Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

At Least i Care [requesting medic, open]

May 7, 2017
Wandering to the door Yukio still held the trainees beneath his arms the Doll hanging loosely off his back as he sighed there was very little in the way of excuses that could be given in these circumstances best thing to do at this moment in time was be honest considering the understanding he had with the branch it shouldn't be that difficult surely. It was late in the day and the Hyuuga wasn't too sure how busy the place would be at this hour though he didn't want to put more work on the medics and doctors it was better to cover his own back and get the pair checked there was also the chance of finding out something that would help in the future by bringing them here.

Stepping through the doors after some effort he was careful not to drop the precariously hanging AiT's not moving the much grace he'd forgotten how much people could grow through the academy both having some weight to them making moving with any ease difficult the doll on his back not making life any easier for the ANBU Finding a set of chairs and leaving them there taking a moment to catch his breath he took the liberty of leaving the doll in Maru's lap creating a rather humorous scene.

Now free to move normally he moved over to the counter leaning on it in those moments a light sweat glistening on his brow as he took a moment to catch his breath before speaking. "If I could see someone to get Maru and Juko looked at that would be appreciated, they've been left in a bit of a state as you can see." He gestured to the pair one being left with grace in the chair the other sat with a doll planted against him without much care it seemed. "The one with the doll cares about it a great deal thus why its here with him, its better not to ask too many questions he's an interesting one to say the least."

[Med nin requested]
[Topic entered with Juko and Maru]
Maru was out cold, his body riddled with cuts and broken pieces of glass still stuck in his skin. Black blood seeped out of his open wounds, and down the corners of his mouth like puppet lines. The curse mark was slowly repaired the internal bleeding he had suffered within the sparing with Yukio, however the curse seal could only heal so much while the boy was unconscious however it did sped up the recovery process. Being trapped in his own mind, seeing nothing but pitch blackness while small groans of pain could be heard from the wounded AIT.

But despite Maru's condition, the doll that had been carelessly lain on his lap face down looked to be just fine, despite having been used in battle. The doll wearing a chilling blood red dress, decorated with a matching burgundy corset along with a white shoulderless feminine dress shirt that covered her small chest giving her a sort of classy look to her. The girl Doll had long pigtails with a lavender rose on her wavy locks that are as soft as silk, big blue marble eyes that gave her a adorable look especially when looking up. The plastic diva looked to be the same height as maru, she looked almost human if not for her mechanical arms and jointed shoulders. She laid motionless on Maru's lap, her legs bent in odd angles awaiting for another play date to arise with more interesting people to battle.

Kawaii had always have been a sort of comfort for Maru at times since his GENIN days. A side kick as well as a weapon that seemed to be pulling the strings to some, however the doll itself is cursed... Very cursed as one could tell.
The woman he addresses was a young one in appearance, but not young enough to be mistaken as a student. She looks a little on the vampiric side; deathly pale skin, crimson red eyes and snow white hair. “Yes I am well aware of Maru’s obsessions and is it really so strange for one to be attracted to a puppet?” The receptionist takes a look at the doll laying on top of Maru in an interesting manner. “Personally I think I’m a better catch, but I’m biased.” If the Hyuuga would take a look with his special vision, he would see that the woman behind the counter was not human. Her name tag read Suigintou and she was a puppet of a whole different caliber. Tsubaki Haruna, her creator was completely obsessed with making her works of art as life-like as humanly possible. She had a clay skeleton mixed with metal, ninja wire to act as muscles, a build in heating unit to have her simulate human body temperature and even possessed a fake circulatory system.

“How about you? Do you think I’m good looking?”
Sougintuo was putting him on the spot for that previous comment. From under her desk Suigintou pulls out a few sheets of paper and places them on the counter. “Since they are currently unconscious, please fill out this paperwork.” If a hospital has something in abundance, it is paperwork. There is a lot of documentation that goes into the medical field and sometime she wonders if Anbu has it this bad. “Can I assume that you will be joining them to their doctor’s visit?” Suigintou felt the need to ask, because he could just be dropping them off. She would not think any less of him for a shinobi life is busy work.
Juko wasnt looking any better than his new squadmate as he was laying in the hospital chair. His eyes where showing the shadow of an exhausting fight, dark beams that were making his eyes appear even bigger than they were in reality. Lying in the hospital chair his body was filled with bruises, most of which had by now taken a blueish color that wasnt so different to the color below his eyes.
The boy groaned as he was placed down, pain filling both his mind and his body. With an unconscious attempt his hands moved over his body, as if trying to catch all the hits he had received just a short while ago. Ughhh... he tried to move but his body was to weak and his mind hadnt returned into his body yet, making the attempt more of a declaration of intent than an actual action.
The chair he was lying in was creaking lightly as he shifted his weight, eyes still closed and mouth moving as he was forming invisible words.
If one were to get really close to Juko, one could probably hear him whisper pieces and fragments of sentences that revolved around his fight against Yukio. Cant get.... more strength.... need the... His blonde hair was spilling out of his hoodie as his body tried to wriggle in the hospital chair making him slowly slide down from the seat and to the ground.
The cold ground made the unconscious boy shiver.
WC: 246​
Akihiko was just about to get off duty when he spotted a green eye'd white hair man. That was Yukio, someone, even though he just met him not too long ago, a friend. Akihiko walked over and overheard the receptionist speaking. "Of course your beautiful." He stated to her, then he looked at Yukio, then to the two that he brought in. "We should treat them right away, I'll go get the gurneys." Akihiko stated paperwork could wait, they were the ninja, in bad shape. Before the girl could protest, Akihiko was already gone.

Akihiko came back soon with two gurney's, he carefully picked up maru and his doll and placed him on one. He was careful not to move him too much, less the glass shard could do more damage if moved anymore. "We'll get the glass out then, stop the bleeding with some medical jutsu. He'll need a few stitches, does he need the doll to be with him? It might get in the way." Akihiko spoke as he moved to pick up Juko, who did not look any better, He placed Juko onto a gurney and then grabbed the handles.

"If you can, can one of your two push the other one? Paperwork can wait until after we know they are okay." Akihiko stated, he was not used to this paperwork business, in his mind it was a waste of time. While he was out on the field, it was treat first ask questions later. What if one of them went into a coma while Yukio was busy trying to figure out their residence, or anything of the sort?

[topic entered on invitation]
Taking a moment to look back on the pair before acknowledging the women Yukio sighed at the notion of having to carry the puppet along but shrugged it off there were many unique individuals within leaf and he was not one to judge them for that. "I see no problem with it, it doesn't have to stay on him literally simply nearby." Tilting his head back to the women he gave a rather blank expression his eyes picking up the minor details before sighing shaking his head slightly. "I never said there was no appeal however your not quite my type if I'm being honest." He was blunt as always though the comment was as genuine as it could be.

Turning back as Juko spoke a slight look of concern came across his face scratching the back of his head and pondering for a moment. "i do have more concerns besides their physical health however and that is how they will be when waking up. Though i need to learn some restraint i have to remember that the training i went through in my younger days is not normal in the slightest thinking on that there are a few things i would liked checked out for myself while i am present." He seemed rather serious during the statement something of a concern as a gentle touch across the back of his shoulder followed his grip tightening almost as if triggered by distant memory.

This was cut short with the arrival of Akihito having phased out for a brief second not hearing the man arrive looking with a smile his voice becoming kinder in the moments that followed. "A pleasure to see you again, I'm sorry in advance for the extra work load but i am concerned about them i don't mind filling out the paperwork for you both its worth it to ensure the wellbeing of my students." Though he caused the condition of the two himself there was still an air of worry around the Hyuuga about how things would turn out his concern becoming plain to see as time went on.
Although Maru started to stir upon catching the words doll and puppet, he still was heavily damaged to even move. His vision suddenly came in for a split second to see Yukio talking to a nice looking lady, almost similar to one of his dolls in his shop however this didn't look like his workshop. He mindlessly uttered one word which was, "Dolly…” before his vision sudden went black again and he was trapped in darkness again but he was aware that his doll Kawaii was on his lap at least. Using all the strength he could muster he attempted to attach a chakra thread to Kawaii but he only attached one thread to hear Kawaii say her usual line of are you ready for playtime before he felt himself being lifted.

Confused about what was going on Maru made a hell of an attempt at moving when he was lifted into a gurney, his hands gripping the railing he attempted to get up before he was lifted up but alas, he was off the floor before any further attempt was made. In that moment, Maru was back out again and his movement stopped uttering low defeated groans of pain. Drifting back into the world of sleep to escape the reality that for the third time, he had the bitter taste of defeat which fueled his determination to become stronger. He needed more darkness, he needed more power, he needed more…. Dolls..

His dream seemed to be of him walking, walking through a hall to reach the other end which contained the last bit of light. In front of him was a white haired man who looked relatively normal looking. He wore a simple white T-shirt with a blue hooded jacket with white fur inside of the hood, he also wore a simple pair of shorts and shinobi sandals that he wore even on snowy days. The only thing strange about the man was that he wore a goofy looking smiling skeleton mask, his eye seemingly flashing blue.


He simply asked Maru if he wanted a bad time, honestly Maru didn't know what he meant by that or why he was protecting the last bit of light of this world and didn't care. This guy was in his way, gripping his knife that was bathed in the color red he rushed at the man! Slashing, stabbing, throwing, hell even punching but the white haired man dodged all of Maru's attacks. The white haired man uses gravity justu to lift MARU off his feet and slammed him to the ground and raised a bunch of spikes to stab him with!


Back at the hall Maru went on the attack! Each time getting faster, but the man killed him again and again each time. Stabbed by spikes, poisoned, obliterated, beaten down, hell even a little cheap shot when Maru let down his guard! Maru was determined to fill the world with darkness and this man was like the last chance this world had of continuing, the more Maru lost, the more he hated this man. The man seemingly was having fun giving Maru hell.
So she was not his type. She had no idea that the man could see through her in such a way. Glancing over to the two students, she could not help but wonder if that was his tastes. Perhaps this man was a sadist that gets almost sexual pleasure from doing harm. She could only imagine the things he would do to her and being not the type for that does not retaliate. Normally she would flirt with him to change his mind, but not if he was going to damage her. Fortunately there was another entering the scene and she thanks him for the compliment. This man far more handsome person in her eyes, but his lack of hospital procedure could use a little work however. “Spoken like a true field medic.” Her tone was clearly displayed annoyance. “There are proper procedures that must be followed, but I guess it can be put on hold.”

Walking down the hall was another puppet and one Maru would recognize if he were awake. This was Kitsune’s new body. It was once Maru’s puppet and thus was not nearly as advanced as Suigintou. Kitsune shakes her head disappointedly. “I swear, does no one know how to use a puppet.” With Maru currently unconscious she strings Kawaii herself. Comes fully to life and next to Marus gurney. There was no need to carry the doll in such an awkward fashion such as Yukio did or to lay it with her master. If one simply equips the doll it can walk with you and aid in the procedure. “You can push the other boy. The doll can push its master and provide healing when we get to that step.”

“However before we continue…” Kitsune stares at each student individually. “There, that should help with the pain.” Kitsune was and expert illusionist, who has mastered every genjutsu except for a few audial ones. With such skills she does not require the use of handseals and thus can cast them while wielding a puppet. The jutsu she placed on each of them was the kinetic genjutsu Masochism. Masochism alters a person’s perceptions to feel pleasure when they should be feeling pain. In their current state, they were in no position to resist. “With this version of sedation, I imagine they must be on cloud nine right now.” KItsune was an unusual illusionist. As a gypsy she uses the art of genjutsu to entertain rather than harm and thus she is an expert to using illusions in a supportive role.
The world behind Juko's eyelids kept moving around and around in swirls that seemed to rip apart his idea of reality everytime they crossed his sight. Bodies, faces, disconnected hands forming handseals then rude gestures then caressing motions drifted through seemingly empty space that was just broken here and there by bright flashes of light and color. Ughhh...! His body uncoiled and contracted repeatedly like a broken spring before all tension suddenly left his body in an instant. Aaahh..... Arms hanging like vines from the bed and head softly drooling on the hard pillow he almost seemed to enjoy his little trip to the hospital. After a while a soft snore-like sound came from his lips and he almost seemed to shrink as his body slowly curled into a fetus position.
The chaotic amalgamation of memories and impressions behind his closed eyes, unseen by everyone but himself, turned into a soothing grayish fog that felt like a drip of water for a thirsty traveller after that almost violent storm of visions from before. Pictures of his fight with his senpai slowly came to the surface of the silvery curtain like black bubbles rising to the top of a calm lake. Ah boy... he really ripped us a new one... or did he? Like a ghost from the future he found himself hovering about his own shoulder as he watched his attacks being expertedly dodged by the Hyuuga before his own defenses burst like they were made out of sheets of paper. His mental apparation nodded with its nonexisting head. Probably should have tried to dodge it too instead of going for pure defense... aaah boy... He felt his weight lessen as he was slowly floating upwards. Probably should have used Maru as a decoy or something like that... what was even the point of trying to align our attacks like that... its not like the stupid guy was of any help like that anyway.. what with the puppets all up his...
Suddenly he seemed to freeze midair and as he turned around his own middle axis another image came forward, shoving away all the other memories with the confident strength of a jock that knew he was about to be picked to be captain of the schools sports team.
The picture that appeared before Juko's mental self was that of Yukio just before they started their first attack. His eyes focussing them. He didn even... activate his byakugan, did he?... The image slowly turned into a moving picture, showing the first time Yukio had dodged their attacks, especially Juko's first attack. The mans back was clearly pointing towards the blonde boy, and still he managed to react as if he had seen the attack coming.
... i guess, thats what one would call experience of the elders eh... I wonder how he did that... was it sound? Did i attack to loud?
He tried to listen more closely but the memory didnt reveal any sounds. Rather, all he heard was the shallow breathing of his own self as it had also been the only thing he had been able to hear in that specific moment.
Crap... i probably have to test things again, crap... i should ask Yukio for some feedback...crap! I should... er...CRAP! I.. i
I crapped!... His eyes suddenly opened up as he sat up straight in his bed, looking at everyone surrounding him and Maru with big eyes. The freshly woken patient blinked slowly as he tried to understand his situation before his own words slowly came back into his mind.
Er...i... didnt... His face turned the color of freshly shamed tomatoes.
WC: 606​

Current Ninpocho Time:
