Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

B Rank

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Havoc of the Doomed Mind said:
Assaulting the target's part of the mind that deals with emotions, the user is capable of causing the target to be disheartened for battle and dulled mentally. This could allow for the user to further torment their mind with other senses if effected.

Prerequisites: B Rank

Rank 1: Cast at -1 DC dealing 630 Damage. The caster may immediately follow up with another Genjutsu of B-Rank or below. With a 21% chance to be able to combo a third Genjutsu after that. Third Genjutsu may only be C Rank or below.
Rank 2: Cast at -1 DC dealing 790 Damage. The caster may immediately follow up with another Genjutsu of B-Rank or below. With a 28% chance to be able to combo a third Genjutsu after that. Third Genjutsu may only be a B Rank or below.

- This technique may not be used if the user has already Combo'd once during the round.
- This technique may not be used with Binds.
- Combo'd Genjutsu can be genjutsu of other senses.

Rank 1 Cost: 480Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 600Cp
Slowed Perception said:
Casting this jutsu on a target fools their mind into perceiving everything at a much slower pace causing them to move much slower then they think they are.

Prerequisites: B Rank

Rank 1: Cast at normal DC dealing 450 Damage per round. The target's jutsu are modded as taking an additional +.25ap with a 21% chance for each individual jutsu to cost an additional +.25ap.
Rank 2: Cast at normal DC dealing 560 Damage per round. The target's jutsu are modded as taking an additional +.5ap with a 28% chance for each individual jutsu to cost an additional +.25ap

- Jutsu are modded as taking extra time but still cost normal AP.
- Only two jutsu may be forced into costing more AP per round.
- This jutsu may only be maintained up to 20 seconds.
- This technique cannot be used on the same target again for 20 seconds.

Rank 1 Cost: 480Cp, 240Cp/rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 600Cp, 300Cp/rnd
Oblivious Rapture said:
A horrible assault on the mental capacity of the target's mind causing them to be severely susceptible to further mental torture.

Prerequisites: B rank

Rank 1: Cast at -2 DC dealing 360 Damage per round. Target receives -2 Gen DC and Save
Rank 2: Cast at -2 DC dealing 410 Damage per round. Target receives -2 Gen DC and Save. Target has a 10% chance to be auto effected by Genjutsu.

Special Action: By paying an additional +20% of the cost the user may lower either the DC or Save debuff to 0 and double the other debuff. Or by lowering both the Gen DC and Save debuff the user may double the Auto-Effect chance of this technique.

- May be maintained up to 30 seconds.

Rank 1 Cost: 530Cp, 215Cp/rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 660Cp, 330Cp/rnd
Betrayal said:
A foul Genjutsu causing the target to be unable to differentiate friend from foe.

Prerequisites: B Rank

Rank 1: Cast at -1 DC dealing 315 Damage per round. The user designates a specific target, and the target of this technique has a 21% chance per action of targeting that designated target instead, when attacking the user.
Rank 2: Cast at -1 DC dealing 390 Damage per round. The user designates a specific target, and the target of this technique has a 28% chance per action of targeting that designated target instead, when attacking the user.

- May only be maintained up to 30 seconds.

Rank 1 Cost: 505Cp, 252Cp/rnd
Rank 2 Cost: 630Cp, 315Cp/rnd
Taunt said:
A horrible Genjutsu that causes the target to fall for a Taunt causing them to go into a fury of attacks.

Prerequisites: B Rank

Rank 1: Cast at +2 DC dealing 540 Damage. The target has a 21% chance per action to only be able to use an Offensive Attack until the end of the round.
Rank 2: Cast at +2 DC dealing 675 Damage. The target has a 28% chance per action to only be able to use an Offensive Action for 10 seconds.

- This technique may only be used on a target successfully once every other round.
- Every action the target makes is checked for this effect. If they are attempting to use a Non-Offensive technique and this effect happens, their technique is converted into Basic Strikes. (Ex: Using a 2ap non offensive move and this effect takes place, the technique is converted into 2 Basic Strikes since Basic Strikes cost .75ap) The leftover AP is untouched.

Rank 1 Cost: 430Cp
Rank 2 Cost: 540Cp
Thought Down said:
A Genjutsu that slows down the victim's mind to the point where they are unable to react normally to events or actions.

Prerequisite: B Rank

Rank 1: Cast at -3 DC dealing 690 Damage. Reflexive/Reactionary Actions have a 21% Chance to Fail until the end of the round.
Rank 2: Cast at -3 DC dealing 430 Damage per round. Reflexive/Reactionary Actions have a 28% chance to fail.

- May only be maintained up to 30 seconds.
- Rank 2 of this technique may be maintained.

Rank 1 Cost: 550Cp
Master Rank Cost: 690Cp, 345Cp/rnd

Current Ninpocho Time:
