Name: Kurokawa Gokan[lb][/lb]
Village Affiliation: None[lb][/lb]
Current Status: At large someplace in Sora[lb][/lb]
Threat Level: A[lb][/lb]
Known Aliases: None[lb][/lb]
Tall, slender but fit, Gokan actually looks rather average in appearance and stature. He stands at 6 foot 1 and weighs 190 pounds. He has dark, often unkept hair and dark eyes. he lacks any distinctive markings or scars which has made him rather difficult to apprehend.[lb][/lb]
Type of Fighter:
The summons a rain of oil that covers the immediate battle area and he then sets it ablaze. He seems rather indifferent to the concept of collateral damage.[lb][/lb]
Last Seen:
Two weeks ago in Sora as reported by several civilians.
Murder, conspiracy.[lb][/lb]
Description of Charges:
Never trained as a shinobi it is unknown where he learned his ninjutsu skills (he learned them at the Soverign, but IC even he does not remember this but if defeated and you care to include it there is a brand on his back between his shoulder-blades - this mysterious symbol would not be well-known but would be the symbol of the Soverign as well as a number "82") but he is responsible for the brutal murder of several merchant caravans that were traveling across the desert shortly after the maelstrom subsided. It is assumed that the purpose of the attack was for theft, the victims incinerated so badly that we can only guess their identities. Recently it was discovered that there was no theft, rather there were several extra bodies found among the charred remains. He had kidnapped three wealthy land owners and killed them along with their families and hid their remains among these dead merchants. The oddest part about this is the fact that these lords has recently bequeathed all their holdings to a Merchant Lord in Soons Haven. We assume there there is a connection between Hisamura Mako and these landowner's deaths but we have thus far not been able to obtain any evidence connecting her to their deaths. Due to Hisamura Mako's association with Daimyo Ishii Shiro and the rumor that the Daimyo might be planning aggressive actions against Sunagakure we feel that there is a possibility that Gokan might be working for either the Merchant Lords or the Daimyo but we do not know to what end.