Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

B Rank

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Phoenix Embrace said:
A Genjutsu technique that causes an intense sensation of heat within the target to the point where they feel as if their body has been scorched horribly, the slightest touches causing pain..

Prerequisite: B Rank

Rank 1: Cast at normal DC and deals 300 Illusionary damage per round. The target takes +10% damage from all sources.
Master: Cast at normal DC and deals 375 Illusionary damage per round. The target takes +15% damage from all sources.

Special Action - Elemental Lacing: By paying an additional 20% of the Chakra Cost upon cast, if the Genjutsu hits, the user may follow-up with an offensive Fire Element-based Jutsu.

- The Illusionary Damage per round can be buffed by fire damage buffs as well as Illusionary damage buffs. Damage buff cap still applies.
- The special action may only be used once per cast.

Rank 1 Cost: 480 CP to initiate, 240 CP per round to maintain
Master Cost: 600 CP to initiate, 300 CP per round to maintain
Petrification said:
Taken from looking at the legendary Gorgon, this genjutsu causes the target's body to harden like stone. This jutsu, however, does not grant a person armor but freezes them in stone. While petrified, they are capable of still thinking and seeing their surroundings, they just can't move or do anything other than that.

Prerequisite: B Rank

Rank 1: Physically binds a target at -4 Gen DC. Deals 520 Illusionary Damage per round
Master: Physically binds a target at -3 Gen DC. Deals 650 Illusionary Damage per round

Special Action - Elemental Lacing: By paying an additional 20% of the Chakra Cost upon cast, if the Genjutsu hits, the user may follow-up with an offensive Earth Element-based Jutsu.

- This bind is considered a Physical Bind. The target cannot move or use handseals.
- Bind breaks upon being hit.
- The target can forcibly attempt to escape a bind for 2 AP with a 15% chance to escape the bind.
- The Illusionary Damage per round can be increased with Earth Damage Buffs and Illusionary damage buffs.
- Cannot be used again for 10 seconds after successful use and the technique ends or is no longer maintained.

Rank 1 Cost: 800 CP to initiate, 400 CP per round maintained
Master Cost: 1000 CP to initiate, 500 CP per round maintained
Lingering Spark said:
Essentially a heightened form of earlier genjutsu, this jutsu makes the opponent feel as if they had just been shocked by a high voltage wire, giving the target occasional muscle spasms while this illusion is maintained..

Prerequisite: B Rank

Rank 1: Cast at -3 Gen DC this jutsu deals 520 Illusionary Damage per round and the target's max AP is lowered by 10%. Target may only carry over 0.5 AP.
Master: Cast at -3 Gen DC this jutsu deals 650 Illusionary Damage per round and the target's max AP is lowered by 20%. Target may only carry over 0.25 AP.

Special Action - Elemental Lacing: By paying an additional 20% of the Chakra Cost upon cast, if the Genjutsu hits, the user may follow-up with an offensive Lightning Element-based Jutsu.

- The Illusionary Damage per round can be buffed by lightning damage buffs as well as Illusionary damage buffs.
- May be maintained up to 20 seconds.
- This technique cannot be used on the same target again for 20 seconds after it ends.

Rank 1 Cost: 550 CP to initiate, 275 CP per round to maintain
Master Cost: 690 CP to initiate, 345 CP per round maintained
Crush Depth said:
When this jutsu is used, this makes the user feel they are deep underwater, providing a massive amount of pressure into the target's body causing intense pain; as if the water, itself, is crushing the target. It is also possible to make the user feel like they surfaced way too fast, causing air bubbles to form in their joints.

Prerequisite: B Rank

Rank 1: Cast at normal DC, the target takes 1% max HP damage for every action made in a round up to 3x per round. The target has a 21% chance to inflict Decompression Sickness for an entire round.
Master: Cast at normal DC, the target takes 1% max HP damage for every action made in a round up to 5x per round. The target has a 28% chance to inflict Decompression Sickness for an entire round.

Special Action - Elemental Lacing: By paying an additional 20% of the Chakra Cost upon cast, if the Genjutsu hits, the user may follow-up with an offensive Water Element-based Jutsu.

- The damage dealt is illusionary damage and may be buffed Illusionary damage and Water based buffs.
- May be maintained up to 20 seconds.
- There is a 20 second cool-down after this jutsu wears off.
- Decompression Sickness gives all actions have a 21/28% chance to Auto-Fail.
- May only auto-fail one action per round.

Rank 1 Cost: 480 CP to initiate, 240 CP to maintain.
Master Cost: 600 CP to initiate, 300 CP to maintain.
Weapon Betrayal said:
A lingering seed of doubt planted in the opponent's mind that makes them believe that their weapons have gained sentience and are working against them.

Prerequisite: B Rank

Rank 1/2: Cast at normal DC, dealing 300/375 Damage per round. The user chooses 1/2 weapon owned by the target. Offensive Techniques with the chosen weapon have -2/-3 Acc against the user and have a 21%/28% chance to strike its owner with any offensive action.

Special Action - Weapon Revolution: For +20% CP cost, all the target's weapons may attack the target at 50% total damage. Use of this special action ends the technique.

  • This technique may be maintained for up to 30 seconds
  • The weapon chosen must be declared by the user. Otherwise, it will default to the most recently used weapon.
Rank 1/2 Cost: 480/600 CP to initiate, 240/300 CP/rnd
Pox said:
This genjutsu causes the target to think they have painful and bloody nodules to form on the flesh of the target. The target begins with a rash and eventually the pox upgrades to extremely painful "bumps" filled with opaque fluid. The pox nodules completely cover the target's body and may, with enough stress, cause the nodules to pop and spread to others.

Prerequisite: B Rank

Rank 1: Cast at normal DC. 10% of the all damage done by the target is dealt back as backlash. There is a 21% chance to cause "Infect" to another target.
Master: Cast at normal DC. 20% of the all damage done by the target is dealt back as backlash. There is a 28% chance to cause "Infect" to another target.

- This is part of the Plague Series Genjutsu
- The “Infect” status can cause this genjutsu to spread to another random applicable target with an open Kinetic Slot.
- Applicable targets are targets that CAN be hit with genjutsu as well as targets not currently effected by this jutsu.
- Infecting another target treats that user as having this Genjutsu cast upon them at the rank the user used this technique on the first target.
- This genjutsu may be maintained for 30 seconds.
- The user may maintain the genjutsu that spreads to other targets for 30 seconds as well, separately from their initial cast of this jutsu.

Rank 1 Cost: 480 CP to initiate, 240 CP to maintain.
Master Cost: 600 CP to initiate, 300 CP to maintain.

Current Ninpocho Time:
