Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Blackness in light {private}


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
With his overwhelming want for power through knowledge Kane was changing. His starting out small want was becoming an obsession. The way ninjutsu worked just fascinated him and the best part about all of this besides being free to do as he pleased, he wasn't a scientist so he didn't feel the need to justify any of this with reason. A reason as to why two certain ninjutsu elements, crafted together would create a third ninjutsu element and not just cancel each other out like fire and water but instead gain the shadow element; or even the fire element and pure chakra to gain the scorch element, one that he recently obtained and was loving its effects. The one thing that he didn't realize was he was becoming more sadistic because of it. The lines he wouldn't cross before were becoming less and less visible. His light, pure looking green chakra was now being tainted and turning into a forest green chakra. His persona was changing with this obsession and what he would and wouldn't do was becoming more unknown by the moment.

Kane was sitting outside in the country side of moon country messing with his element, practicing with them. Combining the basic fire element and the water element to create the black shadow element. He then threw a grin on his face as he would Combo his two elements, Shadow and Scorch. He fused them together to create this black flame that scorched a tree trunk and setting the whole thing on fire. He gave a few half amused laughs at what he had done. Oh the elements on this midnight, moonlit night looked wonderful. He wore a black robe over his attire so the rest of his body couldn't be seen as he sat on a small boulder watching the tree be engulfed in black flames. I will master them all... I will kill anyone who stands in my way. Every village, every person, every demon, every angel... every single one will die at the hands of my power. He thought to himself enjoying the show that he had created.

wc: 354

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma had been walking through the moonlit mountainside when he felt the usually tingle down the back of his neck when chakra was being used nearby. Soon enough he heard the sounds of what seemed to be someone or something wreaking a bit of havoc on the landscape. He moved through the scenery until he found the source a man enjoying the destructive powers of his Jutsu. In the blink of an eye Akkuma stepped through one of his voids reappearing behind the man "Now now...what did this land do to you?" he would ask in that cold sinister voice. His demonic tail massive in length moved behind him in articulated snake-like movements. Those crimson blood red eyes would hold the man in their gaze.

"Do you think that power?" he would ask curiously as his hands flew into handseals unleashing a barrage of chakra so strong the earth shook for miles around. Craters that still burned with a tainted almost necrotic effect scarred the earth "Power comes from knowledge...sure guess work will get you through some of the leg work. But knowledge and experimentation are the key..." he would say with that devilish grin upon his face.

Before giving a slightly apologetic grin "Where are my manners..." he would say giving a bow as he straightened up those crimson eyes of his would hold the shinobi's in their gaze. With those horns, his tail, those demonic claw like hands and that shark-like grin he looked monstrously demonic. Although there was an undeniable style about him in his white silk robes with his clans symbol embroider upon them.

Next post will be better


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
And someone just had to come along and ruin Kane's enjoyment. Kane didn't move as he heard the sinister voice that was behind him. For some odd reason it didn't bother him that someone else had come to watch his fun. It was almost... entertaining to have someone there as if he was putting on a show for everyone to come and see. An opera singer to the theater, a puppeteer at a puppet show or an actor to a theater. As he words the words fall into his ear he merely stated "It lived... his words referred to the land. Things would burn at his mercy if he wished it. They would decicate, destroy, die and be gone from this world if he chose it, the demon that was show casing himself now in front of Kane would too if he wasn't careful. Kane's brown eyes locked with the demons crimson ones and as demonic as the man was, Kane could tell, even this demon ... could bleed.

Kane did a one handed seal, the seal representing "release" as half of his chakra retainer in his body was opened and flooded the land in a now tainted forest green chakra. It would be as strong asthe demons, if not stronger, overpowering the demonic chakra and evaporating it from the land. The twenty eight year old shinobi un-did his robe to show his normal clothing of a silver zip up sweater with wolf fur near the top and white pants on the bottom. Kane's unimpressed and bored face was on as he heard the demon talk again. "I come from a now frozen wasteland where if you didn't have power you died. I have plenty of knowledge but knowledge doesn't ever end. There is always something new to learn and something new to master."

The demon then stopped and spoke about his manners... but with no name attached to those words. Kane raised his right eye brown and spoke again "Manners include introducing yourself demon. You must not have learned that in hell. Allow me to formally introduce myself. My name is Masutaa Kane, Chakra Master of Kirigakure. I'm unsure if you think I know you or what... but a proper introduction like that would be appreciated." He was being all business and completely serious. His forest green chakra manifested into chakra able to be seen by the naked eye. Pure chakra or as others call it non-elemental chakra, which formed a barely Barrier {master rank} around his body which he used a one handed seal to create. Demons were tricky and if one wasn't careful, things could get ugly and quickly. He waited for a response and waited to see what the demon would do next as well.

WC: 464

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled when he heard what the man said he would wait for him to finish completely before smiling that devilish grin of his. What a display how fun this would be "Do you think you were the only one to escape the winter death that engulfed Kirigakure?" he would ask with a raised eyebrow tilting his head much like bird deciding whether or not to eat the thing in front of it. "Miroku Akkuma, Demon Sage...former Anbu member of black ops and research." he would say with that devilish grin of his plastered upon his face.

"Do you think a barrier could really stop me if I wanted to get through? Dear friend I've mastered Death itself and creatures from different realms...barriers are simple." with those words he performed a string of handseals causing a black blockade to encase the two. The next was he used a basic fire Jutsu directed at the mans feet fused with demonic chakra. It would go straight through his barrier, that was one of the perks of his demonic nature. "See this blockade keeps one trapped and even a basic Jutsu if used correctly can be effective, or strong enough to get through a barrier." he would say after doing these things although he had been interested in using gate of Enma's to rip the man through his barrier that simple show would prove his point.

"I would watch your tone...I came here with the wish to find an ally. It would prove most irritating if I had to tell the group a potential asset had to be terminated." he would say in that calm tone of his eerily like Onamuji. The demon did not want to gain any more ill will from the sage in such a short time. "Masutaa Kane S-Rank Jounin of Kirigakure, twenty eight years old. Known affinity with the mastery and manipulation of chakra. Just a brief snippet of your file..." he would say with those dangerous crimson eyes on the man.



Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Another survivor? I haven't seen anyone from Kirigakure... not besides the girl with Akechi. Not our own Mizukage Masa. He thought as he heard the words come out of the demon's mouth. A demon from the same village just in the ANBU branch. A branch Kane respected but never cared to join. The Demon then spoke more, talking about his powers and about the small barrier that Kane had put up. The thing was... the barrier wasn't there to protect Kane from an attack from Akkuma. It was there to protect Kane from the demonic chakra that was being evaporated by his own, only that it wasn't. The Demon's chakra felt good and natural to Kane sadistic nature.

Akkuma put up a block blockade around the two. Kane stood there in front of the boulder he was sitting on before Akkuma had arrived as the black blockade closed in behind him and the demon sage before him. The demon then also flicked a simple fire jutsu through the barrier at Kane's feet. In matter of seconds and with a few hand seals, the chakra that had formed the barrier had turned into water and put the fire out before it had even reached Kane's feet. That was the true master of his skills. The fluency of moving from one element to the next with ease, the changing and manipulation of chakra in seconds.

Akkuma then began trying to become threatening to Kane and honestly, the Chaka master chuckled to himself inside while keeping his outward demeanor plain and emotionless. But then the demon said two things that had peaked his interest. One thing was that it looked like he was going to be recruited by Akkuma for some time of group. What the goal was would be interesting to hear out... but in all honesty, Kane wanted the power of a Sage. The other thing was that he had information on the Jounin. Small amounts of information but information none the less which was concerning to the Mercenary. How many others had the information he had? How many others new Kane's potential and possible limitless potential. Kane was the gift of chakra and the passion for knowledge which in the grand scheme of things could eventually turn him into the strongest ninjutsu user in the world. He'd have to live that long first in which case he needed to learn a certain type of ninjutsu, senjutsu; even if that meant diving into the dark arts themselves to learn it.

"Okay Akkuma, ANBU of Kirigakure, you have my attention. Especially with Kirigakure not being a functioning village right now and us more or less being mercenaries for hire, having a friendly face as an ally would be nice. Not many can say they've gone through what we've had to deal with. You say knowledge is power... I agree with your statement. The question is friend, what knowledge could you give me that will end up me being more powerful than I already am?" Which was true and his words were sincere and on a more friendly tone than the serious tone he held before. It wasn't like he could go anywhere anyway. Not with the black blockade up of Akkuma's demonic chakra. He could try to over power it and probably would succeed, but there wouldn't be any point in wasting chakra like that at this time.

WC: 566


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Kagemaru had been making his rounds around Moon country. Admitedly, he'd been running himself ragged, but he was keeping a close, or to be more precise... far eye on his would be teammates. Gathering information on this by observing their actions and interactions with each other. With his extraordinarily gifted range of sight, he came across the chakras of both Akkuma and Kane. This was a curious situation to happen upon so Kage made a break from his intended target and would take some time to see what was the deal between the two of these strangers.

Standing a little less than a mile away, Kagemaru simply laid back in a tree branch and observed the two as they conversed. He was well out of earshot so he would attempt to read their lips. An unreliable skill that Kage had learned but he could still pick up some words here and there. Just what was their conversation about? Kage would want to know. As he pondered this, he would think about what jutsu he had that could help him get closer without alerting either of them. His specialty was stealth but he was unsure about the level of awareness those two had. He did not want to be detected outright, so he'd keep his distance until he could think of a way to safely access sound.

[ooc: Just watching]

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma laughed tossing his head back revealing that familiar look of madness, those crimson eyes of his burned with the desire for chaos. "What can I offer you?" he would say half turning away and starting to walk away a half amused expression upon his face. Once he'd gotten far enough to have had a decent pause for effect he would turn to face the shinobi once more. A devilish look of pure confidence and certainty that he indeed had something he desired. "How about the Mastery over Senjutsu chakra?!" he would ask stretching his arms wide before continuing on "Imagine could bring Naiji back. Isn't that a ruin ion you've wanted ever since Kiri...I could give you that Kane. You just have to be my ally, when it comes down to it. Over everyone else...swear this and I will give you all the power you desire." he would say with a wide devilish grin.

The horned demon knew that he had won Kane now, the death of Naiji had dwelled heavily upon Kane his file stipulated as much. So it was naturally his best way of getting the man to join him. "So what say you Masutaa Kane of Kirigakure...." he would ask in that devilish tone of his those lips of his pursed in that sinister grin. To anyone who saw the exchange one thing was obvious once more Akkuma was buying the soul of another, for once you entered an agreement you would notices changes within nature. It seemed the demon sage was going through the beginnings of yet another scheme. He'd brokered deals with so many of the shinobi amongst them already.

Akkuma looked around them he couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched ever since he had entered the damn country. Sighing he'd run his hand through his hair withdrawing a smoke and lighting it. The glow of it's burning tip, cast an every light upon his face. Inhaling a large breath he would exhale with a satisfied small smile. Those crimson eyes of his rested on Kane once more. Would he accept Akkuma's terms for the power he sought and the chance to see his best friend once more.



Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
And there it was, that one nerve was kicked. Any chance of holding back emotion was now gone as Kane's face went from shock to anger to depression all at the same time. His forest green chakra manifested and exploded from his body as the emotions ran through him. It was an unexpected, unpredictable blow to Kane... not something that he thought Akkuma's file would have on him. The chakra would fill the area of the black blockade as if it was water filling up a glass. The most the chakra would do to someone would possibly knock them over from the brute force of the velocity it was travelling from Kane's body. Kane's eyes turned from their normal brown to the forest green of his chakra. Anyone looking in from the outside would no longer be able to see two bodies even with a doujutsu, but a huge rectangle of manifested forest green chakra.

He didn't mean to do it... he didn't want for that to happen but all he could picture now in his head was the crystalized Haku that was dead and will never be able to be awoken, or so he thought. Kane tried pulling himself together as he used one of his innate abilities to pull chakra back into his system. He had to get his emotions under control... he had to get his chakra under control. Once the chakra was either back in his body or dissipated into the air above them, Kane stared down the red devil eyes of akkuma with his own green, emerald looking eyes. He thought he had buried those emotions of his friend... he thought he would have forgotten. But how could Kane truly forget his friend... when he carried around his crystalized body in a scroll everywhere he went, not that he would tell Akkuma that nor would anyone be able to see what was in the scroll tucked away in his vest. He spoke, his voice void of emotion, even if his face was full of despair "If you can do what you say you can do Akkuma, Demon Sage of Kirigakure, if you can really teach me senjutsu, I will then be your ally. I will not be your slave however and I will not come to your every beckoning call. I will not be a lapdog for someone. Also one more thing, if what you say doesn't work... I'll kill you myself... it doesn't matter where you are or who you are with. If you are lying to me... You will pay for this. If you swear this, Demon sage, I swear to be your Ally." No more truer words could be said to the demon. There was no chance of in hell, pun intended, that Kane was joking about any of this. The question is now... Would Akkuma agree to the deal with a Master of Chakra? He may want his friend back, but Kane wasn't blind and stupid either.

WC: 499

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled as the man before him lost all restraint his chakra exploding out with so much force that the demon was literally thrown against his black blockade. He laughed maniacally yes this was what he had wanted he knew Kane would be his now. Once the man controlled himself and said his piece Akkuma's crimson eyes looked upon the man with that look of pure madness. "Indeed I can Kane...we have a deal then." he would say as he strode forwards to Kane extending a hand covered in black chakra, it prepared to bind the two. "Allies for each other's benefit and survival...betrayal equals death." he would say with a raised eyebrow certain of the mans agreement to the deal. "I assure you I have no need of lapdogs..." he would say with a wide grin. This was simply business the ensuring of his position within their ranks not that Kane would know this.

Once Kane shook his hand the seal bound the two to their word he would withdraw a tome filled to the brim. This was one of the many copies in existence he would toss it to the shinobi. "Inside are my current and up to date studies and findings with Senjutsu chakra and it's uses. Not only that different ways it can be manipulated, utilised, certain beings rely on is simply amazing beyond belief. Now firstly Senjutsu chakra is a natural chakra. One used by great sages for example 'Curse Seals' are a living embodiment of someone's senjutsu chakra that genetically adapts to the subject. Senjutsu chakra is also the chakra source utilised by most Kinjutsu holders even if they don't realise this." he would say hands outstretched in a matter of fact shrug.

Those crimson eyes held those emerald ones in his gaze as he said "So a what would you like to learn first?" he would ask having given a basic example of senjutsu chakra. He couldn't hide his happiness at having a new student in the arts, nor his joy at the fact the man would be an ally. Yet another member of the group would owe their allegiance to him. Betrayal was a risk that was getting smaller as time progressed. It wouldn't be long before he implemented the second phase of his plan.


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kane looked at the demon as he agreed to his terms after being blow back against the baracade that Akkuma himself had made. If this didn't work, Kane got to kill the demon. In return they would be allies. But then again, Kane never considered Akkuma an enemy, not now, and hopefully for Akkuma's sake, not in the future either. Having a demon as an ally wasn't always as risky as some people would seem. Kane was calm and collected again as he saw Akkumas black chakra around his hand. Kanes forest green chaka covered his and as they shook on their deal, the green chakra would mix with the black, intertwining with each other to symbolize the deal they had made. "Lying equates to death." He said commenting on Akkumas line about allies and betrayal. Akkuma would have to carefully word things from now on, lying to Kane period was now a sin... one only redeemable by death. Whether Akkuma would read through the lines and realize this though, was on him.

After the deal was made the Demon sage tossed a massive book full of information for Kane to read. While Kane looked through the book, Akkuma talked about Senjutsu and on Cursed seals. Kane was well aware of the dark arts seals and wasn't interested just yet in getting one. He looked to akkuma and said blankly once he was asked on what to learn first "I'm going to learn it all... first comes first. The Corpse Soil technique you have in here listed in very descriptive detail. That and the dead soul Technique. Both of them seem to be very useful especially in a pinch. I understand the concept of Senjutsu and I know how to draw on its power, I just need to know how to apply it and how it feels versus how our normal chakra works." Kane would set the book down on the boulder next to him and run through the handsigns without extering any chakra, just to make sure he had them down.

He could feel his chakra turning more and more. The more he read the dark arts the more he enjoyed it and the more he enjoyed it, the more dangerous he would become. What had Akkuma done?....

WC: 379

Edit: added wc


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Interesting things were going on. Kage had been observing the two of them for a while now but without audio, his lip reading was only revealing a few words at a time. But the more interesting factor going on was that this situation seemed to be more of a discussion. From what Kage could understand, Akkuma was attempting to give something to Kane. He couldn't really tell what it was but perhaps it had something to do with why everyone was here.

Kagemaru was glad that he'd managed to locate these two individuals. If his hunch was correct, Kane may become an ally for Akkuma and it never hurt to know ahead of time the connections that people had with each other. If ever there were to be any disagreements between Kage and Akkuma, Kane could potentially intervene and help Akkuma. This was important to take note of. He would continue to observe the two of them from his location.

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma would smile at Kane he was glad the man said it "Good...I'm a ma..demon of my word." he would say with that devilish grin upon his face he couldn't help but think Kane and himself would become good friends. Smiling he shook the mans hand their chakra's fusing together in the hold an symbol of their alliance. Those deep crimson eyes watched Kane look through the book, he couldn't help chuckle of course those two held his interest.

"Just remember this..." he listened to the man speak as he ran through the handseals demonstrated in his research time. He got that same look of pride on his face as he did whenever he was teaching, Kane already had a basic understanding of the chakra. Akkuma sighed moving forwards towards the man he outstretched both of his hands palm up and began forcing his tainted Senjutsu chakra to the surface of the palms, his horns a perfect receptor for the natural chakra. Until his twisted chakra system tainted the chakra. "It's something that comes from nature around as...therefor it can only be manipulated with our own natures. For example I'm a demon, which results in an aura of despair and malice no matter how hard I try. This is apart of me...all of my Jutsu reflect this." with those words he gave a wave of his hand and used a low level water Jutsu at the barrier but their was something different about this Jutsu. The water itself seemed to carry necrotic affects with it eating away at the barrier.

"Draw it in from the realm around you....let it fill you keep maintaining focus. Change the chakra to....resonate on the same frequency or flow whichever makes sense. As that of your nature..." he would say giving a slight bow before adding. "Although I feel obligated to let you know...these Jutsu you aim to master. They will change you...each use will twist your nature and your core. The further you delve into this world the further into the embrace of darkness you will fall...that's my only warning." he would say with an almost somber look before his eyes took on that once more dangerous glint. Those crimson eyes watched Kane carefully and he could see the passion for these arts driving him, it was too late the Nature of the Sage had consumed him. 'Perfect...yet another one who has been enlightened.' he would think to himself waiting for the man to try and use his chakra.

Akkuma would be prepared for the petrifaction process, if it any stage it began to happen to Kane he would use his mind Ripper technique pumping demonic chakra through the mans body. Temporarily frying his chakra system, but whilst destroying any remnants of the dangerous nature chakra. He would not allow the man to become stone under his watch, not that he thought he lacked the skill to do so. But senjutsu chakra was a particularly tricky substance to work and if one didn't do it right...well around the world they're were sage statues of those who failed. He wished not to become one of those and he doubted Kane had any desire to become a lawn ornament.



Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
The deal was done, the pact with a demon was made and the training began. Akkuma seemed to be over joyed with how things were going and deep down, Kane was too. Akkuma went on to tell Kane about some of the fine print of this type of chakra and how it worked, He showed him his chakra and how a simple water jutsu looked toxic to the core. This type of chakra could kill Kane due to it wasn't natural to the body. It was a stronger chakra. One that had to be handled carefully. The question was though what was Kane's Nature. He was a human. Humans had too many natures. And the worst part of it was that half the time.. the humans didn't even know what their true nature was unless they were facing death. It was in those moments they realized the type of person they were.

However there was always one other way of knowing who you were. How did you act throughout your life? Were you a groupie, a leader, a loner, a side show... what were you throughout your life around others and around delicate situations. Were you calm and collective or were you hasty and made rash decisions. This is what Kane was.. a Lone wolf. That is what he would go off of... yes that would be his nature, He was in every essence a lone wolf even when he was in a pack. He worked better alone he fought better alone. There was no one to get in his way and there was no on to try and dictate his actions for their own personal gain. Akkuma also warned him about this chakra not only being hard to control but also changing his whole persona the more he used it. Kane looked at him, his emerald eyes looking staring into the demons crimson eyes. He nodded to him in acknowledgement, Kane was ready now.

He concentrated on the elements around him. The light from the moonlight, the air from the small breeze rolling through and the life of the grass under his feet. He pulled in their energy and immediately felt the power of the senjutsu chakra. It was very strong, his very own chakra may rivaled it... though only due to the pure amount Kane had not because of the strength it held. He was the Lone wolf of Kirigakure... and so he focused on that aspect and that alone. The power of senjutsu chakra kept pushing against Kane's body, wanting to take it over and what did Kane do, he fought against it, something you shouldn't do. It didn't want to control him, the chakra wanted to fuse with Kane's chakra. But because he didn't accept it, his feet and lower legs started to turn to stone. He noticed Akkuma get ready to do some technique from happening, but that wasn't how Kane operated. His Emerald eye glared at Akkuma as a wall of earth blocked Akkumas attempt to use his mind ripper and then the same stone would turn on the offensive as Kane used hand seals of his own chakra, using the stone to push Akkuma back attempting to knock him back as far as possible while shouting at him "I GOT THIS!" and then he realized using his own chakra was a bad idea as now half of his body was turning to stone. Slowly and slowly it crept up his body turning now even his arms and up to his shoulders in stone. He was determined... he was the master of chakra....

Kane was now turned to stone completely....

While inside the stone statue he heard a voice in his head... a voice he would recognize from anywhere "Fuse the chakra dammit!" It was Naiji's voice. He was definitely hallucinating but he could have sworn he heard the voice. He allowed the Senjutsu chakra to fuse with his own. It was surprisingly, painless and it didn't feel foreign... no the chakra felt right. He felt power... He could achieve his goal of learning all fo the ninjutsu in the world now. He could do it with ease, or so he thought.

Though after a few seconds there was something about the stone... as if it was all vibrating and then, a crack was on the stone of Kane's chest, a midnight green chakra seeped out of it. Another crack appear on one arm and then the next. Small cracks all over Kane's stone exterior were appearing and this tainted midnight green chakra seeped out of it until, the stone shattered and fell off of him. Kane stood there slightly panting and Akkuma could tell, the midnight green chakra, was senjutsu chakra. There was two things that were certain, Kane had control over the senjutsu chakra now, whether he almost became a statue because of it or not was besides the point; and two... he was a stubborn son a bitch.

Kane remembered the hand seals for the corpse soil technique and decided to put it to the test, regardless of what Akkuma would say. He applied the senjutsu chakra to the hand seals and let it rip. Four corpses came out of the ground and were fully alive. The sinister jutsu creating these un-dead creatures would all look at Akkuma as if he was dinner; not that Kane was telling them to go after him, he just happened to be the first one they saw. Kane then did the hand seal for release and they suddenly dispersed, returning to the ground they came out of.

He was now tired and slightly exhausted. But with some ore training and refining of his skills he would do it. He would bring back Naiji... He would bring back his friend. He looked to Akkuma and gave a slight sinister smile and saying "Piece of cake" He sat down, leaning against the boulder near him. He had done it....

Essence of the senjutsu faded off but the midnight chakra stayed. Akkuma was right, his chakra would become more and more tainted. Using so much of it all at once and for the first time, tainted it quicker than normally would.

WC: 1033

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled as he saw Kane looking into himself 'Good he understands...' he would think to himself as Kane started to absorb the chakra and prepared to use it in a Jutsu. When he saw the changes start in the chakra master he pulsed the dark chakra through his arm preparing to unleash it into Kane purging his system of the Senjutsu chakra. But it seemed that his new friend knew what he was going to quickly summoning the earth against him telling him he's got it. "Fool!" he would cry out as he slammed his fist into the earthen wall smashing it to pieces. But it was too late the process had gone too far, if he didn't accept the chakra into his nature he would die. This would be the end of Masutaa Kane.

He stood there waiting watching for signs of whether or not the man would be lost to his cause, whether the Dark Arts had claimed yet another. Suddenly the statue that was Kane hummed with vibration and power. Cracks began to form in the statue as a dark ominous chakra escaped from it and that devilish grin appeared on his face. This man had done it he was succeeding in surviving the change how amazing what a great subject. "Haha well done! Now you fool use this Jutsu! Show the world and the laws of nature that you control them now!" he would roar as Kane flew through the handseals and four very ravenous corpses rose from the earth. He smiled as they stared at him with hunger before Kane dispersed them, saying piece of cake and sitting down against a boulder. Smiling Akkuma released his Black Blockade Jutsu "You do know your crazy right? I only know one other Sage who has escaped that process and it was myself. Congratulations Kane...your just jumped down the rabbit hole. It's too late to go back now." he would say with that devilish yet friendly smile upon his face. Those crimson eyes holding the shinobi in his gaze, it seemed this man really did have what it took.

Although one thing was sure Kane was not the same as he had been moments before, the change in both his nature and chakra system would become more and more apparent as he delved deeper into the darkness. "Sake?" he would ask withdrawing a bottle for himself and Kane if he wished. Uncorking his he would down half of it looking at Kane before bursting into laughter. "Seriously though I thought you were gone there for a moment...but well done Kane there are few shinobi alive who can survive that." he would say with that shark-like smile upon his face. He had gained some very important information today, secondly now there was one more who would surely eventually be steeped in darkness. 'Wonderful...' he thought to himself those crimson eyes burning with the fire of chaos.



Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kane gave Akkuma a small smile as the man seemed to be slightly flipping out from excitement. Yes kane was a stubborn asshole though. Refusing the help of akkuma during the process was probably the stupidest thing anyone on the earth could do. However, he wouldn't be Kane if he hadn't done what he did.

"I told you before I went into stone.... I got this." he said chuckling at the thought of it all. Kane took the offering of sake and drank a few gulps of it. Alcohol always helped the nerves. He stayed sitting and kept his emerald eyes on akkuma as he spoke his next few comments as the senjutsu chakra still flowed though him at this time. "I think someone has been watching us sense the beginning of the session. I can feel them from the senjutsu chakra. About a mile or so back behind me." He wasn't sure whom it was he felt but it had to be someone with good eye sight to sit that far away. There was only one person in their group with that capability and that was Kagemaru. But without knowing it could be another person or a spy from a village with those same abilities watching them. Should they check it out or just leave all together and disperse? Kane was quite tired but he was kind of curious as to who was watching them.

WC: 236

Miroku Akkuma

Active Member
Oct 24, 2012
OOC Rank
Akkuma smiled as he heard Kane's words for the demon was surprised that he could sense that they were being watched. Although Akkuma had a pretty good idea at what it was he decided it was best that they prepare to head to the meeting. "I'm not too concerned...I've had that feeling ever since I entered this damn country. Pretty sure I might have picked up a stalker or it's this country..." he would shrug after those words saying. "I don't think it's anything to worry about I have pretty good instincts with'll notice with the nature chakra you can feel everything even the trees if you focus hard enough." he would say before downing the last of his sake and throwing the bottle into a void.

"But this has been enough for today if you push yourself further you may not be so lucky." he would say referring to the senjutsu chakra usage that Kane had put himself through. Those crimson eyes looked into Kane as he smiled "It would appear that yet again I have gotten side tracked. I have a meeting I must attend to I was told to go there and yet I fate seemed to bring our paths together..." he would say with a devilish grin upon his face before waving his hand making a void appear before him.

"I shall see you soon Kane but I have to confer with comrades of mine before I get to this meeting." and with those words Akkuma would walk into the void waiting for Kane to finish anything he had to say, once he had the void would close. Once in the realm he would laugh the laugh of a true demon, everything was just working out too perfectly hopefully the meeting went down the same path. Now he had to go inform his guests for the meeting 'What a nice surprise that will be for everyone...' he would think to himself as he moved to finish up the last of his business! how much fun today had been for the demon.

Topic Left unless stopped.
(Feel free to stop me if you wanna keep rping xD)


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Well if the word "interesting" hadn't been used enough already... this was truly an interesting moment. Based on the events that Kagemaru had just witnessed, Kane had just been taught how to use some dark senjutsu techniques. This was particularly informative because this also allowed Kagemaru to know a bit more about Akkuma. Since he was capable of teaching Kane, Akkuma must have also been able to utilize senjutsu chakra. It was actually fairly obvious now. Kagemaru had always thought something was off about Akkuma's chakra, but he assumed it was the demon's aura he was emitting. However, now he knew it was also due in part to the senjutsu chakra. Things were beginning to make more sense. Akkuma was shaping up to be a lot more dangerous then initially expected. But as their discussion seemed to be coming to an end, Kage felt it was time he head to the meeting as well. He'd have to beat Akkuma there and it was lucky that he was closer to the location. Being about a mile off from Akkuma and Kane worked to his advantage in this case for several reasons. But as Akkuma was now headed his way, it was time for Kage to go before he got close enough to discover his location.


Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Kane shrugged and gave a small chuckle "Guess I'm paranoid then." Akkuma then went off to say that they were done for the day. Well that was pretty obvious to Kane... he was drained and needed to rest. He just simply nodded to that comment allowing that conversation to drop. He took a few more swigs of the sake... or maybe it was gulps as he finished off the rest of the bottle. Akkuma made his way to leave opening his demon gate and Kane merely said "Remember our deal, if this doesn't work Akkuma... your a dead man." Kane was appreciative of the power and knowledge he was given but his end of the deal was why he truly why he did it. If he could bring back his Haku friend... He would do it in a heartbeat. However, in his current state of health it would have to wait. It would be done... But Kane needed rest...

He jumped up into a tree and fell asleep on a branch about twenty feet off the ground. Tomorrow was a new day. The chapter had truly begone.

[topic left]

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
