Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Break Time [Private]


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Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Unable to sleep, or more like unwilling to sleep, Endo sat in his rather plain looking office with nothing but the light of the moon to keep him company. His thoughts a mess, he couldn't quite wrap his head around how best to initiate his people to action. It was sad, on one hand he loved them and on the other he hated them. They were like a child with no direction, thinking the world this wonderfully safe place when in fact it was controlled by mad men and inhabited with the vilest of creations. His head in his hands he leaned back in his chair and looked out the window behind him. The moon was beautiful tonight, not the typically romanticized full moon but a crescent the likes of which dared him to go hunting for its secrets. He sighed and yawned, he'd love to sleep tonight but in his dreams he knew that he'd find only more questions of doubt. Then again, there was that Sarunishi fellow. He had yet to entertain the rather interesting guest but striking up a conversation with such a man was the furthest thing from being easy to do. Meh, he'd send for the man when he did, for now he was content to let his mind wander with no restraints.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
[First, sorry it took me so long. Been a busy week with all the building and whatnot]

Sarunishi's mind wandered as usual on the approach. The offices were relatively nice to him. He moved gently and silently along the floors as most Shinobi would. A smile was ever present on his face this day. Well, night as it was, but that rarely stopped Sarunishi's advanced. Night was surprisingly a bit of a hindrance for him. His bright red eyes seemed to glow ever so slightly in the night like that of a cat or other semi-nocturnal beast. He'd make his way to the Kage's office with little delay for truth be told he wanted to know more about himself and what had happened. It was his real chance at getting himself assimilated back into the world. Leaf had offered him such an opportunity, but it was mixed with lies and confinement. He was as free now as he should have always been.

Politely, unlike anyone would expect, Sarunishi would drum his knuckles upon the door regardless if it was open or closed. Upon doing so, he'd enter and bow relatively low. Without waiting for a response or reciprocation of his manners, he would stand once more close to the door and stare out as the other did. Such a gorgeous sight. Sarunishi would often take such views in at his new home in the wilderness and he thought of his new ward and how well she was managing his affairs in his stead. They were quite capable girls, but perhaps soon he might be bringing her and some of the others here to conduct more business. Some sort of travel route would need established. With that, Sarunishi's mind wandered once more as he began to speak. "So, Stone is real after all. It wasn't all just a fever dream..."<i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Startled from his thoughts, Endo cleared away nonexistent loose papers from his desk and made sure that the chair in front of his desk was exactly where it ought to have been. A slight nod of his head and the chair was straightened, before the door opened with a barely audible swoosh. Beckoning the man to walk into the dimly lit room, Endo spoke. "Typically I don't have to worry about guest seeing me at this time of night." It was the honest truth and the fact that the man had made it this far to his office meant that he'd passed some serious security checks, but one good looking over even in the dim light and Endo could pretty much figure out who it was without the added clarification of a voice. Sarunishi . . . Who this man was and the mystery surrounding his lineage in Iwagakure were somewhat important to Endo but at the moment it was a bit much that the man was standing here. Keeping his cool though, the quickly stressing Tsuchikage would attempt to clear away space in his head for one more challenge. The Earth seemed to hide all sorts of secrets it seemed, some more stranger than others.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"Fair enough, good sir. I don't typically have questions I feel need answered. Couple that with the fact that I thought my entire home had been razed to the ground while I slumbered. Radical fantasies, I know. But that is an aside. You thought I might kill you then upon realizing I wouldn't let me into your country. Obviously you feel me composed enough to not just go about murdering people yet. So, as a man of business, what's your gamble and what's your offer?"<i></i>

Sarunishi's body hissed a bit as he walked into the room. He just smiled wide the entire time like some sort of insane predator who'd lost all sense of survival instinct. His body moved silently over to the chair and he sat down. He was a bit tall for it, though he was a bit tall for most furniture. Hopefully it wouldn't break given his tremendous weight. He felt, of course, that they were prepared for such things given his bloodline had started here. As much as he looked like a monster, Sarunishi was a man of business and he had rules. He would not harm children, unless they were a prodigy and thus a threat, nor the defenseless. Additionally, he was one to always proceed down the course which provided the most profit.

Crossing his left leg up over his right so that his ankle and knee touched, Sarunishi flexed his talon clad feet and smiled ever so slightly less. This lessening of smile, however, was converted into an equivalent amount of smirk. He knew not what the stakes were in this situation, but he felt that an edge or an ace were perceived when in all truth, Sarunishi had none. He was simply a madman lost, trying to appear as if he knew exactly what he was doing. So far, he felt that he was doing quite well.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
A man of business to Endo meant that the man was after his own heart. Clasping his hands together, he used more of the kinetic chakra to close the door behind the man and then he gave it a rest. Relying on fancy chakra tricks was only good for children. Eyes dancing wildly in the lack of light, Endo spoke in a matter of fact way about the current troubles on his mind. "The problem with being raised a soldier is knowing when to turn the switch off and be a civilian." he sighed as he shook his head and became lost in the flashbacks of his mind as he spoke. "I gave this village my all throughout all the skirmishes and infighting that our beautifully dangerous country has to offer and now that I'm the Kage, apparently I'm too dainty to get my hands dirty. Our country to some abroad might be viewed as weak and ripe for the taking. Konoha has in all senses of the word fallen prey to a country civil war sparked by as some would believe, forces from the outside. I refuse, no . . . I simply will not allow such a thing in my home while I have air enough in my lungs to do otherwise. I feel the need to show the world the might of my people and yet my people do not wish to be strong anymore." He sighed audibly before throwing his hands up in the air and kicking the proverbial ball over to the other mans court. "What simply is a man to do?" he asked before leaning back in his chair as the scenes of all of his many valiant efforts danced across his mental minds eye.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"You won't allow it? Yet, from what I've seen, there's all manner of people walking the streets here such as myself. Now, I don't see the logic in wanting to avoid a civil war, especially created from outside influences, when there is absolutely no discrimination. But sir, that is just my humble opinion."<i></i> Quick eyes and a quick tongue were at work. Sarunishi's mind was at work. This all seemed relatively simple. Stone was going to become a war machine. Well, that was one option. That was the option Sarunishi liked. It meant money, power, and most importantly for himself it meant work.

"I'm sure you've already entertained just...crushing Konoha. I mean, if they're weak from civil war, what's to stop another country from just walking in and reaping the spoils? All the while showing that it can and will take down a major player in the world..."<i></i> Sarunishi's voice trailed off a bit. He didn't know if he'd taken the ball and made a shot or if he'd failed to catch it at all. "I mean, if they don't want to be strong, what are you to do but their wills? You could energize them through subterfuge. You could force them. I've always been a fan of the former. Make it look like they actually have reason. Make them believe that they need to do it, but that it was their idea all along. But you know such things. You're a Kage. You've got to at least be more clever than the other snakes to get work done."<i></i>

He flexed his fingers a more moment before he drummed the tips of his left hand upon his lifted knee. There was no sound. There was only this moment and the conversation occurring. This was business. This was war. This is everything that Sarunishi lived for.

"Truly, who am I to say one way or the other. Though, I do appreciate the insight."<i></i>


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Sighing, Endo nodded his head to the mans thought inspiring points. There was a certain air about them all things considered, like they weren't coming from somebody who just laid their life bare to the whims of the world. "The issue with war in and of itself is that the very people who so soon are ready to fight one rarely wish to see it through to the end. How many times have you read or heard or even seen nations that rallied behind one cry against pointed terrorism only to shy away from the newsman who tells of blood and steel on the battlefield? It's a motion sickness inducing ebb and flow that I'd wish to avoid. Flexing our military might would be easy against Konoha, but I've a mutual interest in their affairs and I've already allowed many of their clearly innocent refugees within my walls.

It's not exactly the fear from outside that truly causes me to pause when it's all considered . . ."
he paused as he reflected on the memories of men and women who were beyond mental salvation on the battlefield. The scores of sunken faces of the lost who knew no hope in their defeat. He sadly pitied such ones for their lack of willpower in seeing through dire straits. "It's the idea that maybe, just maybe, our lack of dealing with those on the outside has unintentionally made us weak of heart." The sobering thought simply was rather pathetically Endo's only true reason to pause when thinking of how best to approach the situation, and so he sat in a darkened room talking to a relative stranger about the circular pattern thoughts of his mind. "No matter how strong, cunning or swift I or a few may be, wars are not fought and won by the likes of a few heroes in real life. Those sort of stories are best left to the calming voices of mothers and fathers to their children." Perhaps this was exactly what the Hokage thought in the final moments before he lost his country, no?
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"I've seen more than I dare say I could ever remember friend. I actually don't remember, which makes it that much worse. But, that's apparently aside. What does Leaf even have to offer in such a state? What mutual interests could matter other than accumulating the most valuable of resources?"</COLOR><i></i> Sarunishi's eyes became a bit more serious as he unintentionally licked his lips before speaking. "People..."<i></i> The sounds came out like utter elation. People were, in fact, the most valuable resource. Sarunishi just saw them as valuable for multiple reasons others wouldn't. His hand continued to tap about his knee as he tilted his head up and sighed, a cloud of black smoke just wafting out before dissipating.

Sarunishi's mind wandered as he evaluated the words set before him. They were valid in the grand scheme of things. They were generally just stories. "Then deal with the outside world and create a bulwark against yourself. Make it an armor that you'll regret when broken. People become weak when complacent. Fighting, war, weariness. Those are what keep them sharp at the expense of living lives and being free. It is an impossible balance in the world we live in. But I am sure you can see that."<i></i> Sarunishi's eyes fell back down upon Inu Endo and their brows had become narrowed as he spoke. "I would say that Sarunishi is a good indication of this, wouldn't you say? Made into a monster to survive, now there is no true place for him in this world. A monster of industry.<COLOR color="orange">Quite. I'm but a man displaced. Excuse me. I'm but displaced. So, which road do you take? Where will it end? What happens if you never get to the end? I do hope it will be a damned good trip. I am convinced, however, that if you require my aid I will provide it. For a fee."<i></i> Sarunishi's smiled became impossibly large as if it would split his face.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Reaching below to one of his many desk drawers, Endo rummaged through it until he pulled out a black folder and sat it on his desk. Closing the drawer again, he thought about just how eerie this Sarunishi fellow actually was but went with his gut instinct and focused more on the business side of things and not particularly his strangely formed body or the way in which there seemed to be more than one entity within the vessel before him. "This is both record and file of man and his crimes. Sadly this man claims the very same banner that I do yet he's far from any brother of mine." Endo would pick up the file and thumb through it, a rather strange gesture by moonlight but then again, who was keeping tabs on the true look of things when this entire meeting was nothing more than shadow boxing with words. "Whether as a protectorate state or a very lucrative resource base, the Fire Country is something that I'd like to keep my thumb on the pulse of, however when I have corrupt officials within my ranks, who truly desire nothing other than to pack their own coffers . . . Well then you can see how such a thing would be alarming for a man in my position." Endo chuckled as he closed the folder packet and threw the file back on his desk as it slid ever so seductively close to the edge direction of Sarunishi. "It would be a mighty tragedy if such a man fell prey to trouble on the road from the Fire Country Coast, no?" A clever change of pace but one that kept the jibes from striking too many vital organs. Now that the ball was in the monster of a man's court however, Endo had much to figure out though.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"Oh, this one is very good at this game, Sarunishi. So very good. I believe we both understand now. Oh, I do believe so. Resources are such. Leaf, in whatever capacity as a puppet, is worth while. That's better retribution I do believe. Though, it is no wonder I've seen enough foreigners ready to gouge out one another's eyes for profit. Because it is just that. Welcome them in, give them hospitality, then make them think they've work to do. It would be a tragedy for such a man to have an accident. I'm sure all those with him would likely fall prey to the same accidents, now wouldn't they?"</COLOR><i></i> Sarunishi's hand continued to drum upon his leg. What an interesting situation this was turning out to be. "Who is it you have in mind? It couldn't possibly be me."<i></i> The two different aspects seemed to be speaking of the same accord at this point. He relaxed a bit and just began to laugh. What a silly, silly world.

"Who am I kidding? It's me. Of course it's me. I'm the most deniable asset there ever was, now aren't I? But you guys never got my messages. I never knew you existed. You see, I run a black market emporium known simply as ACE. This all is what I do these days. I've not much else. Though, my attendant is currently running things in my absence. You know. Appearances and all that. Now the question is, what is in it for me? I do love the back and forths, but we're both serious enough men here. I want to know everything there is about this place. About its relation to me. Any information on myself. And I want paid. If, of course, you want me to do it instead of wasting other assets."<i></i>

His smile grew grim and maddening. His eyes were pools molten rage. And yet, he seemed so very lost. All he had was a business he erected, that was untouched more or less. But more so than that, he had truly nothing but himself and his ward. She was a lovely girl, but he knew little to nothing more of himself than what happened to put him in this place. Before that, during, and otherwise, were all glimpses of nightmares he could not recall. He wanted all of that. He wanted to face it and to become whole, no matter how broken that whole was.

<COLOR color="orange">"The ball, one might say, is back to you."


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding his head, Endo chuckled audibly as he pulled the file back to himself and again tucked it away back into the folds of his desk. Having nothing better else to do, he began to focus more on the small talk to get to know this new found asset just that much better. The business venture could only go so far if the men didn't understood each other. "So, wife . . . kids. Got any village baggage that I need to pan out? Ever ran into an angry desert snake?" The questions were rather harmless but by understanding where a person came from, you could better understand where they in fact intended to go. Endo himself was open to questioning as well. It was rare that he was able to just sit down and enjoy the moment for what it brought without the fear of actually being called to action at a moments notice. Hopefully from what he was gathering from this man he could possibly hope to learn a thing or two about the Fire Country that he didn't know. Personally he was in the mood to do some traveling abroad, he just needed a really good excuse for it now.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"I'll assume that job is mine then, lest you've other wonderful work for me. I also assume it to be obvious that I've neither kids nor company. My only baggage is in Leaf, as you've noticed me mention. They made me a slave. People aren't property. I make damned sure of that. Resources, yes, but they're treated fairly for their work. Leaf, however, has no notion of this. I slumbered and even their newest administration, as capitalist and industrial as they are, sought to do it again."<i></i> The words were the dagger with which the venom could enter the veins of another. His hand now clasped his knee opposed to drumming. He'd settled in his state within the chair across from his company for the evening. "I recollect I have. Little ones on my way here too. A massive one ages past. A tower filled with gold in the sands, surrounded by worms. A home, distant, built from rock itself and people ambled about without much care. Have you? What plagues your mind, Tsuchikage? What nightmares eat at your dreams?"<i></i>

He chuckled a bit. What fun this all was. "I still want that information I requested. I'd hate to have to try and beat it out of someone. There's little to be gained from that."<i></i> He sighed ever so slightly as his clasped hand lifted and twirled in the air. His mind was on other matters. War. Conquest. Glory. Plunder. All of it. He loved to be dignified and it was rare that he also had such a chance. His sharp fingers danced in the air as he as lost in his own mind conferring with his companion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Nodding his head, Endo took it all in in stride. He was going to give the man the benefit of the doubt on a great deal many a thing especially considering that he himself was one to often slyly insert the truth among a series of lies. It was indeed good to get a glimpse of the mans past through his words. Knowing just that much more would help him to deal with the man on more even ground. That is, if he made it off of the rock mass to begin with. "Personally I fear being the type of leader that is too weak of heart to make the decisions that need to be made." Easing back into his chair he noted the hour and the fact that he was somewhat growing tired from the days works and the nights overtime. He personally didn't know how best to fulfill Sarunishi's request but he'd do his part to try and help the man in his endeavors. Grabbing paper and pen he scribbled down a few notes before setting the paper before the man. "I don't know what else I can do concerning your needed information other than directing you to our library. Personally I'm trying to find out more about our past as well. I've strong enough reason to believe that half a millenniums worth of history was either falsified or severely edited with to which one could only ask that if the ancient scrolls can't be believed then what kind of power exist that can change the memories of generations of men at a time? Heck, there's a possibility that I might be joining you on that journey to the truth." he laughed as he wondered about what secrets truly lay beneath the surface of this village.
Feb 13, 2013
OOC Rank
"Things back then were far darker. Look at me. I'm a product of that time, I do believe. If you'll be joining me, I do hope to see you soon. I suppose it is quite late and you're the busy man. Don't worry though. No one but you knows I was even here."<i></i> Sarunishi gave a minor nod as he lifted himself from his chair and took the piece of paper. It slipped elsewhere on his being. Perhaps in his hakama, perhaps through chakra, or perhaps simply sleight of hand. Whatever it was, if one were astute or simply watching him closely they'd notice the method whatever it may be. For such odd digits, he was a surprisingly dexterous man. He licked his lips before he turned himself towards the door. Taking a step back and pivoting around, he bowed ever so slightly then turned back away.

"You'll be fine. The past is riddle with failures and the future even more so. Pass or fail, we all do fine. Some of us, however, end up great. I remember my grandfather telling me this as a child. Before he killed my cousin, of course. Being of my lineage, you know, had flaws. I don't see many of us around these days."<i></i> He laughed a bit and made his way towards the door. Each step resonated on a minute frequency across the current structure. "I'll be at the library tomorrow. If you've the time I hope to see you there. If not, well, best of luck. Let me know when you need that job, or any job, done."<i></i>

With that, his body would exit from the door frame and fade into the darkness as swiftly as he'd arrived. None would know of his time there aside from himself and Inu Endo. He was a man of business and his business was to do whatever was required of him to succeed.

[Topic left unless stopped]


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Muttering an "Aye", Endo allowed the man to take his parting and no sooner had he done so than Endo himself was packing things up and leaving his office as well. Going home? Hah, the oddest part of it all was that even as the Tsuchikage, he had no actual home of his own and preferred to sleep in the barracks with the rest of the warriors that guarded the village. It was humbling in a way, an experience that showed that he wasn't above the men and women that were tasked with serving him and following him to battle and one that kept him mentally attuned to that which they everyday shinobi went through in their day to day lives. As he lay on his cot, he'd smirk before letting the cares and concerns be drowned out with the blissful dreams of his youth.

OOC: Topic Left

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
