Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Bathing And A Lavish Dinner For The Visitors From Abroad

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
After a while of walking, Kitsune and the leaf delegation had arrived at the gates of her estate. ”Here we are. The entrance to my estate.” she said and had the gates open wide to allow them inside. They’d be heading up the long driveway, past the water fountain, and up the staircase to the main house where they’d be greeted by some of Kitsunes many maids on staff. She’d give them directions to prepare baths for the guests, as well as fresh clothes to provide an alternative to what they brought if they decided they wanted to try some Cloud style clothing.

”Feel free to follow my head maid Airisuke here” Kitsune said and gestured to the one maid that had remained behind ”She’ll take you to your rooms where a warm bath will be awaiting each of you in the ensuite bathroom.” she continued and then paused ”Each of you have separate rooms. But if one or two of you would prefer shared rooms, that can also be arranged. Just tell Airisuke and she’ll see to it. Oh, and when you’re all dressed and prepared again, ring for a maid and you’ll be shown to the dining room. Dinner will be served shortly thereafter, and I do hope you’ve brought your appetites.” she finished with a chuckle.

Kitsune herself intended to cook some of the food for the evenings dinner, and the planned menu was full of classic Cloud dishes. Most of them pasta-based, and a lot of them containing meat. But with some peoples curious sensibilities there were also salads and meat-free options planned, just to show that Cloud was an inclusive place. Well. That it was inclusive now.

[MFT; WC: 282]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Nagisa would watch everything unfolding with her blue eyes sparkling. It reminded her a little of home or rather her former home before she cut ties to her family.The familiarity stung a little. Still, Nagisa was polite with the staff and head maid. She would follow her and keep an eye out where all the rooms were in relation to each other.

"Please a single room for me. I need no help bathing and would prefer to not be interrupted while dressing. No disrespect intended, I just know how some maids are eager to help."

Nagisa would take a quiet bath, keeping her ears out for trouble.

'They have been nice.'

'Yes they have been for now but there was an incident not too long ago.'

'True. However the Hokage is here himself. This is different.'

'Or it could be what they wanted.'

Nagisa let that statement stand. She would wash herself carefully and pick out her clothing. The Cloud style was nice but most importantly it covered up the place between her shoulder blades which covered the sealing mark she had from when she sealed Shizue to her person. That was a secret known to only a few people. She would, however, wear her Sennin robes over the Cloud style dressing. She would ring for the maid eventually and head down to the dining area. Nagisa would seat herself in the middle of the table not wanting to take either one of the Kage seats.

"Lady Raikage you have a fantastic home and comfortable rooms. From the smell of things, it also looks like you will be serving us amazing food as well. I feel most welcome."
[topic entered]

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi followed the welcoming committee to the entrance of an estate, seeing the gates swing open to allow them in. Seemed something completely different to what he had expected, but the hospitality made a nice change to the usual situation that they found themselves in when it came to Cloud. Following the staff to his room he was here to keep things civilized and make sure that the talks ran as smoothly as possible, after all his delegation was here to make a new treaty and that was the primary goal of this force, nothing more nothing less.

“Thank you, I will ring when the time is right for me to come down to the dining room”

Takeshi allowed himself to enjoy the bath that had been drawn for him, as he let out a sigh, the travelling had been exhausting he would give credit to that fact. Still the hot water that wrapped around his body as he slid himself into the bath more than made up for it. Taking a while he allowed the heat to work its way to his bones.

Time passed by quickly for the Hokage as he found himself having time to think for himself without the interruption of someone else. Leaning back into the bath he realised that time was short for this group, and though the hospitality was nice even though he knew that there was a lot of work ahead of him with discussions. Reaching up he gripped the edge of the bath and hauled himself out of it.

Once dried off, he changed into his traditional clothing, the dark blue cloak of the Uchiha clan wrapping around himself. One final check in the mirror was all he needed before he rang the bell to allow himself to be escorted down towards the dinning room where the group would be eating tonight.

Walking towards the tablet to grab a seat he noticed that Nagisa was already there. Sitting down he nodded his head towards the Medical Sennin as he waited patiently for the food to be prepared. He had so many questions to ask this new Raikage, yet they would have to wait till later for now he would be contempt with allowing others to join them and the conversation to start off light and off topic, it would be the better way to approach this in the long run.

[Topic Entered]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Looking upon the estate it reminded the man of his own home though somewhat more grand though that was to be expected given Kitsune's position taking a brief moment to take in the sights while the Raikage spoke nodding slowly at what she had to say. "Your hospitality is appreciated lady Raikage." With that he simply walked until he arrived at his room taking a moment to breath once the door was closed Chinatsu forming from his shoulder the goo like mass yawning before turning to his companion. "Well certainly a change since we were last here, I wonder what we will be eating this evening."

Taking the time to remove the cloak and bandages the man wrapped himself in he took the time to slide into the bath feeling each ache and groan of his body and taking the moment to look over the state of himself. "We will find out shortly however on that topic I will require your assistance as per the normal I can't very well eat with one arm, rather cumbersome." The being chuckled shrinking back into the Uchiha's body as Yukio took the time to clear his head enjoying the brief moment to silence before lifting himself from the waters.

It was rather obvious what he should wear to an occasion such as this changing into the white robes he normal wore for more formal events like this one holding out the stump of his missing arm. "Chinatsu?" it didn't take long form the being to form his missing arm remaining silent as the man wrapped his companion in bandages to hide the rather strange complexion of what was now his arm. "I apologies in advance for the indignity old friend." With that the man would ring the bell to allow himself to be guided to the dinner room for their food taking the time to appreciate the architecture of the place as they walked stepping into the dinning room a moment later giving a nod to those that had already arrived before taking a seat.

This is where things would get interesting with both parties most likely having their own views to give on the situation at hand however that was up to the leadership of each village to discuss Yukio simply there to give his opinion when needed on such matters.

[Topic entered]

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
The female followed the rest of the group through the streets of Cloud taking in as much as she could in passing, the differences between her home and this were already noticeable even if she didn’t have the time to properly study it. It wasn’t long before the reach a vast estate marked by a large wall that covered from what she could see the circumference of the grounds with a large iron gate that would stop any would-be intruders, she assumed that this was Kitsune’s home, it was an impressive sight indeed making even the Uchiha mansion look meager in comparison.

Yuki walked through the gate and into the main building of the house taking in the fine architecture as she did.

You have a beautiful home Lady Shinrya,” She smiled as she looked around her, “I think I would like to bathe first, I will take my leave and will see you all for dinner.” She bowed and followed the maid through the corridors to the room that she would be staying in. Takeshi was already present and making the last few adjustments to his clothes, she kissed him on the cheek and entered the bathroom room to see that there was already a bath drawn for her, she stepped in letting the hot water envelop her body as she slow submerged herself and closed her eyes relaxing for a few moments, she wondered if Kotori had been her, what would she have done and who would she have met, the thought filled her with sorrow so she cased it from her mind.

A few moments had passed before Yuki opened her eyes again knowing that she was probably holding up everyone else, she got out of the both reaching for a towel and wrapped it around herself and walking into the main room to find something had already been laid out on the bed for her, it was an elegant gown of deep crimson and gold embroidery. It must have been a new addition to her wardrobe as she had not seen it before, she shrugged and put in on before making her way to join the others.

I am sorry to have kept you waiting,

[WC = 370]

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune chuckled at Nagisa’s reply, nodding ”I know the feeling.” she said in an amused tone, ”And please, make yourselves at home.” she added to everyone, and thanking Yuki for her comment about her home. Airisuke, the head maid, would lead the four of them to their rooms while Kitsune herself would head to the kitchen. There were work to be done, and she did enjoy cooking for others. So while the others bathed and got dressed, whether in the clothes Kitsunes maids had laid out, or what they’d brought themselves, Kitsune commanded her maids around in the kitchen while handling some of the main dishes herself.

Kitsunes personal favorite, lasagna, was one of the main dishes, along with various others of a noodly nature such as Carbonara and udon noodles in a thick creamy cheese sauce, almost like a mac ‘n cheese with noodles. Various salads were also made, some with slices of chicken, some with slices of ham, and some without any meat at all. Each salad had a couple of dressings that people could apply at will. As for the drinkables that’d be served, there were an assortment of wines, some from Kitsunes two provinces, and some imported. But all of that were for the main dishes. The appetizers were fresh salmon steaks with a light sauce drizzled over, along with a few potato croquettes with a cheese and ham filling, all paired with a sweet fruity wine.

Eventually the time came for the delegates to be led to the dining room – the term room used loosely, as it was closer to a hall – and Kitsune was already seated and awaiting her guests, having taken the time to do a quick outfit change so she was now dressed in a silk kimono with imagery of Cloud history imprinted into the fabric. As the Hokage and his retinue entered the dining room, she got up and welcomed them, gesturing for them to sit down. ”I hope you brought your appetites.” she said with a smile, ”Please. Take a seat anywhere you’d like, and feel free to dig in.”

[MFT; WC: 350]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Nagisa was led into the dining room and she positioned herself on one side of Takeshi or Yuki whoever she was closer to. The food looked as delicious as it smelled and Nagis would help herself to a little of everything. Nothing too much but she didn't leave much untouched and took to a red wine. It was sweet and paired well with most of the dishes she had tasted. If there was an incident Nagisa could clear the alcohol from her system and the others with ease.

"Thank you for this food. It is absolutely delicious and this wine is something I have never tasted before. Is it an import? I must say I am enjoying my time here already."

Nagisa would look at Takeshi waiting for his lead. Were they to talk now about the alliance or was that not polite dinner talk? Nagisa preferred business over pleasure. but until that was decided she would absolutely enjoy the food before her.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
It seemed that the rest of them made there way down slowly, as they began to filter down. Each having some time to get themselves ready and cleaned up after the travels. Takeshi nodded to each one as they stepped into the room and took a seat, it seemed that each one of them would be grabbing seats, though as he gauged where to go a small smirk came to his lips, moving up he pulled the chair out beside Kitsune and sat down into it. Waiting for the food to be served this allowed Takeshi time to drop some bomb shells, as he decided to jump straight into it.

“It's good to finally be here, I am glad to see that things look more stable inside of the village. Though I am surprised that no-one from cloud is here. I would have liked to have seen Maru, and see how he was doing now all is past us.”

Takeshi glanced around the room at the food the smell that hit his nose was something that would almost make most people’s mouths start to water, but here he was in the comfort of another's house, and trying to get the differences ironed out between the two villages. As he took out the paper that had the terms written up of the new contract. This laid out the foundation for them to begin once more having the peace talks between the two nations, a new treaty or agreement between them.

“This was agreed in terms with your envoy that was sent to Leaf, these were the terms that I made towards the agreement, I understand that few of them have a no go but I am still making sure that these are agreeable or if there was any counter offers that you wanted to make as is your right as Raikage.”

Sliding the paper next to her he would wait patiently, watching the others of his group he would presume it was safe for them to eat the food, but he wanted to wait just a little bit longer and play it safe to make sure that they were able to dig in.

To the delegates of Cloud.

Due to the recent discovery of the lies and twisted truths that have been given to those of Leaf, the original treaty has been broken and is at this current point in time non-existent. As you have come this way the following terms are proposed by the village of Leaf to allow for a treaty to be formed once more between the two villages, see the requests of the village below.

All missing Ninja who fled leaf will be exiled from Cloud from today (Names; Mikasa)

  • All Ninja who transferred are allowed to freely travel from villages, and retain their current status inside of the village they are assigned to. (Names: Umashi, Maru, Keiji)
  • Shinobi from both Cloud and Leaf will be allowed to enter the other village, unharrashed and without massive questioning at the gates.
  • Fugitives and Missing Ninja from each of the village from this day forth are to be turned away from the other village gates or killed on sight
  • Trade will resume in materials and supplies between both villages
  • Annual Kage gathering to solidify the union between the two villages (with the inclusion of Sand if they accept the invitation)
  • Annual fighting tournament to be held between the two villages (with the inclusion of Sand if they accept the invitation)
  • Ambassadors for each village to be stationed in Leaf and Cloud Respectfully
  • Medical Research and Knowledge to be traded freely between the two nations
  • One member of Cloud Council to take living inside of Leaf for cultural sharing purposes


Uchiha Takeshi

Lord Fourth Hokage

It would now be a case of waiting to find out if he these would be acceptable, this was a waiting and patience game that they where both playing and he knew that.

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
The man simply seated himself taking little notice of who he would be sitting next to though making sure to leave space next to Takeshi should Yuki wish to be at his side taking a moment to look over the food items on the table and nodding rather interested to see what new flavor sensations cloud would have to offer waiting for the food to be served as he simply sat and listened to what was being said between Takeshi and Kitsune after all he was simply here as escort more than anything else and had little in the way of experience as far as diplomatic matters between two villages was concerned.

Digging in to the food before him the man could feel Chinatsu struggling beneath the bandages on his arm a quick glare quickly quietening the being down so they could remain civil at this time, it was not the moment for anything unexpected to happen and the man was not foolish enough to allow anything to interrupt proceedings taking a moment to look around the room and agreeing with Takeshi, it was surprising to see non of the other higher members of cloud would be present with them for a meeting such as this.

Content with what he had seen the man made sure to give the Raikage a polite bow in thanks for what had been served to them, eventually caving somewhat to his companions demands he would occasionally lay the arm in front of his plate while taking a drink letting a tiny mouth from Chinatsu quietly poke out to take some food before sliding away into hiding once more.

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
Yuki took her seat at the table next to her husband, she allowed her eyes to fall over the spread of food that Kitsune had provided them with, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath in allowing the smell of the food to wash over her senses, it aroma of the dishes where mouth water.
“Thank you for this wonderful feast Lady Kitsune, I am glad that we are finally here it this visit has been long overdue,” The Haku took a plate and took a small sample of each of the dishes before her, each mouthful tastes better then the one before it and the wine was a perfect accompaniment to each of them. She looked to her side when Takeshi spoke watching him slide a piece of paper over to the Raikage hoping that he wasn’t going to sour the atmosphere with any undesirable talk.
“Do tell me, how are you finding your new position? I know that when Takeshi was appointed as Hokage he found the first few months overwhelming, you go from no-one knowing your name to everyone lining up to speak to you.”

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune accepted the piece of paper from Takeshi and gave it a thorough read. There were indeed some conditions that weren’t acceptable, but that was to be expected. ”You’re right, there are a couple unacceptable things. Or, one unacceptable thing and a caveat for another thing.” she said, and then clarified, ”With the entry into the village clause, I’d add ‘Upon showing a proper valid passport’, otherwise entry would be denied as per the norm. And speaking of passports, maybe a standardized system should be made for ease of use between villages.” she posited, slinging an idea into the air and seeing who’d latch onto it.

Nagisa made a comment about the food and Kitsune smiled ”You’re welcome, I made some of it myself. And that particular wine is produced here in Lightning Country, out in my ancestral province of Raimei no Seika.” she said, answering the question Nagisa had asked. Then, when Yuki commented that it was long overdue, Kitsune chuckled and nodded ”I couldn’t agree more.” she said before the second question was asked.

”Well, I guess that’s a universal truth, because it happened here as well. I’d say it was overwhelming, but I’m used to having people lining up to speak to me. I used to be Medical Sennin here in Cloud, as well as the head of the Research Department. But more than that, I’m both a Baroness, and a Duchess. Each title coming from a separate piece of land given to me by the Shogun of Lightning Country.” she answered, with a slight shrug of surrender as if she had accepted that it’d just be a thing. ”Oh right. In case you all would like to go out this evening, I’ve got a nightclub called Lux over in the entertainment district. I’ve let the staff there know to give me the bill for any drinks or snacks you might like if you decide to visit.”

She then turned to Nagisa ”So, I understand you’re quite the medical prodigy. Does that extend to medical research as well?” she asked with genuine interest, mentally salivating at the prospect of finally having someone to talk research with, that’d also have a chance at understanding it.

[MFT; WC: 367]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Nagisa followed the conversation well while enjoying food and drink. She was asked point blank about her own medical research as the Kage herself was a former medical ninja.Good food and conversation? This was indeed turning out to be a very fun time.

"You are a flatterer Lady Kage. I simply do what must be done to keep a village healthy and fighting fit. To do any less would be a disservice. As for my own research, I actually spent most of my time in research before being named Medical Sennin. Indeed, I focus on antidotes and the healing power of water or water based materials. People do not know the true depths of healing we could unlock by fully understanding such things. And yourself?"

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi began to dig into the food, though being polite while gathering a plate fall he listened to every word that was spoken, and the more important parts of the treaty that had been discussed before. He allowed himself to wait a few minutes as it seemed Nagisa and Kitsune were having a good conversation about medical research, which would be useful if they could get that agreement arranged, it would be one less thing on his plate and he understood and knew the importance of this gesture.

It seemed that Yuki was getting involved in the conversations as well, so he gave that a bonus at least that everyone was getting on with each other which was a good sign for now. As he allowed himself to ponder the things that were not found to be acceptable. Stopping for a moment turning his attention to the new Raikage, he waited before speaking making sure that the conversations had ended around them as he wanted the focus of the topic of treaty to be one that they both worked with.

“I can roll with those changes to the treaty that have already been mentioned, the outline still stays the same as what I was wanting. That is fine, though make this as no mistake, I realise you have just taken on the problems of your predecessor trust me when I say I know how that feels. Which is why we reached out to you in this way to see if you wanted to re-organise our treaty into something that works for both of us.”

Calm as always he took another mouthful of food allowing his words to sink in, making sure that they were taken as intended, before swallowing the food even he had to admit this was delicious and something that he wanted to savour.

“That said, this is the last time I can let the village be in this situation, if the treaty is broken, our trust betrayed then we will have to cut the ties that bind the two villages together. This treaty is out of respect for the village, and the alliances of our formed Kage. I hope that we will share that same bond, but I want it to be clear on the table that if this is betrayed a second time forget and forgive will not be something I can do. I am sure you understand my position?”

Waiting to see how this conversation went down as he allowed a pause to see what reply this would get him.

[MFT: 426]

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Yukio had remained silent for most of the discussion not being the most talkative person at times like these though everything was going over rather smoothly so there was little need to say anything at that moment in time continuing to let Chinatsu munch on the food on the plate eyes swapping from person to person until the Raikage brought up the nightclub something that caught his interest given what he did part time within leaf. "An evening out? That is something I would be interested in as I wish to experience everything I am able too while here."

Taking a moment to lean back in the chair there was a moment of pause before he continued speaking giving his stomach a moment of rest. "As someone who owns a bar back in leaf and makes many of the drinks there myself I would enjoy seeing what kind of things you make here in Kumo as well as what the general atmosphere after hours is like." It was the first thing he had offered to the conversation at hand though it was also the first things that had truly peaked his interest and it was a good chance to grow closer to the people of cloud and improve overall relations between the villages while he was here.

Though given his history he had little idea what would occur over an extended evening as he returned to silence turning his head back to Takeshi as he continued to speak with Kitsune his words quite blunt and straightforward something the ANBU Sennin could both understand and appreciate, Diplomacy was always a rather interesting dance two people pushing and pulling with the interests of an entire people in those actions and only time would tell how things would turn out for everyone in the end.

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
Yuki sat at the table and listened to the others speak, at the moment she was more than happy to listen to them then been directly involved, She look ed her plate and started to eat the food that had been laid before them, each mouthful was an explosion of flavor, it was something completely different from what she had tried before, the female couldn't help but think that if Kitsune was a talent Shinboi then she was a chief she surely would be a force to be reckoned with.

The conversation turned to this evening entertainment, she had to admit that she had never been to a nightclub, she had frequent Yukio'sbat many times but that was normally pretty quiet, it was an experience that she actually pretty excited for, it would be nice not to be just the wife of the Hokage even if it was just for an evening.

Shinrya Kitsune

11th Raikage
Staff member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kitsune ran a hand through her mane of red hair and nodded at Takeshis words ”It isn’t the first time I’ve been thrust into a position with a lot of baggage from the predecessor, if I have to be honest, so yes, I very much do understand your position.” she said and gave a cautious smile before continuing, ”When the Shogun put a second province into my hands, I had figured it’d be a small task to get things back on track there, but alas, there were a huge amount of, lets call it technical debt. The infrastructure was shot, and the industries there had basically ignored all regulations. So I had to reign them in, and make them understand that they weren’t above the law.”

She paused and adjusted her position in the chair ”It’s a bit of the same with becoming Raikage. A lot of things not running as they should. But I’m hoping with this agreement, I can at the very least get the relationship between our two villages back on track, and have the trade resume.” she finished, before eating some of her food before it got cold from just sitting there on the plate. ”A fellow restauranteur? That’s a surprise, to be sure, but a pleasant one.” Kitsune said with a bright smile.

It wasn’t often she got to meet people with experiences in the same fields as herself, so when she did she tried to learn as much as she could from them. ”Well, I’ll leave it up to your discretion if you want to see it today, or tomorrow, or even some other time.” she added, meaning Yukio could decide whenever.

Finally, Nagisa spoke on her work in medical research and her focus on water specifically. ”I take it the focus on water is because it’s basically the primary requirement for life as we know it?” she asked, figuring it’d be something along those lines, ”As for myself, my speciality is more in the fields of prosthetic limbs, and machinery to improve the healing processes. As an example, I came up with a process to bond someone to a weapon, essentially making them an artificially created Kensei.” she explained and chuckled ”Though, I suppose my crowning achievement in these fields would be the artificial human puppet I created. She’s entirely mechanical, but can learn just like a person. In place of a heart, she has a self-perpetuating chakra core, providing energy to the rest of her systems. Now that was quite the project.”

[MFT; WC: 420]

Kishiko Nagisa

Leaf Med-Nin Sennin
Dec 14, 2012
Nagisa's eyes flashed at the mention of research. She refused to look over at Yukio at the mention of a certain subject but instead raised a single hand. Ashe she talked, her hand would turn into water and as she spoke of each element a small twinge of it would appear in her hand before it would turn back to normal.

"I am more in turn with water and all of its forms than others. Water. Ice, Blood, Acid, crystal and even vapor I have control over and how it sustains us, or hurts us, all. A puppet that is without blood I take it? Alive? Fascinating. I am not a prosthetic master but I know enough to keep up to date with the most recent research. Shinobi have a habit of loosing limbs in the field. I think medically, we have much to learn from each other and I hope our villages will become firm allies. These are troubled times. It seems like yesterday I was helping your Cloud shinobi defend the gates from a nasty inky beast. I hope that was the last of such events but shinobi life is never dull."

Nagisa would nod towards Takeshi, smiling politely.

Uchiha Takeshi

4th Hokage
Staff member
Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
The food seemed to continue between conversation of the group, it seemed like this was a much more relaxed conversation than what he had imagined it to be, even he expected the atmosphere to be more tense on their visit back to Cloud. It has to be said that it was a warm welcome and something that the Hokage appreciated and accepted that the change was happening. All be it slow but that was always the case in the beginning he knew and understood that. After all it was a bring back to his time when he had to step into the shoes of Hokage, and how that experience changed him. Putting his cutlery down onto the plate, he gently pushed it away from him, finishing the meal for now he turned his attention to the Raikage.

“Before we do sign the deal, and while the Sennin do enjoy their time here, which I am sure that they will check the hospitality out with great job, before all of that and before this evening is done I do have one importantly question for you Raikage.”

Takeshi leaned himself in slightly so the words spoke would be just between the two of them for that moment in time, after all some questions where best left just between two people when it was required, and this was just one of those situations, as he allowed the smile across his lips to hide the words, he knew that no matter how much he wanted to trust the new Raikage the next answer would show if she could be trusted or if truth was something that still wasn’t being traded.

“So your appointment, I suspect some opposed it, that is understandable. However I take it they have been persuaded to your way or where dealt with? I want to know what chance there is you could be replaced shortly before I sign my village to your side to lend aid in anyway needed, I am sure you can understand with recent events why I ask this question.”

Shirai Sadao

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2017
Leaning back in his chair the man was interested in this line of conversation, though he had been paying attention the whole time it wasn't really a time for him to speak until now. "Indeed, in leaf it became a way to pass the time and fair to say the one of the places to hang around a more interesting crowd given the number of travelers that come and go. You hear some interesting things here and there though most of it is mundane stories and tall tales." Safe to say it was interesting to see how the two places they owned were quite similar in a way yet the atmospheres in the two places would be dramatically different.

Resting a hand on his chin to think for a moment the man thought to himself, honestly he already knew when he wished to go the Sennin speaking up once more. "After a long trip as we have had today would be preferable, safe to say I think the moment of respite will do me some good and give me time to wind down, the same could be said for any who wish to join me on that en devour." This statement was followed by a moment of silence as the Raikage turned to speak to Nagisa however his attention snapped to as she mentioned her work.

It was not the Uchiha who broke the silence however but his companion Chinatsu breaking through the bandages he was being hidden under the black ooze forming into the beings head a wide grin and sharp teeth forming as it spoke unable to remain silent. "You say you have become capable of manufacturing something like myself then, Lady Raikage?" It spoke in a somewhat concerned tone though not trying to be rude a slight sense of urgency in its tone as the man shot a glance at his companion knowing where his concerns came from.

Haku Yuki

Active Member
Jun 11, 2013
OOC Rank
S Rank
Yuki took her last mouthful of wine from her glass, she looked over at the other people that were enjoying the meal feeling her eyes getting heavier, it had been a long day and it was starting to take its toll on her. She yawned and stretched her arms out either side of her.

“I am sorry everyone but I do think that I am going to turn in for the night, I want to thank you Lady Shinrya for the wonderful food and drink and the rest of you for the delightful company.” Yuki stood up and pushed her chair under the table, she bowed to Kistune before leaving the dining room returning to her room.

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