Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 07:39:02

Assessment [Private]

Kato Hana

Active Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
Manzo waited on the training field. He had sent the message to her telling her to be here but still he found himself waiting. Today was not a day for masks, today he simply wore is everyday civilian outfit. He was not here for ANBU business, well sort of but it not official. He needed to see with his own eyes how the new AiT handled herself.

He looked over and saw Sluggy whacking away at the training dummy with his sword. Whacking was about the best description of it since he really had no skill with the sword just like the look of it. Truth be told, seeing a three foot tall slug with drool coming out of his mouth and a sword at his side certainly made for an interesting sight.
Hana was a bit nervous meeting Manzo about the coming mission. She never fought anyone in life ever, so this was all new to her plus she was still discovering and finding out who she truly become. At times she felt like a monster but other times, she loved having the abilities to do things.

Hana quicken up the pace to meet Manzo, she felt bad having him wait as long as he did, she was grateful he wanted to meet her before the mission. Hana could see the training field within distance of her now. She hoped he’d be happy with her. She trusted Takeshi judgment of him choosing her to go with Manzo.

She finally reached the training field, she saw Manzo waiting, and behind him this big sluggy thing with a sword in its mouth. Hana look weirdly at the creature.

“Hello Manzo, I’m sorry for the wait.”

Hana looked at the slimy creature again before looking at Manzo again.

“what is that creature”? She asked Manzo
Manzo smiled as he saw the youngest member of his team. He wasn’t sure how she was going to fare today but it was better to find out now.

As she approached she greeted him, then without hardly a breath proceed to insult him. Well it wasn’t a insult to him but it was insult to his family, which took as insult. The smile that was normally on his face vanished in an instant.
Before he could comment though Sluggy managed to do it for him. ”CREATURE” He yelled at her. ”I WILL SHOW YOU A CREATURE” with that he started to charge her with his sword off to the side, prepared to swing. Fortunately Sluggy was far enough away to allow for Manzo to speak.

”That is my brother, which as you may have guess don’t like to be called a creature“ He looked at the charging slug ”I did want to talk to you but it looks like you are going to have to defend yourself first.“
As he said that Sluggy jumped into the air bringing the sword high above his head to cut Hanna in the head. What would she do?


Hana saw Manzo smile at her, all seemed fine though till she had asked what the creature was, Hana meant no offense. She wasn’t used to how things were here, this was all new here. She apologized quickly, but it seemed it do not matter. Hana had to defend herself somehow against this slug.

She heard Manzo speak, but didn’t hear all of it because, she was looking on slug concentrating on what to do. She thought quickly on what to do, she needed to dodge or shield herself from this slug. She moved out the way than thought of an ability she possibly could use. A slug she thought, than she stood up and casted out a blast of dehydration, hoping it would work.
Sluggy’s swing was wild and out of control, making it easy for Hana to dodge out of the way. Sluggy was a bit perturbed by this, almost like he expected for the pitiful attack to automatically hit.

He turned to Manzo to speak pointing his little sword, one in a normal sized humans hands would be just considered a wakashi but in Sluggy’s hands looked more like a full sized katana ”You said I could learn the sword but that made me look I no nothing about it. YOU need to step up your teaching. ”

Instead of pointing out the obvious that it took practice and not failing around with his sword to look cool. Manzo simply pointed at Hana, directing the slugs attention to the hand signs that were being weaved. Sluggy managed to turn just in time to see the wave of scorching heat pour over him. He was fortunate enough to get his sword up in time to deflect some of it but it still managed to burn him.

Sluggy jumped back and formally sheathed his sword, flicking off the imaginary blood that was not on the sword before placing the blade away. He then performed hand signs of his own and his hands started to glow green, placing them on the burns. Instantly they started to heal. ”See this is what I was talking about, you humans want nothing but to harm us slugs” it was obvious that he was talking to both Manzo and Hana though his eyes never left Hana. ”First she insults my honor by calling me a ‘CREATURE’” the last word was said with bile ”then she tries to kill me” ignoring the fact that he attacked her first. ”thought at least it wasn’t salt. I would have been really mad then. Well two can play at this game”

With speed that human hands were unlikely to every match Sluggy started his own hand signs and Venus Flytrap sprang up from the ground attempting to attack and bind Hana. Without pausing his hands started another set of hand signs. It was a trap. To avoid the second attack Hana would have to imprisoned by the flytrap, otherwise she would likely be enveloped with radioactive chakra, working to deplete her own chakra pool.
Sluggy first used Lure of the Flytrap then Sub-Atomic Scorch
Hana watched the slug and his sword, and saw this green glow, she wondered what he was going to do. She saw him heal, Hana didn’t know that was possible. She wondered if she could heal herself also, she still had so much to learn. At times all this confused her, was all so new, she still wondered how this all happened still. The slug spoke, Hana spoke back.

“I did not even know you were a slug or what a slug was, I’m learning of all this, I didn’t want to harm no one but you frightened me in a way”

She heard the slug speak once more, and she listened again.

“I call all things creatures, because I never seen any of you before, I was always from Leaf, I never meant to insult anyone, I don’t even know you, I am sorry I insulted both of you or even tried to kill you, I got scared me I just reacted somehow, I still don’t know how to use every ability I have”

Hana lowered her head, she felt from here on out this wasn’t going to be easy, she wished it would have. All sudden she saw something come out the ground, before she could say anything, this Venus looking fly trap plant came up. Hana stepped back. It seemed the plant was to gobble her up. Hana’s eyes grew big looking at the plant and it took her in. Hana felt a tight squeeze and some sort of slime on her.
“Ewww , let me out!”

Hana struggled to push open the fly trap, her eyes started to glow red, she grew madder by the minute, she didn’t like not being able to move and confined. Hana started to heat up like she was burning hot hoping it would make the flytrap open or spit her out and maybe burn through it and release her.

[MTF] 325
With Hana trapped in the fly trap Sluggy looked quite pleased with himself. She had tried to explain herself but Sluggy was having none of that. No matter what Manzo did and how hard he tried to help Sluggy with humans, the slug still had a preconceived notion that all humans carried salt shakers in their pockets in case they saw a slug. It really made Manzo think that humans had become the boggyman for slugs.

Waiting a moment to see if Hana would be able to escape. It was an advanced jutsu, perhaps he had to high hopes for Sluggy to fight this fight without going overboard. In order to rectify this he held his palm out to the side as chakra quickly began to pool and rotate at a high speed, water chakra began to pour into the spinning ball of chakra then the water became solid, pieces of wood. Satisfied with it he threw it at the fly trap. He knew the jutsu, in fact it was one of his favorite as well. As the fly trap exploded, releasing Hana he turned to Sluggy.

”You need to calm down, those two were a bit overboard and you know it. “ Sluggy started to look a bit sheepish, an interesting look for a slug with acid drool coming out of his mouth. ”Now go appoliage, as she did already to you and heal her wounds.“

Sluggy shuffled over to Hana and sheepishly told her ”Sorry” as his hands once again began to glow green and healed any of the acid wounds that she might have suffered.

That done Sluggy seemed to have lost interest in the two humans and headed off to whatever it was that caught his interest.

Manzo reached out a hand to help Hana up. ”So what did you learn with your tussle with Sluggy, and not about how sensitive he is that is known. He's quick to anger and quick to lose interest.“ He was interested in seeing what she got out of this fight. He wanted to continue with a spar but first time for reflection.

Hana kept struggling not giving up getting out the fly trap. She yelled out under breath and the slimy stuff inside the fly trap burned her delicate smooth skin. She was sure the slug was enjoying all this too. What did I get myself into thought Hana. The burns started to get intense, small water droplets of tears formed in Hana’s eyes, she was sure she feeling the Uchiha anger and her eyes started to glow red. She just wanted out this, she never meant to upset the slug, whatever was happening was much stronger than Hana knew of.

All sudden Hana heard something like water and felt something hit the fire trap and she fell out of it. She laid of the ground feeling the intense burns on her skin looking up at the sky. Tears still ran down the side of her face, her eyes slowing losing the red in them and back to normal bright green. She overheard Manzo talking and rolled over to her side

The slug came over towards her with acid drool forming and coming out the corner of his mouth, Hana moved backwards on the ground from him, not sure what he was going to do next. But he only apologized with a sorry. Hana looked at the slug,

“I didn’t mean what I did, I’m all new to this, a lot happened I can’t even explain and things I saw, I wish to be friends if you do, I accept your sorry”

Hana watched the slug glow green and got worried he was still upset she moved back again, she was in enough pain with burns all over her. But, instead of hurting her again she felt a tingle on the burns, she looked down at one on her arm as it began to heal and disappear. Hana looked up at the slug.

“Please teach me to do that”

She was relieved the burns were gone from all over her body and her skin renewed, Hana was intrigued on how to heal and wanted to learn this. But, the slug turned and walked away.

“Please wait”

Hana lowered her head to look at ground than to Manzo speaking to him.

“I guess I really Screwed this lesson up, I’m Sorry Manzo”

She lowered her head once again. Manzo came over to her with his hand, to help her up. He asked her what she learned. Hana was now standing face to face with Manzo. She nodded at him and began to speak.

“well, your opponent can be quick to charge yes, and I shouldn’t judge them by what I think I see from the outside, the simplest thing could be the most dangerous the within inside.”
Hana kept struggling not giving up getting out the fly trap. She yelled out under breath and the slimy stuff inside the fly trap burned her delicate smooth skin. She was sure the slug was enjoying all this too. What did I get myself into thought Hana. The burns started to get intense, small water droplets of tears formed in Hana’s eyes, she was sure she feeling the Uchiha anger and her eyes started to glow red. She just wanted out this, she never meant to upset the slug, whatever was happening was much stronger than Hana knew of.

All sudden Hana heard something like water and felt something hit the fire trap and she fell out of it. She laid of the ground feeling the intense burns on her skin looking up at the sky. Tears still ran down the side of her face, her eyes slowing losing the red in them and back to normal bright green. She overheard Manzo talking and rolled over to her side

The slug came over towards her with acid drool forming and coming out the corner of his mouth, Hana moved backwards on the ground from him, not sure what he was going to do next. But he only apologized with a sorry. Hana looked at the slug,

“I didn’t mean what I did, I’m all new to this, a lot happened I can’t even explain and things I saw, I wish to be friends if you do, I accept your sorry”

Hana watched the slug glow green and got worried he was still upset she moved back again, she was in enough pain with burns all over her. But, instead of hurting her again she felt a tingle on the burns, she looked down at one on her arm as it began to heal and disappear. Hana looked up at the slug.

“Please teach me to do that”

She was relieved the burns were gone from all over her body and her skin renewed, Hana was intrigued on how to heal and wanted to learn this. But, the slug turned and walked away.

“Please wait”

Hana lowered her head to look at ground than to Manzo speaking to him.

“I guess I really Screwed this lesson up, I’m Sorry Manzo”

She lowered her head once again. Manzo came over to her with his hand, to help her up. He asked her what she learned. Hana was now standing face to face with Manzo. She nodded at him and began to speak.

“well, your opponent can be quick to charge yes, and I shouldn’t judge them by what I think I see from the outside, the simplest thing could be the most dangerous within inside.”
Manzo watch as Hana pleaded with Sluggy, who did not seem interested. Sluggy was not the best teacher. Heck he only gave pointers to Manzo when he was “teaching” him before going off to other things that interested him. Sluggy was not known for his long attention span.

”First off let say you did not screw this up. This was about assessing your skills which pretty much means it is impossible to screw up. Unless you were holding back “ he paused and raised an eyebrow to see how she would respond.

”Second what Sluggy was doing there was medical ninjutsu. He is far better at it than me, in fact I can only perform the most basics of medical ninjutsu. If you would like to learn that, then I would suggest talking to the medics. You have to REALLY work to earn his trust and friendship and even then he is not the best of teachers.“ the last part he said with a much lower voice as he looked over to Sluggy to see if he had heard him. Fortunately it seemed that Sluggy’s interest were elsewhere at the moment.

”Now if you are truly interested in healing people it is not to late to change branches. I say this not to try and push you out or to say you can’t make it but it appears that this was your first experience with medical ninjutsu, this may interest you more.

But as for this lesson, you were correct you made an assumption about your opponent, though at the time you did not know Sluggy was your opponent. But that is the case, you never know when you are going to be facing an opponent. You need to learn to size up your opponents and call for help when you get in over your head.“

Stepping back he took a relaxed stance. ”Now lets see what you can do. This time I will not put you in a bind like that. Attack me when you are ready and don’t worry about holding back. Sluggy can always heal us if things get to bad“ There was a smile on his face the might scare her but it was time to have some real fun.
Manzo gave Hana encouraging words, she smiled a little at him, and listening to what he spoke of. He asked if she held back, she bite her lower lip, while wondering how to tell him. She realized she couldn’t hide anything from him and didn’t wish to anyway he was helping her realize who she was and what was going on, if anything she respected him greatly, and respected Takeshi’s judgement on this.

“I might have held back my Uchiha anger when in the fly trap, the burning had angered me greatly, I wanted to explode inside the fly trap”

She looked back at Manzo with a bit of regret, but she felt he already knew this. Medical ninjutsu Hana seemed interested in.

“Ok Medical Ninjutsu, might try that in future, but I feel I better learn one thing at a time, not to confuse myself, I need to know how to defend myself in this world I’m now in, I’m sure you agree. Also, I hope I gained some trust with you Manzo”

Hana looked hopeful, maybe this didn’t turn out as bad as she thought, we all got to start somewhere, why not here. Than Manzo said about fighting him, Hana watched him step back, her eyes widen a little, worried the anger side will come out again, she wished to hurt no one but if she didn’t try she will keep getting hurt and knocked down.

“What if my angered Uchiha side comes out Manzo?”

She looked at him with curious eyes and thoughts, last time she left that go full blow and of course first time it happened she killed her father, Hana sighed heavy.
Manzo was glad to see she did not want to leave to become a medic. He wanted to tell her that could learn to defend herself no matter what branch she was in. Was she only in the ANBU in order to get stronger? It seemed to Manzo that was a silly reason to join but he knew his reason for joining were vastly different than others. In fact he had joined the branch much later than others.

The Uchiha anger worried her. That was going to be a problem. The Uchiha had a powerful weapon and if she was worried about using it then she was severely limiting herself. He personally hated the eyes, but it was a prejudice that he did not let show. After all Takeshi had them and he was nothing but a friend to Manzo. But no matter who wore them his mind's eye remembered seeing them on his cousin.

But that was a thought for another day.

As she asked the question, plainly obvious that she was worried about hurting Manzo, he leaned in without a hesitation and simply replied ”Good“ with a hint of glee in his eyes.

He was sure that was not the response she was looking for but if she did not attack him soon he would have to start the fight off. He quietly pondered if that was the case, how much strength would he use on her. It was becoming obvious that he needed to get her to unlock her true potential before they could progress much further.
Hana was worried about the Uchiha anger but also need to learn how to control it and other abilities as well. She stepped before Manzo facing him, pondering on what she should try with him. She noticed he liked that she was worried about hurting him and told her good, hmmm I’m not going to get out of this, so I must think what a good strike would be, only way out of this, she thought.

Hana looked across to Manzo with a grin and gritted her teeth she had a plan just hoped it would work out like she planned. She’d hope he didn’t know what she was planning to use. Hana took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and focused, you can do this Hana, she said to herself.

She decided to try a sneaky illusion a Genjutsu, by doing Charismatic Breakdown. Hana focused more so this would work. Hoping He would feel fear, or something unknown to him, and possibly losing focus, making it a bit easier for her.

Hana’s eyes started to glow red even closed as she focused harder, and concentration on what had to be done. She raised her head at looked Manzo in the eyes to cast what she brought froth.
As Hana’s eyes changed Manzo smiled. That was what he wanted, she held back to much and he needed to break her of that. His eyes looked towards the ground, he would be able to see everything with his peripheral vision but he would not have to look into the sharingan.

His hand reached towards the ground and a tree grew rapidly then formed into the shape of a sword. Plucking it from the ground he tested the weight. It had been a while since he had trained with the sword, he began to attack. If she was not going to then he would have to press the attack until she did. To his surprise every attack he thought would have hit seemed to find air. It wasn’t that she was moving to fast, just he was not hitting the resistance that he expected. Surely he was not this rusty with the sword.

Taking a precaution he used Cancel on himself and felt the Genjutsu lift from his mind. ”Interesting, not many people I have faced use genjutsu so effortlessly. But if you are going to use it you need to follow up. There are some that are good enough with Genjtusu it is all they need to use, but right I am not sure you are there yet.“

Taking a risk he looked into her eyes, he would have to use another cancel just in case, but he wanted to see how far she could progress. ”I am glad you finally unleashed your Sharingan, have you been able to progress it to the next level? Oh and you can talk while you attack me again. “

[ooc: the gen you used says I fail when I really succeed. I RPed it as all failures, so it is up to you if any of the strikes connected.]

Current Ninpocho Time: Saturday, 15. Mar, 07:39:02
