Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Back to School [Tutor]

Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi had called his student once more to the place that he was sure would make a different training time, it was the classroom this time he would make sure that Yukio came away with the small understanding of how to fight against Genjutsu, for a full ANBU this would be a weird place to be summoned to and he knew that Yukio would probably question it. Though he was sure enough that the lesson would be a point that he would make. Takeshi allowed himself to open to the door that he had borrowed for the day to make sure that they were not disturbed by anyone else. He had made sure that a note had been sent to Yukio for him to arrive at this location.

Takeshi and moved the usual table away as he knew full well that the room needed to have a nice middle gap that would be open. He looked around to make sure that the room was in order as he allowed himself a few seconds to lean back and check the room, while the chairs and desks at the back were still set up in their tier system that was just the way the rooms came. Though now the teacher desk had been pushed right back to the end of the desk. It seemed that Takeshi had made sure they had enough room to do what needed to be done.

Takeshi leaned himself against a chair as he relaxed and waited for the arrival of his own student, he wanted him to take a trip down memory lane and wanted to make sure that he understood everything that was being requested of him. He needed to learn and trian himself and right now Takeshi would be the one offering him that ability, it seemed that he was going to make sure Yukio had to push himself to the next level threw sheer pain and suffering.

[TWC: 323/ 1,500]
Walking into the classroom Yukio couldn't help but feel a bit confused as to why he was summoned to the academy, and to the classrooms of all places safe to say he was curious what Takeshi had in store for him today. Placing a hand on his shoulder and cracking his neck he considered for a moment what this lesson could contain, considering their last few encounters it would most likely revolve around Genjutsu. For that he focused his eyes the moment he entered the room an aura of chakra around him as he immediately reacted by scanning the room he walked into.

"Greetings Takeshi, so what is it you have planned for me today i have my suspicions thus my current condition but when it comes to our meetings things never seem to go as i planned. Or something i can simply never expect comes of it."

He was clearly on guard a habit he had come to develop during his missions for the branch entering new situations with the experience he'd earned over the years fighting in the field. Though he trusted Takeshi it didn't hurt to be prepared for any situation as the Hyuuga took a seat within the room. Scanning across the desks it seemed the room had been reserved for the two of them something that didn't fill Yukio with much confidence for what was about to transpire.

He sat straight in his chair unlike the days of old he wasn't about to show a hint of disrespect to his Sennin that was something Takeshi had deserved during the time they had spent together waiting to see what his tutor had to say. If he could expect anything out of this it would be yet another glimpse into the world of Genjutsu and the effects it had on the senses

[WC: 305]
Takeshi looked at Yukio though when the boy sat down the Uchiha begun to spoke making sure it was clear that he was still looking at the work ahead of him, he wanted to make sure his Student was well trained and strong. This was something that he wanted to know about and wanted to make his student realise that he was still required to train every day and would be expected to carry out the tasks at hand without instruction from Takeshi but right now he had come into the devils very own lair and that was something that he wanted his student to realise.

“Well I supposed we should look at what we can get done for you, I know that training will be hard, and I know that you need to make sure that you are prepared for this requirement, though right now you must be made aware of what you are getting ourselves involved in. But the issue that we are going to have here, is what are you going to do about that chair that you sat on, it looks angry and to say the least It might try and eat you, so I would probably look out for that one, but oh well you sat on it I guess I can understand that”

Takeshi watched as the chair that Yukio was on begun to move and instantly was on the go it was already trying to munch on the back of Takeshi, while the arms moved to pin him in place and threatened to squeeze the life out of him. Takeshi on the other hand watched the struggle instead as he pondered on how Yukio would take to this situation, it wasn’t often that you were attacked by a giant chair thinking of it he couldn’t remember this situation ever happening to him. But the Sharingan allowed it to happen to his student.

[TWC: 638 /1,500]
It was a strange circumstance to be in to say the least remaining in place Yukio crossed his arms as he felt the chair begin to move around him the aura of his chakra growing as he tried to resist the sensations he would more than likely begin to feel. "I somewhat expected something like this from you teacher, however i have tried all in my power to prevent this from happening in the first place. So instead i have decided to hold out if i can simple prevent myself from giving in to whatever pain this may hold then maybe i can make a breakthrough."

It was still something he could never truly get used to the sensation of being trapped in genjutsu, the thought that the world around him was not his own or that in but a instant everything could change to make his mind play tricks on him. The question of what was real and what was not in this instance however was not to be questioned unless Takeshi had gained the power to bring a chair to life it was a bit obvious what was going on.

"Though i know in my mind this isn't real its still the issue of how it feels the crushing sensation and the pain these Jutsu bring on whoever is unlucky enough to fall under their influence." His body tensed as he let power seep from his body, devastating aura was a move he had come to depend on in situations such as this and in this moment if he was going to learn then it would be a matter of battling with the mind of the caster to try and break the Genjutsu hold he had on him. "though this is a bold move of me it may be the only option i have left to try and break free of this"

[WT: 619]
Takeshi watched as Yukio begun his struggle it seemed that he had begun to learn something and right now was putting that to use, it seemed that he had at least come back with a mind set to learn about the situation and how to improve on it. Takeshi allowed himself to sigh slightly as he watched it seemed that Yukio was going to try a different way to break free from the Genjutsu the question was would his own student really like to see the result of the path he had walked down, or would he have expected a different result.

“It seemed that you are slowly learning, but I have to admit that right now you need to understand that some aura is worse than others. I want you to understand that as you are in the Genjutsu right now. But what you forget is some people have a lot darker aura than yourself my student that was something else you need to learn, so will you break free or not that is the big question we face right now and the question we need to know is which one of our two aura will work out better and which one will come out on top?”

Takeshi allowed himself to let his aura leak free for the first time in a while, the room turned dark and cold in a split second as a shadow massive and huge appeared over him. Takeshi allowed his eyes to make contact with Yukio as he looked towards the boy suddenly the shape appeared behind Takeshi and looked towards his student, it was a reaper a fully formed one in the flesh that pushed out the Anbu’s aura away from the Sennin as it glared down at him the knife firmly in between its lips as its eyes didn’t blink.

[TWC: 946/ 1,500]
This was not what Yukio had been expecting using his aura to fight back against the genjutsu seemed like a good idea at the time however his mind had let slip who he was facing, Takeshi would not be so easily broken past his own aura being far greater than his things only being made worse by the second figure now glaring down at him in the chair sweat starting to form across his brow as his eyes met with the figures a nervous smile creeping across his face as he truly wondered what he was coming up against in that moment.

"This is certainly something i didn't expect, i knew you had many interesting people in your company but this certainly tops it all. The pressure and the dread is certainly a unique experience" His arms tensed as his grip tightened the sweat now making its way down his temples his foot beginning to tap against the floor. This left him in a bit of a predicament if he dropped his aura now there would be no doubt Yukio would end up completely under the influence of Genjutsu. The alternative however was not the best faced with whatever it was in front of him it was a good question if Genjutsu was better at this point.

If he was going to be stuck either way it was better to make the most of it he thought. "So I'm guessing I'm not just talking to any old person right now, though I'm somewhat lost for words here i can feel the drain this devastating aura causes however what it has allowed me to see is more interesting than i could have imagined." he was curious there was no doubt about that but risk versus reward was coming into play at this point and how much he would find out was unknown.

[WC: 940]
Takeshi allowed himself to listen to the words of his student, it seemed for the first time ever Takeshi had finally managed to have his constant companion being stared at by a stranger, this was something new to him and experiencing this was interesting as the Uchiha cocked his head sideways as he glanced towards Yukio for a few minutes deciding what to speak though the huge hand came to his shoulder as it edged closer to the student that was in the crazy and deranged chair. It seemed the reaper was being quite inquisitive with what he was seeing today and in the student that Takeshi was teaching him.

“It seems the boy can see me, that is an interesting turn of events wouldn’t you agree Uchiha, so why not do what we do with the others he cannot face the Genjutsu very well but his soul smells like one of the best I have seen in a while”

Takeshi shook his head at the words of the huge reaper which was now lingering over the two of them, as he allowed himself to think for a few seconds he knew full well that he didn’t need to explain this situation to Yukio, instead he would try and sidestep it completely and just avoid the questions that this would raise it was true enough that Takeshi would have to answer at some time, bit he allowed himself to sigh slightly as he knew what was expected he glanced back to Yukio, the hand still on the shoulder of the man.

“It seems that you met one of my….acquaintances but that is not the point of the lesson today, you need to be able to overcome this situation and you need to make sure you are prepared for Genjujtsu so are you going to try and escape or are you just going to let yourself be stuck here?”

[TWC: 1,263/1.500]
It was obvious from Takeshi's initial reaction that this was not part of the lesson but was still a shock to the Hyuuga's system just when he thought he'd seen everything his teacher had to offer he just kept bringing more surprises to the table. But now was not the time to think about such things gritting his teeth he locked eyes once more with his teacher focusing his power, willing himself to break free of the Genjutsu he'd been placed under a determination in his eyes to succeed at the task he was given.

"I refuse to remain trapped in a state of being weak to genjutsu forever, can i truly call myself a member of the ANBU branch if i cannot even succeed at this task, such a thing would be unacceptable and i will not allow my progress to be halted here of all places."

His words rang true as he tensed his muscles pushing himself from the chairs grip, or at least making the attempt too, he was not fueled by rage or hatred in the act but more the raw will to succeed in whatever task he was given. If he sought to improve further than this he would have to remember everything he was told beforehand as the veins cracked into life around his eyes.

"I will not be the plaything of Genjutsu users forever, if its a matter of willpower and determination to break free then i will see that even if i am faced with the Sharingan i can break free."

This was his answer to his teachers question not just to prove he was more than willing to break out of the Genjutsu but willing to do whatever it took to keep growing and eventually surpass many who called themselves Shinobi.

[WT: 1240]
Takeshi allowed himself to look over to Yukio for a few seconds, it seemed that he was improving his abilities to last longer when inside of the Genjutsu the trouble he would be having now would be making sure that he knew he was under it. A chair suddenly popping up and attacking you would be one thing, though maybe a Ninja rushing you that wasn’t real that was something that could be real in this day and age. Takeshi allowed himself to drop the genjutsu in that split second knowing full well that the tutor was over as he felt his power slowly draining from him the chair returned to normal in that instant.

“You at least have been making improvements I cannot fault that much, for now though we are going to conclude this session I feel that you have once more learned enough to get by and I am fully happy with how far you have come, so remember next time come prepared again. I am sure that your Genjutsu sensing is getting stronger, also I would go to the library and get a book about Genjutsu and how to stop them.”

Takeshi allowed his words to linger in the air as he turned and walked to the door in a split second, turning the handle he wasn’t about to give any explanation towards Yukio what happened or what he had seen, though it seemed that his body was slightly weaker than when he arrived though that was not the point of this tutor thread as he allowed himself to glance back to Yukio.

“Congratulations on ANBU by the way, also keep training hard it seems that you are constantly expanding your abilities and are learning new things. It’s a proud day to see you ascend to the full rank Yukio, you have showed a lot of people doubted you for the wrong reasons.”

[TWC: 1,590/1,500]
[Topic Left]
[Rewards Requested]
It wasn't often Yukio received direct praise for his actions and efforts but this time was different, a smile crossing his face as Takeshi spoke safe to say it was pleasant to know he was making progress and taking steps in the right direction. He remained in the room for a moment leaning into the desk as he tilted his head to Takeshi calling out to him for a moment.

"Teacher if i may have but a moment of your time there is something that has been on my mind for a while i wish to discuss with you." Rising to his feet he let the aura surrounding him drop letting out a deep breath and a sigh as the tension left his body. "We both have the visual jutsu I've known of for a while the two main ones usually seen but i was outside the village some time ago, I saw a visual jutsu the eyes being rings i don't recall how many and the one who had them was strong" he shuddered at the memory still being a bit jittery about what occurred that day.

He recalled who else was present the mission itself being one he was still certain was not one he should have done alone "There was a few of them many i didn't get a chance to see, one had or was a puppet and easily removed my clone off the face of the earth in no time flat" His face had a rather serious expression stopping a moment to ponder if there were any other details worth mentioning. "It was during a retrieval mission, i was requested to steal a gem from a guarded caravan on the outskirts of the country and that was what i came face to face with."

[WT: 1500 Tutor complete]
[Takeshi stopped]

Current Ninpocho Time:
