Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

B-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Shadow Shuriken Replication said:
A jutsu that creates a massive cloud of shuriken, this technique requires advanced control over chakra and enables you to strike a large area with little effort. By infusing a shuriken with a significant amount of chakra, upon tossing the shuriken and performing the handseals one can rapidly multiply the shuriken into countless numbers, which fall upon an area and strike all those in a nearly unavoidable storm of steel.

Prerequisites: B-rank, 5 mastered NE jutsu, a weapon with Ranged Accuracy

Rank 1: Multiplies a single projectile into a storm of projectiles. The user has 6 checks, which each deal 380 damage at +1 Accuracy. Each check has a 5% chance of inflicting bleeding, and a 21% chance to activate the 'Non-elemental' effect.
Master: Multiplies a single projectile into a storm of projectiles. The user has 7 checks, which each deal 475 damage at +1 Accuracy. Each check has a 7% chance of inflicting bleeding, and a 28% chance to activate the 'Non-elemental' effect.

Rank 1 Cost: 655 CP to initiate
Master Cost: 820 CP to initiate

- This uses Ninjutsu Accuracy.
- These strikes may be divided among multiple targets. A single target may only be hit by 5 checks. Bleeding may only be successful once per target.
- If a clone is hit by this jutsu, the bleed chance becomes a chance to disperse the clone.
- This jutsu does not utilize the user's weapons in any way and only receives benefit from Non-elemental Ninjutsu bonuses and effects.
- The 'Non-Elemental' effect increases this jutsu's damage by +10%. This does not apply to caps.
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Energy Transfer said:
A technique used to create a link of chakra between the user and a target, bonding the two together in many ways. One of the most powerful aspects shared with this technique, is that it allows the two to transfer energy into one another, giving or taking chakra from each other so long as this technique is managed.

Prerequisites: B-rank, 5 mastered NE jutsu

Rank 1: Transfers 1200 Cp between the user and the target. This has a 21% chance of activating the 'Non Elemental' effect.
Master: Transfers 1500 Cp between the user and the target. This has a 28% chance of activating the 'Non Elemental' effect.

Special Action: The user may spend additional Ap to transfer more chakra. For every 1 Ap remaining in contact the user may choose to give/take an additional 480/600 CP.

Cost: This jutsu only costs AP.

- If used against an enemy, a Ninjutsu check is made between them and the target upon being used, and every additional Ap spent in contact.
- The user may choose to either take chakra or give chakra from the target.
- If chakra is taken, the user regains chakra equal to half the Cp damage.
- The amount of chakra taken cannot be reduced by damage reduction.
- The limit of chakra transferred may be increased by Ninjutsu buffs.
- The 'Non-Elemental' effect increases this jutsu's limit by +10%. This does not apply to caps.
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Leech Seal said:
A seal that may be placed upon a target, which from that point on will gradually siphon the life and chakra from the victim and steadily restore the chakra and vitality of the user. This seal is only temporarily, and only remains active so long as the user remains nearby the victim.

Prerequisites: B-rank, 5 NE Jutsu

Rank 1: Places the Leech seal upon a target at -2 Accuracy. Each round the victim loses 2% of their Max Hp and Cp.
Master: Places the Leech seal upon a target at -1 Accuracy. Each round the victim loses 2.5% of their Max Hp and Cp. The user has +1 to their maintain checks.

Special Action: By sacrificing either the Hp or Cp effects of the seal, the user may increase the other by +2%.

Cost: 1200 CP to place the seal

- Uses Melee Accuracy to scribe the seal, and a Ninjutsu check each round after the first. Lasts up to thirty seconds.
- Half of the HP and CP damage dealt by this technique is added to the user's HP and CP.
- Any Hp/Cp regained by the victim while this seal is active requires a Ninjutsu check against the Sealer. If the Sealer succeeds, then the amount healed is split between the victim and the sealer.
- Per-round Hp/Cp regeneration does not stack if placed upon multiple targets. However, if the targets recover Hp/Cp the user may receive the benefits.
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Chakra Shield said:
Chakra Shield
Several diamond shaped shields of chakra are created directly in front of the user, which can either be used as bladed weapons or floating barriers.

Prerequisites: B-rank, 5 mastered NE jutsu, Barrier mastered

Rank 1: Summons 3 shields of chakra in front of the user. These shields deal 665 Elemental Damage when they attack, and disappear when used. Each shield has a 21% chance of activating the 'Non Elemental' and 'energy wall' effect.
Master: Summons 4 shields of chakra in front of the user. These shields deal 625 Elemental Damage when they attack, and disappear when used. Each shield has a 28% chance of activating the 'Non Elemental' and 'energy wall' effect.

Special Action: Any shields the user has active may be used to block attacks(Multiple shields may block the same action). Each shield gains DR against Physical and Elemental Damage, and has HP equal to 110% of the Base Damage, against a single attack. Shields used this way disappear when used.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 CP
Master Cost: 910 CP

- When using the special action only, all barrier rules apply
- Shields disperse at the end of the round. Recasting removes any active shields.
- A shield's attack may use either Melee or Ninjutsu Accuracy.
- The 'Non-Elemental' effect increases this jutsu's damage/Hp by +10%. This does not apply to caps.
- The 'Energy Wall' effect prevents this jutsu's damage from being reduced. Attacks which bypass or deal additional damage to barriers do not apply to this jutsu.
Chakra Blast said:
The user condenses their chakra into their palms, conjuring a sphere of visible energy that can be shot at a target in a bright burst of light. The raw chakra used in this technique often causes more than physical damage.

Prerequisites: B-rank, 5 mastered NE jutsu

Rank 1: Shoots a blast of condensed chakra that deals 2000 damage. This Jutsu has a 21% Chance of inflicting 'Chakra Burn' and 'Non Elemental' effects.
Master: Shoots a blast of condensed chakra that deals 2500 damage. This Jutsu has a 28% Chance of inflicting 'Chakra Burn' and 'Non Elemental' effects.

Special Action - Kinetic Wrath: By paying +20% Cp, the user may equally split 90% of the damage into up to 4 checks, each striking at -2 Accuracy. Using this special action grants the Jutsu +7% chance of inflicting chakra burn, but divides the total chance equally among each strike. This effects 2 targets.

Special Action - Psychotic Fury: The user may pay Hp in place of Cp for this Jutsu. Doing so replaces the 'Non Elemental' with the 'Dark Strike' effect. Additionally, Chakra burn has a +7% Chance of activating and now deals Cp damage equal to 30% of the total damage.

Rank 1 Cost: 800 CP
Master Cost: 1000 CP

- This Jutsu may use either Melee or Ninjutsu Accuracy.
- 'Chakra Burn' causes this Jutsu to deal Cp damage equal to 20% of this jutsu's final damage.
- The 'Non-Elemental' effect increases this jutsu's damage by +10%. This does not apply to caps.
- The 'Dark Strike' effect classifies this jutsu as Dark, and its damage cannot be reduced. Additionally, this increases this jutsu's damage by +10%. This does not apply to caps.
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Rasengan said:
An advanced Ninjutsu that requires precise chakra control on the user's part, this skill creates a powerful vortex condensed into the form of a rapidly spinning sphere of chakra. This technique requires the user to constantly manipulate their chakra which allows this jutsu to grind through all substances and inflict major damage. With added chakra, the user may also attune this jutsu to Elements they are attuned to, or alter its size and shape...Yet as powerful as this is, this jutsu is still incomplete.

Prerequisites: B-rank, 5 Mastered NE Jutsu, 3 Mastered Unarmed Taijutsu

Rank 1: Creates a sphere of violent chakra that deals 2200 damage. 'Non Elemental' and 'Nature Transformation' effects have a 21% chance of activating.
Master: Creates a sphere of violent chakra that deals 2500 damage. 'Non Elemental' and 'Nature Transformation' effects have a 28% chance of activating.

Special Action - Shape Transformation: When using this Jutsu, the user may alter the control of chakra within the sphere to give one of the following effects;
- +1 Accuracy and -10% Cp cost, but deal -5% base damage. (Stacks up to two times)
- +5% Base Damage, but lower accuracy by -1 and increase Cp cost by +10%. (Stacks up to two times)
- Used with Ninjutsu Accuracy

Special Action - Nature Transformation: By sacrificing the 'Non Elemental' effect, the user may choose to add an elemental affinity to the Rasengan. The user must have the affinity of the chosen element. If an advanced element is chosen, this reduces the elemental effect's chance of activating by -14%, but allows the Rasengan to activate both base element effects simultaneously.

Rank 1 Cost: 730 CP
Master Cost: 1000 CP

- Does not require handseals and uses melee accuracy. Both Special Actions may be used simultaneously.
- If an affinity is added to the Rasengan, it is treated as a jutsu of that element (If not, it is NE).
- The 'Non-Elemental' effect increases this jutsu's damage by +10%. This does not apply to caps.
- Only one elemental effect may affect the target per round (Unless an advanced affinity is given to the Rasengan); you cannot stack effects by spamming Rasengan with different elements. Each effect is not automatic, and has a chance of activating.

- Fire grants the 'Sear' effect. The 'Sear' effect gives the target a 10% chance of taking critical damage to the next attack to hit them. If this is not successful, then they only take +10% damage from the attack. This does not stack.
- Wind grants the 'Wind Slice' effect. The 'Wind Slice' effect causes the attack to deal +5% base damage and raise bleeding one level.
- Lightning grants the 'Stun' effect. The 'Stun' effect lowers the victim's dodge by -2 to the next attack aimed at them as well as preventing them from auto-dodging it, as well as give the attack +1 critical chance.
- Earth grants the 'Crush' effect. The 'Crush' effect causes suppression and raises the called shot level of a single limb chosen at random.
- Water grants the 'Cascade' effect. The 'Cascade' effect suppresses the target and allows the user to immediately follow up this Jutsu with any Water Ninjutsu of their choice. This follow-up gains +2 Accuracy.
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Cursed Sealing said:
A technique used to scribe a Curse Seal. Curse Seals take the form of a runic tattoo when dormant, but once activated can be anything from a larger pattern, glowing seals, or even cause its host to undergo a minor physical transformation. Curse Seals are often forbidden due to their purpose being to forcibly augment its bearer's power at the cost of their lifeforce, and the pain involved in scribing and wielding these seals being enough to break many lesser ninja.

Prerequisites: B-Rank

Mastered: Allows the user to scribe the Cursed Seal on themselves and others.

- Required for others to gain the Cursed Seal Ability.
- Sealing can only be done in a normal RP, out of battle. Cursed Sealing otherwise has no effect in battle thus cannot be "cast" normally as it has no AP or CP costs.
- Does not count towards the user's number of Mastered Non-elemental Ninjutsu for the sake of Minor and Major Affinities.

Current Ninpocho Time:
