Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Base Element and Advanced Element List

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Element List
While all Jutsu use different amounts of chakra, Ninjutsu is known for shaping chakra into various elements to create many different types of techniques. This type of chakra control, known as Nature Transformation, allows a person to alter the properties of chakra into many differentElements. The main types, known as Base Elements are the ones people are most familiar with; Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth and Water.

Everyone is capable of using Base elements to some degree, but there are stronger elements that are only available to those with the proper affinities. These special elements are known as Advanced Elements. Though a shinobi may be able to unlock an affinity to every base element, it is believed to be impossible for one to unlock every Advanced Elemental nature.

Note: While Medical and ANBU jutsu do not factor into Advanced Elements, you may Minor them by mastering half of their jutsu (7) and Major them by mastering all of them (14), allowing you to perform the relevant Affinity Moves with them. Medical and ANBU are considered their own separate elements and are not part of Non-Elemental, despite their placement in the info section.

This section gives a brief description of each element on NC.

Base Elements said:
Fire - The Fire release creates intense flames from chakra. The fire release is known to be one of the more all-out offensive elements specializing in causing maximum destruction; both by setting enemies ablaze and by searing scars into their flesh.

Wind - The Wind element is created by shaping chakra to be as sharp and thin as possible. Wind techniques combine brute force with keen precision, and specialize in accurately tearing apart enemies in violent gales.

Lightning - The Lightning release shapes chakra into a bright electrical energy. Though not as fast as true lightning, techniques of this nature retain their electrical properties to stun and shock targets upon contact; leaving them vulnerable to further danger.

Earth - A versatile and steadfast element, Earth techniques involving using chakra to manipulate dirt, mud and stone into different techniques. Earth is known for being a more supportive element by altering their environment, but due not make the mistake of underestimating their bone-crushing strength.

Water - The Water release involves utilizing chakra to create or manipulate vast amounts of water to strike the enemy. Techniques of this nature take many forms and combine the swiftness of a river with the strength of a Tsunami; either crushing their foes or suffocating them. Or both.

Non-Elemental - Non-Elemental jutsu are often considered simply utility jutsu, and many of them are not outright attacks. However, this does not make them useless; many of the most useful jutsu in a ninja's arsenal can be found here. A good number of these jutsu can also have any elemental release one wishes mixed into it to enhance them. Non-Elemental does not factor in as a Major of any Advanced Element.

Fire - Advanced Elements
Major Fire Affinity said:
Scorch [Major Fire + Minor Non-Elemental] - This release does not deal with flames, but emphasizes a mastery over raw heat in general. User's of this element have the ability to create intense inferno's that desiccate and quickly wither away their enemies stamina.

Kinesis [Major Fire + Minor Wind] - Controllers of the Kinesis element have the power to manipulate their environment with an invisible force. This is a difficult element to combat due to its wide variety of uses, and its invisible nature can easily catch nearly any opponent off guard.

Plasma [Major Fire + Minor Lightning] - The Plasma element is essentially chakra condensed into a form of pure, free flowing energy. Techniques of this nature are both incredibly powerful and diverse, making this element particularly lethal against nearly any opponent.

Explosion [Major Fire + Minor Earth] - Explosion is perhaps the most environmental unfriendly element that exists; this manipulates chakra into a highly explosive energy. This nature is able to create massive explosions to damage all those nearby, and is also known for being infused directly into other substances to turn even other people into unstable explosives.

Shadow [Major Fire + Minor Water] - Most popularly used by the Nara Clan, Shadow is a most curious element. Users of this element manipulate the shadows around them in a variety of ways, and the flexibility of shadow techniques make this element nearly impossible to avoid.

Wind - Advanced Elements
Major Wind Affinity said:
Sound [Major Wind + Minor Non-Elemental] - Sound is the epitome of wind power, capable of manipulating the air into supersonic vibrations to effect those around them. Sound jutsu are known for being especially disorienting compared to other elements, and rapidly throw their victims off balance.

Photon [Major Wind + Minor Lightning] - The Photon element is often known as the 'Light' release, and involves converting chakra into rays of light itself. Both incredibly bright and fast; Photon techniques are known for being almost impossible to see and even harder to avoid.

Dust [Major Wind + Minor Earth] - An advanced element that utilizes chakra to manipulate substances on a molecular level. Users of this element to have the ability to disintegrate matter into fine particles of dust, and reshape it into various forms for their jutsu.

Mirror [Major Wind + Minor Water] - Perhaps one of the more unique elements of Ninjutsu is the Mirror element. This element seems to have no true form or properties alone, but directly changes and takes on the nature of the environment and opponent.

Poison [Major Wind + Minor Fire] - The Poison element manipulates chakra into a particularly lethal and toxic energy. Techniques of this nature are infamous for not only harming those in contact with it, but lingering on and painfully damaging their victim from within.

Lightning - Advanced Elements
Major Lightning Affinity said:
Magnetic [Major Lightning + Minor Non-Elemental] - By controlling the polarity of ions in the earth, the user can manipulate the magnetic forces around them. This allows them to control electromagnetic waves and use this in a vast variety of ways.

Gravity [Major Lightning + Minor Earth] - Gravity happens to be another particularly unique element; it takes the force around us and alters it with chakra. This allows gravity users to multiply this power or shift its focus, crushing or outright tossing around their enemies.

Storm [Major Lightning + Minor Water] - The Storm element deals with the combination of water and lightning chakra into a singular form of jutsu; appearing essentially as arcing beams of electric energy. The laser-like energy created from this release retains the speed of the lightning element and flexibility of water, making this element both accurate and precise.

Radiation [Major Lightning + Minor Fire] - A particularly interesting element, the chakra nature of Radiation enables the user to break down their chakra into a sub-atomic energy. Techniques of this nature are known for the unique ability to destroy the chakra within ones body, as well as other particularly dangerous effects.

Ink [Major Lightning + Minor Wind] - A unique form of ninjutsu that involves converting chakra directly into an Inky substance, capable of being scribed and manipulated in a variety of forms. Techniques of this nature have the trait of being particularly creative and flexible during any situation.

Earth - Advanced Elements
Major Earth Affinity said:
Metal [Major Earth + Minor Non-Elemental] - Perhaps the 'strongest' form of all elements; Metal is a chakra nature emphasizing sheer strength and durability through chakra vastly hardened into powerful metals. Metal is renown for creating both the strongest attacks, and most durable of defenses.

Wood [Major Earth + Minor Water] - Wood is a strong element that balances its strength with its flexibility, turning the power of nature into a tool of the user. This release deals with creating and manipulating plant life into various techniques that are persistent much like nature itself; any mistakes of Wood user's seem to blossom into new forms.

Lava [Major Earth + Minor Fire] - The lava element allows its users to create a torrents of molten rock that can melt away at almost anything. Techniques of this nature are known for combining the diversity of earth with the strength of fire, making this a difficult element to defend against.

Sand [Major Earth + Minor Wind] - The Sand element is known for possessing the dangers of a desert. Chakra of this nature breaks down the environment into grains of sand, and utilizes this powerful medium to become brutal strikes of shifting earth.

Paper [Major Earth + Minor Lightning] - Paper may sound less than intimidating; but do not make the mistake of underestimating the strength paper jutsu. Chakra of this nature is used to create sheets of reinforced paper that rivals and even surpasses the strength of other weapons. This element specializes in refining chakra's ability to cut to its finest point; leaving far more than your average paper cut.

Water - Advanced Elements
Major Water Affinity said:
Blood [Major Water + Minor Non-Elemental] - A particularly insidious element of ninjutsu, this release involves utilizing chakra to manipulate the force of life itself; Blood. What makes this fearsome is the fact that this chakra nature grows in strength as the victims grow weaker, drawing strength upon the blood of others...and in other cases outright manipulating it.

Vapor [Major Water + Minor Fire] - An element manifesting in the form of a steamy mist, Vapor is an incredibly versatile element that deals with manipulating the evaporated properties of water in general. Vapor users are able to control misty clouds and alter their techniques to range from boiling steam, to thick fogs, each capable of obscuring vision and choking their enemies.

Ice [Major Water + Minor Wind] - A release dealing with mastered control over subzero temperatures, users of this release are capable of purging heat from the area, and creating both frigid Ice and frosty vapors that rapidly freeze anything that comes into contact with it.

Acid [Major Water + Minor Lightning] - The power of the Acid element is particularly fearsome; this aspect of ninjutsu involves manipulating chakra into a highly corrosive form that has the strength to disintegrate and weaken nearly anything it touches.

Crystal [Major Water + Minor Earth] - A beautiful form of Ninjutsu, the crystal release is known for being a a dangerous, yet captivating element. Techniques of this nature are very similar to Ice, and though what they lack in the "freeze" area they make up for with their enhanced strength and sharpness.
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