Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Open Botanica garden x Open

A patch of dirt was placed back in the compound box. "That should cover it.." he sat on the ground, on his knees, and placing a glove out he wiped the sweat off his forehead. His hairs were tied up and his sennin cloak was on the chair by a stack of papers. He gained a smile on his face, today was a day he felt good and genuine. "Alright..." He would walk off to grab a few chalkboard pins and wrote on them. "I just need to mark them... so that I know what where and when..." He would nod towards himself and grin. "After that, it's tea time... I have some amazing time done..." He double-checked the herb that he picked for tea... as he knew he would possibly freckle this up easily. But after triple checking it, it was mint leaves he had. "Imagine if I did freckle up... What would Keiji say..." That was the moment he caught himself on the fact that he thought again of him. "And... Hikaru..." he shook his head.

Outside, when he finally had his tea, he started to smoke and sat outside the garden, the rays of sun hit his skin and it felt warm. "Such a lovely day today..." The sennin spoke and held his eyes closed. He had a day off from the paperwork in the Byion, and he felt like relaxing and reminding him of the older times when he was around his herbal garden.

[Open topic]

Shusuke was roaming the Konoha Byoin, his mother was insisting that he familiarized himself with this area before graduating as he was being *encouraged* to join this branch by her. As a Genjutsu focused shinobi she kept telling Shusuke that he should learn supportive techniques and become a field medic as he was already specializing for the back lines. A sigh came from his lips as he roamed the medical campus looking for something interesting.

Eventually making his way through a garden area? He paused for a moment and looked around. He didn’t realize there was a variety of plants that grew at the compound. At home there were plants in almost every corner and dwelling on almost every surface. One of his hobbies were maintaining not only his plants but studying them and their properties. He wouldn’t admit it but he really wanted to study to become a mednin and learn how to create different types of medical applications out of the various herbs he was seeing in a garden like this. The prowess of Genjutsu and plant care was after all a signature of a strong and brilliant mind, at least that’s what his dad told him on a regular basis. Nevertheless he was fascinated by the prospect of utilizing such mundane plants like these as treatments for various ailments.

It was at this point that Shusuke saw a man sitting outside smoking and drinking something that smelt sweet and with a cool spice to it, perhaps a minty blend of some kind. Finding purchase a few yards away, Shusuke would rest and let out a deep relaxing sigh. He enjoyed the slow days, ones where he wasn’t wielding his blade learning how to render flesh from his foe nor focusing on destroying the minds of those who opposed him, but days where he could feel human.

To feel human, a strange concept for a boy to be pondering at this age, but being raised by two shinobi and being trained from a young g age to turn both his mind and his body into a weapon made him feel less and less like a regular person everyday. Perhaps it would get better once he graduated? Probably not, after all at that point he would be confirmed as a weapon and no longer a citizen of this village, and rather a soldier instead. Piquing his curiosity Shusuke would speak up without looking towards the older man.

”What does it mean to be human? I know it’s a weird question, but what makes us different than the blades we hold?”

Not knowing who he was talking to the boy looked over to the Sennin with an innocent smile and a soft chuckle that faded rather quickly. His pale skin and glided hair looked vibrant in the sun’s warm rays, but his soft pupiless eyes were cold in contrast. His hands were obvious new to blisters but small calluses could be seen below. His face was free from scarring which clearly showed off his inexperience in the true world of the shinobi. He was after all raised in a rather simple family, nothing note worthy for a shinobi family at least.

”I’m sorry to throw that out of no where Ojisan, I’ve just have had it on my mind a lot. See I’m a student and I hope to be close to graduating soon, but I don’t know what to do after that. Maybe I can use what I learned to help real people, ya know?”

Another deep sigh escaped from his lips as his gaze shifted towards the sky as he leaned back and laid down. He enjoyed the company of adults, they could carry conversations that were more impactful than what the newest trends and fads that the kids talked about.

Nao's gaze would wander to the little person that joined him by these herbal gardens. "Hmm..." He would think and hear him call him an ojisan. "oi, oi... I might be older than you, but I am far from that... Sazuki Nao." He would sigh at his words and shift a bit in his sitting position. It was good that he finally could move his leg in a more comfortable position.... It did remind him that he should let Keiji check it out sometime soon... But by just the thought he shook his head a little violent and would answer the other.

"Well... What does it mean to be human? Or, putting the point a bit more precisely, what are we saying about others when we describe them as human?" he would ask him that in return, as his own question could have been going at multiple sides. Then he would direct the other to his other thing. "That is always good to do... To use what you have learned into school and graduation. And you are never too old to learn either. That being either real action or just a figure of speech... For example, with the cooking, you can help yourself and many others. It is something you have learned. So that honestly depends on what you wish to follow."

Current Ninpocho Time:
