Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Blind Eyes and Bright Lights! [Requesting Med-nin! (With feeling!)]

Apr 19, 2018
Riku wandered into the hospital with a whistle to his step, twirling a signal flare in one hand and the other leading his comrade, Nitish, into the hospital. Upon entrance, he saw the rows of people also awaiting treatment for their own problems. Riku confessed to not being the most patient of people, neither did he consider his presence required for long. He had led his blind teammate into the hospital upon his request, he wasn't entirely sure what had gone down, but he was blind.

"Don't worry buddy!" Riku cheered on Nitish, patting him on the back, "I'll get you someone to fix you."

Riku stopped twirling his signal flare in his hand, glancing about at the many people that needed treatment. He was sure that some of them were probably needing treatment, but he felt Nitish's eyes were a bit more important. With a yawn, he released Nitish's hand and stepped forward. He placed both hands on the signal flare and gave a wide grin to the obviously confused people.

"WE NEED A DOCTOR PRONTO!" Riku shouted as loudly as he could.

With the sudden loud noise, he ignited the flare, the bright red light flooding the room. He tossed the smoking flare into a crowd of sitting people, letting them start to shout in concern and move away from the flare. One or two of the people tripping over in the panic, Riku felt a tinge of guilt over those people. He dismissed them quickly though, turning towards Nitish and giving him one final pat on the shoulder.

"You should have a doctor with you shortly." Riku said to him over the loud confusion.

With the sudden confusion of people, bright lights and the smoke coming from the flare. Riku took the opportunity to remove himself from the hospital. Leaving his companion there to be treated. It wasn't like Riku promised to stay with him!

(OOC: There you go Nitish! I did that hospital thread like you asked.)

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And then as Nitish heard that Maru was exiled he headed towards the phoenix gate with Kira and Riku to say the Last good bye to him. And then they found out that Nitish was blind now after his surgery Riku was ready to do a little to Nitish to get his vision back. So Riku took one of the hand of Nitish and taken him to the hospital and then Nitish hears many voices and says to Riku “Riku its okey there are many people so we will come next time.” But Riku ignores Nitish and then takes him inside and make him sit for a while when he was finding a doctor for him and then he says “Don't worry buddy! I'll get you someone to fix you." And then after hearing this Nitish whispers to himself “If everyone has a good friend like him.” And then Nitish sits down and then waits for any of the medical nin come and check him but he already knew that there will be many questioning ninja’s who will come and ask him what happened. And then Nitish hears the voices of many people like a panic crowd and then Nitish asks Riku “What happened there Riku?” and then after asking this Nitish now wasn’t able to hear any of the voices and then thinks “Looks like the crowd is now stable.” And then Nitish says to Riku “Riku you can go back to your home.” And then Riku once again pats on Nitish’s shoulder and says “You should have a doctor with you shortly." And then Nitish answered him giving a grin “Yep, I will have a doctor soon for my eyes and get by my vision as fast as I can.” And then Riku goes out of the hospital and heads towards his house and Nitish waits for a doctor to come and examine him and tell him “If his eyes will heal on his own or it has to be healed by a medical nin.” And then Nitish was waiting for doctor and examining the crowd by sound that how many peoples are today at hospital.

Walking through the halls adorned in his medical coat, Mikasa had left the hospital to him to do what was needed and to get through all the surgeries and procedures... and this would be the first day Suyashi felt truly confident about everything with this. As he entered.. there seemed to be alot more with this, he'd head to the main floor where the ICU and other things seemed to be going on. He heard a voice calling out for a Doctor Pronto... so Suyashi would zip there with the flash of light. HE was damn fast now. And you needed to be when you were trying to save lives... but then again he would have to be efficient. So... He would have to figure out the issues.

Just as Suyashi would land in place he'd hear Nitish speak about his eyes. From the smell of it he was blind... Weird? No. But that was a normal thing for some Shinobi. They would go blind over time or they were born that way and their other senses would heighten. "Oioi! It sounds like you have an eye problem? I'll take this.", looking at the other Mednin hovering over the situation the others would scatter to other patients before Suyashi would look around and smile before nodding. "Pretty cool. Hm, Alright... I need your name and Rank and we'll begin with running some tests to see whats going on with your eyes bud, alright?", Kneeling infront of Nitish, Suyashi would look for any tale tale signs that would give him an idea what happened. It looked like a bad shinobi surgery... but then again they did that in the field of battle many times over.

Someone that didnt know how Human anatomy worked or just didnt know any useful techniques to heal this efficiently. Who knew...
And then after a little while later Nitish heard someone running towards him. And then a voice came from nowhere and it says “Oioi! It sounds like you have an eye problem? I'll take this." And then Nitish asks him “who are you? Are you a medical nin if you are please help me with my eyes.” And then after Nitish asks that shinobi but he was unable to specify his gender because he was not able to see him and then after a little pause the medical nin asks Nitish “Pretty cool. Hm, Alright... I need your name and Rank and we'll begin with running some tests to see whats going on with your eyes bud, alright?" And then after hearing the ninja Nitish says with anger in his voice “Hmmm…. What is cool about being blind it way much more hard to watch around the area and I was unable to doing my stuff.” And then when that ninja asked his Name and Rank Nitish states his information with any delay because he wants his eyes back “My name…. It’s Uchiha Nitish and I am a Academy Student.” And then after telling his name and rank, Nitish thinks if he was a medical nin or a fraud strolling around this place and asking details of random peoples for some crime. And then Nitish asks him “Hmmm… Well can you help me with my eyes…. Please.” And then after asking this Nitish waits for his answer.
Smiling the boy could not see him so he would have to be extra careful in the treatment of Nitish... but he didnt have his name quite yet so hold on for a sec, "Oioi, I am Minamoto Suyashi, Medical Chief Lead of Research, but I am also a field Doctor. So I can get you up and running easy enough!", then Nitish would explain the cool thing about being blind, it made Suyashi chuckle a bit. The Kid was cool with his blazing hair and smooth persona. Though, one would think, could it be over bravado to not be afraid when you could no longer see the world around you? Some would say... Maybe even Suyashi included, that that would take the beauty away from a lush world so Sushi would make sure he took great care of this boy now known to him as Nitish.

"Interesting name. Nitish. Yet, I know you'll be just fine... and yes. I can help you with your eyes.", holding the boy by his shoulder he would call out to him to begin their trip, "Alright. Stand up and I will lead you, Lift your hand and place it on my shoulder and follow me to the operating rooms, we'll run two tests and then get you back to seeing again Alright Nitish? No worries, Sushi got ya!", from there he would wait for Nitish to follow instructions then he would lead him down the hall to the point of the empty operating tables, Suyashi would do everything here keeping things as clean and sterile as possible. So with that, he'd call again...

"Alright, From here step and lay down. Keep your eyes open. And We'll begin unless you have any questions?"
As Nitish tell that person about himself and how he lost his eyes and tells him to introduce himself and then after a little while later Nitish gets his answer and he was “Minamoto Suyashi the medical chief.” And then after a little pause Nitish whispers to himself “well I get someone big in rank for my eyes that cool.” And then after a little while later hardly 30 seconds have gone that man says to Nitish that he will help him to get his vision back and then Nitish shouts out “really….. Thank you Suyashi san.” And then after saying this he says to hold his shoulder and follow the lead and then Nitish does the same way as he said Nitish stands up and places his hands on his shoulders and then goes with him towards the operating room so he can get his vision back once again and see the world with his new eyes and then he says to Nitish about laying down on that stretcher and then begin the operation and before that he says about keeping the eyes open. So Nitish does as he says because he was way too curious to get his vision back one again and able to see the world so Nitish slowly lays down on the stretcher and then open his eyes and says “Let’s begin the Operation Suyashi san.” And then Nitish waits for the operation getting started and getting his vision back as fast as he can.
The stage was set and Suyashi huffed quickly as he would look to Nitish, "Oi, Nitish... I'm going to put this mask on you... and then I want you to tell me something about the academy that you would like changed alright?", something that could help them both. Him talking about something would take his mind off the sleeping gas and he would eventually go to sleep while Suyashi would be able to take what he wanted changed and bring it to the higher ups. It was about time that he would talk to the New Hokage. Or well relatively new... Suyashi would smirk as he would listen to the boy and with a notepad he would write down everything he would say... prepared to take it to Kenshin of the Main Branch or even Shinzo his best friend... His brother in the arts.

Once Nitish fell asleep, Suyashi would prep the machine on his vitals, and giving him a line of pain mediators. Something that would keep him settled if things went array. Nodding at his table he would call the nurses into the room, to whom would help him with the procedure. Streamlining everything Suyashi handled everything himself. His hands controlling the delicate procedure with importance. He wanted to fix him as best he could be fixed... this was one of the first procedures he led since being a Medical Chief. However, he had to know his stuff... he was always studying and moving forward with research on how to make things more efficient with higher rates of full recovery. So through Nitish he would continue moving closer to that notion. One nurse sed medical ninjutsu to allow the blood to stay mostly with Nitish than spilling as a result. Though it was a fairly easy process.

They opened Nitish's eyes, and noticed the scars along the sides, the nerves were not properly connected and the cortex of the eyes. Optic Nerves seemed not to be able to be correctly adjusted which seemed to be progressing the macular degeneration that only came with age... but this boy was good to have come when he did, Suyashi would be able to fix it... and he would make it so these eyes would be perfect. It took a few hours, but by the time Suyashi was done Nitish's eyes were perfectly placed within his skull... He would have to wear patches over the eyes for a bit but they would work he retooled the chakra system attached to it, and reattached the retina with the lens of the eyes, but something that was bothering him... 'Who did this shotty surgery to him... I'll find out.'[/] nodding he would manage to position himself to the front of the operating table after having finished they would remove everything from Nitish and give him the Saline Solution that would help him as well as some pain killers to give him a chance to heal up.

They were able to heal up his eyes as well so they would have to see if the operation would be a success if he could open his eyes and see...

-Hours Later-

Nitish would be able to open his eyes and see the room he was in with Suyashi marking off the vitals to his right, "Nitish... If you can hear my voice... nod your head." and he would await the response before continuing. "Hm... I need you to try and open your eyes and let me know what you see. Just your left eye first then the right.", nodding he would wait again, this would be the ultimate test.
After a little while later when Nitish was lying on the stretcher Suyashi asks him that what he would like to change in academy after his vision is back and then without any delay Nitish answers Suyashi as he was way more excited because his vision is getting back “Ummm lets see I would like to see a completely new academy where everything can go peacefully and no one gets into anyone’s Matter.” And then after Nitish says this Nitish waits for Suyashi’s answer but first of anything Nitish want his vision back no matter if it costs him anything except his life after Nitish thinks this he mummers something so no one would hear him and it was “Well I want a academy full of darkness where I can control it. It’s good that I haven’t told Suyashi my true intentions, If I told him that he might refuse my surgery.” And after murmuring this Nitish felt asleep and before that he was a little feared about what he was going to do.

And Nitish was sleeping like a little kid peacefully but he don’t know that everyone there was doing his surgery and then after a little while later Nitish wakes up and then Suyashi asks Nitish if he could hear him or not and then Nitish replies him giving a grin “Yeah Suyashi san I can hear you. What is it?” and then after a little pause Suyashi says to Nitish that he want him to open his eyes if he can and if he can do try open your left eye and then the right one and then Nitish says to him “Okey Suyashi san.” And then Nitish follow the order of Suyashi as he said to him and he opens his left eye first and then the right eye and then after a little pause Nitish says to Suyashi “Suyashi san I can see but it’s a little blur.” And then after a little while later hardly 1 hours has past and then Nitish once again check the area near him and says “Suyashi san if you are one of them then I want to says you Thank you very much I can see once again and my vision is now completely back.” And then after says this Nitish grin and says “So, I may leave the hospital so I may not give you any more problem.” And then Nitish goes out of the operation theatre and then heads towards his house and decides to meet Riku tomorrow because he knew what Riku did to help him getting his vision back.


Current Ninpocho Time:
