.
Targeted at -5 Accuracy
Sprained = 10% Chance at the beginning of the round to stumble and lose 1 Ap.
Fractured = 20% Chance at the beginning of the round to stumble and lose 1 Ap.
Broken = 30% Chance at the beginning of the round to stumble and lose 1 Ap.
Targeted at -5 Accuracy
Sprained = Increases all Chakra Cost by +10%.
Fractured = Increases all Chakra Cost by +15%.
Broken = Increases all Chakra Cost by +20%.
Targeted at -4 Accuracy
Sprained = +10% Bleeding Damage and cannot Bleed lower than Rank 1. Bleeding requirements do not apply for these levels.
Fractured = +15% Bleeding Damage and cannot Bleed lower than Rank 2. Bleeding requirements do not apply for these levels.
Broken = +20% Bleeding Damage and cannot Bleed lower than Rank 3. Bleeding requirements do not apply for these levels.
Targeted at -4 Accuracy
Chipped (Sprained) = All attacks with the equipped weapon suffers a -10% base damage.
Cracked (Fractured) = All attacks with the equipped weapon suffers a -10% base damage. Drawing or Un-equipping the weapon costs an additional 0.25 AP.
Splintered (Broken) = All attacks with the equipped weapon suffers a -15% base damage. Drawing or Un-equipping the weapon costs an additional 0.25 AP and a random Augment will be disabled from the weapon.
- At Cracked or Splintered - Quickdraw Ability does not affect the required cost for drawing or un-equipped the weapon affected.
- Multiple puppets equipped by a player do not share the same Called Shot Level.
All Percentage Buffs/Debuffs are capped at +50/-50%
Damage Buffs stack with any Debuffs an opponent might have. eg: If the user has +35% Damage and the opponent is taking +20% damage, the damage done to the opponent will cap at 50% and NOT 55%
Percentage Buffs include Technique Secondary Effects, Bleeding, Called Shots and Suppression.
Buffs, Debuffs and Secondary Effects can only be increased/decreased up to +50/-50% of their base value. This only affects individual sources. If a Secondary Effect has a 24% chance of activating it caps at 12/36% chance, respectively, and if a technique applies a -2 Dodge, it would cap at -1/-3 dodge.
A and S Rank Techniques
All A and S rank Techniques may only be used once per round.
Round Within a Round Effects
Only one Round Within a Round Effect may be active at a time. Any attempts to use a second Round Within a Round Effect while another one is already active automatically fails.
Primary Effects
Regardless of the amount of buffs the user has, the chance to cause Bleeding/Called Shots/Suppression can not exceed 50% unless stated otherwise.
This also applies to attempts on healing the above.
Critical Range
The cap on critical range is +2, meaning anything higher is lowered. Initially, the critical range is just 20, but various abilities and effects can increase it by +2 making it 18-20, but it cannot get any larger than that.
Auto Hit/Auto Dodge/Auto Fail/Etc.
All auto-anything (auto-dodge, auto-hit, auto-fail, etc.) caps at 20% unless otherwise stated.
You may only use one Activated Auto-dodge per round. These cannot be used against Genjutsu unless the specifically state they may.
Hp/Cp Regain
You cannot passively gain or losemore than 15% of you Max Hp or Cp per round.
This only applies to % effects, such as bleeding, and does not apply to set-amounts such as damage over time Ninjutsu such as Amaterasu.
Free Strikes
You may not use more than two free techniques per round, this includes basic strikes.'
Multipliers (things like 2x or 3x etc) effects do not stack unless otherwise stated. If multiple multiplier bonuses that effects the same thing are active (ex: Dealing 1.5x Crit damage and 1.75x Crit Damage) the highest multiplier takes precedence.
AP Timing or Cost Reduction
No Technique may go under 0.5 AP cost or timing, unless specifically stated. (Eg Initiative)
Identical Effects
Players may be affected by effects with identical names but their effects do not stack under any circumstances.
Chakra Armor
A player may only have one Chakra Armor active at a time.
Once Per 10 Second Limitation
Regardless of source/effects, Once per 10 seconds Jutsu/Ability/Actions can only be used once per 10 seconds.
All buff caps work as follows: If you go over the cap, that means you have a buffer against negatives to that cap. For instance, if you have +12 Genjutsu DC, that means you only get to use +10 of it, but if you then take a -3 to your Genjutsu DC, you have +9, and not +7. So going beyond the cap serves to prevent that buff from lowering as easily.[/i]
You may only have one Clone Technique active at a time.
You may only have one Creation Technique active at a time.
Clones and Creations may not be used to by-pass built in limitations of techniques (such as "this techniques may only be used once per battle" or "user may not target themselves").
Action Points - Unused Clone/Creation AP does not carry over to the following round.
AP Timing - Clone/Creation Techniques use the User's AP timing. (So a 2.5 AP technique will take 2.5 seconds.)
Secondary Stats: Clone/Creation Secondary stats are determined upon their creation based off of the user's total Secondaries at the time of creation. Non-Genjutsu effects that alter the user's Secondaries after their creation have no affect on them.
Effects: Unless specifically stated otherwise, Clones and Creations are vulnerable to other non-Genjutsu effects such as poison and called shots. Unlike Genjutsu, they are unaffected by their user's condition.
Equipment: Creation Techniques have no equipment unless otherwise stated. If the Clone Technique is capable of performing Taijutsu Techniques, it may perform Taijutsu without the proper weapon equipped. Clones may take a user's weapon to equip for the standard 0.5 equip cost.
Genjutsu and Awareness: Clones and Creation Techniques do not have Sense Slots, and share the user's Awareness.
Clone and Creation Techniques do not have their own Genjutsu senses or their own Awareness rolls. They cannot be affected by Genjutsu targeting them, but are affected by Genjutsu placed on their user.
If the user is aware/unaware of a target, their Clone/Creation techniques will be as well. A Clone/Creation technique may make a Blind Shot against a target their user is unaware of, but cannot gain awareness of the target unless the user themselves gain awareness.
Clone and Creation Technique's Alignment: Clones and Creations Alignment will match the Technique used to cast them. Clones and Creations do not gain Alignment Bonuses outside of the effect the player receives upon creating them.
Clone Techniques: Unless otherwise stated, Clone Techniques cannot use Bloodline, Core Ability or Kinjutsu techniques nor perform any type of Clone or Creation Technique.
Creation Techniques: - May only perform the actions detailed in their respective techniques. These actions count as their respective technique subtype (eg, Abysmal Harbinger's attacks count as a Fire Ninjutsu techniques, and therefore uses Fire Ninjutsu Accuracy. If the accuracy has been changed using Shinobi 101, the Shinobi 101 accuracy will be used.)
When using a Clone Technique, the user checks their Stealth against the Awareness of all in battle. Any players who fail this check are unable to detect the difference between the original and their Clone Technique, and will have their actions that target this individual randomized between each identical copy they are unable to recognize.
Upon attacking a user and/or their Clone Technique, the attacker is instantly aware of whether the target is a Clone Technique or not. If the attacker strikes the original user, they are no longer are required to randomly attack each Clone Technique.
There are particular techniques that allow you to immediately follow up with another technique or techniques that link together. On Ninpocho, these are classified as combos and there is a set of rules that come with Combos themselves.
Important: The user may only combo once per round.
The user may only combo the same Technique Subtype, unless otherwise noted in a technique or skill.
When Combo-ing actions, the second Technique is modded at half the AP timing. (This means a combo of 2 A Rank Ninjutsu techniques would have the first technique go off at 3 AP timing, and the 2nd Technique go off at 1.5 AP timing)
Each technique being Combo-ed after the first has a cumulative -1 AC/DC to hit.
Despite being grouped together, actions which are part of a Combo are still individual actions, and not a combined singular action.
The user may only combo an equal or lower rank Technique with the initial technique.
Example: If a B-Rank Unarmed Taijutsu Technique allows the user to perform a combo, the user may only do so with another B-Rank or lower Unarmed Taijutsu Technique.
Example: If a C-Rank Fire Ninjutsu Technique allows the user to perform a combo, the user may only do so with another C-Rank or lower Fire Ninjutsu Technique.
Example: If a user with Demonic Ancestry Core Ability uses Devil's Trick, they may combo a Genjutsu Technique with a Taijutsu Technique.
Every attack has a 1 out of 20 chance of becoming a Critical Hit. This chance be increased through various means such as:
Jutsu Effects
Custom Class Bonuses
Important: All critical hits deal x2 the normal damage.
Important:The cap limit on critical is +2 to critical chances. Anything higher is treated as +2. The range would be 18-20.
Example: A Jutsu might say +2 Critical, which means that upon a roll of 18-20, you deal a critical.
Natural 20 (Twenty) Rolls
Genjutsu: If a Genjutsu rolls a 20 upon the initial use, it's effect lasts an additional round before resistance rolls are made. Full hit genjutsu have two free rounds before resistance checks are made, a critical would make this three.
On a [COLOR color="red"]Base critical hit (Meaning a 20 was rolled), the critical hit has a +15% chance of activating effects that a jutsu may have and only on a roll of twenty and this is noteffected by any increased critical ranges. These effects include:
Called Shot
Jutsu Effects
Medical Jutsu
If the jutsu heals damage, then it would heal twice as much.
If it heals penalty ranks, such as Called Shots or Bleeding then it would heal two ranks.
Conditionals are a set of counters or alternate moves that may be conducted when certain circumstances are met. However, there are rules to follow when making conditionals.
How to make a conditional?
Conditionals should be short and sweet straight to the point, without cramming multiples into one.
Incorrect Conditional: When the opponent uses a Ninjutsu use Barrier [Energy Sphere] [Rank 1] Jutsu. If the opponent doesn't use a Ninjutsu 4 seconds into the round use Body Switch [Master Rank] against the next applicable attack.
The incorrect player tried to start making another conditional. Their conditional ended when they used a barrier and they should not have put any notion of beginning another conditional in case their chosen one had failed. That is not to say conditionals can't back up other ones but it must be a separate conditional.
It's preferred you include links in your actions as well as your conditionals. This way your B-mod has a direct line to your move. Come on don't be a stick in the mud, help your b-mods help you
1) A player may only create five conditionals.
2) These may be different each round. (To allow for changing circumstances)
3) A player must follow the guideline of what a conditional is. If their conditional does not meet the standard then it will be ignored. This means the conditional is left to B-Mod discretion. If you feel that the B-mod's call is unfair you may ask Bmod/Admin Team for an appeal.
4) You may not have conditionals lead into separate sets of actions. Players can only have one set of actions.
5) It's in your best interest to make sure any information needed in your moves is applied so your conditional can be used to the best of its ability (Such as stating what clone is being used with Stunt Double).
6) Your conditionals may not go off more than once. For example - Sending in "If my opponent does a basic strike, use a basic strike" means you will do that once. You will not basic strike with everyone your opponent does.
What is a conditional?
Any triggers you can make based on the IC knowledge you have in a fight, such as (but not limited to);
Your HP/CP/AP hitting a certain point.
Being afflicted by a status effect.
Being under a genjutsu and knowing it.
An individual having a visible status; Stealthing, bleeding, cursed sealing themselves, equipping certain items
An individual using a Ninjutsu/Genjutsu ( using handseals) or Taijutsu(No handseals).
An individual using Melee, Ranged or Ninjutsu Accuracy.
An individual using a Jutsu that you own aswell or have a Snapshot of.
How much time has passed.
Upon being "hit" by an attack (these two are different).
Upon being "targeted" by an attack (these two are different).
The following examples are NOT valid conditionals:
If your stealth check fails. You have no method of knowing this ICly until they attack you.
Your opponent having a nonvisible status. If they're in stealth your conditionals based on them will be less likely.
Your opponent's HP/CP/AP hitting a certain point.
If (condition) triggers, use X or X or X, or X and X. (you cannot have options or multiple actions in your conditional).
Again, these are only some examples. If you feel a B-mod has allowed an invalid conditional or disallowed a valid one, immediately PM them or an admin to look into it.
If you use the trigger "Upon being hit" the order of operations will be you are hit by the attack, and then your conditional will go off. For example, Naruto hits Sasuke with Rasengan then Sasuke puts up a Barrier to protect himself from another attack.
If you use the trigger "On being attacked" the conditional will occur before the attack completes. Again for example, Naruto attacks Sasuke with Rasengan Sasuke not wanting to be hit, puts up a Barrier to protect himself, to allow the barrier to take the hit.
Reflexive and Reactionary Techniques
Reflexive/Reactionary techniques are moves that are triggered by other moves, most often by being attacked. These are things such as auto-dodges, barriers, and anything that states it can be used Reflexively or as a reaction. These techniques have their own rules associated with them.
You may only use one reflexive/reactionary technique per trigger. You can't make multiple techniques go off reflexively to the same attack
These techniques can only be used as a Conditional unless otherwise stated.
These techniques are modded as instant and do not affect any other techniques the user is preparing to use.
Example: While Naruto is in the middle of using Rasengan, he uses uses Body Switch reflexively. Body Switch goes off, but his Rasengan will still go off after 2.5 seconds assuming 10 AP max.
Damage Reduction is a value which reduces the over-all amount of damage that a character takes from incoming attacks.
Damage Reduction only applies to direct damage from attacks. It does not affect HP loss from paying costs for casting jutsu or activating skills and it does not reduce recoil or backlash damage.
Damage Reduction is calculated against the total amount of damage suffered after damage bonuses or effects which increase the amount of damage a target suffers have been applied.
K.O Status - Once a player's HP reaches 0, they are placed under this status and all active Jutsus being maintained and all Abilities are automatically disabled. A K.O'd may be targeted by attacks as normal as long as there are other active participants that can continue the fight, dealing damage to the K.O'd person and bringing them to negative HP.
Removed from Battle - Once a player reaches -100% max HP, they are considered removed from the battle, and may no longer be interacted or attacked whatsoever.
Revival and Reviving - Any players may attempt to heal a K.O'd Player using Medical Jutsus, although healing only half of the usual amount. Upon reaching 20% of the K.O'd Player's max HP, only then the K.O Status is removed and the player may join the battle once more.
Line of Sight is defined as being able to see their target, with the following examples:
A target not in Stealth against the user
A target not on the opposite side of a Barrier or Arena
No Techniques removing Line of Sight
Line of Sight and Awareness are two different things. Having no Line of Sight does not mean a user does not have Awareness of the target.
A user with no Line of Sight to a target, and does not have Awareness of the target, will have their attack randomized between hostile targets out of Line of Sight, which will then have a Blindshot chance, as per normal Awareness rules.
If there is only one target out of Line of Sight, and the user has Awareness of them, the user may attack them normally.
If there is only one target out of Line of Sight, and the user does not have Awareness of them, the normal Blindshot rules apply.
Any effect, damage, or cost which deal a '%' of someone's Max HP/CP cannot be raised or lowered through any effect, unless specifically stated otherwise.
Example; A cost that states 3% of the user's Max CP ignores any 'chakra cost' modifiers the user may have (both positive and negative)
+ X% CP/HP Cost Effects
Any Passives, Techniques or Abilities that add to the Base Cost of Techniques, cannot be used on something without a Base Cost.
Smack Down could not be used on a Basic Strike, as a Basic Strike does not have a CP cost
Accuracy Swaps:
A technique may only have the accuracy used with it changed once through any ability, active or passive. After the accuracy is changed once, the technique will retain and use that accuracy, even if other changes are considered possible.
Subtype Swaps:
A technique may only have its subtype changed once through any ability, active or passive. After the Subtype is changed once, the technique will retain and use that Subtype, even if other changes are considered possible. Example; Converting a Water Ninjutsu into a Blood Ninjutsu.
AP loss
A Target cannot lose more than half their Max AP from Poisons, Suppression, and similar effects. This is calculated at the start of a round. A Target with 10 AP cannot lose more than 5, but a target with 12 AP cannot lose more than 6. A player can never have under 5 AP
AP Time Sync
When two actions complete at the same time, both will occur simultaneously. In the event that the actions would conflict with each other (such as a barrier taking effect simultaneously as its being attacked), priority is given to the attack.
Durations are modded in terms of seconds. If an effect states that it lasts for "a round" then it lasts for 10 seconds. Likewise an effect which states that it lasts for two rounds, three rounds or four rounds would last for 20, 30 or 40 seconds respectively.
An effect which states that it takes effect a the beginning or the end of a round still happen at the beginning or end of a round regardless of when the effect was applied.
Target-Changing Effects:
Effects which randomize, mix up, or otherwise interfere with ones capability of selecting targets in battle will never apply to actions which only target themselves.
Effects which randomize, mix up, or otherwise interfere with one's capability of selecting targets in battle will never cause a participant's attack to target themselves unless it is a beneficial effect (such as a Medical Ninjutsu).
Damage Order of Operations:
When calculating on NC, the following is the order in which modifiers are applied; Base Damage -> The User's Damage Buffs -> Target's DR -> Final Damage.
Effects which increase the amount of damage a target takes stack with effects that increase the damage dealt by a player's attacks are both counted against the 50% damage cap. (Eg: if the Target has an effect causing them to take +15% damage, and the player targeting them has +35% damage, this would count as 40% of the 50% damage cap)
Backlash Damage/Damage Reflection:
Backlash Damage/Damage Reflection is calculated from the damage a user takes before modifiers or damage reduction. Eg: Player B deals 1000 damage to Player A. Player B has no damage bonuses and Player A has 10% DR, so they take a total of 900 Damage. Player A has 20% Damage Reflection, so Player B will take 200 damage (1000 - 20% = 200).
Order of Operations for Techniques
Damage, Binds
Primary Effects: Suppression, Called Shots, Bleeding
While NC does not have an exact system on Movement, there are certain actions that require a degree of movement nonetheless.
The following lists everything that require movement, and if the user is unable to move through some effect (Most likely a bind), then the following cannot be used:
Everything in the system works off of an Order of Operations Priority system. Techniques/Abilities/BL/CA/Kinjutsu follow a priority as follows: Active > Passive. Active effects always take priority over passive effects. In the case of two passive effects, the following Order of Operations occurs, Kinjutsu > Abilities > BL/CA > Class. In the case of two Active effects, the most recent one takes priority.
2 Passive Effects example: If the user has used Shinobi 101 to change Ice Ninjutsu into using Genjutsu DC, then used Koorikan, which uses Melee Accuracy, because Koorikan is the Active effect (Jutsu) and Shinobi 101 is a Passive effect (Ability), the attack would be resolved using Melee Accuracy.
2 Active effects example: A Revenant using Chidori"Stretches" the attack, which replaces Melee Accuracy with Ranged Accuracy. Chidori uses Melee Accuracy, and Stretching the attack changes it to Ranged Accuracy, it resolves using Ranged Accuracy as Stretching the attack was the last Active Effect used.
It's exceedingly important in understanding the differences between what a full hit on an opponent and what a partial hit can do. On Ninpocho, we categorize Hits into four categories.
If the attack is equal to or less than the dodge roll, the attack is considered a Partial Hit.
Lower than dodge by 2 or more = 0% damage (I.E. a "miss")
Lower than dodge by 1 = 25% damage
Equals dodge = 50% damage
Exceeds dodge by 1 = 75% damage
Exceeds dodge by 2 or more = 100% damage
Now that you understand how damage is dealt, it's also important that the following is kept in mind:
Important: Partial Hits do not give the user the chance to activate secondary effects such as bleeding, suppression, called shot chances, poisoning chances, etc. unless stated otherwise.
- Poisons are not revealed during a mod. A victim of a poison will know they are poisoned, but will not be revealed the exact poison used on them unless the victim is equipped with a poison itemof the same type (Injury or Inhaled), or has some skill that states otherwise (Insight does not count).
- Poisons come in two forms; 'Lingering' poisons, and 'Instant' poisons, both of which can be either 'Inhaled' or 'Injury' type poisons.
- Inhaled Poisons are applied directly against a single target, using Ranged Accuracy unless otherwise stated. Each use requires a usage, and costs 1 AP.
- Injury Poisons are applied to weapons upon usage, and remain so for a full round. All attacks made with the weapon during this time will poison the target on a Full Hit. A 'usage' of these poisons is consumed each time the poison is applied to a weapon. These poisons also cost 1 AP to use.
- Lingering and Instant poisons both work the same as each other, but the nature of their effects are different. Lingering Poisons tend to have longer duration, while Instant Poisons tend to have stronger effects.
- Instant Poisons cannot have their duration increased through any effect, unless specifically stated otherwise.
Upon meeting conditions on certain items, they may incur a Recovery Time for the player in which they are unable to use that particular item during the period given.
There are also other items that may shorten, prolong or skip the duration of a specific item's Recovery Time.
Recovery Time is tracked via OOC Weeks and must be tracked by the player's respective council in order to make sure that they abide by the rules of Recovery Time
Failing to do so may allow the player to be penalized by their respective council and reset the item's Recovery Time.
Important: While resting you can not maintain any Jutsu Costs or dodge. Meaning any jutsu with maintain costs are negated and dropped.
The system of Resting is key for those who want to do something unique and different. By spending AP, the user can simply rest, allowing various effects to occur. There are a variety of options for resting, and they are as follows:
Resting said:
For every 1/4 of your AP you spend resting, the player gains the following effects:
Gain back 4% of your Max HP and CP. If you rest for a full round, you gain a total of 20% HP and CP.
A 10% chance to remove 1 rank of bleeding, up to 40% chance for a full round of rest.
A 10% chance to remove 1 rank of called shot from a random limb, up to a 40% chance for a full round of rest.
While resting, passive Auto-Dodge effects may still apply to the user. Passively Auto-Dodging will not disrupt resting.
Smart Actions
There are many scenario's that can occur during a battle, and it is difficult to plan for everything. To assist players, certain actions will be considered 'automatic' under certain conditions, and a character will automatically attempt to perform them without it being stated in a user's actions or having the appropriate conditional set ahead of time;
If a player performs a maintainable action, they will attempt to maintain it for as long as possible.
If a player is retreating from battle, they will continue to attempt to retreat if the attempt is interrupted due to another player, unless stated in their conditionals, or actions of following round.
If a player does not state a target for their attacks, they will automatically attempt to target the last individual to attack them.
If a player attempts to perform a Taijutsu without the proper weapon equipped, they will attempt to equip a weapon of that type from their inventory. If unavailable, they will attempt to pick up a weapon if one is available.
If a player attempts to perform an action requiring handseals while equipped with a weapon that would prevent it, they will drop the weapon.
If a player is bound and unable to perform their intended actions, they will automatically attempt to escape the bind until successful.
If a player is the target of a non-offensive action by an individual that has not attacked them during a round (i.e. an ally casting a medical jutsu), they will not attempt to avoid the action.
If a player's action would target a genjutsu sense of an opponent they already have a genjutsu being maintained in, they will reflexively end the maintained genjutsu before attempting the action.
If an Arena-type effect separates the user and their intended target, the user will make an attempt at moving to the same side as their target. If successful, they will attempt to perform their intended action. If they fail, the action will be skipped. This smart action will not occur in the case of AoE targeting things both outside and and inside an Arena simultaneously.
If a player wishes to do something other than the above, it must be clearly stated in their actions.
A user may attempt to enter "Stealth" for 1 Ap. The user checks their Stealth Stat against the Awareness stat of Hostile and Allied Targets in the Battle.
Being in Stealth has the following affects:
Offensive Techniques used in Stealth are Sneak Attacks, unless otherwise specified.
Non-Offensive Techniques are shown in the Battle by their Technique type, (eg; Shinobi Bob used a Taijutsu/Genjutsu/Ninjutsu Technique)
Offensive techniques used against them are Blind Shots.
If the user in Stealth uses an Offensive Technique or is hit by an Offensive Technique, they immediately leave Stealth.
Each time a user leaves Stealth, all Hostile and Allied Targets in the Battle receive a +1 Awareness bonus against that user for the remainder of battle.
When casting a Clone/Creation/Summoning Technique while in Stealth, the Clone/Creation/Contract will also be in Stealth.
The values for the Stealth Stat and Awareness Stat are as follows;
Stealth Values said:
Stealth Value = (.6 Stat Average) + (.4 Agility)
Awareness Value = (.5 Stat Average) + (.3 Genjutsu) + (.2 Chakra Control)
If a user in Stealth performs an Offensive Technique, it is a "Sneak Attack".
Sneak Attacks gain +3 Accuracy/DC, +10% damage, +1 Critical range, and do not trigger conditionals.
Reflexive actions cannot be used against Sneak Attacks.
Blind Shots
Any offensive action against a target in Stealth is a "Blind Shot".
Targeting someone with a Genjutsu Technique in Stealth will result in the action (and any connected actions) being skipped. You will not lose chakra or AP or time for not doing your Action.
Blinds Shots check the user's Awareness against the Stealthof the target.
If the user fails this check, the Blind Shot automatically misses.
If the user passes or ties this check, then the attack is rolled normally.
AoEs, Blindshots and You
When an Area of Effect Technique is used to try and hit a target or targets in Stealth, they receive an Awareness bonus to the Blindshot check, based on the Rank of the Technique and the amount of targets it can hit.
OOC Rank of the Technique/Bonus
E Rank: +0.5
D Rank: +1
C Rank: +1.5
B Rank: +2
A Rank: +2.5
S Rank: +3
Number of targets:
2 Targets: +1
3 Targets: +1.5
4+ Targets: +2
Environmental Effects
Each Battlefield will have its own Stealth modifiers, listed below. These are the base bonuses, and may be altered through Techniques and other effects. If a Battle occurs in a thread, The Thread Creator's sets the Terrain modifiers that will be used for that Battle. If they do not provide anything, the Battlefield will be set to Little Cover: and ]Average:.
Terrain Modifiers said:
Open: -3 Stealth. This would be a generally empty area with nowhere to hide, like a narrow hallway, an open plain, or empty room.
Light Cover: -1 Stealth. These would be nearly empty areas with few obstructions and cover, like a deserted street or gate. Available cover would be few, or small, such as the occasional shrub.
Little Cover: +0 Stealth. Everyday environments, small signs or bushes, a normal house or room would all fall into this category.
Moderate Cover: +1 Stealth. This would suit areas such as a leafy forest trail, a mountain path filled with boulders, the rooftops of a large village, or even a large room that is filled with party guests.
Heavy Cover: +2 Stealth. This represents the easiest of places to hide, such as a deep within a cavern, the heart of an overgrown forest, or even a warehouse packed with large crates.
Bright: -2 Stealth. This would be broad daylight, or an area with otherwise bright lighting were visibility is no problem.
Average: +0 Stealth. Not quite broad daylight, this refers to average areas without direct sunlight, but still visibly bright, about as bright as indoor lighting.
Dim: +1 Stealth. This is used to represent slight twilight that is not too dark, such as the twilight round sunset/rise, or a building with no lights but plenty of windows.
Dark: +2 Stealth. Representing naturally dark environments, this would be a general village at nighttime, a dark home with no lights, a basement with flickering light bulbs. There's still light to be found here, but the shadows are definitely more dominant.
Pitch Black: +3 Stealth. Very specific areas that have no visible light whatsoever. This would be the deepest reaches of a cave away from all light sources, or deep within a large structure or building in the dead of night.
Retreating from a Battle:
It is foolish to fight a Battle that cannot be won, and at times it may not even be worth the effort or risk to fight in a winnable Battle. Sometimes an individual just may not want to fight, just plain and simple. Whichever may be the case, Retreating from a Battle can be done by anyone, and only requires putting distance between you, and your would-be opponent. Stealth isn't even particularly required if there are Traps or other fighters around to intercept any pursuers, but Retreating through Stealth is the most efficient method to escaping any Battle without leaving any trails. However, just like entering a Battle, Retreating takes time and can be risky.
Retreating from a Battle:
Retreating from a Battle takes 30 seconds.
The user must declare they are Retreating in their actions.
If the user is forced to stop Retreating, they will automatically attempt to continue Retreating once able to, unless they have actions or conditionals stating otherwise.
If the user is forced to stop Retreating, they lose half the accumulated Retreating time. (eg If they are hit with a Full Bind or Physical Bind at 10 seconds, they would still require another 25 seconds)
If the user choses to stop Retreating, they lose all the accumulated Retreating time.
Retreating requires Movement
The user may use Non-Offensive Techniques while Retreating.
If the user uses an Offensive Technique they no longer Retreating.
If the user is in Stealth against all Hostile Targets, the user's Retreating time is reduced to 20 seconds. The user's Retreating time returns to 30 seconds if they leave Stealth for any reason.
The user must not be inside an Arena Technique while Retreating. If the user enters an Arena Technique they are no longer Retreating.
If the user successfully retreats, and was attempting a Forced Entry/Forced Exit topic, their attempt to Forced Entry/Forced Exit fails, and they must create a new attempt.
Fighting styles are special abilities that modify a particular branch of techniques. These are classified into two particular groups.
These styles are Taijutsu based and the effects only apply to the proper Taijutsu Damage Type.
These styles are Ninjutsu or Genjutsu Based.
Entering a style costs .5 Ap unless otherwise noted.
Dropping a style costs 0 Ap.
A player may only be in one physical style and one chakra style at a time.
Any offensive oriented effects (such as increased Damage/Accuracy) in a style only modifies its listed aspect unless otherwise noted.
For example, a Fire style would only modify fire-based jutsu, while an Axe style would only modify Axe-based techniques. If the user is duel wielding different weapon types, only the weapon of the particular style would be modified.
Any defensive oriented effects, such as lowered dodge or increased damage taken, applies to any action directed at the user, unless otherwise stated.
Some styles have a certain requirement to be active (Such as requiring a certain weapon to be equipped). If the user no longer meets this requirement (Like if they were disarmed), the style is dropped.
In addition to Fighting styles, there is something called "Defensive Stance" which all players naturally have. This does not count as either a physical or chakra style. This means you may be in other styles and use Defensive Stance.
Defensive Mode works as following
This costs .5 Ap to enter or swap effects.
The user may gain +1 Dodge by lowering their Accuracy by -2. This may be done twice for +2 Dodge, -4 Accuracy.
Important: Suppression Chances can only occur on Full Hits unless stated otherwise.
Important: The success chance to cause suppression caps out at 50%. Anything higher is automatically brought down to 50%.
Suppression can be applied onto an opponent through two means:
Weapons that are capable of Suppression have a 20% chance to cause Suppresion once per jutsu. This increases by +5% for each additional .5 AP an attack costs.
The chance of success is stated within the notes of the Ninjutsu if it causes Suppression.
What does suppression do?
Each successful Suppression reduces the target's AP by 0.5 AP for the remainder of the round. This may only occur four times in a single round.
Example: Joe Ninja does a basic strike which uses a weapon that causes bludgeoning. His chance of success is 20%. If Joe Ninja were to use a jutsu with said weapon costing 1 AP, his chance would be 20 + 5 + 5 = 30% chance to cause suppression.
Temporary HP is reduced before the user's normal HP, but only when hit by an attack (it does not apply toward any DoT). Temporary HP can bypass your maximum hit points. If the user has two or more ways of gaining Temporary HP, only the highest amount will generate, as Temp HP cannot stack (a higher amount overwrites the weaker amount). Temporary HP is lost at the end of the round. Passive damage ignores Temp HP.
Temporary CP is spent before the user's normal CP, but only when casting a Technique (it does not apply toward any Maintenance Costs). Temporary CP can bypass your maximum Chakra Points. If the user has two or more ways of gaining Temporary CP, only the highest amount will generate, as Temp CP cannot stack (a higher amount overwrites the lower amount). Temporary CP is lost at the end of the round. Direct damage to the User's CP ignores Temp CP
Terrain Techniques are a class of Technique that cover and shape an entire battlefield.
Unless otherwise stated, only one Terrain Technique may be active on the field at a time.
Terrain Technique apply their effects to all targets on the battlefield.
Terrain Techniques do not require a check to hit in order to apply their effects unless otherwise stated.
Terrain Technique may be overwritten with other Terrain Technique, but this requires a check; which type of check is determined in the notes of the specific Terrain Technique.
- In the Event of a tie, the offensive action (or active person) has priority and wins a tie.
Ex: Entering stealth, a tie between Stealth and awareness, the person entering wins the tie
Ex: Attacking someone in stealth via a blind shot, a tie between awareness and stealth, the person making the blind shot wins the tie.
- Arming a Trap costs 1 Ap and requires movement.
- Traps may be attached to targets in battle; this is done through melee accuracy (unless otherwise stated), and costs .75 Ap.
- Traps attack their targets via the user's Ranged Accuracy upon being triggered.
- Traps that are triggered target things in stealth normally without performing a Blind Shot check. If the user is in stealth when a Trap is triggered, they will not be removed from stealth.
- May only have one usage of a specific trap armed at a time.
- May have up to 3 traps armed simultaneously.
- When arming a trap, the user makes a stealth check against all in battle; those failing this check only see it as a hidden action, even if they had the Insight ability.
- Whenever someone makes an awareness check they receive a check to notice any hidden traps as well.
- Armed Traps may be targeted by any attack and Called Shot: Weapon (though they can be armed to trigger if attacked!), cannot dodge, and are destroyed on a hit (unless triggered). A trap may only be targeted by someone who is aware of it. A Trap is not a valid target for attack redirection purposes, such as an enrage chance.
- Even if aware of a trap, the triggering condition is only ever revealed to others if they have the same trap equipped, or have some other ability allowing them to do so (Insight does not count).
- Although some traps may have unique triggering or targeting conditions, all traps may be armed on these four basic settings;
The Trap will trigger when the user is hit by an attack, targeting the one who attacked them. This setting will not trigger the same round it was armed.
The Trap will trigger 10, 20 or 30 seconds later from the time it was cast (user's choice upon arming it), targeting an enemy of the user's choice (also chosen upon arming).
The Trap will trigger when the user no longer maintains it, targeting someone at random. The maintain cost for traps armed this way is 50 Cp per second during a round.
The Trap will trigger when someone attempts to destroy it through any method other than a Called Shot: Weapon, targeting the one who attacked it. If attached to something, attacking what it is attached to will also trigger this setting.
On Ninpocho, you are able to sign a contract with the ancient creatures and gain a bond.
Important: In order to summon said contract, one needs the Summoning Contract Jutsu located Here.
For all your Contract Summon needs and rulings, click Here.
The above link will show you exactly where you can find each contract, how to obtain each contract, the rules for searching in general, and the contracts themselves!
Contracts in Battle
If a Player has an active Contract in battle and is Knocked Unconscious (K.O Status), the Contract Summon is immediately removed from battle.
A Player may only have a single Contract present in battle at a time. This does not apply to Archsage's Unbound Loyalty.
Upon mastering the basics of summoning weaponry and lifeless tools, one can learn to further their skills and develop new, stronger methods to summoning. However, skill is not the only necessity to this advanced summoning jutsu, as the user is required to have been fortunate enough to bond themselves within a mythical contract family. Once they have been accepted into the ranks of these creature's families and are called kin, the user may then request aid of their Family by summoning their familiars, often with a small stamp of their blood. The creatures summoned can ranged from a frail kitten to a mighty Toad, but the method behind the ritual is the same.
Information Prerequisites: A Summoning Contract
Rank 1: Allows the user to Summon D-B Rank Summons. Rank 2: Allows the user to Summon A-S Rank Summons.
E-Rank Summon Cost: Rp Only D-Rank Summon Cost: 375Cp, 1 AP C-Rank Summon Cost: 750Cp, 1.5 AP B-Rank Summon Cost: 1500Cp, 2.25 AP A-Rank Summon Cost: 2500Cp, 3.25 AP S-Rank Summon Cost: 4000Cp, 4.5 AP
Each contract may only be summoned once per battle, with a maximum of 3 contracts total.
Only one contract may be on the battlefield at a time, with the most recent contract replacing the previous contract.
This Technique may not have its timing reduced in any way or form, other than Contract Mastery
This Technique does not need to be mastered in order to gain a Minor/Major Affinity for Non-Elemental Jutsu.
You may not call a Battle Moderator in your first post in a thread.
When entering a modded battle, many people are simply confused on what to do next. If you've never done it before, or you're not a b-mod, the whole process may seem a bit difficult. But fear not, it's quite simple actually. This section will take you through everything you'll need to know.
The way you PM your information to the Battle Moderator is very important. Neatness is always a plus. In most cases, you will need to send the following items to your Battle Moderator:
- Stats
- Custom Class
- Bloodline or Core Ability Table
- Kinjutsu
- Equipment Lists
- Ability Lists
- Jutsu
- Inventory Link
Some Battle Mods don't always require you to send everything on that list but it is nice to have the information. Try and keep everything neat by placing them in spoilers and/or quotes so that the information is easily separated and simple to read.
Also, added when entering a fight after the the initial bmod call (I.E. being called into a fight, etc.) all information MUST be sent when you enter the fight. (Meaning: Stats, Abilities, Equipment, BL/CA/Kin) This excludes actions as they will be sent when the round the player comes into the fight on.
This is very important. When sending your actions, you should try and be as clear and concise as possible with your words. Neatly outlining what abilities, jutsu, attacks etc, you would like to use in a neat fashion is key.
[ap]: Chosen Action [cost]
- misc information about the chosen action (ie, who to target, what you want to do with it, etc)
.5ap: Draw Weighted Gloves
- The weighted gloves augmented by X augment and not y augment
1ap: Attack Bob Ninja with a Called Shot Heart
- Glove has Crippler augment so +7% called shot chance
1.5ap: Spinning Wind Jutsu Rank 2 XXcp with Weighted Glove
- Its an Aoe so attack Bob Ninja and Joe Ninja
2.5ap: Perfected Rasengan Mastered at Joe Ninja
Repeating actions in that format should help you send a clear set of actions to your mod. However it is not mandatory for you to send actions that way. After a while, you may develop your own style of sending actions but as long as they are clear and understandable it should be ok for the Moderator to mod.
Conditionals are slightly harder to form. These are more often then not "If-Then" statements.
"If Bob Ninja attacks me with a melee taijutsu, then use 1ap Dodge Roll Rank 1 to try and avoid it"
"If I am targeted by any jutsu between that takes between 2 and 3 seconds to go off, then use 1ap Body Switch Mastered with a Kawarimi Target to avoid it"
Conditionals vary depending on your situation, but they are similar to normal actions. Keep in mind that not all conditionals have to be reflexive or reactionary. It is also wise to keep in mind that Conditionals are like a double edged sword, using one could potentially throw a hitch into your main actions. So be wise with what you want to prepare for and you might avoid doing more damage to yourself then your opponent.
Note: Should you be targeted by an attack, afflicted by an effect, etc. That you do not wish to dodge/resist/remove/etc, you must tell your moderator your intent so that they know not to roll your resistance/dodge etc.[/fontsize]
Every Battle Moderator mods differently and in a way unique to them. However, all mods should have a clear and conscice format for which the readers can understand.
HP of each combatant
CP of each combatant
AP of each combatant
Status of each combatant
Summary of what happened during the battle in order
This is just the basic information you will see in any given mod. The summary will usually have the events that happened in a battle listed either in a list format or by descending order according to the second it happened in the round. The round will have your previous round information (or base information) HP, CP, AP listed followed by the deductions of your actions and any damage you may have lost or gained in the round resulting in your now current HP, CP, AP. Some mods post the results in order of when they happen, some keep a tally and just show you all of what you lost at once instead of separating it into individual numbers. It depends on who is modding for you. Looking at the summary will explain to you the happenings of the round which should be fairly easy to understand and comprehend if the Bmod did a good job.[/fontsize]
At times, you will come to find an error in the mod or you will have a question about what happened in the round. It is key in remembering that B-Mods are not perfect. If you find yourself having a complaint or a question, calmly ask your b-mod in the form of a PM or any other means of communication you might have and polietly inquire about what you want to know. In most cases the B mod will have a response as to why something happened or didn't happen, but there are things that they cannot tell you. Some things are confidential between the Mod and the opponent, or the mod and the system. It all depends on the question asked.
A log of each individual update made to the battle rules.
2/25/13 - Added in AP carryover after round -Zenichi.
4/14/13 - Added approved changes to Retreating from Battle Rules. -Kagemaru.
4/16/13 - Removed capped shop purchase from Custom Class: Class Points. - Kaza.
5/7/13 - Added additional note in Sending Actions section. - Kagemaru.
5/10/13 - Reposted the rules under the Ninpocho Admin account name. - Saemon
5/13/13 - Fixed Weapon Creation Rules. - Kaza.
5/15/13 - Rookie Class Added. - Kaza.
5/30/13 - Adding the word "Puppets" to Tier 1-5 located in the OOC Rank section. - Kaza.
7/26/13 - Resting was edited to incude auto-dodge and remove the ability to dodge. - Saemon
7/27/13 - Made Reflexive and Reactionary the same thing. - Saemon
7/27/13 - Removed Exhaustion. - Saemon
11/15/13 - Updated Genjutsu and Puppet related rules as well as updated the Initial post with new anchors. - Kagemaru
11/20/13 - Updated Taijutsu rules to detail how Buffing Taijutsu work more clearly. - Kagemaru
12/6/13 - Updated Puppet rules for how Puppets may be equipped and placed in equipment slots. - Kagemaru
12/6/13 - Updated AoE rules to specify targeting. - Kagemaru
12/11/13 - Updated Genjutsu rules to about Buffing Genjutsu - Kagemaru
12/19/13 - Removed ability to use Buffing genjutsu on yourself - Kagemaru
12/23/13 - Updated Class Rules and Secondaries section with inclusion of Puppet Accuracy and Dodge.
12/23/13 - Added new rules about Multiplier effects.
07/20/14 - Added special note about storage items taking up inventory slots but adding more inventory space. - Toraono Kuro
12/11/15 - Updated Ability Rules to reflect the fact that Shinobi 101 needs to be RPed to be obtained much like branch abilities - Raharu Tao
6/24/17- Removed the following equations: Puppet Accuracy = [(CC x .6) + Agility x .4)] and Puppet Dodge: [(CC x .4 + (Agility x .6)] because puppet accuracy and dodge is now based off of the user's ranged accuracy and dodge.
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