Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Be Brave And Don't Cry..[ANBU Tutoring]

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
Up on the surface, S.E.E.D mental asylum had luxurious apartments and living quarters for the high security clearance shinobi working at The Garden Complex. The faces around were friendly, the occional ANBU agent would walk through the halls and greet each other. Honestly this would be a pretty nice place to do a tutoring session and meet other ANBU operatives…. But this wasn't that kind of lesson. This was a dark lesson in which the sunlight would never shine through. Each summon that each student had gotten from Maru read,

Puppet master wants you to meet him in the basement floor of the S.E.E.D Asylum. Make sure you have a strong stomach and a strong mind otherwise this session in particular will break your young minds.

From The Darkness of The basement...

Maru– The Puppet master

When the students would make their way to the mental hospital, they would notice two ANBU operatives waiting for them. These two would lead the children around to the back of the mental asylum, the back looked old and with tall grass that would tangle your feet if you weren't careful. The operative would lead them to an old looking staircase, they would be able to see a couple of steps… but as they looked further down they would see nothing but darkness. A green light flickering to let them know that there was indeed a bottom but of course this basement looked to be abandoned. Was it even safe to go down their? Regardless if the brave shinobi stepped down… going deeper and deeper into the darkness they would come across the basement level… however the I teacher was deeper within the darkness, which means that they would have to trail further within the abandoned looking basement with flickering lights guiding them deeper and deeper into this evil place.


Standing against the wall, was Maru. Wearing his usual ANBU attire of a crying clown mask and dressed in black. Next to him was his faithful Youkai Yami, the dark legless demon watched as the students would come through. Whether they were frightened or not wasn't able to be seen as of yet. But there were knew faces, and MARU had a plan for the new people who were unfortunate enough to choose the dark Puppet master's tutoring because they probably didn't know what kind of evil that Maru had in store for them.

”Planning on breaking down the students again Maru?” Yami said, floating closer to the dark marionette master. Maru remembered that some of the students wanted to prove to him that being bathed in the light is way stronger than becoming the root born in darkness. So the amount of evil that each student will be forced to take in this time has increased times ten. The door that stood on Maru's right side didn't contain any nighmares or horrifying monsters but this door is a gateway for each student to unlock the evil within themselves.


"They say that they'll prove to me that the light is superior, let's see them speak of the light when they've finished the dark task I'll have them doing.”

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Ziren stood in front of the Asylum. He has read the names of those that are going. And he hated for the fact that Soku and Nanashi completely ignored what he had told them. But that can't be helped. If push comes to shove, at least he warned them.
He smiled. The Genjustu that Maru had with all of the blood will mostly have no effect now. Ziren has talked to another Chigokai, one that has learned to control her own blood lust. And her idea of how to do it was actually pretty practical. Easy even.
It may have taken Ziren a couple days, but he may have found peace with not just his bloodline, but also his other, more evil self.
This time, instead of the other Ziren pulling him into unconscious state, he put himself there.
Ziren stared at his other self with a determined look in his eyes.

"So. It's time to show that puppet what's up?" his other self asked.
Ziren nodded. "Just don't go overboard and hurt someone else."
"Yeah yeah yeah. At least I wasn't the one that threw Nanashi. Almost gave the poor kid a concussion just from hearing his blood flow."
Ziren gritted his teeth. "Shut up. We got work to do."

He then let Bloodlust Ziren take over. Suddenly, the scene was back at the entrance to the Asylum. Bloodlust Ziren's eyes glowed an evil red. He smiled.
He listened for blood. But not just any blood. Dead blood. He does remember how the weak Ziren used that as a strategy to cause a ruckus against the puppet's pet demon.
He found two ANBU operatives waiting for him.

"Save your energy for more important matters. Just go have a drink. It's on me." He threw Normal Ziren's yen at them and walked off, not caring that it would make it so much harder for the others to find the area.
Other Ziren found where Maru's class was just from the demon. As he got down there, he smiled. The demon was in one corner, minding it's own business. And the puppet was trying to act like a statue.
Bloodlust Ziren dropped a few smoke bombs, getting rid of any visibility. He then guestimated where the Puppet was and just bit the inside of his cheek and spat blood in the Puppets general direction.

"The Chigokai has arrived!" He exclaimed, his blood red eyes glowing, pierced through the smoke and darkness.

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
Soku arrived at the complex winding her way through the compound following tracks which suspiciously looked like Zirens. The ANBU operatives were gone but not that she cared. She had been here before when she was very young, her father had worked in this very place experimenting on human subjects until she put a end to that. Soku came to the entrance, and entered throwing a glance at the puppet master who stood with his faithful demon friend by his side. "Well Maru? When do we get started

She looked past Ziren who was not pleased she had not heeded his warning. Soku knew what she was getting into and was ready to risk it all. It was so dark here you could barely see your own hands. She solved this problem by utilizing a Lightning Style technique so that the illumination of the lightning chakra lit up the room. It seemed Ziren was in his bloodlust mode which was never a good thing. She stared daggers right at Maru.

"Today, I'll show you why the path you're traveling on is a lost one." Soku felt sorry for the new students who had signed up. Ziren, Nanashi and her knew Marus horrid methods, but the others had no idea. The girl was dressed in a standard Konoha uniform designed in the ANBU fashion. Soku was not in the mood for jokes or smiles, her cold eyes scanned the room landing on Yami. The demon was Marus faithful dog watchful. "And you....fiend of darkness, the only path for you is hell." With that, Soku fell silent eyeing them both awaiting the others arrival for the start of this njghtmare.

Takei Kyuso

New Member
Feb 1, 2018
The protective chakra barrier of The Garden Complex seemed to react to the presence of the ominous note he had in his possession, the paper seeming to wriggle as the buildings defensive measures had allowed him access. He had heard rumors of the so called Leaf City 2.0 from the more progressive members of his clan, but in honesty he never believed he would gain access, at least not in the beginning stages of his career. Upon his arrival it seemed his clearance level to the S.E.E.D asylum would reach its limits at the front door, seemingly sealed and left only accessible by other means. Scanning the immediate vicinity Kysuo would notice footsteps in the grass leading around to the back end of the building where the maintenance of vegetation seemed to wane with every step.

Reading the note once more while bypassing the fear based overtones, it did make mention of a meeting in the basement, and the dark staircase before him where the foot prints ended seemed to be the way of passage. “Darkness seems to be a theme…” He uttered in thought as he began his descent down into the abyss of the asylum basement. The sounds of spewing smoke and charged crackling bounced off the tiling echoes of the hallways, drowning out his own footsteps as each of his strides seemed like a picture captured in time by the consistent on and off flickering of the green fluorescent lighting.

Before long he had arrived at the source of the apparent sounds that greeted him. Residuals of what seemed to be a smoke bomb trailed off, revealing an older boy with swept blue hair and red glowing eyes that appeared to have nothing but feral bloodlust behind them. Adjacent, a small girl seemingly closer to his own age dressed in the clad of the city’s Anbu was found draped in lightning. Although new to the scene of the modern day shinobi in general, the ancient teachings passed down to him from his clan left him well versed in the capabilities of ninja and the manipulations of chakra.

“There is something deeper than just chakra going on with the boy, but this girl is definitely utilizing element manipulation if i recall the teachings correctly. They certainly seem much more experienced than I.” He deduced in thought before triangulating the commonality between the two. Their attention both seemed to be locked on the two figures just ahead. One of them very much humanoid with the mask of a crying clown, while the other, seemingly ghastly and not of this realm. “I must reference the ancient teachings for more context…”

WC: 440


New Member
Oct 6, 2016
Kuro stood silently at the entrance of the eerie looking asylum. "What is Maru planning? Oh god....." He could not help but groan in reluctance as he walked in, through the already open doors. Seems like already got here before me He cautiously scanned his area, as even the slightest movement would trigger a reaction from him. As he ventured deeper into the dark maze, he noticed a stairwell leading down towards the basement. Kuro seeing this pulled out the letter sent by Maru, "Meet you in the basement floor..." His voice started to slow down by the end of the sentence before coming to a complete stop when he started hearing voices from the bottom causing the alarms in his head to go haywire. What the hell.....people are already here? Kuro questioned himself while propping his spear into his hands and quietly walking down the stairs. As he walked down, he noticed the pressure slowly increase so to counter that he released his Demonic Aura, This feels bad
A few minutes later, he finally reached the end only to be met with the aura of hosility covering the air. Wow......This is surprising Kuro let out a small laugh as he viewed the individuals in front of him. Maru is standing there creeplily as always......Now.....who are these three? He inquired as he scanned the three new shinobi. First instance of looking at them, he realised that each one contained a sort of uniqueness which caused his curiousity to esclate, but he didn't want to pry any further so he slowly stepped back to watched everything reveal itself.

Midori Futotta

Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
OOC Rank
“Hmmm” Maru's eyes shifted as they looked over to see Ziren approaching, or at least what looked to be Ziren. With a few smoke bombs thrown, Yami shook his head seemingly unimpressed by the behavior that the boy is showing. But then Maru had to chuckle a bit, the poor boy reminded him of a more light sided version of himself. Always testing his teacher, fallowing his own rules to get stronger but the only thing about that was Ziren damaging more property by using his little tools rather than using that destructive ability to actually hurt someone. His Kunai throwing was inaccurate, his blood abilities were too weak, hell the only thing he can do right now is get beat instead of actually hurting someone. Maru's thoughts were interrupted when the boy decided to spit blood at him, which Maru backed out of the way and let his own blood splatter against the wall. Then looked at the boy again to see two blood red eyes peering from the darkness. 'That's my boy…’ Maru’s eye narrows, his smile stretching across his face.

Then the other students came… Soku dressed I standard ANBU gear did not seem needless to say happy to be here, seemingly on guard and shooting threats to his Youkai who wasn't afraid at all. In fact he pretty much laughed at the girl as if she told a joke."Heh… Heh… heh… Heh… what's wrong? Didn't like the family reunion we gave to you?” the legless demon laughed. Then two more students came down the hall, one even Maru didn't recognize. He looked new, not exactly a person he'd miss in the village but all the same Maru had something very special in mind for that boy. A sort of 'Welcome To The First Dark Lesson’ gift. The other he recognized, Kuro the half demon… He was a cut above the rest, he HAD darkness born into him and he could hardly even control his own demonic powers from the last time he met him. Now he came here to a tutoring of darkness, Maru smirked to himself… he had to tear the light out of that one.

With all the students who took their places in front of the puppet dressed in black and the demon by his side. Maru couldn't control his own darkness that built up until this point, uttering a chuckle.. then another, then another until Maru was howling in laughter. The atmosphere suddenly gotten heavier, Maru's Aura growing sinister. "HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA….” Suddenly darkness! Literal darkness! The inky blackness bled down from Maru's mask eyes and mouth, this was not blood but a symbiotic blackness that cloaked Maru making him pitch black…. He was unleashing his true demonic nature.. All his hatred and dark training lead up to Maru releasing all bonds and restrictions to get to where he wanted to be... Before each students eyes, they all watched the crying clown mask puppet turn into a jet black nightmarish creature! Ebony horns that were once smaller grew to a larger extent, his teeth as sharp as knives, he opened up all of his hideous eyes crimson eyes and six mouths appeared in various parts of his body. Maru now… was nothing more that a pitch black devil ready to pluck the light of each student who crossed him. Shades began to cover the entire hallway, leaving only Maru's red mouths and eyes visible from the darkness as his laughing stopped. Aware of where each student was.


"It seems that one of you is probably having cold feet, so he didn't show up. Sad but of course he is in a better situation than you kiddies. Maru's mouths moved at the same time, the main mouth had a deeper voice while the other mouths had the voices of a child, a elderly woman, Maru, a little girl, and a whispering demon. "Before we get started, I'll like to say if there is any property destroyed in the likely event that one of you gets carried away. Ziren will unfortunately parish… he won't see the light ever again and his filthy soul will be shattered, the rest of you will leave with damaged minds and will have to check into this worthless asylum. So if you break as much as a pencil, Ziren dies and I'll drive you all to go insane…OH! Same thing will happen if you kids feel dumb enough to attack me or my friend, only that time the attacker will die.... now for the actual task.

The shadowy Maru's red smile’s stretched larger. "Five… in the next room there are five shinobi I've taken into my custody. They are all criminals, terrorist that are schedule for execution. Some old, some young, some boys,some girls. They kicked, screamed, acted tough but of course for you kiddies you wouldn't like those nasty insults. So I took deliberately in making them.. Helpless. When you go in, you'll see five eyes bulging with fear, screaming, pleading and crying for you to spare them. Needless to say, the execution still stands and you all will get to kill someone today. The smiles grew wider. ”You all will be executioner's. Taking revenge for the village regardless of the helpless crys of a desperate foe. They will be sincere, show remorse for their crimes, tell you what they have to lose and you will kill them anyway.”

The sinister demon laughed deeply. "And since the other one is not here, one of you will have to kill two of these sobbing foes… Simple, cut down these people and you go back to the daylight... Any questions? “

[[OOC: In tutoring Rules. Damage property, Ziren dies and Maru will rip the minds of all the students. Attack Maru, Death to the attacker and start ripping minds.

What you'll all be doing, acting as executioners =) now you all get to kill something.

Oh MARU is in Form of the Demon]]

Chigokai Yuna

Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2017
OOC Rank
Bloodlust Ziren hated the stupid puppets rules. He would have broken the chair next to him, just to spite the puppet, but he then remembered what his other self had told him. They have been training together, two minds, one body. To almost get into sync. To stay out of trouble and to not give into Bloodlust as easily.
Which that last part was especially hard for Evil Ziren, for he loves the sight of blood, whereas his good counterpart hates it. But considering how he was dormant through his weak self's talk to the other Chigokai, he suppose that it can't be helped. That he'll have to change his sinister ways to less sinister ways.
He took a look around the room. The Nasaki girl that normal Ziren was friends with was there. Obviously didn't take heed to his warnings. Though the Uchiha wasn't. He wondered if the kid still had a concussion from when his weak self threw him.
The other two people that had entered the room he had no idea about.
He spat some more blood out of his mouth, on to the ground. He imagined his blood turning to a sword, and low and behold, the small bit of blood reshaped and grew in size to about five feet long.
He grabbed the sword made of blood.
"Okay puppet. I'll follow your rules. But don't think that I'll be all happy about it."
He then looked at the others.
He seen the electricity from Nasaki. "You all better be wary. You too Nasaki. I share the same mind as my weaker self. You and I both know what I mean." He means when his weaker self and her first met. She decided to make lightning appear while both of them were in the middle of the water at Valley of the End.
He swung his sword made of blood around to get the feel for it, well away from the others so he wouldn't accidentally behead them.
And if any of you thinks that death is funny, I'll personally make sure you see how scary I am before I die."

Nanjirou Soku

Active Member
Dec 25, 2017
OOC Rank
S Rank
Soku calmly listened as the puppet master laid out the rules. They couldn't damage anything for the sake of Ziren and she was fine with that, only thing they were damaging were the five poor souls that Maru had mentioned. She then shot a question at him that was surely on all their minds. "What if we refuse? We perish I'm asumming?" She was willing to bet refusal was out of the question and Nanashi hadn't shown up so someone had to kill two! Fine, she'd play this damned game if you could call it a game but to Maru, everything is a game.

She then turned as Zirens inner side spoke to her. She waited until he was done talking giving him a deadpan expression. "You and Ziren may share the same body but you do not share the same morals. I will free him from you and that is a promise, demon." The Valley incident had been a close one but she couldn't let that hinder her. Maru would love nothing more than for the students to break down right now and she wasn't going to be the first one to break if she did.

Darkness began to fill the room at a rapid rate and Maru underwent a transformation. Soku took a breath before forcing herself to look at him which she regretted. His eyes were crimson to the color of blood as he stared right into their souls. This wasn't a lesson of darkness, it was one of death. Soku was willing to bet the five individuals were just some poor people whom Maru had picked up but then again, Maru despite his evil was a Leaf shinobi so he wouldn't go that far or would he? She shook her head to clear it and instead focused on the two new arrivals who were a hit wary. They didn't seem too shook yet but give it time, Maru would find a way but if he thought it was going to be easy, he was extremely wrong. He wouldn't just have a free ticket to her soul so he could do as he pleases.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
