Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

B-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Ice Transmutation said:
Ice Transmutation
A high level ice Jutsu that freezes a large area spontaneously, creating a field of sharp Ice crystals of various shapes and sizes that tear apart all those within the area. This technique is difficult to avoid, and can impair the movement of those caught by its many shards of Ice.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Ice Jutsu

Rank 1: Freezes an area to create a field of crystalline razors, causing two targets to make 4 checks each dealing 400 damage. Each has a 8% chance to 'Impale' the victim.
Master: Freezes an area to create a field of crystalline razors, causing two targets to make 5 checks each dealing 400 damage. Each has a 8% chance to 'Impale' a victim.

Special Action - Winter's Lotus: by paying +20% Cp, the user may sacrifice control of this jutsu to increase its power. All in battle have a 35% chance of being targetted by this jutsu, and this jutsu will target a minimum of 3 targets if possible (Chosen at random if fewer than three fail the initial chance). The user is also a valid target.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 Cp
Master Cost: 910 Cp

- Bleeding may only be raised once by this jutsu.
- If at least two checks 'Impale' the target, they suffer the 'Hypothermia' effect.
- The 'Impale' effect increases bleeding by one level and has a 35% chance of dealing critical damage. Additionally, this disperses clones.
- The 'Hypothermia' effect lowers the victim`s dodge cap by -1. This lasts 10 seconds, and stacks twice with later effects resetting the timer. This debuff cannot be increased through any other method.
Snowflake Shuriken said:
Snowflake Shuriken
A jutsu that condenses and freezes moisture into the palms of the user`s hands, creating a sharp, yet beautiful fuuma shuriken-like ice weapon, that can be thrown and guided with chakra. This large snowflake begins to spin rapidly once thrown, and can cut through many things with an effect similar to a Buzz-saw. When this weapon strikes something, it releases an Icy aura that freezes the point of contact.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Ice Jutsu

Rank 1: Creates a large, razor-sharp snowflake that deals 2200 damage at -2 Accuracy. This has a 14% chance of causing bleeding and 'Frostbite'.
Master: Creates a large, razor-sharp snowflake that deals 2750 damage at -2 Accuracy. This has a 21% chance of causing bleeding and 'Frostbite'.

Special Action: The user may maintain this technique by paying 1 Ap and the maintain cost, granting this jutsu another chance to hit the original target or a new one. This may only be done when performing this technique normally, and only if the initial strike misses. This lowers the base damage by -20% . This is modded immediately after the initial use, and may be done twice per cast.

Special Action - Snowflake Shield: Instead of creating a large weapon, this may be used to create a shield of Ice. This has hp equal to the damage, and may be used reflexively to block physical, elemental and non elemental attacks. This may only block a single action, and has a 28%/35% chance of causing the attacker to suffer the 'Numb' effect if they attacked with melee Accuracy.

Rank 1 Cost: 870 CP
Master Cost: 1090 CP

- This jutsu may use Ranged or Ninjutsu Accuracy.
- The 'Frostbite' effect raises the called shot level of a single limb by 1 and increases further called shot attempts on it by +5% (If not stated, the limb is chosen at random). This cannot stack upon the same limb, and is dispelled when the victim takes Fire damage.
- The 'Numb' effect causes victim`s actions to be modded as if +.5 Ap slower; this does not actually increase AP cost, only the round timing. (A victim may still complete all their actions during a round). This lasts 10 seconds.
Crystallize said:
An ice technique that allows the user to Freeze the surface of an area similar to the top of of a lake. This ice is filled with the user`s chakra however, and is much more slippery than standard Ice and cannot be balanced on with the use of chakra. Alternativly, some Ice masters use an alternative version that allows them to gracefully skate across the battlefield.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Ice Jutsu

Rank 1: Freezes the terrain around the user into an icy surface, causing all those who come into 'Melee Range' to have a 21% chance of 'stumbling' on the ice for the remainder of the round.
Master: Freezes the terrain around the user into an icy surface, causing all those who come into 'Melee Range' to have a 28% chance of 'stumbling' on the ice for the remainder of the round.

Special Action - Ice Skates: By paying +20% Cp, the user may condense the frozen ice to the area beneath their feet, skating on any surface. This grants the user +1.5/2 Dodge (Including to any 'escape' attempts), and gives them a 28%/35% chance to negate any suppression/stumble chances that effect them. This replaces all other effects.

Rank 1 Cost: 800 Cp, 400 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 1000 Cp, 500 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to 30 seconds
- `Melee Range` refers to any attacks using melee Accuracy by or against the user of this jutsu.
- 'Stumbling' causes an attacker to lose 1 Ap from suppression, and lower`s their dodge by -2 for the remainder of the round. This may only effect a target once per round.
- This jutsu may be dispelled by a level B+ Fire Jutsu aimed at it.
Ice Prison said:
Ice Prison
An ice based technique which encases an enemy in ice. This technique rapidly freezes the area around a target, manipulating moisture to free into a block of ice around the target, freezing the victim until the ice thaws or shatters.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, B-rank, 2 Mastered Ice Jutsu

Rank 1: Freezes a target in a block of ice at -4 Accuracy. The ice acts as a barrier with 2000 Hp. Those within have a 28% chance of suffering the 'Hypothermia' effect upon hit and the start of each round maintained.
Master: Freezes a target in a block of ice at -3 Accuracy. The ice acts as a barrier with 2500 Hp. Those within have a 35% chance of suffering the 'Hypothermia' effect upon hit and the start of each round maintained.

Special Action: By paying the maintain cost, the user may shatter the mirror simultaneously when they perform an Ice jutsu. This allows the Ice jutsu to bypass the Ice prison's hp and hit the victim within (The victim receives a -3 dodge penalty and cannot auto-dodge), with a +2 critical chance.

Special Action - Ice Wall: By paying +30% Cp, the user may use this to create a wall of Ice around themselves. This has Hp equal to 90% the usual Hp, and protects the user from physical, elemental and non elemental attacks. Attacking this barrier with melee accuracy causes the attacker to have a 14%/21% chance of suffering the 'Frostbite' effect. This cannot be used reflexively, and the user may not use melee accuracy while this is active. This may be maintained.

Rank 1 Cost: 800 Cp, 400 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 920 Cp, 460 Cp/Rnd

- Ice prison's Hp may be increased with Ice buffs.
- When bound, the victim cannot perform handseals or move.
- The ice acts as a 'barrier' to the bound players and shield them from harm until this HP is reduced to 0; Fire Jutsu deal +20% damage against this prison.
- The target retains the ability to avoid attacks which destroy (or bypass) the 'ice barrier', but receive -3 Dodge/Save debuff to the attack. This jutsu is then dispelled.
- The 'Hypothermia' effect lowers the victim`s dodge cap by -1. This lasts 10 seconds, and stacks twice with later effects resetting the timer. This debuff cannot be increased through any other method.
- The 'Frostbite' effect raises the called shot level of a single limb by 1 and increases further called shot attempts on it by +5% (If not stated, the limb is chosen at random). This cannot stack upon the same limb, and is dispelled when the victim takes level B+ Fire damage.
- For every 2 Ap spent by the victim, they have a 15% chance of breaking free from this jutsu.

Current Ninpocho Time:
