Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Better late than never...

Oct 23, 2012
The two of them had moved like lightning through the Konoha country side, maintaining a pace that any shinobi would be hard pressed to chase. Yong looked across at his new companion as they sped into one of the great forests of Fire Country. The albino was many years Yong's elder despite his youthful appearance but he kept perfect pace with the much younger shinobi, maintaining a small lead for strategic purposes, his intricate and flowing movements weaved through the trees with what seemed to be wisp like grace, every movement with purpose, every footfall silent. Yong observed with great interest, his master had taught him efficiency in motion using principles and movements developed by the brothers in their youth but to see the ad in amusement, principles put into practice by one who developed them... The words of Hirato-sensei echoed through his head, Everything is a lesson boy... Pay attention and you just might learn something...</COLOR><COLOR color="#006400">[/b\ So he paid attention, adjusting his movements to more closely resemble the albino's efficiency in motion. As if on queue, Migoya flashed a quick smile before speeding up significantly. Yong shook his head before speeding up to match, though the strain was beginning to takes its toll he knew he would soon gain his stride.

Migoya led the way towards their distant destination, still over a days travel even at their current speed. "Migoya-san..."He spoke at a normal volume despite the onrushing wind, his chakra infused voice carrying perfectly. "...Are you anxious to see him after all the years?"
The trees moved past them as if in a green-hued blur, the pair darting between them expertly. It seemed a lifetime ago that Migoya had ran between these same trees with his brother, Yong. The circle was now finally completing, and certainly not in the way Migoya had imagined.

Migoya looked over to his newfound nephew, smiling silently at the skills he had developed, akin to his own if he were honest. A lifetime of hiding in the shadows may have given Migoya a slight edge, but this young man...

"Migoya-san....Are you anxious to see him after all the years?", Yong asked him, using a skill his brother had obviously taught him.

The two continued to run, Migoya seeming to take some time to answer that question. A sad smile graced his features as he turned to face his nephew.

"It is as if someone has plucked the person you care about most from out of oblivion. I am anxious to think of what he thinks of me, if... if I have made - if I will make him proud."

The sad smile turned into a wider one.

"I also want to see how much fatter he has gotten."

He gave a rare chuckle, as the pair - nay trio continued deeper into the forest.

Hey Yong. You like riddles? What goes black, white, black, white, but is red all over? The impression would come into both Migoya's and Yong's mind - the first time Mikki had spoken directly to someone other than Migoya in such a very long time. Migoya smiled... it was a good sign.
The voice entered his head without bothering to travel via the ears, Hey Yong. You like riddles? What goes black, white, black, white, but is red all over?<i></i>

Miki?!?<i></i> His foot slipped as his concentration lapsed momentarily causing him to tumble at high speed to the forest floor. The leaf litter tumbled trough the air as he came to a stop, laughter escaping from his stunned body. He graciously accepted Migoya's assistance in regaining his footing. "It is good to hear you Miki... Why yes, I do like riddles."<i></i> Yong thought for a moment in an exaggerated 'thinking' pose. "...hmm, that is a tricky one Miki-sama... What does go black, white, black, white, but is red all over? Is it a newspaper? A dragon fruit? I have it... A communist zebra!"<i></i>

He dusted the leaf litter off of his clothing as he responded to the small puppet, maintaining his sheepish grin. "I know you like riddles Miki-sama but do you like stories? Let me tell you the story of when I drank tea with a Dragon!"<i></i> Yong subtly indicated to Migoya that he was ready to resume their travel. As they began to increase momentum once more Yong spoke directly to Miki, though the words would also reach Migoya's ears uninhibited, "I had been walking for weeks when I came across a massive lake..."<i></i> (Story)

The story would trail on as they traveled. He was excited for this journey to come to an end, he owed his adopted father so much, reuniting him with his long thought brother would be a good way to start paying him back.
Migoya’s eyes widened for a second as Mikki openly spoke to someone else – a very rare situation. The shock was replaced with a smile, and Migoya shook his head, knowing where Mikki’s jokes would take him.

However, as Yong stumbled to the forest floor, he stopped and turned, rushing to his nephews side to help him to his feet. Having Mikki speak to you… I guess that is surprising for one not used to it. Migoya joined in Yong’s laughter, brushing him off as the puppet climbed onto Migoya’s head.

“Mikki… I don’t think he would want you to…”

Pfft. He seems ok. Well, nice guess… Communist. Sheesh. The real answer is…

With that, Mikki flung what appeared to be a dead skunk towards Yong, blood covering its black and white fur. Mikki obviously found it hilarious as a ‘titter’ of laughter shook the wooden puppet, just before a pale white hand pushed him off his head and to the forest floor.

“Just cancel it Yong-kun. Mikki’s good with genjutsu – it gets annoying at times”.

The trio started up their run again, with Yong offereing to tell Mikki a story about a dragon. It was a simple and pleasant task, listening to his nephews rather strange story. Dragons… still, the young man was not lying, so perhaps there were dragons, or at least some sort of Naga. Who was Migoya to say such things could not exist when he currently had a talking puppet on his back?

Well that story was pretty shit. Mikki muttered.

“I doubt you have anything more interesting. Oh, tell him about the time you got dragged around Konoha by a rabid dog.”

Shut up.

Migoya grinned – he was surrounded by family, heading towards his brother… things could not get better than this. They were nearly there, and nerves started to get to him.

Soon my brother.

WC: 311

Current Ninpocho Time:
