Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Bees and flowers x Akujin

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The road Izumi traveled was a sad one... It wasn't only boring it was dreadfully long if you were alone. It did help him, and he often did practice on the road which he did to himself from time to time... Even now when he got to the new continent... Tea continent... The first time he was away from home, and Izumi would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit homesick. He was thinking about how comfortable it was at home... Yet so tiny if he were to compare with everything.
After spending the whole morning in the city the young male thought it would be a whole lot better to just make sure he was a little alone. Sort out his thoughts and started to make way towards the north part of the place.

Soon he saw a faint green in the distance... His eyesight had become less... Something which had been troubling him to say the least. He rubbed his eyes as he found a small place on a green hill... He loved the way this was all designed and decided he could lay flat for a moment... but that moment took time for an hour almost two in a light sleep. It was that he rolled on top of his bow which woke him up. A slight groan left the younger adult as he started to sit up and stretch a bit. It took him a few moments to see that the sun was still bright and the shadow of the tree next to him had faded over him.

Izumi saw some farmers working in the lands.. and he smiled on to that sight. He loved to be on the countryside he noticed now and wasn't even thinking about home as he started to make himself ready for a walk again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Today was another beautiful one in Tea Country as the World Martial Arts Tournament was rapidly approaching and the last stray tourists from around the world would be making their way to this location. In my time thus far in this country, I have seen people flocking here and many vendors and street performers surfacing trying to make a quick payday before going on their way to their next victim or customer depending on how you saw it. It was still quite different however than my home country of Wind and I missed my dearest wife and our children so much and couldn't wait to see them when I returned home even if my children were not kids anymore and turning into bright-minded and respectable adults in our village. Rest assured, they would all be receiving gifts that they would hopefully cherish once I returned, but for now, I needed to stay focused on the task on hand and that was still preparing for the opening round of the tournament.

Due to this, I decided to go on a light jog through the countryside to take in some of the natural, clean air that the natural environment harbored and created. Most of my training thus far had been in specific locations near the coliseum that we would all be fighting in and they had proved fruitful as I managed to get in quite a few reps before the press and fans would swarm the location and distract me from my training often. Seeing as this area of the country was vastly rural and contained farmlands, it was unlikely that I would be bothered too much by anyone since the farmers had their own business to take care of and the majority of the fans were too preoccupied with getting autographs or stalking the combatants in the city where the action was going to happen. In the country, I would be safe for the most part aside from a stray person or animal here and there.

As I continued on my jog, I would see a nice, beautiful green hill and decide to journey over to it where I would see a young man near a year seeming to be waking up from his slumber. Of course, he likely would be spooked initially seeing someone as uniquely dressed and elegant as myself approaching him, but I would give him a simple smile stopping a few feet in front of him. Allowing him a few moments to get himself situated if he needed to or to rub the sleepers out of his eyes, I would admire the countryside and take it in before looking back at him with my green vixen-like eyes and cat-like ears on my head and simply say: "Hello, Young Man! It is certainly a beautiful day out here, isn't it!"

Ah yes, small talk, how I hated it so much especially when meeting someone new in this world. It was an unfortunate thing in our realm of the living that we had to interact through these little conversations that truly didn't amount to anything but pleasantries. But, this individual was different and did not seem from his appearance to be someone from my home country or someone that I would've known from my past so he might actually be entertaining and be a good sparring partner if he was up for it. But, first, we had to get through these dreaded pleasantries and go from there, but I would have an open mind since an open mind usually meant something was learned in the process instead of keeping it closed and being somewhat of a self-centered brat.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
The boy had an amazing dream, one that wouldn't happen anywhere in reality. Having a normal life, a normal family and much more happiness then there was right now. The male didn't look awake at all, he looked still drowsy as if he was drunk from the sleep. A big yawn left him and he started to stretch out. Izumi would stretch once more and clear out his eyes. It was that moment that he heard a voice and started to look at who this person was... He looked from tip to toe a few times... "Female..?" He muttered half awake... Once more he looked... and of course, his eyes settled down on a delicate part. The eyes. "Ha-!" Was his reaction and he pointed to the ears. This was honestly the first time he had seen that. "A-h--sorry.." He said quickly after as he noticed he had been pointing and it wasn't the most polite thing to do so.

He placed a hand on him to give himself a push to get off from the ground. He dusted himself off a little and got a small smile. "Yo, that is indeed true!" He commented back and held a hand out. He couldn't help but feel so uptight with a person of the other sex in front of him. "Izumi Delia, nice to meet you, miss...?" He tried to get her name right like that... But he was mostly looking for her and not go anywhere else. "It is a good weather for a nap also.," he spoke further to keep at least of a conversation going. "May I ask why you are here?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As I stood there awaiting a response from this young man, I couldn't help but chuckle as he appeared to have just woken up from his slumbers a few moments earlier to my arrival and was still trying to come to his senses. Admittedly, it was somewhat cute when people first woke up to me and he was no exception to this rule, but that warm, fuzzy feeling would soon disappear after he pointed at my ears likely in surprise for seeing them since it was apparently strange or unique for someone to have animal-like traits about them outside of Wind Country; it was either that or this individual was just not used to seeing people with these traits. Regardless, this display to a normal individual would be seen as rude or offensive, but I simply smirked at the young adult as he apologized to me. Simply put, I would respond to his apology with a simple: "There is no need to apologize, young man."

After this sincere apology, the young man would get off his bottom and extend his hand to me introducing himself as Izumi Delia and then ask me why I was here which was a loaded question if I ever heard one. But, he would get to hear the entire reason for me being in this country in due time after I properly introduced myself to him and we took care of these pleasantries. So, I would extend my own hand and give him a firm handshake in response while introducing myself with a smile on my adorable, blonde-haired face: "Nice to meet you, Izumi Delia. I am Byakko Kyuji of the prestigious Byakko Clan in Wind Country. It is my pleasure to see a fine gentleman like yourself giving the proper introduction and courtesy that one should expect to a lady." Oh yes, I was going to have fun with this young adult as he had appeared nervous and maybe surprised to see such a beauty like me gracing his presence in this rural part of Tea Country. He was certainly lucky that I had showed up so he could possibly have tea time with me or go on a stroll with me. I was certainly getting carried away, but this individual didn't need to know me so I could play around with him a little and it would be no real harm.

In any case after we had done our proper handshake and introductions, I would then cross my arms closing my eyes while showcasing that gorgeous smile of mine. It would be only a moment or two before I would open my green vixen-like eyes and look back at the male as I spoke once more to him. "You want to know why I am here..." I would begin speaking putting my one hand to my chin and stroking it giving off a pondered look to add some suspense. This would only be for a few seconds before I went on my full spiel. "Sir Izumi Delia, I am in Tea Country because I am one of the three participants for the Hidden Sand Village in the World Martial Arts Tournament that is beginning soon. I am hoping to showcase my skills and talents in front of these spectators and to make my family, my friends, and my village proud of me and know that they did not make a mistake selecting me. As for why I am out here in this rural area of Tea Country today, that is quite simple! I got bored of the designated training areas around the arena and wanted to get some fresh air and explore more of the country since my trip here is for business, but also for pleasure. I want to take in as much of the country that I can while I am here and make memories that last a lifetime" I would explain to the young man in front of me who also didn't seem to be from around these parts, but who could really know since there had been an influx of people from various parts of the world swarming into this country to see the gladiators fighting one another till one was incapacitated. Nevertheless, I had given a lot of information about myself to this complete stranger who was giving off a non-hostile presence to me, but I would still need to be a little weary until I got to know him a little better.

With that in mind, I would simple ask him the following and then await a response: "So, tell me about yourself, Izumi Delia. Are you from Tea Country or from a foreign nation like me? Also, why are you here? I mean it is certainly a peaceful and pleasant day out here, but there has to be a better reason than simply that. So, please tell me, young man!" Yes, today was going to be a good day, I could feel it. This was only the beginning!

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Such a stupid begin on a start of a conversation... He really felt like he had blown it right now. He could smack himself in the face on how he had said it, pointed it... Now that he looked at it, at least towards the past, he would have surely done differently. Then again he had just woken up and he was honestly a blurt out...

Now he finally had a name on the face... and it sure was a rather uncommon name, Izumi tilted his head "Byakko Kyuji" He started to repeat and place a hand below his chin, he was rather in a thinking matter. "That... sounds good..." He said and smiled a little after. "That sounds like a fitting name for someone like yourself." One moment... two moments... "Ah-!" He thought that he had spoken in such a calm manner that he soon was a bit worried. "I-I-mean... It fits a lady like yourself!" He felt like blowing it up again. "Sorry...." He soon said after that. "Not that familiar to speak with... Ladies..." He felt a blush of shame coming up and he raised his hands from his chin to scratch the surface of his cheek.

He was surprised to hear why it was that she was here. "Eh.-- wait..." He started to place things on a line for himself... He thought for a moment. "A-a fine lady like yourself... Is placing herself in dangerous battles?!" His eyes widen, he hadn't met so far any lady that could battle... He honestly hadn't. "Ah.... So...the myths are true. ladies are dangerous..." He muttered to himself yet didn't notice he was actually muttering this time with a voice, which was normally tuneless.

"So, tell me about yourself, Izumi Delia. Are you from Tea Country or from a foreign nation like me? Also, why are you here? I mean it is certainly a peaceful and pleasant day out here, but there has to be a better reason than simply that. So, please tell me, young man!"

"Hmm? oh... I am here, Miss Byakku, just for some traveling... I am from the fire nation, Konoha." On the last word, his voice pipsqueeked over and the boy got beet red, a hand covering his face and you could easily see he was scolding to himself as he turned a part away from the other. "Sor--" The voice stayed in that higher tune and he tried to clear his throat to clear that annoyance. "Sorry..." he said with a slight normal voice. "I erm... Think I have a cold..." He said after a moment... He was looking towards her. "Say... why is it a lady fights? Shouldn't that be a job for males?"


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As I stood here looking at this boy, I could sense that the young man was truly nervous and he seemed to have some difficulties talking to someone as gorgeous and stunning as myself. I honestly did not know why someone who was probably around the age of eighteen would have difficulties talking to someone of the opposite sex or anyone in particular unless they were born with a disability that handicapped them with social interactions which I obviously had no idea about either way. Nevertheless, I would allow the boy to speak mentioning where he was from and make his comments about ladies and myself directly. Usually, this would've likely earned him a slap on his face, but seeing as I was once young like him and also a male, I would allow it to slip by, but he definitely would need to watch his tongue with others.

After he finished his comments which involved quite a lot of awkward moments and some stuttering, I would close my eyes momentarily allowing a simple sigh to escape my delicate, porcelain lips before responding to him and reopening my eyes with my smile back on my face. Honestly, I could not blame him for being nervous since he was talking to someone from a foreign village who was older than him and of the opposite sex. In many ways, he was a lot like myself when I fled from the Hidden Stone Village while it was under attack and met Lady Yanshi in the Toraono Dojo; in other words, I was an awkward mess like himself in many ways but I had grown from that and was far better than back then. He would grow out of this as well but he had to handle these odd feelings and nerves for now.

After a few moments of silence, I would respond to this man-child: "The Hidden Leaf Village in Fire Country, huh? I haven't had the chance to visit yet unfortunately, but I do plan on visiting as soon as an opportunity presents itself. How has the country been since the civil war that broke out years ago now? Is it flourishing well and boosting economically?" It was after these questions that I would pause for a moment bringing my hand to my chin to ponder how to answer his question regarding ladies and fighting before chuckling a little and placing a hand on his shoulder if allowed. I would then look at this boy and simply say: "Why does a lady fight you say? That is an interesting question to ask someone, but I have to tell you that your comment about it being a man's job is quite flawed. The world is a lot different than it used to be centuries ago when males dominated the political structure of the world and were called upon to fight in the wars that plagued the many nations of this world from Leaf to Sand to Cloud to Mist and so forth. Women have a much larger role in society nowadays as evidenced by the Byakko Clan in Wind Country where the head of family is Lady Yanshi and my dear wife. As for why I am personally fighting in this tournament and in general, it's because I get an adrenaline rush when I fight and it is all that I have know in my life since I was a young man in my former home of the Hidden Stone Village. Each individual is different in this world and one lady may think entirely different than me and it would not surprise me since I am certainly different than most." Yes, I left the beans spill that I was indeed a man before my accident and I was likely going to have to try to explain exactly what happened to get me to the situation that I was currently in if he was paying enough attention to everything, but considering that he was so nervous and awkward that likely wouldn't be a huge issue for me.

Alas, I would just stand there returning my arm and crossing them in front of me awaiting for the child-man's responses. I could not wait to hear what he had in store for me after having me going on a little spiel towards him. It also made me wonder if he would be stuttering and stammering even more than before, but only time could tell!
  • Sorry for the lackluster post.
  • MFT: 739

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
A dreading silence... that was what was hanging around the place right now... and the male did get even more nervous by the more time it stayed this silent... He had gotten taught to be always polite to females... especially the ladies as they could be, bluntly said, horror stories. Slowly she started to respond to him on which he slowly would nod. "I would say so.." He said softly. "I mean... it going decently. Yes, you have some places that are still a bit... wrecked up... but it all looks decent. It is a good place to visit also." He commented on that and started to look more to her and stayed more in a correct manner of speaking... But he couldn't help them to stay nervous.

"Yeah... I asked that... But please only answer if you wish to!" Was his reaction soon and he held out hands in front of him. He was actually partly afraid that he was going over an edge or over someone's boundary.

He listened to her story... and... Moments passed after... You could see his face from turning nervous... to frowning thinking... He was rehearsing her words in his mind... There.. was something he was going over right now, and just moments later his eyes grew wide. The hand that he had placed against his cheek was now hanging again. "Wait... you..." He stuttered for a second. "Wait, let me get this right... You... a she.. is... a he..?" He placed his hands on his cheeks and then they went into his hair. "Wait... wait... But... you have those... Hills.... up there... Not... down below.. right?" aaaand the younger one of them got rather puzzled. "How can a he be a she?" he started to think out loud. "wait... maybe... it was a birth mistake... and he thinks it is a she... no... cannot... He said that she said that he said... wait... but..." Aaaand he had not completely lost himself in the words... He sat down again, legs crossing and ruffling his hairs quite roughly. "You have hills right?!" He said a moment later... Noticed what he just almost yelled out and placed a hand in front of his mouth. "S-sorry.."


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Listening to this young man respond to me, my eyes would close as he began to address his home country and how it had been thriving and doing exceptionally well especially since their lands had only stopped their fighting among themselves a short while ago even if it had been quite a few years. As the conflicts resolved themselves and people became civilized and humane again in their countries, it often took a long time for the lands that had been plagued by conflict to recover from the chaos that ensued on them and I was not expecting Fire Country to be doing so well so soon. However, I had no reason to believe that this young man in front of me was lying so I simply nodded my head at him and allowed him to continue his response to me since we appeared to favor the long-winded responses that certainly forced the other to listen attentively or be absent-minded responding with just a smile and nodding every now and then.

Nevertheless, the conversation would continue as this Leaf shinobi continued and would realize after only a short while that I said something rather peculiar in the way of my identity as a person. It was absolutely right for him to also act up the way that he did since it was odd that one would appear to possess the physical qualities of a woman from the voice to the hair to the body, but state that they were of the opposite sex which possessed the grapefruits down south and the lack of the cushy, elegant pillows up north that adults called the breasts. His reaction was perfect though and expected as I opened my eyes and he was talking to himself and having what appeared to be a little spazz attack or simply freaking out at something so unimportant in the grand scheme of things. It was adorable though to see everyone's reactions when they first found out that I was originally a male or see that I had a transformation after a rather unusual incident that occurred between my former apprentice and flame and myself. Regardless, I had come to accept it and that is all that truly mattered. Someday, I might have my old body back or another male body to house my intellect and personality and soul, but that was not today and that was perfectly okay especially since I had more pressing matters to attend to like winning the World Martial Arts Tournament in the coming days and making my family and village proud!

After the young man would situate himself on the ground, I would allow him a moment to calm himself before I began to address him yet again. He was going to likely be in for a fun time as I was feeling a little deviant with him being so innocent and pure from how he presented himself and acted. In all honesty, I walked over to him and bent over to get as close as I could to his face as I responded to this little man-child: "If you don't believe that I am a woman, I can show you in numerous ways that I am certainly one and have those 'hills' as you like to call my breasts and a lack of the other ones below the belt. All you have to do is ask and I will take you to a nice, secluded area to let you fulfill your curiosity." A smirk and a wink would be given to the boy before standing upright again crossing my arms over my chest and chuckling as I was having much too fun with this shinobi from the Hidden Leaf and his lack of interactions with women which appeared obvious to me. Still, he needed to learn and I was giving him a perfect opportunity to learn as much as his little heart would desire.

It was only after another pause that I would resume my response with a simple question to him: "Or would you rather wait until I visit the Hidden Leaf and you can show me a good time and I can show you one in response, Young Man."
  • Not my best but I hope you enjoy it!
  • MFT: 700 Words

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
Izumi's cheeks rapidly got a color as she, he... it... had been leaning that close towards him. His facial expression was one of a lost and scared baby deer. "A-Ewa--eh--.." He stumbled over his words.
"If you don't believe that I am a woman, I can show you in numerous ways that I am certainly one and have those 'hills' as you like to call my breasts and a lack of the other ones below the belt. All you have to do is ask and I will take you to a nice, secluded area to let you fulfill your curiosity."

"W-w-wait... But... T...those... isn't... I mean... They are... Christmas ornaments... right?!" He kept stuttering by the idea of it and his cheeks didn't calm down. "bouncy... Christmas.. ornaments... t.t.they bounce! I saw once someone falls on them... they... didn't shatter like glass..." He kept talking and doing and eventually he got a small seep of a bloody nose running down his nose already. Having himself that blushing that he actually was blood oozing in this situation.
When he noticed he pulled up his legs to hide an uneasy feeling below and a hand over his nose and mouth area to cover up the bleeding mess that was coming from there. "Hn.n..." He turned even more flustered. "I... can show you the ramen stands? And... uhm..." His... mindset had a whole different idea of a good time then the other had probably mentioned. "B-but... uhm... I... cannot move right now..." He said as a comment on the thing it had offered earlier. "I just.. erm... can't..." He said again and hide a bit away... Flushed... check, more than flushed... check...

Wc: 297
Ooc: Sorry it is short... ran out of idea to write for this one XD I did enjoy it to the max.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
Smirking at this young man, almost appearing like a smug, I watched as he stumbled upon his words and clearly was flustered from what I said. However, he must have gotten somewhat excited as he had to pull his legs closer to his body and his nose had begun to bleed meaning he either didn't know how his body operated or his mind had wondered into that dark area more likely than not. Of course, I had no true indication of what he was thinking or feeling, but I knew how the male body operated considering that I was of that sex for a significant amount of time in my lifetime; I knew it quite well actually since I had engaged in the intimacy of relationships to develop children numerous times. That certainly was not my intention today for this young man, but the day was young so who truly knew what would occur until it did since it was better to live in the moment than worry about the past or the future.

As he continued to talk about ramen stands and fall all over himself, I would simply continue to smirk at him as I took a position beside him on the ground laying on my back looking up and taking in the elegant smells of the countryside of Tea Country as this day was certainly turning out to be a fun and interesting one. If anything, traveling outside of the city and into the countryside was a much needed change of scenery for myself and the publicity that was going around about the competitors and what not. However, I should have definitely told Hinoka where I wandered off to so she didn't worry about me, but she knew I was more than capable of taking care of myself if I got into trouble which surprisingly hadn't occurred yet especially since we had so many issues in our home country of Wind. Nevertheless, I still had this fight that was rapidly approaching and I should have been focusing on it by training and mentally preparing myself instead of socializing with a boy from the Hidden Leaf. After all, there was never a saying that too much training was bad.

However, I was having too much fun with this Izumi fellow and I was going to have even more of it right now as I brought my left hand up and a large, sturdy wall built of all types of compressed earth would encompass us preventing people from the outside from interfering with what was occurring inside. It was at this point that I unbuttoned my vest and undid the top few buttons of my shirt making sure to untighten my tie in the process before looking over at Izumi beside me and simply saying to him with a smile: "Izumi, it is okay to feel a tightening below and you do not need to hide it. You are a young man after all with hormones and you simply have not experienced much with women from what I can see. I am going to teach you right now all about yourself and the female body as it is better that you learn this sooner than later in life."

As I finished, I would take one of my hands and put it on one of his knees gently pushing on it to try to have him bring his legs down since he was going to be in here for a long time. I wasn't going to make this more awkward for him than it had to be, but I saw someone who was old enough to date and marry people and yet, he had no idea how to handle himself around the opposite gender from his reactions to his body to his words. All of this was going to be taught to him if he would give me a chance, but I would not hold my breath as he likely was going to scream or plea with me to be left go or at least that is what I thought in my head.

Sazuki Nao

Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2017
OOC Rank
To have a clue on what was going on... was probably the main thing that was missing right now. Izumi didn't have a single clue on what was going on, what was about to happen and such. He just didn't understand his own body which was suddenly behaving like this. He kept on hiding the blood nose behind the palm of his hand and eventually tried to use the sleeve of his jacket to smudge it a bit away.

Many, so many questions were floating in his head and as soon as he felt the earth shift around them he started to act a little bit panicked and started to shift his orbs towards the other... It was that exact moment that he also checked his nose again. But what he saw next... Wasn't a thing he could take a note on right now. "A--h--..." He started to stutter and the color was in an instant back on his cheek, but his nose didn't bleed this time. Izumi also soon made a movement and froze as he started to follow her hands without even realizing it himself. "a--... O-oi! W-won't yo-you Won't you be cold..?!" He asked and asked again and started to look away to give her some privacy, but he started to shift towards his own self and grew more silent towards her, him, it. Slowly his eyes shifted back and with how he saw her laying there... He pulled off his jacket and offered it to place it over her... He had no idea why... And as he felt the gentle touch on his leg.... he raised more questions. "Izumi, it is okay to feel a tightening below and you do not need to hide it. You are a young man after all with hormones and you simply have not experienced much with women from what I can see. I am going to teach you right now all about yourself and the female body as it is better that you learn this sooner than later in life."
"I-I do not... know.." He said eventually with a bright red nose. "I don't know..." He said again to make himself a bit more clear... But he couldn't help them to have the feeling of hiding it between his legs. "How.. is it... normal...? I-it... ain't!" He sqeeked and his voice pitched up in a voice even he even turned more into a mess right here... He couldn't help and tried to cough that block in his voice... Seemed like Akujin right here had a harder job then Izumi... or would it be the other way around. "M-maru... once told me to milk a... opposite gender... I... said no..." He confessed this part and he was beet... beet red, flustered and didn't even know how to act or react rather on this moment and slightly started to pull down his shirt to hide it and to create a gap between his body and the fabric in the hope to cool down.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As we were hidden away from the world, I couldn't help but continue to smirk as this young man from Konoha was having such a difficult time of it with me. It was simply some innocent teasing that was coming from me, but yet, it was just too much for the poor kid as his nose continually bled and he was going to need to use some strong bleach when all was said and done to clean his clothing. Then again, he might need to use some strong cleaning chemicals to get out other stains as well if he didn't watch himself like mud and dirt. However, it was unlikely that he would need to worry about anything unless I continued to toy with his hormones and body which is exactly what I was planning on doing since I was a meanie kitty kat demigod creature.

It was however adorable that Izumi tried to be a gentleman and offer his jacket to me which I simply shook my head at him as I didn't want that object of clothing on me. No, I wanted to get more comfortable because I had a feeling that we were going to be in here for a long time together unless he allowed himself to play the game with me and let his hormones win out which 95% of the time was an absolutely terrible idea. Great idea if he wanted to have little Izumis running around and have to continue to deal with me, but a bad idea if he wanted to get away from me as soon as possible when I was done playing with him which was ever so fun. Only time would truly tell what he would plan to do, but I knew exactly what I was going to do and that was continue to have a fun time as I had not had this much fun in this country since I got here unless you count all the publicity surrounding the fights as fun which to me were not fun at all.

In any case, I would notice him trying to hide his issue once more as he would speak a simple thought to me about someone named Maru telling him to milk the opposite gender. It was a peculiar way of saying something quite sexual in nature which made me quite honestly laugh a bit as I laid there and looked at him likely in a dumbfounded or confused matter if I could make out his emotions through the tears that were coming from my laughter. That was by far a hilarious way of saying something so dirty in nature and this poor child likely had no idea what that even meant. He was going to find out what it meant though before too long, I knew that much at the very least as I got off my back and stood up for a moment to stretch remembering that my shirt was unbuttoned a little ways and my tie was barely hanging there at this point.

Then, a thought crossed my mind that I knew would likely have the poor kid scarred or spazzing out. Slowly, I would make my way over to him readjusting myself which was more or less undoing a few more buttons on my shirt and "accidentally" tripping and falling right on top of the boy making him my cushion to my "fall". As I looked down at his face, another smirk would surface on my face as I pinned down his arms and teased him some more: "Can't hide your manhood if you can't move, huh? I told you that it was natural what your body was feeling as I used to be a male like you, Izumi. I actually already have three kids since I know what my body can do really well, but would you care to give me more children or should our little fun end right here because you can't handle a woman like myself."

The ball was in his court now. What would this young, naive, and slightly immature boy do now that I his elder physically and mentally had him placed into a situation. If he wanted me to let go, I would do as he wished, but it was soooo tempting to tease him especially since he was inexperienced and slightly awkward. I was hoping the fun could continue, but I also knew that there was going to be Hell to pay if Lady Yanshi found out what I had been doing in Tea Country thus far outside of practicing and participating in the tournament. Lord Byakko have mercy on my soul if she ever found out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2012
As I waited for his response before we proceeded in one way or another, the time between my last comments continued to grow. It was only after approximately five or so minutes that I decided to get off of the young male completely and sit against my wall as I pondered if I had broken him or if he simply had gone into some form of shock due to seemingly tensing up from the looks of it. Obviously, I would check on him to ensure that nothing physically was wrong with him and everything from the looks of it appeared to be fine so he was just being silent and not saying a single word which would be his lucky day as making me wait quickly bored me and I left the walls collapse around us.

It was after the walls were completely gone that I looked at him once again readjusting myself before shrugging my shoulders and giving a heavy sigh. I was looking forward to experimenting with this young man so much, but the fun had to stop so abruptly. It was a real shame, but it was for the best since I needed to learn to control my urges with this new body as I already sinned once with my knight and almost did once more with another male. It was quite different being in this female body as my urges had seemed to go from simply one sex to both of them ever so quickly. It was something I would definitely need to control since I highly doubted I could take the risks of being caught doing inappropriate things with people or the consequences for my actions if I would become pregnant or infected with a disease.

In any case after I looked at the young man once more, I would turn my back to him and proceed to leave him be to do as he wanted. After all, I had training to do if I wanted to make my village and family proud of me and possibly come home as the normal victor if I had a little bit of fate and luck on my side.
  • MFT: 361 Words
  • Topic left due to inactivity and agreed upon with Izumi.

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