Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Black Dragon Family(Forced Entry)


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
While we were out, we ran into a few issues, namely a mythical beast. What beast? Nope, I'm not going to spoil it for you, now back to what I was saying. This was something we had to share with a core member of the Shida-Man's crew. Plus it didn't feel right to many of us leaving him behind. He risked his life with us many times before. He, besides myself, is the only truest student of Banchasity among us. Hopefully he got some sort of treatment for his,... whatever it was that was wrong with him or at started to. We spot the entrance of the city but didn't bother to stop and wait. Why bother with all of that? No one came when we waited while leaving. Plus, his Epicness didn't HAVE TO wait on anyone. These were his gates, his people. We all are his people... all of this land... that land of Japan... belonged to the Shida-Man.

Our buddy G Heavy was in there and he belonged with us. Yeah he was sick and yeah Auntie Suki was looking out for him but, he had been with us for too long to be simply sat out of the group. Besides, when dealing with that monster, his presence was missed. The twins couldn't protect Ren like he could, though, I didn't think he liked protecting chicks anyway. Replay was a one of us though so I guess she an exception.

Anyways so we marched straight to the gates.... We won't do this with you Gando.

{Runtime: S rank (30mins) + Gate alert level tax (30mins) = 1 hour}
[Marked Training]

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"Daring aren't they?"​
A group was just walking in and though I was not on gate duty, I had an obligation to see where this was going. I waited to see if a gate guard would approach them but none yet and they were not waiting for one. I smirked at their boldness as they seemed to have no regard for our traditions and values. Though I was not a fan of foreigners, I did have a high level of respect for the bold and gutsy. Perhaps it was time I'd introduce myself... I was not a gate guard but I had to show them that the shinobi of Iwagakure were not some push overs. We were as tough as Stone and our gates not so easily breached. My eyes fixed on the one who seem to be the wolf of the pack I approached them.

"Well... aren't you going to wait for the gate guards to address you? Or will you be forcing your way in?"

[S rank Caught][/col]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

So a group made it past the check point without being stopped but how far did they think they would get with me on gate duties. I hurried behind them from my post in order to prevent them from going any further... however my big sis had stopped them first! Nooooooooo! This was supposed to be my big catch! Koyoko why you no mind yo business? I ran up behind the group huffing and puffing. These guys were a bit faster than they looked but now I was here.

"Phew! Not sure how they got passed me but I'm here now! Ok guys, give up those passports or turn back now. And if you were wondering, the answer is yes, there is a third option... though I'm sure you genital men and lady don't care for that option."

[A rank Caught]​


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
[Note: Didn't want to edit my first post due to playing it safe with the rules. The last sentence should read, "We won't do this without you Gando.]

As we were about to pass, some lady came out near us. The moment she did Replay started her camcorder. She had long dark hair and nice eyes... 'Wait hadn't we seen her before' was what I thought at the time. Well, not really it turned out though she did look familiar. Asked if we planned to stop and wait for a guard. The Shida-Man stopped only for a bit, and we followed suit, to answer her questions.

Sentinel Shida:(Direct) "If da wait was anythin' like it was when we were tryin'na leave then... nope. We'll just help ourselves."
J Bird:(Happy) *Toward crew* "Is it me or are there a lot lady guards here? *To 1st guard* Hey hey now, we can make time for..." *Interrupted*

While he spoke a second gate guard came. How I know she was a guard? She started asking for passports. But... that's not the interesting thing. J Blue pulls back his twin to huddle.

J Blue:(Curious) *In private to J Bird?* "Hey... did she say what I think she said?"
J Bird:(Joy) *In private to J Blue, while nodding and wide grinning* "She sure did. She's all yours too. I got the first one."
Replay(Disgust) "Are we really doing this again?"
PT(Chill) *Whispered to Replay* "Chill little mama. Let them have at least one and don't kill their vibe this time or,... I'll tell Amatsu about the time you wet yourself?"
Replay:(Pleading) *Whispered through teeth* "THAT NOT TRUE! I'VE NEVER DID THAT!"
PT(Sinister) *Whispered/grin* "With the way you where all scare that first time we meet him, who is he going to believe?"
Replay: "......."

I didn't like doing that but, Ren had a nasty habit of player-hating. She always did that to me and the twins. They would owe me for this. Meanwhile though, J2 breaks away from there huddle and approaches there respective lady.

Sakamoto Supreme: (Direct) "We ain't have one when we first came and we ain't got one since that first lady let us through. *Cracks neck handless* But we ain't turnin' back eith...." *Interrupted*
J Bird:(Mediator) *Stepping forward* "HHEeeeyyyyy now, hold up. *To 1st Guard* (Charm/Humor) "I think you said something about an address right or was that a dress? Either way, *Nod and bows* I'm willing to wait patiently until you let me inside. No need for force,...*looks left then right*... unless you're into that kind of thing."
J Blue:(Charm/Humor) *To 2nd Guard* "Hey look, we don't have passports but, I think we should take sometime to get to know each other. *Attempts to hold her hand* They call me J Blue and uhhh, *leans in to whisper* I'm a gentle genital man. *winks and ends lean and whisper* So, let's take it slow. We don't have to go the third option route right now. What would we do tonight if we did?"

This twins man, they just had a way with women. I mean, they typical led them right to me, know what I'm saying? HAhaha, just missing with ya. Y2K was there yeah but, all she did was fight back the urge to burst out laughing, maintaining a giggle with a closed hand over her mouth. The Shida-Man though, he just rubbed the bridge of his nose for a bit.

Ryujin Akira

Active Member
Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
"]|Really didn't expect to be hit on after stopping them from doing what they pleased in my village. I wasn't even hit on by the cute one either. I honestly couldn't believe the disrespectful words coming from this twin or the other one hitting on Mikana. At this point I was extremely glad Mikana was on gate duty... she'd scold me for this later but this was her problem... not mine. I dusted my hands as I gave my blank stare at the twin... ahem... spitting game at me. Clearly my signal to exit left.

"Wow... defiantly your problem Mikana so enjoy... erm... nice to meet you... I'll be going now..."

[Topic Left unless stopped][/col]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

"Ah haahaaaa listen to this guy Koyoko, We ain't have one when we first came and we ain't got one since that first lady let us through! This guy talks funny! Hey where are you going Koyoko!"

So Koyoko abandons me with the group which wasn't all bad. These guys were funny to say the least but I guess it wasn't big sises sort of crowd. She could be a bit of a stiff sometime and anti social but I was nothing like that. I could hang with most crowds minus the stiffs haahaaa. Anyone, one of the twins started talking to me and held my hand. how sweet, never in my life has a man held my hand... and I mean never! My dad would kill them but they didn't need to know that hehe.

"Ah ha haaaahahaaaaa! Your so funny mister! My name is Kage guard Mikana, what's yours? Oh, do you like weapons? I have a whole bunch that I could show you tonight! I have this one I have been working on my self. I plan to one day make the Coup de grâce I call it, the one weapon or jutsu better than all the rest... oh yeah, totally slipped my mind. I'll take those passports and we can talk about weapons more after."

[ooc: I think this counts as a mission???]

Honma Kotone

Active Member
Oct 8, 2012

"Please do not touch the lady." A stranger appeared from within the keep, another guard who was bounded to the soulless duty of protecting the near impenetrable fortress that was Iwagakure. The Chuunin, Engei, approached the crew and the unfamiliar face wearing his typical Chuunin attired armed with his katana that lay sleeping in its sheath, its black body was enticing, and two golden ribbons swayed against the occasional breeze as they loosely wrapped themselves around the sword's hilt. It was most ungentle-man like to act so promiscuous around a woman. The generally relaxed and soft Engei was hardened and stern, this was no time to play, the gate-guarding duty was honourable and important for many reasons. "I couldn't help but hear the way you were talking to a fellow Iwa shinobi, and while it may be acceptable in your lands strange, I would ask that you refer to a lady of Stone with dignity and respect."

Engei would then, with stern blue eyes, look at the 2nd guard whom attempted to lull the female shinobi into letting them through. "You." He would raise his hand, identifying the man, and shaking his head. "Attempting to bribe an official is illegal. State your business. If you don't have documentation then you aren't allowed to enter." Engei did not like the look of these men. He would look over to the female shinobi, unsure of who she was, but never-the-less it wasn't the time for Engei to drop this hardened persona that he despised - the Chuunin would rather be kind, polite and friendly but official duty took governance and the appearance of softness in front of someone not of this village really wasn't on the cards.

Honestly, Engei was just reminded by these rude men of the people who damage his sister, and that wasn't a comparison you wanted to be in. Anyway, that didn't matter too much, it wasn't as if he was judging the men without merit - they were provocative and unsightly. "Papers, please."

[OOC: Topic Entered.]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Apologies here guys, but after looking through the site rules, Engei's post in considered invalid. As this is a forced entry, this is considered a modded situation.
-- For passing the Village Gates using run-time; see Travel Rules for more details.
-- Uses [Going Missing] if Force Exiting from your own village.
-- Modded Situation.

As per run time specifications, the rules state very clearly that after the run time ends, no other may enter unless certain specifications are met.
Who is involved in a catch/intercept battle:
• For the whole duration of the run period anyone who enters, enters the first round of combat no matter when a bmod is called
• Once the run time has finished no-one may enter the thread until after the first round of battle has been fought, and only if they've been contacted and asked to come.
• In order to contact someone and allow them to enter the thread after the run time has expired, they must have either been contacted by the Headset item.

While a bmod has not been called as of yet, the rules say that a person may only come in after the run time has expired after the first round of battle, and only after being called in. If there is a problem with this, please inform me.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
So those twins, well at least one of them, was making progress. J Bird's chick simply upped and started to walk out. It wasn't clear whether or not J Bird got that though, cause he started to follow her as if to walkout with her.

J Bird(Relaxed) *To 1st* "I like where this is going." *To all others* "Yeah, I'll catch up to you all later." *Points and click*

(J Bird attempting to leave topic with Koyoko. :D )

Meanwhile, J Blue's girl seemed all excited to meet him. She wanted him to show him some of her weapons or something like that. Weird right? Not the kind of thing the average girl is into but, for The Wild One's or The Black Sky Dragons even, she'd fit riiiight in. Although, she didn't seem to be that great of a listener.

J Blue(Chill): "Hmm, Yasuda Jenko, but I could go for Kage Guard Jenko. Or maybe you'd like to be Yasuda Mikana?... Deeeuuummm girl, your in to that too? I like that. I typically use an aluminum bat or brass knuckles but I'm DEFINITELY open to suggestions... Well we don't have that. Something we can do instead? Some paperwork? Something after work?" *Winks*

(I'm cool if Engei joins. If allowed, here is my response.)

About this time some dude came in making a bunch of demands. It was like he was some player-hater extraordinaire.... worst then Ren even. He began making demand of us like he owned the place. He just didn't know who he was talking to. I don't know what this guys customs were but, he learned the wrong set talking to the Dragons like that.

Y2K(Confusion): *To Replay* "Hmmm a bad buy look, but acting like a gentleman. I don't know, not really my thing well, wait,... Seems kinda manly. Maybe just one time."
Replay(Disgust): *To Replay* "I swear, your no different then your brothers."
J Blues(Angry)*To new comer* "Hold up. Who is this chump? *Folds arms* What's YOUR purpose in life? Gate guard? *Thumb points to Mikana* "Taken."
Y2K(Hype): "D@#%!"
J Blues: "The stylish guy in blue and black?" *Presence self* "Taken!"
Y2K: "F^#$!"
J Blues: "Come on. Maybe you're the Man aka The Bad@$$?"
PT(Hype) *Points to Hokoshida* "Taken!"
J Blues: "Can you at least be the jock-blocking player-hater?"
All Dragon Members{but Shida and Replay}(Hype): *Points to Replay* "Taken"
Replay(Embarrassed) "You are ALL jerks you know that!"

But by this time, the Shida-Man had something to say.

Sakamoto Supreme(Angry) *To Crew* "AH'RIGHT... enough. *To guards* "Now didn't ah say we ain't got uh passport? *To Mikana* We ain't got uh passport. *To new comer* We ain't got uh passport. *General address* We ain't need'em the first we got let in. But now, we got one of our own in there, and we ain't leaving with out 'em either. We'll register er somethin' if it get us in sometime taday. But if there ain't no other way other than uh throw-down, fine. That'll be just what ah need right 'bout now. Line up."
PT: BIG BANCHO BRAAAAAAAAWL! Stone peoples, select your champion. You know, just in case we godda throw-down.

[Marked for Training]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

"Why would I change my sur name? Have you not heard of the Ryujin clan? Hahaahaaaa, to say the least, it's not a name you just give up for another. Never thought of an aluminum bat as a weapon... sounds fancy! But um... Anywho guys, there are others waiting to be let into the gates so let me see 'ya paper works' (mimicking Shida's voice) and then we can talk more later."

That's when I saw one of the members walking off following Koyoko into the village. I drew my Nunchaku and flung them across his legs to trip him up. Just where in the hell did he think he was going? Seriously! These guys obviously were taking me as a joke... me.. a joke??? I'm Ryujin Mikana! Daughter of the dragon of the north and south gates and Kage guard! As if I'd be the one to let a breach in Stone security on my watch. I had a reputation to up hold and I assure you it wasn't because I was a joke. They seemed so cool too... Oh well, I wasn't about to be disrespected here and now.

"Hey what the hell dude! "Ya see, give a ninja an inch and da taka whole mile...' (mimicking Shida's voice)Haa ha, still funny. Ok now, you guys want in this village so bad then fine. Here are your new choices if you want entry, either force your way past me or you enter on one of our medical team's stretcher! Prepare yourselves!"

[Stopping Shida's npc]
[Calling B-mod]


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Welcome to Ninpocho Modded Combat!

Today I will be your Bmod, and I have a few requests.
1) Please send all actions/information in the same PM. It helps me keep everything neat and tidy, easier to keep up with info.
2) Please be clear on your actions and conditionals even when stating what you're maintaining. This way I don't have to do any guesswork and you don't get upset if something got modded the way you didn't want it to.
3) If I mess up or forget anything send me a pm don't be afraid to call me out because If I truly made a mistake I will fix it.
4) Please add links to whatever you're sending. It makes my job 20% Cooler

Now please send me:
  • Stats
  • Custom Class
  • Bloodline/Core Ability/Kinjutsu
  • Abilities
  • Equipment
  • Jutsu
  • Actions & Conditionals

If there's anything I missed, that you feel important send that too.


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
[To Souji: I apologize should I have offended you in the request forum. I'm just becoming more direct and open and although I have my reasons for what I requested, insult, disrespect, and offence are not among them.]

It seemed like J Blue and the guard were hitting it off pretty good, until she saw J Bird trying to leave. And that's when things started to get real. The chick Mikana, chucked a nunchu thing at J Bird. Though it didn't quite trip him, the connection it made with his leg looked and sounded like it stung quite a bit.

Yasuda Jinko(Surprise): "IOU.. FOOL... WHO THREW THAT?!"

The chick then announced her intention, and though J Blue tried to settle thing as to not ruin his chances the dame, she made a big mistake.

Yasuda Jenko(Chill/Plead): "Aww come on honey. It ain't gotta be like that." *Pushed aside*

The Shida-Man stepped past were J Blue once stood to stand only a few inches from the girls face. The Great One swayed and shifted his weight a bit before standing square with the challenger.

Sakamo-Oh-So-Serious(Direct): "... Ya like makin' fun uh ma accent?"

[Stuff and actions sent]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

"Ya Iyes do like makin fun uh ya accent. Haahaahaaa. sigh... now, ya best be gettin out ma face funny man cause I got ah warrant fa ya ass whoopin. Haaahaaaaa! Classic! No but seriously, I'ma bout to hit you..."

It would seem that I have offended the head honcho of the group by mimicking his funny lilo parts of speech. Good! This gate guarding job was getting a little old and boring until today. Things were looking up for me. I believe my impersonation of him was pretty spot on if I do say so my self. Like I stated earlier, I wasn't about to yet some cool kids just walk into my village all willy nilly. Not while I was on gate duty anyways. I had a reputation to uphold as the youngest sister of the Ryujin three. zi wasn't messing around here... ok I was a little but that was just my style. The wind unexpectedly picked up just as we were about to square off. This man got in my face like he was about to do me something but jokes would be on him if he made any sudden movements. The man had no idea he had doomed himself by coming in such a close proximity to me. He was now in range of getting the worst beat down this village had ever seen. Sadly my mind was already made up as to how this situation was going to go down. Gate guarding just became worth while now that I was finally about to receive some action.

"Bad move chuckles... you have about three seconds to back up out my face and you already used two of them up breathing on me."

[Actions Sent]
[mft 287]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 1 said:
Round One! Fight!

Ryujin Mikana
HP: 31,110 - 27 - 27 - 27 - 100 - 470 + 933 = 31,110
CP: 16,255 - 0 = 16,255
AP: 8 - .5 - .5 -.5 = 9 Next round.
Status: Mastered Offensive Stance, Zaraki Style, Bound, Dueling Shida, Leg Bound by Ninjawire, Leg Sprained, Lullaby Powdered, Heavenly Touched
Visible Items: Lucky Armbands (equipped), Headset, Sheathed weapons, Backpack.|Sakamoto Shida
HP: 45,000 - 0 = 45,000
CP: 33,000 - 575 - 920 = 31,505
AP: 10 - .5 - .5 - .5 - .5 - .5 - .5 - .5 - .5 - 1.75 - 2.25 = 11 Ap Next Round
Status: Ole Faithful aka The Tapper, Dueling Mikana!
Visible Items: Belt Pouches, Ole Faithful aka The Tapper (Equipped), Leather Jacket, Weapon Holsters.[/col]

[legend="The Round"]0.00 Seconds: Shida activates his Duelist Ability on Mikana!
0.00 Seconds: Shida Draws his Ninja Wire (x4)!
0.00 Seconds: Shida Draws his Fingerless Fists... <_< >_>!
0.00 Seconds: Shida Basic Strikes at Mikana! (Miss, Hit (Leg Sprained), Hit, Miss, Hit!)
0.00 Seconds Shida puts his Fingerless Fists...<_< >_> away!
0.00 Seconds: Shida draws his Ole Faithful Aka The Tapper!
0.00 seconds: Mikana Activates her Duelist Ability on Shida!
0.00 seconds: Mikana draws her Lucky Armbands!
0.00 seconds: [Initiative] Mikana Switches into Zaraki Style!
0.00 Seconds: [Initiative] Mikana uses Mastered Offensive Stance!
0.50 seconds: Shida Throws Lullaby Powder at Mikana! [Success!]
1.00 seconds: Shida Draws and attacks with a Syringe! [Hit, Poison Check, Success!]
2.80 seconds: Shida attempts to Grapple Mikana with Ninja Wire Attached! [Hit! Mikana is bound!]
2.80 seconds: Mikana attempts to break the hold! [Failed!]
4.70 seconds: Mikana attempts to break the bind! [Bind Broken!]
5.00 seconds: Shida attempts to place a Submission move on Mikana! [Hit Mikana is Bound around the neck, Special Action Failed.]
7.50 seconds: Mikana attempts to break the hold! [Failed!]
10.00 Seconds: Mikana attempts to break the hold! [Failed!]
-Round over-[/legend]

[legend="Notes"]-Nothing at the moment.
-Any questions may be pointed to myself or another Bmod for clarification purposes.
-If something is wrong PM me and I'll fix it accordingly. Though note that things that change in the mod that require a roll for a check or accuracy/dodge may change the outcome of the round completely.
-Edited: Reflected Bind break attempts.[/legend]


Active Member
Nov 1, 2012
And you wouldn't believe the nerve this chick had. To toy with the Great One's manner speech, for shame. The Shida-Man had patience for a number of things humor-related but... really? That was low, and considering how low we as mortals are to His Highness, that was low enough to have been buried since the stone age. J Bird chimes in.

J Bird:(Disapprove) *Shaking head* "Oh that was SO disrespectful."
Y2K:(Intrigue) "D%$#, you gonna take that Shida?"
Replay:(Worry) "Oh boy, I see where this is going?" *Pulls out camcorder*

Now, his pride was on the line. His respect was on the line. His ego was on... the... line. You see, a Sakamoto's ego is nothing to play with, for what a Sakamoto believes, typically is. His father and uncle, wait... you remember the Bayside Bancho Brothers right? Former Tag-Team Heavyweight Champs of Fire Pro Wrestling,... three years straight... Well, ever noticed that sometimes when either one of them, and sometimes both of them, did things they just worked, even though seemed like whatever they were doing should have failed terribly? Now, don't tell Papa Dragon I told you this but, don't you like it's odd for a guy with a gut that size to move like a someone literally put him on fast-forward like on one of Replay's recording? Still, looks cool though. Anyway... why bring that up?

Baddest Man in the Land: (Serious) *Nods repeatedly and takes a step back.* "Okay."
PT: (Hype) "Yea yea, let's get this thing start PEOPPPPLLLLLE! Just like we do it in the schoolyard after classes. Holiest of Hoko's, my man and EVERYDAY'S man, Sakamoto Hokoshida! VERSESSSSSS the Stone wall Kage Guard... Mikana! *Whips out Boomie V2.4* Ready,.... *Presses button* steady,.... KENKA BANCHOOOOOOO!!!!!"

Stone Gate Party Crashing

But I promise you, I barely got the the last word out before the Shida-Man was on that poor girl like splinters on a chopstick. He pressed his shades to his face and places his hand back in his pocket before he decides to kick rocks... at the lower half of his opponent. A bunch of debri flew at the chick, and some of it got caught ankle part of her foot gear. She got into some stance but right when she did the Shida-Man was there to pursue. Before the more solid debri hit the ground, Shades was right in front of her.

Son of a Sakamoto: "Sakamoto Stunna!" *Claps Mikana's ears then chops throat"

The Shdia-Man then grabbed the chick for a Chicken-wing face-lock, but she managed to wreck herself out. Then came the signature move, Black Dragon Sleeper. Her legs were kicked out from under her placing her seated on the ground. He then locks her head and arm were locked under the arm of the Great One.

Uncle Shida: "Welcome ta da family, ya can call me Uncle Shida."

Would the girl say uncle?

[Actions to be sent]
[Marked for training]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
[Just posting here. I'm going to give ya both 48 hours to send actions from this post. And to post if you havent already. Cant let this linger >_>]

Ryujin Mikana

New Member
Oct 23, 2012

"Wait wait I wasn't ready! Ouch! Son of ah!"

Without warning the one with the funny vocabulary had kicked dirt and debris at me. I was momentarily distracted by the loud announcer guy who shouted something about something and that was all this Shida guy needed. He was a dirty fighter to say the least. After teporarily blinding me with a cheap shot, he goes in for more hindering tactics like disorienting and impairing my hearing and movements. Three of my five senses were just attacked in an instant, sight, hearing, touch... Suddenly I found myself in some kind of grapple lock which as a fighter, I knew I needed to break free immediately! With hindered senses, I did my best to maneuver out by using our height difference as leverage. This almost worked as I was temporarily freed before another more devastating grapple hold was placed on me... This guy sure was touchy -_- he had better watch were he was grabbing at, I wasn't that kind of girl.

Anywho, I wiggled and wiggled to loosen his grip but pro wrestling was surly this guys strength. I started to lose air but I couldn't give up. If this bastard thought I was gonna tap out after a few measly holds then he had another thing coming! The Ryujin clan thrive off of tough situations like these. Giving up was not an option! Watch out Shida, Mikana's gunning for ya! ...As soon as I get his stupid hands off of me!

"Hey! Stupid... Erha! Let go! Choke holds are illegal!"

[Actions Sent]
[mft 259]

Keigo Oen

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
OOC Rank
Round 2 said:
Round Two! Fight!

Ryujin Mikana
HP: 31,110
CP: 16,255
AP: 9 Next round.
Status: Mastered Offensive Stance, Zaraki Style, Dueling Shida, Leg Bound by Ninjawire, Leg Sprained, Lullaby Powdered, Heavenly Touched, Sleeping (Lullaby Powder)
Visible Items: Lucky Armbands (equipped), Headset, Sheathed weapons, Backpack.|Sakamoto Shida
HP: 45,000
CP: 31,505
AP: 11 Ap Next Round
Status: Ole Faithful aka The Tapper, Dueling Mikana!
Visible Items: Belt Pouches, Ole Faithful aka The Tapper (Equipped), Leather Jacket, Weapon Holsters.[/col]

[legend="The Round"]0.00 Seconds: Mikana falls asleep due to Lullaby Powder.
0.00 seconds: Shida releases his hold over Mikana and begins to Retreat!
0.90 seconds: Shida attempts a hidden action! [Success! Mikana is unaware of Shida]
1.40 seconds: Shida performs a hidden action!
1.80 seconds: Shida performs a hidden action!
4.09 seconds: Shida performs a hidden action!
5.90 seconds: Shida performs a hidden action!
6.40 seconds: Shida performs a hidden action!
6.80 seconds: Shida performs a hidden action! [A flare is shot up into the sky!]
-Round end-[/legend]

[legend="Notes"]-Shida used a Signal Flare, two people may enter at this point.
-Any questions may be pointed to myself or another Bmod for clarification purposes.
-If something is wrong PM me and I'll fix it accordingly. Though note that things that change in the mod that require a roll for a check or accuracy/dodge may change the outcome of the round completely.
- 48 hours until you will be placed in Defensive Stance for a full round.[/legend]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
