Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Blocking out the noise

Tamashi Seto

Oct 31, 2022
OOC Rank
After walking down the numerous streets of the village, passing the countless stands and ignoring the occasional gaze put on him by those he passed by, he eventually decided to make his exit of the current situation, using his skills to make a getaway up a towering apartment to get away from everything that was happening down below. Once at the top, he sighed before he took a seat near the edge, crossing his legs and closing his eyes. It was all too much, the people, the noise, the talking. He knew he had been gone for a long time, but he didn't think It would hit him this hard. He shook his head gently to side to side. He exhaled before he calmed himself. He needed to relax before he would head back down. Clearing his mind of any and all distractions, he Inadvertently began gathering natural chakra from all around him, siphoning it into his body, merging his own chakra with what he was gathering. It took a few moments for him to realize what he was doing, and when he did, his eyes jolted away, the fading markings on his face disappearing. He hadn't realized meditation had become such a centerpiece of his life but he supposed it made sense given the direction his life was going in. Upon carefully releasing the natura chakra he had absorbed, he pulled himself up. He looked down at the bustling city below. It had only been a week since he had returned from his exile, and it was surreal, as If everything was a dream. When he was here last, he was a mere child, and a rather idiotic one at that, but now? He stood here, as something more. It was foreign, alien to him, this village, everything he was reexperiencing again. It made him question his oaths momentarily, no longer seeing himself as a lightning shinobi, but in a instant, his mind reminded him what it meant to take a oath. The part of his mind was right of course. Regardless of whether or not he foind kinship with these people or those who govern, he and his clan had taken a oath to serve and protect the people of this land, and It wasn't like he needed a oath to protect the weak defenseless from harm. The last thing he wanted, was people experiencing the same as him. That said, he sighed again afterwards while his crimson pupils starred up at the clouds. He knew, that in order to better protect those here, he would need to reform a kindship with the people here, buuut that meant going back down and mingling through the city streets again. He whimpered at the thought. He really didn't want to go down. In hindsight, he should have brought Shizu after kissing up to her after he had explained the entire situation that had went down. She didn't like obviously, but she wasn't a impulsive, stupid woman. He wasn't sure if she ever forgive him. He suddenly shook his head. He needed to focus on the task at hand. He didn't want to think about his mistakes right now. Peering over the edge once more, his crimson eyes peered down towards the streets below. It was time to get a move on, and maybe get one of those drinks Sunako always got when they were in the village.
Yuna was in her regular clothing, that is, not in her usual anbu garbs. Instead, she was wearing a set of light armor with a glove that goes up to her left shoulder underneath the armor. The Anbu Sennin had decided to have a relaxation day. After all of the things that she's been doing, from fighting rogues, to paperwork, to branch management, to paperwork, to giving out missions, to,
you guessed it, paperwork.

She's been diligently doing her job, but no matter how long she goes into Sennin business, it's all just mountains of paperwork. So today, she decided to relax. The problem is... She doesn't really know how to relax. Turns out, the life that she's lived some years before she took up Sennin position has kept her busy and on her toes to the point that she was damn near paranoid. Her time in Sand was probably the most stressful that she has been. Shaking the thought out of her head, she thought back at what her father would do to relax. Watch sunsets. It seemed so simple but the fact that she would always hear stories of her father either meeting new people or having a renewed sense of purpose was a lot of times taken during the times that he was watching sunsets.

The only problem is... Well Cloud Village, the village hidden in the clouds, doesn't get much good sunsets, especially when it is during the winter time. Yuna would sigh as she would roam the rooftops, her footsteps along with her jumping from rooftop to rooftop barely audible even to the trained ears of a shinobi. She would then soon stop to see a boy watching out into the distance, almost in a meditative state. She can't see, but she can feel the natural chakra enveloping him. She may no longer be a sage, but she still knows the feeling of natural chakra. She would wait until he was done concentrating before speaking from a distance away, "Hey." And once she has gotten his attention, she would speak up once more, "Trying to relax and connect with nature and the environment?" Her voice soft but only a tiny bit deep, surprising if anyone was expecting the Anbu Sennin to sound differently, for those who don't know her. She also had chosen to only say hey and wait for a response because she knows that she is part opportunist core ability, so sometimes she's being stealthy and sneaking up on people when she doesn't really think that she is.
He was mustering the courage to head down, down back into the chaos below that was the village when he heard an foreign voice call out for him, one he couldn't recognize. Despite that fact however, or the fact he had lowered his guard enough for someone to approach him without even him picking up on it, he kept his focus on the hundreds of miniature dots below, not even lifting a single muscle to turn in the direction of the voice, keeping his shoulders relaxed.He couldn't really explain it, but he felt no hostilities from her, at least for now anyway. He could only figure It was from his training as a sage. He was had a skill for perception, being able to square up someone up, or able to sense when danger drew but his time away had trained his senses to a level he never thought possible before, and to think, he hadn't even reached the ceiling out. "Something like that....I've never really been one for the city....It just....well, I'm sure you know." He spoke in a casual tone before he paused momentarily. A few seconds drew by before he finally turned his body in the direction of the voice, revealing a young woman that instantly reminded him of Shizu. That stature, that hair & eye color, even he pigment of her skin, he raised a eyebrow ever so slightly. He wouldn't be surprised If they were related, but he knew better than that. If she had relatives in the village itself, even as long distant branch clan members, he would know since she probably pond into his head for one reason or another.

young Seto12.2DB.png

Tamashi Seto
"So what do I owe the pleasure...beautiful? I can assure you I am no threat to the village"

While he kept to a nonchalant, friendly like tone, there was a hint of serious in his tone. He knew what he said, but he wasn't trying to come off as offensive, obnoxious or a flirt, though from prior experience, he wouldn't be surprised If she took it the wrong way. Women in this village, for some reason he could never understand, hated being complimented. He softly sighed a few moments later, his eye lids closing momentarily before he revealed his crimson eyes once more. "I do tend to attract the femme fatale type for some reason~" *He relaxed further, letting out a brief, soft, quiet chuckle. He made an attempt to stop himself, but it was rather pointless, after all, he had been surrounded by powerful women his entire life. To him, it was just how the world worked, and he knew better to question it by this point. His stance straighten somewhat, becoming slightly more serious before he spoke again, making a faint smile while boasting a sympathetic expression, raising his eyebrows.

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Tamashi Seto
"Ehh, don't take what I say as too serious....It's just a old habit I have, I meant no offense...."

Hopefully this mystery woman would understand, or at least, laid back, otherwise it be looking like he be in the doghouse again. He was already in three, he needed to be thrown into a fourth now. Knowing his luck, she be somebody important too...​
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"Chaotic?" Yuna had provided an answer for the boy, given his thoughts on city life. True, it can be chaotic, even on the best days. But it is something that Yuna has adapted to been able to handle on a daily basis, when it comes to just transiting to chasing down a criminal, which she hasn't done in a while. The boy finally turned around and had raised his eyebrow at her. It isn't everyday that someone meets a woman with purple hair, so she thought that maybe it. She walked over and rested her arms on the edge of the roof as she looked out.

She then heard the comment the boy had given her. She would scoff before saying, "Don't flatter yourself. I don't roll that way." She fell silent as she processed her own words. She's been sinlge for a long time, but there was only one instance in which she had felt butterflies in her stomach. When she was in Sand and had met Momo. Momo is a Cloud ninja, like her, that had found her way into Sand. And when Momo had spoke to her, in a very flirtatious manner, Yuna was very tempted to flirt back. So Yuna had thought about it for a minute before she came to understand that she herself, likes other women. "Well if you were a threat to the Village, I would have already dispose of you. As for femme fatale, I'm only fatal to those deserving of it."

He then told her that she shouldn't take what he says too seriously as he doesn't mean any offense. She would sigh before saying, "Don't worry about it. I've heard worst. "This time kind of reminds her when Hon had started tracking her down when she was a Jinchurriki. She didn't think that he knew she was a jinchurriki so she thought he was just some stalker, whereas Hon was just trying to ensure safety. Even though she was facing a little bit away from him as she stared out into the city, she was aware of where he was simply by hearing his own blood flow. Chigokai are like that, and her father had made sure to hammer it into her head to always listen for blood flows. Her father was even able to discern peoples emotions or even intentions by how the blood flowed.
And there it was, the typical Kumogakure kunoichi mentality he was all too familiar with. He wanted to say he was surprised, shocked even, but by this point, he would only be shocked If the opposite occurred, which in his experience, very rarely happened, and this one was no different, evident of the tone she took. She even showed the same level of aggression, returning the favor If he was, in fact a threat, he would already be put into the ground. A faint chuckle escaped his lips while he subtle smile.

young Seto12.2DB.png

Tamashi Seto
"You wouldn't be the first Kunoichi to make such a claim, Jonin or not. At least Lady Shinrya knew how to roll with it and have some fun~"

He chuckled on for an another second or two in a nonchalant demeanor before taking a moment to silence himself. He turned to a few skyscrapers in the distance, folding crossing his arms in the distance. His mind momentarily wondered if they were administrative buildings before he very subtly shook his head, forcing his mind to keep to the matter at hand, this new acquaintance of his. He had clearly never seen her before, let alone met her, but than again, he had been gone for quite some time. He wasn't even sure If Lady Shinrya was still the Raikage. For all he knew, she could have stepped down or worse, not that he really wanted to ponder on such fates, having taken a likening to her when he was younger. After all, she was one of the very few women were able to tolerate him back than without resorting to passive aggression. He kept his attention the city Infront of him, keeping his back to her without any ill reason. "Do you find solace up here amongst all the mayhem you must deal with every day?"

He spoke up in a more serious tone, returning closer to usually how he spoke normally. He had no idea who she was, but he could feel she was someone of importance.
She didn't need to tell him, though he doubted she would unless he asked directly or did stupid to prompt her to do so. It went without saying too that he didn't needed to be told or at be the receiving side of a death glare to know this one could probably kill him as well, not that It bothered him, or brought fear to him. If anything, he felt more at ease around such women. Regardless, on this matter, he just had a sixth sense for these type of things, having been training and fighting nearly to the death for as long as he remembered. Eventually, he tilted his head over the shoulder slightly, the edge of his left eye looking in her direction as he continued speaking.

young Seto12.2DB.png

Tamashi Seto
"It was never really my become a sage, but I do certain situations, it does help with finding one's inner peace. Without it, I'd probably find myself on these roof tops escape the chaos below."

His eyed laxed after that, though his shoulders stiffened a bit, still clinging to his normal serious demeanor. For a moment afterwards, a thought had posed in his mind to see If she wanted to do something together to expel some of this anxiety, and some steam off, but given her responses so far, he was sure she would take slightly offense, thinking he was trying to make advance on her or something of the sort. Truth be told, the city was simply foreign and alien to him as much as It seemed friendly and relaxing when he was a child. It was frankly a bit jarring for him to be in this place. After she would surely blow him off, treating him as some flirt or pervert, he grab his strength and back down. He was sure he could find, what Sunako call it again? A saki bar? He was sure he could find one. Tricking a commoner was childs play for him, even during his early days at the academy.​
"Well that is Kitsune-sama. I haven't really had much chance for much harmless banter." This holds true even before her time as a Sennin. As soon as she became a ninja it was one crazy mission after another for her. It was especially hard for her when she arrived back home from her mission in Sand. Gaining the Sennin position and then learning about her father's death right after. Along with that now having to manage a whole branch of people along with fix her predecessors slave problem. Not to mention it seems to be that the Main Branch ninja have a thing against the ANBU for some reason or another. From the previous Main Branch Sennin about to fight her, to see her worth, to a jounin wanting to fight her, more out of pure loyalty.

It truly has been, if not one thing it's another, moment for her. She really had hoped to have the chance today to just wind down a bit. Yuna took a deep breath and thought about an answer as the boy had asked her. "Honestly? I don't know, really. My father had always told me stories of his time in Leaf. How he'd watch the sunset to calm down. As you know, we don't get much memorable sunsets here, especially during the wintertime. But maybe I'd thought that going to a place far up may help... I don't know, center myself, if that makes any sense."

Yuna paused as she listened to the boy speak again, saying that he is a sage, and it wasn't planned, but it had helped him find inner peace at times. She thought about the times in which she was an archsage. Very deeply connected to her contracts. But again, it was her pain and sorrow that had welled up inside her that made her lose that inner peace. Her pain and sorrow had unlocked a power inside of her that had dwelled from within waiting to be unlocked. "I was once a sage..." She started. "But when I had lost my father... the pain and sadness had built up inside me to the point that I lost that deep connection with my contracts. I've managed so far. Heck, this is the first time in a long time that I've decided to make time for myself to try and relax." This was also only the second time that she has talked about her father to another person. At first, it was hard for her. Now a second time, it still stings, as Seto might be able to tell the pain in her voice as she had talked about her father, though no tears have fallen. Yuna took another deep breath. She has cried her tears for her father already. She knows that he would want her to be happy and strong for him and for everyone.
He gave her a gentle nod at her response. He was sure she wasn't bluffing, knowing the pain of leadership to some extent, being the heir of his clan. He had only returned a week ago since his "exile" and since that moment of return, he has few chances at relaxation, let alone sleep. Today was really the first day he had any of that, or rather, he found a opportunity to slip away, consequences be dammed. He had already overseen several small scale projects, attempted a negotiation between two clan families to find a solution and having been forced by his mother to write several documents down for diplomacy purposes, than there was the Kami clan merger. He quietly sighed to himself at that thought, not wanting to think about that right now. He was already at his wits end. If he had to end just one more conflict between Izumai and Shizu, he might explode from rage and do something stupid. Her taking a deep breath before speaking caught his attention, and when she spoke, lamenting about Kumogakure's disappointing sunsets and her father's past experiences, he couldn't help but agree with another nod of his head, his vision still scouring the countless roof tops for any dangers when the both of them knew there wasn't any to be found, not on their level anyway.

young Seto12.2DB.png

Tamashi Seto
"True enough I suppose, though to be frank, my childhood memories of this place have become a if they no longer matter.....Ironic...I know."

He spoke about such things, implying as If he was no longer a child, even though the later was true. Despite what he had gone though, everyone here he had met today, treated him like any other inexperienced, energetic genin who had something to grow. A few years ago, he would have agreed without hesitation, thinking back on it, but that was than. He had always been forced to grow up faster than most but found time & energy to have "fun" as he called it. Before, It was just training that would nearly take his life to please his father, to gain his approval as heir despite knowing he could never live up to his elder sister's prowess, and now, he was performing work akin to a former administrator of nobility in service to a Daimyo, like the old ways. Then there was of course, the political marriages and the aspect of further heir rearing, another topic he didn't enjoy thinking about.

When the young woman began speaking again, this time, citing she was once too a sage, as well as sharing her own ill omen relationship with her father, a powerful gust of wind blew past them, catching him off guard momentarily as several leaves flew past. He gently pushed his bangs to the side with two fingers, returning his vision. He than turned to face her as she continued speaking about the lost of her father and the pain she carries within herself. That was the moment she captivated him, drew him in. With this stranger of all people, he had instantly found a connection on her on a deeper level than he had envisioned when she first appeared. He didn't say any initially, still processing her words, his eye lids closing for a brief time before he beamed at her with his crimson eyes.

young Seto12.2DB.png

Tamashi Seto
"Hmm....I more ways than one.....but I won't pretend to know the full depth's of the pain you carry. It's something we all gain at some point I suppose..."

He paused momentarily, looking up at the sky, and by extension, the blazing sun.
"Even though most probably see me as a joke still, I've learned through life, no matter how young I am, that father's are difficult. Mine still lives, and some ways, he's already been dead to me for quite some time, having never lived upto his expectations until recently.....but only through Kami forbidden means..."
Returning his attention back at the young woman, he made a deeply sigh, closing his eyes before they returned to meet her eyes.
"Since the day I was born, I was gifted....gifted with these crimson eyes....the eyes of "hatred"....As you know no doubt, they are a powerful weapon.....when wielded correctly, but as much as they are a blessing, they are equally a curse as well....forever dooming me to the path of sorrow and further trauma.....that is, If I ever wish to unlock the full extent of it's power.....It's not something I look forward to...."

He closed his eyes after after. He began thinking of his past and how he got here. While he could no doubt measure upto to the same suffering and trauma this one went through, he could still understand another broken soul like himself when he saw one, and while most veterans never spoke of their past, and usually for good reason, he found strength in releasing it, whether through speaking to another, or using it to fuel himself in battle from prior experiences. If she didn't wish to speak of her past, that was fine by him as well. It was not something easily done, and It wasn't as If he was a master of it himself. He just knew talking to another like himself was easier than someone who never experienced trauma or lost, unless it was someone who loved you unconditional, but that was a separate can of worms altogether.
"Forced to grow." Yuna would reply to Seto talking about his childhood memories no longer meaning anything to him, almost as if how he talked, he wasn't a kid. In their line of work, mainly at the beginning of their career, something happens, usually a traumatizing event that would spur the power inside a person to show. But in a way, what they were talking about was different, something even the common man with no chakra abilities can sympathize with. Having to grow up faster.

To be honest, Yuna lived a rather sheltered life before she had decided to go into the life of a ninja. It wasn't until when her father came back from a mission one day that she wanted to be one. Not out of pride or some sense of duty, no. It was to stop her father from going out on dangerous missions. Her first real mission was to act as both a diplomat for Sand, and an assassin to take out Mirokou Akkuma. To be honest, she had only half succeeded, and even then, it doesn't really mount to much. There is no alliance between the two nations, however they are also not at each others throats.

She would listen as the boy spoke more until he fell quiet. Blood had come out of her right hand and solidified to form a small crimson knife before it had liquified and went back into her body. "My father was a healer. Near when he first started his career as a ninja, many people were wary of him. Wary that he had the Chigokai bloodline in him as well as him being a dark sage." She remembered stories Ziren would tell her. How back in Leaf if nobody knew him, but knew about him, they would be a little bit wary of him. "But even still. he was a good man. Some wpuld say even too good. I've thought of my father as someone who was like a philosopher. He would always try to see the good in people, even if he shouldn't. He really believed in trying to make it his goal to achieve world peace. But to do so, he would also partake in dangerous missions. My mother would worry about his wellbeing until I forced him to retire and not go on anymore missions. It didn't last long until he had answered an urgent mission..."

Her voice trailed off. Her mind lost in thoughts before she would then say, "If he was here with us, I'm sure that he would tell you something along the lines of, 'Your eyes are what you make them to be, not what everyone else had said is the most likely outcome.' Or something like that." She would take a breath before saying, "Truth be told, my father being a Chigokai, and my mother being an Uchiha, I'm surprised that I'm doing so well. So maybe don't listen to all the stereotypes about bloodlines and whatnot."
Having a growing respect for a fellow survivor & warrior, he kept his focus on her, his one eye instantly picking upon the ever solidinating blood that was taking form in her right hand, a crimson knife of sorts taking sorts. Despite the sudden appearance of such a unusual weapon, he quickly ignored as she began responding in kind, speaking more of her father, first about the bias he faced despite his nature as a good individual, than the theoretical advice he would give if he was standing before. It was something worth pondering about but world peace? Such a idealistic view to take, and yet, he was in no condition to criticize, being a patron of honor and duty and the foreign concept of noblesse oblige, all three traits not far off to the idealistic view of world peace, at least when taken correctly. If this benevolent individual was still amongst us, there was no doubt he would get along well with his elder sister, who somehow held similar views despite carrying the same eyes as him. He, on the other hand, considered himself far too gone, having already seen some of the world's most brutal acts to be so naive, to be believe in such ideals, but he could at least find some respect for such individuals who found the strength to do so. Being a pragmatic realist had it's pro's, even If it often clashed with his ideology of the perfect warrior. His eyebrows lowered somewhat at the thought, another topic he often lamented.​

For several moments afterwards, his mind wandered back to what she said in the later, that his eyes alone didn't define him. She was of course, right. While he had never met a pure Uchiha like himself, his mother often spoke tales of the now, fractured clan, speaking of those who had fallen to despair, or worse, to achieve their dreams and goals. It sickened him, even to this day, despite what he had gone through, that such individuals would do such lengths to achieve such power, even If it meant brining harm or worse, death, to their kind or close friends. If anything, the thought made his blood boil, his mind momentarily filled with rage at the thought. While he wasn't directly related to the vast majority of the kin within his clan, he would never lower himself to do such a thing, even down to the lowly rice paddy farmer. To him, they were extended family, all worth his protection, even if others didn't see it that way, but even if his parents didn't think alike, they still taught him well, his mother, eldest sister and his mentors in particular, making sure to ingrained his tiny being with the ideals of a true warrior, one who lived by the sword, for good, and for worse.

Tamashi Seto
"There is wisdom in such words..."
He paused momentarily, his voice trailing off before his tone turned slightly darker.
" this reality, the world is much more complex, especially for individuals such as ourselves. Clinging to said ideals and ways of life is much easier in practice, during times of peace, than the later, especially when your in hell....In the short time I've lived, I've learned first hand that one doesn't unlock their potential by merely training or participating in civil like activities.
If I've learned anything....for one such as myself, only the opposite rings true......that only when a warrior is pushed to their absolute limits, facing death in the eye, can they shatter their prior limitations, finding the conviction to fight on, no matter the odds."

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OOC: I had to break this up into two posts for some reason. The site would not let me post it as one post for some reason.

Dark words he spoke indeed, but it was the only truth he knew. Had he stayed in the village or trained as a normal Genin, he would be a beyond, weakling Genin, barely able to muster a fight. Thanks to the trials he had undergone, willing or not, he now wielded such strength that allowed him to even fight amongst the Kumogakure Jonin, and perhaps come out on top, and If he was being frank with himself, he hadn't even reached a fourth of his true potential, his crimson eyes included. That said, he knew his answer wasn't a direct one to the response she made, towards the fear he had in his heart for what would be required to unlock the final evolutionary step in his eyes. He than turned back to the city below them, turning his back to her once more, if only for a few minutes at most. A gentle breeze flew by, before he spoke, this time, in a less deadly serious voice.

Tamashi Seto
"Though I hold no love for this village or it's people, I have not forgotten the ancient oath's my clan swore to the ancient daimyo's of old, who granted us refuge when no one else would. I will protect this place, even with my life If need be, just as my ancestors had done before me.....Even If I can't find myself to believe in the same views as your father, no matter the wisdom they may hold, there is still truth within them that cannot be ignored..."
"Only those who are prepared to kill, should be killed in kind.."
"Those who lack the means to fight, to protect themselves, or even to flee, should never be targeted by the strong...."

He stood emotionless for several moments afterwards, pondering on his own words for reasons unknown to even himself, even If he truly believed in them. He wasn't sure If she felt the same or even cared, but it didn't matter. He wasn't idealistic as her father, could never hope to be, but he still held on to similar beliefs. Eventually he sighed, tilted his head over his shoulder, and looked back at her with a faint smile, his eyebrows raised as his shoulder slumbered down, relaxing himself.

Tamashi Seto
"Jeez, sorry about that. Didn't meant to get all philosophical on you or anything. I'm sure you didn't come up here for a debate or talk about work. I had enough of that myself~"

He chuckled afterwards before he remembered her last words, citing that she was holding up surprising well, considering the bloodlines that made her. He chuckled some more as he relaxed his arms underneath the wide sleeves of his blue kimono.

Tamashi Seto
"I can understand that. My mother is both a Uzumaki and a Uchiha.....Still trying to figure out that one~"
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Peace... Such an idealistic way of thinking, something that nearly everyone hopes to achieve, but so far out of reach. Truth be told, before she gained Sennin status, she started her ninja career to keep her dad from going out on dangerous missions. She basically took up his mantle of trying to achieve the impossible. World peace. And she experienced it first hand at how hard it is to try and obtain it.

Her mind flashed back to her time in Sand. The whole ordeal with Mirokou Akkuma... He is the man that ordered the attacks on both Cloud and Leaf, and after the Sennin Games, and Kazekage Raizo's disappearance, Akkuma had gained Sennin title and thusly, political immunity, or rather, just made it even harder for her to try and assassinate him. And conversing with the new Kazekage, he wasn't as warm and welcoming as Raizo, even turned away the thought of ridding a multi nation problem, aka Akkuma. Coinicdentally enough, Yuna had a similar talk with Akkuma about world peace. He talked of the treaties as fake and proved it by having a mercenary attack both Leaf and Cloud, though it was mainly Leaf that broke away from Sand.

"That is the reality, isn't it?" She would finally say, "Though to give up on the hope for a better future can often make the world grimmer than it already is. I agree that it is just some dream that seems just out of reach or even impossible. Believe me, I had to make some hard decisions, they may be right, or they may have been wrong, but because of it, there has been less blood spilt. Even though we are ninja and kunoichi, made to be like weapons, we are also humans, something that will forever remain true."

Yuna would listen as the boy spoke more, speaking of how though he doesn't like the Village but he does feel indebt to it as it had helped his clan before going into a little bit of philosohpy himself. "I guess the reason why I fight now is to achieve what my father wanted. Pretentious, I know, but it helps me think of my father when he would tell me stories of the things that he has done, where he has gone to try his best to make a difference in the world." She would shake her head as he would try to apologize for being philosophical, "It's fine. I haven't had much time to really have a talk like this with anyone really."

He had went on to talk about his own heritage and trying to figure it out. Yuna would nod, understanding too well. Her own father, when he didn't know about his own powers, thought it was a curse and even then, in his real early times was scared to use it until he found himself able to use the powers without fear. "Well, I hope that you are able to find out."
It was refreshing to hear someone outside his clan to have a similar mindset, to be able to see the world for what it truly was, than what It could be under ideal circumstances. Having seen the world for it what it was, a chaotic animal that couldn't be tamed, It was probably yet another reason why his mind had subconsciously tried it's best for him to forget his time as a Genin at the academy, his teachers always preaching that he, along with the others, were the future, and that depending on the path they could take, could bring the world closer to peace. It always sounded like a idealistic dream, but now, thinking back on it, even for a moment, It made him cringe on the inside. He found it hard how anyone, let alone adults to believe in such idea's. Regardless, he could do nothing but agree with her words regarding the nature of war. He hadn't experienced it much, but he knew war usually wasn't so cut and dry as many liked to believe. He didn't need to experience it to know that being pragmatic and realistic often collided with being noble, to be honorable on the battlefield. It was, quite frankly, a paradox he didn't know how to solve. He lamented at the thought, making a soundless sigh while he kept listening to the conversation. She spoke of her reasoning for fighting, highlighting her desire to fulfill her father's dream. Pointless It was, as she lamented, but a noble one nonetheless. There was no dishonor in such a thing, and he could respect that, but than he found himself perplexed at what came next. His eyebrows raised. He wasn't expecting her next response after he apologized for being, rather overly philosophical.

young Seto12.2DB.png

Tamashi Seto
""Oh? Is that so? I suppose that would be true for someone of your station, being a Jonin and all. Adulting leaves little time for relaxation or debate between the minds, unless it dissolves into an argument."

He knew better by this point than to make assumptions, but It wasn't exactly rocket science to know Jonin, Cloud or not, were busy individuals, often given important assignments or duties, and he very well doubted she was no exception, who she was. Still, he didn't mind giving her the attention she needed. It wasn't as If he had ever had any deep conversation with anyone from within the calls of the village itself. He had went on to talk about his own heritage and trying to figure it out. Yuna would nod, understanding too well. Her own father, when he didn't know about his own powers, thought it was a curse and even then, in his real early times was scared to use it until he found himself able to use the powers without fear. "Well, I hope that you are able to find out." As with keeping the flow of the conversation more relaxed, she offered him luck, albeit indirectly, in figuring out how a Nanjirou got with a Uzumaki Uchiha hybrid or even the circumstances that led upto his mother's birth. He made a doubtful murmur while sighing, making a sarcastic expression but saying nothing. He wasn't even sure he wanted to know, given the topic at hand. After a few moments of nodding his head, he looked back up at the Jonin woman, his expression turning a tad more serious.

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Tamashi Seto
"This is a little off topic, but I was wondering If Lady Rei Is still alive. She is.....or was a powerful kunoichi in her own right, but it's been a few years since...well."

He paused for a moment before continuing.
"Alot can change in that time.....and It wasn't as If time was gonna stop for me alone."
"Yeah." Yuna would reply simply to what Seto had said, merely accepting the fact that he had called her a Jounin. Her eyes searched out over the horizon. That is something that a lot of anbu have to deal with. Acting like something that they're not, and Yuna knew all too well how to act like she wasn't. Him just assuming that she was a Jounin just makes it easier to go along with a lie.

She shifted her gaze from the horizon to Seto as he asked about Rei. "Rei-sama." Yuna corrected him. Yuna had only one interaction with Ryu Rei and it was when the Former Main Branch Sennin tried to tell her how to do her job and to not step out of line. Despite that, Yuna could tell that Rei was hurting along with having the understanding to listen to what Yuna had to say to her. "She had retired. From my understanding she had personal things in her life, enough for her to need to step down and focus on herself and her life. There is talks that there is a new Main branch Sennin now."The way she spoke held no ill will towards Ryu Rei despite the situation that her retirement had put her in. The empty spot meant that Yuna had to do double time on working around the clock to help out where she can on maintaining her own branch along with checking up on the Main branch every now and then. Her talking about a new main branch Sennin, Orochi Sakura, to see if the ninja in the Main Branch even know who their new Sennin is.

Regrettably, after Sakura became the new Main Branch Sennin, she hasn't shown much face. And then there is the Medical Sennin... She wonders if they even have one.
Hearing her "correct" him made him chuckle a bit, considering the person they were talking, someone who was never big on titles in the first place, or at least, from what he could remember of her, which now, seemed forever ago. When she spoke of her retiring however, his expressions changed immediately, from a sympatric smile, to surprise, to sadness, although he didn't know why since he didn't know her much compared to the Raikage.

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Tamashi Seto
"I see....that is....unexpected. I hope she is doing better now...She is however strong. I have no doubt she eventually come back to us. Lady Shinrya relied on her as much as she relies on others now."

He went silent for a few moments. He was clearly caught off by this development, despite the fact she wasn't dead, or the fact he had only interacted with the woman a few times, and he couldn't even remember them aside from the last time. Still, to hear a Sennin step down was something of a big deal, especially for those who prioritized their career over everything else, that he could talk much. If he didn't already have a "wife", a daughter and a fiancé, he wouldn't be thinking about anything else either than the mission, and the training in-between. He couldn't remember If Lady Rei had family, but if she didn't, he hoped she wasn't lonely. No one deserves to be alone, even If they aren't paragons of justice. After a few moments, he turned towards her, his head once more, nearly resting on his shoulder as he spoke.

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Tamashi Seto
"Care to join me for some tea at one of the village's tea houses? I couldn't tell you why, but it does wonders for the soul. It's not meditation, but it is a nice alternative to the former once and while, especially when your in the company of another who thinks similar to yourself."

Having just asked a serious question, making an attempt not to come off as "flirty" or anything that might give off a such a vibe, he further refrained himself from making another joke, highly doubting she take it the right way. He never understand the culture of this village. They raised children assassins to kill and to perform espionage, but they couldn't have a drink. Ok, granted, he had never Saki, and he didn't know If he could take it like those in the clan could, like his old Kishi, but dammit, this was frustrating to some extent. He supposed he could just ask Izumai for such liquor. It wasn't like she was one for turning down his requests as long as he "fed" her chi. He certainly wasn't foolish enough here to ask the Jonin for permission, given his age, and her past responses.​


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"Yeah." Was all that she had said when it came to the talk about Rei and how Kitsune has other people to rely on. Heck, She relies on Yuna herself a lot ever since she had granted her Sennin-ship. Don't get her wrong, Yuna is grateful for being Sennin now but it would be better to know if she didn't have to do all of this admin stuff on her own along with picking up main branch and sometimes even medical branch slack. Once those two positions are filled with reliable people, Yuna would like to hope that her job will get easier to where she can focus on her branch.

She would listen as he would consider what he had offered, getting some tea and relaxing. But just then her earpiece buzzed to life. Yuna would take a deep breath and let out a sigh. "It seems like I am needed." She would walk over to the edge of the roof, her feet half off. "You take care of yourself." She would casually wave before leaning over just enough to let gravity take effect. As she fell, she would twist her body around and land gracefully onto the ground with no problems.

(topic left unless stopped)
Tilting his head in her direction, his crimson eyes watched as she muted she was needed elsewhere. He gave a slight nod as she made her exit. Moments after her silhouette disappeared from his view, he momentarily looked at the sun, the day still young, a faint sigh escaped him. As much as he lamented it in the moment, he knew he she follow her example, being a instrumental person to his clan. People would sometimes compare him to a entitled, privileged, kid, and perhaps they were right, but he still had his fair share of responsibilities no normal kid had to put up with., and he had definitely gone through more than the normal Genin.

young Seto12.2DB.png

Tamashi Seto
"Time to get back to it I guess.....I've wasted enough time as it is."

After a few more seconds, he walked over to the edge and looked over, silent as usual. It was time to make his own exit. If he didn't, he be in the doghouse, and that was the last thing he needed nor wanted. The last thing he needed was his two wives riding his ass on playing "hookie". At least with a Jonin, he would have had a excuse, but not now. Regardless, he had a young daughter back at home, waiting for him, relying on him, despite being only a few years older than her. Kami's were something else. Still, she was young and untested. He needed to prepare her for the future, and even If he wasn't, he did enjoy spending time with her since she take after him than Izumai, thank the great kami's, though he admit she was a little too serious at times. He couldn't talk. He didn't think he a parent for at least fifteen more years, and definitely not with another woman, but that was life for you. After sighing one more last time, he took a leap off the edge and making his way down to civilization, his chakra racing down to his feet, his boots stuck to the surface of the building as he race down below to continue his day.


Current Ninpocho Time:
