Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

B-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Cocoon Sheets said:
Cocoon Sheets
A dangerous bind known to shred targets. Very few have lived through this technique without earning several dozen new scars.

Prequisites: Paper Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Paper techniques

Rank 1: Surrounds one target with a stream of paper that encloses the target at -4 Accuracy. Each round the target takes 600 damage with a 30% bleeding chance.
Master: Surrounds one target with a stream of paper that encloses the target at -3 Accuracy. Each round the target takes 800 damage with a 40% bleeding chance.

Special Action: By paying the full Ap/Cp cost of this jutsu, the user may automatically deal x3 the per-round damage with +1 critical chance. This action has a +10% chance to cause bleeding and critical hits deal +15% damage. By using this action, the target is freed from the bind. This has a chance of inflicting a critical hit.

Rank 1 Cost: 720 Cp, 360 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 900 Cp, 450 Cp/Rnd

- Damage may be buffed by paper buffs, and this damage does not dispel the bind.
- This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim. (They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though).
- This bind is broken if the user take 10% of their max Hp in damage during a round.
- The victim has a 15% chance of escaping for every 2.5 Ap they spend.
- If a level C+ fire jutsu (including Major Fire affinity elements) is used on the bind, the target is automatically broken out of the bind but still receives the damage of said fire jutsu.
Paper Blade said:
Paper Blade
The truly skilled origami artist can construct paper imitations of weapons. The true user of paper element can bend this skill to their own use and create real weapons. It is said that they can even implode their weapons into their various paper techniques with ease.

Prequisites: Paper Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Paper techniques

Rank 1: User creates a weapon constructed from chakra-reinforced paper. This weapon automatically has the Special Composition: Paper Element augment and may always cause Bleeding regardless of Damage Type.
Master: User creates a weapon constructed from chakra-reinforced paper. This weapon automatically has the Special Composition: Paper Element augment and may always cause Bleeding regardless of Damage Type. In addition the user may now use the Special Action.

Special Action: User may sacrifice an Augment Slot to add one of the following effects to the created weapon:
- May Channel Paper Jutsu through this weapon at no extra cost.
- +1 Critical
- +5% Damage Modifier
- +1 Accuracy Modifier

Rank 1 Cost: 730Cp, 365Cp/rnd
Master Cost: 910Cp, 455Cp/rnd

- Paper Blade is a Weapon Creation Jutsu.
- - Paper Blade's Special Composition augment does not count towards the weapon's maximum of 3 augments. In addition, Paper Damage is affected by anything which applies to Earth or Lightning Element attacks.
- The Special Action may only be used once Paper Blade is Master Rank and may only be used a single time per created weapon.
Streaming Cloak said:
Streaming Cloak
A covering of paper is actually a solid defense in most cases. Despite common sense stating they would be useless, users of this technique enjoy a strong defense with very little drawbacks. Though it is always a bad idea to use such techniques in the presence of a fire user.

Prequisites: Paper Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Paper techniques

Rank 1: The user gains 10% Damage reduction.
Master: The user gains 10% Damage reduction and +1 Dodge.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 Cp, 360 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 900 Cp, 450 Cp/Rnd

- This is Chakra Armor.
- When struck with a melee attack, the opponent makes a Nin check against the streams of paper. This check targets the opponent at +2 Accuracy and deals damage equal to 15% of the attackers damage with a 7/14% chance of bleeding.
- At all ranks, this Jutsu does not apply to Fire-based damage, and Fire damage taken is increased by +10%
Loose-Leaf Wall said:
Loose-Leaf Wall
A technique that conjures up a flurry of paper, condensing the many sheets to fold and merge together to create a wall. Like most paper techniques, the chakra flowing through the sheets reinforces the shield`s durability to steel-like strength, protecting the user from harm.

Prequisites: Paper Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Paper techniques

Rank 1: Reflexively protects against up to 2200 damage
Master: Reflexively protects against up to 2750 damage

Rank 1 Cost: 730 Cp
Master Cost: 910 Cp

- Protects against physical, non elemental or elemental damage.
- This is used reflexively, but cannot be maintained. This only blocks a single action.
- Hp may be increased with Paper buffs.
- Upon being destroyed, the barrier disperses into sheets of paper once more. This gives the user +2 Dodge to the next action targeting them during the round.
- Fire jutsu deal +10% against this barrier.

Current Ninpocho Time:
