Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Mission Bandits!

Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Are you sure that you are ready?" A young child asked his multicolored companion. The creature nodded in response towards the boy and grabbed the stick from his head. He made a swinging motion backward before watching the ground a few times. "That is what I will do with them!" The monkey sounded, it was still fresh in his memory despite it already had been a solid week. "But promise me, that you will stay out of death's way!" The young child named Nova sounded serious but with a worried tune said in their voice underlying. He rather not lose another person near him.

Nova didn't really know how a contract worked precisely. All he knew was that they could be summoned and that it cost him a lot of chakras. He even had thought about taking more chakra lessons, but just like he thought. No teacher batted him an eye. He knew he could be quiet but never thought he would be left out of everything. The other day he saw a few students getting taught on how to water walk... And he couldn't even do that because he almost seemed invisible to the world. Heck... When he found Lulu the teacher giving the class never even noticed he was gone. Until it was evening and they did a headcount back at the academy.

After the final hit on the ground, Nova was brought back to reality. "Right... I need to focus." On which he grabbed his quiver, bow, his small stuff, and equipment. He always made sure that he was well-prepped to go wherever. Even his father made sure that he had everything, a lunchbox already in the box which always filled well but was light for the stomach. "Dad! I am going! Please save some dinner for us later tonight!" He got a laugh from the kitchen which was followed by his brother running out of the kitchen. "I will walk you to the gates, can be scary for the first time..." He spoke and Nova nodded. Even his brother picked up all his weapons and gear before heading out. Something about always be ready for the unexpected. "You know... THere is no shame in running.."
"I know brother... you always tell me that."
"That is because this is your first mission, and ai would hate to see you return harmed."
"I ain't like those other kids."
"How do you know?"
"Because you haven't visited the Byoin like that."
"Oke.. that is rather fair.."
"So you got everything Backpack, lulu, bow, quicker and temporary passport for this mission?"
"I got everything.."
"That is good... Now please do come home safe. Lulu, make sure that he comes home." Lulu gave that the biggest grin possible.

While already passed the gates and well on their way. He started to speak about his contract to vent a little. "I get him, but I ain't like my moms.. They are just worried... I know that too, but I am becoming a shinobi and this is my first big mission. My first one ever, he was right on that." He spoke and Lulu started to get back to the place where they had originally met. "This is it huh..." He spoke before crouching down towards the height of Lulu. "This is it.. This is where you let me out of the bag." He said and would tilt his head towards Nova. "That means... From here we need to go back and track back to where we found them originally... It might be difficult, but let's go!" He tried to encourage himself as he started to move along the forest line and back into. Lulu quickly got on Nova's shoulder. They were in the bag so knew little about the route they had made.

"This... is still a part of my cloak.." Nova sounded at one point as he grabbed the piece of fabric. "That means we came through here..."

"Right, this was their camp." He eventually saw the burned-out part on the ground and it was abandoned. "What do you think Lulu?" The companion looked around. Eventually took where the campfire was. "Doesn't this part seem too dead for a one-time use?" On that, Nova started to think. "You might be on to something..." He spoke and started to look around. "The trees have marks on them from being worn too as If stuff always got placed against it.." He would look for other marks and soon they both nodded that this was a regular hang-out spot of the bandits. "Let's place some traps..." Nova sounded and Lulu grinned evilly at that. It was a plan for sure. The two had been busy all afternoon placing traps all around, and then Nova started to get high up in a tree.

' This way I still have an advantage over them...'

“Oi you idiot!” The young child called out to the companion who had just thrown a bomb near them. The monkey wasn’t too pleased with those words, but then again, his mindset was stuck on getting revenge. “Tsk-” It left him little to no choice, there were many ways to do things, and what he did now was one of them. The boulder that was near them, he focused first lightning jutsu around his first and then hit the boulder as hard as he could. Sending it flying toward the men that were around. On impact, you could hear a man getting crushed below.
It was then that they started to make a run for it. “Let’s go!” Nova did everything in his arsenal... but at one part he wasn't too smart; he used fire jutsu in a forest which easily caught fire.

Slowly the area was filling with smoke and both of them had gotten the idea about what had been happening, they had been setting the forest part ablaze and they were now hiding somewhere nearby for them to get out of the place. “I have an idea…” Nova whispered as he would crouch near the monkey. “There are now tons of animals escaping because of this… We need to transform ourselves and get out of this place… It wasn’t the best moment… But as he looked around he saw a set of cats in the place. “Cats… Now don’t get hairballs…” Nova smiled softly and made a set of hand seals as he transformed into a cat.

The bandits didn't know exactly what was going on or what was happening and actually lost them out of sight. They both made their way till they were out of harm's way of them. “Alright… now we just need to get back to Konoha,” Nova said, from his current perspective a giant foot landed in front of him. “ You guys ain’t going anywhere.” right at that moment Nova took a movement back and was forced to fight with his companion. This was serious...

At the end of the night, a few other shinobi came in and saw Nova sitting on the ground, the man in ropes and every animal already freed that they had been collecting. "They won't harm you or anyone anymore Llulu.." Nova said tired and the shinobi around started to make a rain dance so that the fire was put out quicker. It was then that Nova got both a scolding and praise for fighting them. Since the chakra-gifted thug was actually wanted.

WC: 1225

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Current Ninpocho Time:
