Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Bad Blood [ Private ]

Tsukada Sato

New Ninja
Mar 24, 2018
The training fields. Despite Sato being so bookish he actually preferred this to the classroom. In there it was nothing but squabbling students not paying attention or messing around as the teacher did little more than teach the basics. Out here is where they could apply themselves. Simply having a task at hand made it easier to concentrate and tune out everything else. Of course it wasn't much. They'd only begun going over the very basic ninja arts and today they weren't even focusing on jutsu. Something a lot of the students were lacking was physical training and Sato was hardly an exception.

It was simple melee training; five minutes of punches, five minutes of kicks, run a lap, then take a short break to do it all over again. It was only the second rotation and already Sato felt like his limbs were ready to fall off. The bandages on his knuckles weren't helping take the impact as much as he'd like and sweat had been pouring down his face for well over a minute. He didn't stop though. Despite trying to focus he had noticed a few kids who'd chosen to tap out, taking an early break at the risk of bad marks. Even if he wasn't built for this sort of thing Sato refused to be one of them. He reminded himself that he had to work ten times harder than all the rest if he was going to get noticed.
Walking the grounds of the academy Yukio has always had great interest in the progress of main branch ever since the appointment of the new Head jounin and Sennin, from the looks of things it was going well students occupied in the classrooms and training grounds pushing themselves to grow and become fine Shinobi of leaf. Such things brought the captain to the grounds that day his eyes scanning across the numerous students pondering the hidden potential of each one while he waited for the Trainee.

While thing would be a scouting run for the branch it was just as much a training session for the AiT looking for the ability to train the new breed of ANBU in the near future. From their first meeting the captain saw potential in the Trainee the focus and serious nature to keep those following under her focused preventing any repeats of the recent batch of AiT's the events of such things still being a painful memory for the Hyuuga.

Eyes setting on Sato for a moment he let his eyes come to focus watching the flow of chakra and the rather repetitious nature of his training regime, not the most interesting series of activities but interesting non the less. Before making any moves however he would wait curious to see the opinion of those under him and how they would view the potential of the young aspirants present before them today.

She was silent for the most part, her eye watchful and observant over the typical training regime many of leaf's shinobi had known all to well. It was a bonding trait between them all, the academy that is, the place that started it all for most of them and it would seem that the methods had not changed at all. Personally she wasn't the most physical, barely athletic if one were to consider it in such a way so rewatching this specific type of training brough back some unpleasent emotions. Other than that she did have something on her mind, though it was off the beaten track on their original reasoning for even being here. Glancing towards Yukio she would mutter slightly though her voice was deepened due to the respirator over her face. "Some will not make it, some will become mediocre barely able to muster the skill needed for a genin. Others will show promise and rise through the ranks to chuunin...even fewer beyond that. Some will not make it at all."<i></i>

If Yukio had learned anything about the trainee it was that she was incredibly honest and straight forward with her thinking. It was as if her brain was hardwired to accept the truth of how things were instead of dancing around with falacies and dreams. She knew there was talent here just as much as there were lackluster children who were pursuing dreams unfortunately not meant for them. Her eye's drifted away from the captain, white hair shifting in the breeze as Yukio had watched Hanako's hair change prior to arriving. It was a skill she had to explain to him was a product of her destroyed clan, an ability to change the pigmentation of parts of her body. While unusual it was worth it considering her rank did not have access to the perks of Anbu equipment, so to keep identity safe she improvised. Between the respirator mask and her hair, coupled with simple black, layered garbs made her seem like a stranger. " is but a part of the process. Even now you can tell those who have an aptitude...those who don't...and those..who."<i></i>

Her attention was caught by a student, one who was obviously troubled by the lesson's physical natue. It was something she could recognize a mile away because she also had been in a similar boat in those days. She could tell he was pushing himself and that this basic training was difficult. "Overcome initial inability and grow through hard work and never ending determination to push the status quo or their limitations."<i></i> Her head tilted slightly in the direction of Sato, the hint given to Yukio about who she was referring to. Truthfully she had no interest in prodigies or natural talent, in her mind those were handicaps that many shinobi had fallen to due to egos. No, her interest lay in those without initial talent but with the innate will to push through obstacles and come back stronger.
Despite all that determination there was really only so far a boy could go before he hit his limit, especially when all of this was new to him. The moment the five minutes were up and they were told to switch he, like many others, ended up doubled over trying to catch his breathe instead of staying the course. His arms and legs felt like they'd been filled with lead and his lungs were on fire. He took off his sweat streaked glasses and tried to dry them off on his shirt, his legs a bit shaky as he did his best to ignore the urge to sit down. A few other kids had already done so and even if he couldn't get through all of today's course he planned on doing his best. As long as he could stand he could keep working.

When he put his glasses back on he scrunched up his nose at all the little streaks it'd left on his lenses only for him to see past that and notice two people watching from a short distance away. At him. At least that's what it felt like. A pair of men, one taller with a dignified look to him and a shorter one with... something on his face? He didn't recognize it but unlikely the other man this one gave him the creeps. That realization made the fact that it felt like he was being watched all the creepier. He was quick to turn away, feeling like holes were being stared into the back of his head as he started to kick at his dummy again. Was he imagining things? And who were they? Clearly not teachers. Higher ups? Probably. Then why were they watching him? Were they watching -him-? No, that was stupid, clearly they were here for something else. Waiting for someone maybe? It didn't matter. He continued doing his drills, the effort to bring up his leg getting harder every time he had to do it again.
He didn't mind the rather direct and blunt nature of the AiT in fact it was a welcome change compared to those not willing to speak their thoughts to him on more occasions than not acting on irrational thoughts or feelings the change of pace was a pleasant one. "That may just be the case however those lacking behind sometimes simply need a push in the right direction, though we may see those seeming to show little in the way of potential sometimes is better to think of the bigger picture. What could be restricting it? What could be done to change those circumstances directly or indirectly though this is not always going to solve the issue at hand its a better alternative than letting potentially unique skills go to waste."

He listened to the rest of her words always an interesting individual to speak to he couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "Well your right there sometimes we can see more than most, these eyes of mine let me see the detail in such things though I still find myself wanting to see them improve maybe that's part of the duty of being a tutor maybe a habit we pick up over the time." Taking paces to walk round the group of students his gaze shifted from Sato for a brief moment taking each student into account it was clear to see some were already stretching ahead of the others however Yukio couldn't help but think the training was a bit too ordinary but then again his own training hadn't been the most ordinary.

"The way I see it days like this are for such purposes, if you were to look out here what would you say must be done to improve them. Pick a single student, and say or do what you think could be done to push them in the right direction. Think on what you do however I would hate to see Kenshin or Shinzo upset with us after we spent so much time building relations between the branches." Seeing the hint given he nodded his head in the direction of the student she'd been eyeing up curious what manner of action would be taken to change the course of the students training.

She had given her full attention to Yukio as he spoke, soaking in his words without undercutting his statements. His words made her think deeply about some things, which was evident as her eyes began to shift back towards the kids going through their drills and her own hands. What had made her overcome her own initial inabilities, that was something she had to contemplate or at least that is how her thought process took it. She would squat and reach for a stray leaf that had at some point been blown away from a tree. Turning the leaf over by it's stem between her fingertips she'd be enveloped in deep silence for a few moments. Then it donned on her, something that previously had not been pieced together in an analogy context. She'd look towards Yukio, holding the leaf up slightly..

"Purpose. That is the answer i've come up with to this question. This leaf, removed from the tree is's purpose lost. That is the end result of those who lose direction in why they do something but these children aren't leaves yet. No...they are something much more basic yet with an even more dependence on purpose..."<i></i>. She'd stand up, letting the leaf drift back to the ground before walking with an aura of confidence surrounding her form due to the understanding she had just gained. While still not to far away from Yukio, she would stop momentarily and look back over her shoulder at him. "They are seeds and unless given a purpose they will never truly be able to root themselves down and grow into strong trees with leaves filled with reason for everything they do."<i></i>

She would not approach Sato first, instead taking a few moments to engage in a conversation with the class teacher assigned to the group. Their word exchange wouldn't last to long before she walked over to where Sato practiced and would do something quite unexpected. Her palm reached out and would catch the boy's leg before it would be able to strike the post again and she would ask him a simple question, her voice slightly muffled beneath the respirator. "Why go through this training...exhausting yourself for a future that may not be kind to you. Training your body and mind everyday past the limits of your natural ability...what do you even hope to gain by doing all this?"<i></i>. The gaze that fell on Sato from her left eye, as her right had been covered by a patch, was an unapologetic one.
It was getting genuinely hard to even raise his leg, much less ignore the burning exhaustion in his muscles. This was grueling. At this rate he wouldn't even be able to do the lap. It didn't matter. This was the whole point of the training -- to get stronger so they could do other things. If he only put in half as much effort to do everything then he wasn't worthy of being a ninja. If he wanted to be strong he had to find his limits and run into them until they broke. That was the only way someone like him could improve. Anything short of that and he would be better off quitting.

He brought his leg back to strike the dummy when it was stopped so suddenly by another force that he flailed just to keep on his one foot. When he realized it was a hand on his leg he got ready to yell at another student for messing with him but he quickly realized it was an adult, someone quite a bit bigger than him and immediately bone chilling to look at it. It was the white haired man with the respirator on his face, one of the ones who'd been watching the training from the other side of the field. Up he was even more frightening, bringing back memories of the man from the library that already made him start to tremble. He tried to not let it show on his face as the strange man began to talk to him, asking him why he bothered to train. His heart skipped a beat. Was he in trouble? Were these people here to flunk him out? For a moment all he could think about was how horrible the prospect of not even being allowed to graduate was, denied the chance to even become a ninja.

Then he actually focused on what was being asked of him and it suddenly felt more like a test than anything. As nervous as he was he managed to look up into the man's one visible eye, swallowing down the lump in his throat and even putting some force into his leg in a likely futile attempt to pull it out of his grip. He didn't care if it came off as defiant, he wasn't going to look weak, not after last time.

"I need to get stronger... so others don't have to!" he said, raising his voice as he continued to try and get his leg away from him. As far as he was concerned this was just another test and even if it was hard to stand and his legs felt like lead that didn't mean he should stop. "If I don't get strong for the sake of others then someone else would have to -- or worse no one will bother at all! I don't care how much it hurts or even if it kills me, there's people who need to be protected! If I can save even one person then everything I've endured would have been worth it!"
Listening to the AiT's words a smile came across the Hyuuga's face tilting his head down to Hanako to speak once more. "And as such it's our duty as their betters to guide them, bring out potential and see it come to blossom so let us see what these students can do as of right now shall we." Taking steps to follow Hanako he observed for a moment watching how things unfolded in conversation between the two and pondering on the answers given before raising his own opinion on the matter giving questions to ponder on.

"Well you may seek to ensure no one has to fight but what of those with reason to fight for leaf? Have you taken a moment to think about your own actions and take a step back to think on the village as a whole. Has one man ever protected the village alone?" His tone was somewhat blunt as far as he was concerned such ways of thinking were dangerous and usually led to hindrance rather than a positive quality. "Should you die what would your efforts amount too, would anyone see you as a protector or simply one who was too stubborn to accept help of the team you should one day find yourself in?"

The questions were rather simple and logical with the way the world working the in ranks of the Shinobi most would find themselves working alongside others to complete objectives those with the same points of view and goals however never underestimating one another combining their skills for the common good. "Rather than do this could you not seek training that would cover your weaknesses? Or find ways to coordinate with others to work as one for the greater goal and interests of the village, you have great opportunity in the academy to make friends and find your comrades and in times of peace like this speak to those already in branches to find your path in the world."

Her gaze remained unchanged, almost as if she was neither impressed or let down by his answer to her question. The grip she held along his ankle was equally as unfaultered as despite his efforts she was no more closer to relinquishing her grasp than she had been the moment his leg had been caught. There as something almost childish to her about his answer, expected, from someone so young and inexperienced to the truths of the world. Mentally she wondered how long these thoughts had been sitting within the child's mind, though well intentioned, left to marinate without encountering any conflicting thoughts to challenge it. Was it a case where this child at such a young age had fully sold himself on personal glory and sacrifice..

Yukio's voice unexpectly started to reach her ear, her eyes for a moment looking towards her senior as she did not expect him to voice an input so early on. She did however respect the chain of command to such an extent that she did not interfere with what he said, not even to show support for what he said. Instead her gaze seemed to become more focused on the kid and her grip even tightening to some degree. Personally she wondered if the captain's words would reach the student or if he had a mental capacity developed enough to comprehend what was said. By now the captain would have been well aware of a certain ability Hanako held and after he had finished speaking and she leaned in closer to the student's face, Yukio would of had the intuition to hold his breath.

With the surface of her respirator mask close to his face, Sato would possibly be drawn to the fact that her respirator was indeed strange. Where normally the filters were facing outwards, in her case the filters were designed in reverse meaning that air flow was unblocked as the actual filtering material was missing. "Children like you are normal, your way of thinking is to be expected when the true weight of what a shinobi is becomes a reality to you. You understand that this role is one of sacrifice but you made the mistake of thinking that sacrifice was personal. Even now, though you all are trained in a collective your skills are all across the spectrum and yet have you noticed how none of your classmates haven't batted an eye in your direction to see what is going on?"</GLOW><i></i> As she spoke, unbeknownst to Sato, a very specific cocktail of poisons were escaping along her breath with each word. Sato's lack of experience wouldn't of prepared his body to recognize the effects quick enough to notice he had been inflicted.

The cocktail had a very specific effect on the body when it took effect and that was Sato would find it very difficult to not voice his truthful mind. A toxin profile similar to that of the truth serum, Hanako was wondering just where the kid's ability to rationalize his position and thoughts were. "That is because at your development, the pull to improve and think of self progress outweighs the greater understanding. With your mindset I could not trust you on a mission because you as you are currently lack the innate knowledge that one is never greater than two. Self-glorification is a dangerous attitude to have as a ninja, clouds judgements and overcomplicates simple logic."<i></i>

Her gaze at this point was locked with Sato, unblinking and deep with focus as she voiced a simple question while moving a step back. With her grasp relinquished on his ankle and both hands firmly pressed along her waistline, she spoke. <GLOW glow="blue">"Knowing what is to be expected, with notions of self-heroism or self-satisfaction not an optional response...why are you here?"
As the more experienced ninja talked down to him he averted his gaze, feeling ganged up and worried. Why had he been singled out? Was this how they expelled students? Or was this just some test or cruel lesson? His motivations were being questioned and torn down, clearly seen as unfit by these two. What right did they have to do that?! What purpose did it serve?! And why did they make it sound so selfish?! Maybe it was in a way but not in the way they talked about it. His hands balled into fists as he refused to give up putting pressure into his leg, pressing against the hand holding him as hard as he could. Which wasn't much given his current stamina.

One statement got to him, one of the few that'd probably been intended to be harmless if not encouraging. Instead it made his blood boil and body tense, shaking with quiet rage. How could such an imposing, wise looking ninja say such a naive thing? He couldn't hold it in for long.

"Don't talk to me about peace! That's just a lie to make people who don't see any danger right in front of their eyes sit back and act like nothing is wrong! It's more than just wars out there!" Angry tears were forming in the corners of his eyes as they dared to narrow at the man, a surprising second wind coming over him as he dared to push back even harder against the mask wearing man holding onto his leg. "Don't tell me to think about the village like my view is so small! Our whole country deserves to be protected, damn it! I don't care if it's ambitious or stupid when it's the right thing to do!"

Sato was totally oblivious to the vapors in the air as the second one nailed him with similar accusations. He stood his ground as his leg was finally released, his posture making him look ready for a fight if they picked one. Of course his unflinching and eerie presence made it hard for Sato to speak so bluntly to him but with anger pushing him to speak without thinking -- among other things -- he was shouting at the masked stranger too.

"Don't talk like you know me! I don't care about recognition one bit! It isn't about being seen as a hero, it's about being a hero! I don't care about rank or having my deeds acknowledge! Either would only be means to an end if they let me do more! It's not about ego, it's..." He finally hesitated as he realized what he'd been about to say. He was just making a fool of himself, showing how little he'd learned. A ninja was suppose to control his emotions and keep calm under pressure. And here he was yelling. Perhaps he just couldn't be asked to care. He already knew he wasn't going to be some great, perfect ninja and he didn't like his motives being twisted in the minds of strangers who didn't know the first thing about him.

He finally lowered his head, trying to hide that his angry tears had turned into those of frustration as he stood there, stiff as a board and shaking like a leaf as he spoke in a greatly lowered voice. "Maybe I am selfish. I've been scared... and hurt... and lost what's important to me. And I couldn't do anything." He gripped onto his arm with his other hand, trying to make the shaking stop. "If I can't get stronger then how am I expected to protect anyone? I don't want to lose anyone, especially my comrades. It's not that I don't trust others, I just..."

He couldn't hold it back any longer. He couldn't stop himself from talking and as he let out what he'd never said aloud before his crying became weeping as he confessed, "I'm scared. Scared all my effort isn't enough and I'll mess up. That I won't be able to keep anyone safe. I don't want to lose anyone ever again."
Hearing the boys words Yukio couldn't help but sigh, a stubborn one, however that was not the point of his being here today regardless of the students personality taking a step back watching Hanako's actions before speaking. "Well if my words aren't heard then please deal with my companion here, listen and watch what she has to say carefully." It would be an interesting series of events that much was a certainty and it would give Hanako a first hand experience in training those at a lower rank than herself a useful still for the future when having ambitions of climbing through the ranks of the ANBU branch.

It was a sight that took him back to the old days of training with Takeshi being rather blunt and upfront in his methods and i made the Captain ponder if Hanako would be the same way speaking for a brief moment his tone a hushed one for the AiT's ears only. "Please don't be too rough however, we don't want to have anything to explain away later so keep that in mind." With this information it was a matter of adaptation for the pair each having to take steps to keep the details of where they were and what they were doing in mind the Captain just a spectator from this point.

This was not to say his lost focus or his mind went to wander on other matters his eyes locked on the two analyzing and taking mental notes mapping out their reactions and personalities in his mind a useful skill he'd developed and important for training the trainees. Hanako was an interesting individual unlike other AiT he'd seen on his path through the ANBU, most had been vocal and upfront about their ambitions and intentions but this time was different no this time the Hyuuga found himself faced with someone who wasn't so vocal, one who could keep their intentions hidden should the situation require it.

Her attention never left from Sato and neither did her expression change during his emotional story telling, something which in of itself displeased her and showed just how far this kid truly was to understanding. As Yukio whispered words in a tone she could hear only, there was only a slow blink from her eyes. The woman would exhale slowly after processing everything said and spoken before all her focus seemed to sharpen at the kid, her stare suddenly seeming far colder than it was before. It was a swift action, naturally given how the Sato's demeanor was, something which would catch him completely off guard. Her leg would sweep under the young boy, his body momentarily no longer tethered to the earth. Almost in the same action and before his body would drop to the ground she would catch his right wrist within her palm and rotate him over so that his stomach was faced down. Twisting his right arm behind his back, her left knee would catch just above his left calf, pinning his body down as it hit the ground. There would be a glimmer in his eye, a momentary glint of light which reflected off a dagger held just shy of his neckline. With all this taking less than two second to occur, her voice entered his ear and her tone was just as serious as it had ever been.

"A selfish nature, easily giving into your emotions, an inability to take critism and advice from superiors, a true ignorance towards what heroics entail as a you are now I wouldn't trust you to even recover an old lady's lost kitten. Being a shinobi is conquered by one single undying truth and that is absolute trust. Regardless of the situation if I couldn't trust you to leave me behind in order to complete a mission or trust you to keep your emotions in check at a time where focus is all but required then you shouldn't even be out here physically attempting to get stronger. Strength without trust...without purpose is nothing but a dangerous darkness which will either be rooted out early or persist to make you but a target for elimination because of being a risk. You speak about not caring about recognition when the mere fact of receiving the village's headband and becoming a shinobi is just that..."</GLOW><i></i>

Her dagger would notch closer to his throat, the edge pushing against his skin easily a mere millimeters from tearing the flesh and coating the blade a deep crimson hue. What was more unique to Hanako was that her tone of voice and demeanor never changed. She spoke the same tone, clearly not overcome by any emotions in what she had heard or how she had responded.

"This is who you are, I know because since we've been talking you've been breathing in a toxic which has the useful effect of preventing your brain from formulating lies. So let me make this perfectly clear to you now, people will die as they always have. Whether from a shinobi's hand, an accident during a mission or...when they are completely unprepared and unable to rise above challenges. This is fact, this is not something you or your fantasy heroics will change so dismiss that notion in your head as it only makes you more liable to get someone killed trying to play that role. You want to be somoene of importance...someone who can be useful to the protection and stability of this village then be someone who people can put their trust in. Trust that you will do what is needed and asked of you to do in order to get the job done, even if it were to require you leaving a comrade behind who insists on giving you a chance to escape. You do not get to the leisure of complaining, then again someone who was raised in these times knows nothing about the true nature of the world. This village, it is all we are destined to protect as even this country once turned it's back on us shinobi and massacred plenty of your fellow villager's families. Whole clans, mine's included wiped out by the same country we reside within now. It is time you grow up to the world and the world you are trying to enter..."

Sato would feel a sharp pain, not from the dagger and not immediately but after he felt her body no longer applying pressure to keep him pinned down. It was a swift kick to his side, enough to slide the kid along the grass a few feet. The sound of something flying next to him would be the next thing his senses would catch onto as the same dagger which was previously held to his neck would be stuck in the ground next to his head. Holding her right palm up slightly a puff of smoke enveloped her hand and as it disappated resting in her grasp was another dagger. <GLOW glow="blue">"Let's see your drive in action, impress me or else you will be expelled from the academy"<i></i>

If Sato were to look around at this point he would notice that his own teacher had turned their back to these events, focusing on shuffling the other students towards the academy building. This either was a test or it was real, but regardless Sato could not afford to not consider her words to be nothing but factual.
Sato wasn't exactly in any shape to put up a fight. He was tired and sore and scared -- the complicated take down had been wholly unnecessary as the man in the respirator nearly took the wind out of him, making his glasses tumble off his face in the process. It was all he could do just to not whimper as he was pinned down with a knife to his throat, his tears still flowing freely as he felt totally helpless yet again. The library... his home... was this going to be the rest of his life? Being pushed around by people leagues stronger than him? Was it even worth trying when it felt like everything wanted to keep him down. His despair outweighed the threat of death in his mind.

He didn't have the will to ignore what he was being told either -- and it was a bitter pill to swallow. All his dreams were being dashed against the rocks by this complete stranger. That everything he wants to believe in is wrong and that he, singled out among the class, is unworthy because of those beliefs. That his good intentions are the entirely wrong mind set if he wants to get anything done. That wanting to keep people safe was only going to hurt others. That the right option wasn't always to keep people safe at the expense of yourself. It was almost too much to take. He hardly needed restraining at this point -- he had no will to stand up and face this person. All he could think was what a waste this had all been. If being this kind of person is what a shinobi was then he'd rather not have bothered to begin with.

Eventually he was released only to be kicked sharply in the side and put onto his back again. He was too numb to even react other than continuing to cry. He wanted to go home, to have his mother hold him and to never come back to this horrible academy. She'd never wanted this for him, she'd hated it since he brought it up but didn't stop him because of that. Maybe she'd been right all along. Maybe ninjas weren't heroes. They hadn't been there when his village needed them. They hadn't been there to save his father.

His father...

He only seemed to snap out of what had overcome him when his thoughts drifted to what he'd seen so many years ago. It still hurt to think about him. He'd tried to protect Sato and his mother... and all that came from it was more heart break. He couldn't do a thing to change what happened alone and now the two he left behind had a hole in their hearts. Is that all it'd be if he tried and failed? If so then maybe he was right. Despite what he kept telling people -- he was scared, he didn't want to die. He didn't want anyone else to die either. It hurt to even think about. Trust others to get close to you but be willing to let them die? That was just cruel. It really did take someone as cold as this man to become a ninja.

He slowly began to push himself up, trying to wipe away the tears on his sleeve before he began to fumble his hands across the grass. His glasses. They'd fallen off in all of the chaos. It was as if he hadn't even heard the ultimatum he'd been given until his hand brushed the handle of the knife by mistake. Then he paused. For training so hard with all of these jutsu he'd never thought about having to hurt anyone before. For all his talk about wanting to protect people was he really so naive to think that wouldn't mean hurting those who'd do harm? His hand pulled away, half fearful of the weapon as memories flooded back to him the last time he'd wielded a knife in the face of a superior enemy. The day he should have died.

After a moment of pause he grabbed it, the shaking in his hands lessening as he began to think about that day. He'd been weak. He'd been alone. And he'd almost died. The time before, when they'd cut up his cheek to punish him. He could have died just as easily. But he was still alive. It'd hurt. It'd hurt so bad that he hadn't wanted to move forward but he did anyways. He was still here and he was still trying. He was still getting up and moving forward, even if that was all he had to him. He was scared of the pain that might come. In this moment, in the future, physical or emotional. He knew it would be coming no matter what but if he could just get up after then maybe he could still help the people.

"Don't talk to me... about trust," he said, a genuine rage in his voice as he got to his feet, knife half tightly in both hands but head still bowed and hair covering a good portion of his face as he tried to steady himself. "A nameless creep in a mask. If trust is what it means to be a shinobi then you're even worse than me!"

Adrenaline pumped through his veins as his body recognized what he was about to do was dangerous. He took one hand off the knife and moved it in his hand to reverse grip it as he stared dead ahead at him now. He knew he couldn't beat him. His body hurt and clearly he was outclassed -- that wasn't what this was about! He'd just laid there and let him trample on his convictions! Maybe some of what he said was true but he was done having his resolve questioned.

It was probably hopeless without his glasses. He tried to focus his sights on him, squinting and concentrating hard on what was in front of him. It helped a little... but it wasn't enough. Damn it! Where had they fallen off? He couldn't go for them now, not when he'd already shown he was ready to take him on now. Damn, damn it! He just had see!

He didn't question his vision suddenly becoming crystal clear nor did he realize that his eyes had turned a solid white or that veins had bulged along his temples. His mind was focused on a hundred other things. He knew a frontal assault straight up wouldn't end well and the knife in his hand felt like a challenge more than anything. He brought his hands together, managing to weave hand seals and keep hold of his weapon at the same time before he was enveloped in smoke -- only for three copies of himself to charge out from the cloud, one going left, one going right and one going straight down the middle, all looking to strike with conviction.

She was still not phased by either the growing veins along the edge of the child's face neither the basic clone jutsu used by him, instead shifting the dagger she held into her mouth as a series of handseals were made. Clamping her hands together and placing it along the ground, a large perimeter arcing out from her body would change. The ground would suddenly become shifty under all three Sato's feets, the consistency of the earth no longer a solid platform to stand upon let alone charge through. Almost like a mixture of earth and water, the ground would suddenly depress into a funnel-shaped hole which would drag both clones and the real body of Sato towards the center, trapping them within it's vice like grip. Had she wanted to, she could have easily struck all three with a single attack as they had been forced to occupy the same small area space but instead her palm removed the dagger from between her teeth, the weapon disappearing in smoke afterwards.

"This one is neither ready nor would they be productive in our line of work. You may have interest in those eyes of his but as far as his attitude and ability to accept the truth...not worth me continuing to see if he is capable of evolving."

Her eyes moved away from the center of the funnel and away from Sato as she calmly placed both palms within her pockets after readjusting her lower face respirator mask. She would stick around long enough to hear Yukio's thoughts on the matter and the kid, but would inevitably leave with an unfavorable view of his overall potential when Yukio decided to leave as well.

[Topic left when Yukio leaves]

Current Ninpocho Time:
