Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Broken [Open]

Kato Hana

Active Ninja
Oct 23, 2012
Manzo was sitting in the waiting area. He still couldn’t figure out what was wrong with him, so he figured he might as well check himself in. Hopefully the medics could find what was broken with him.

As he sat in the chair he reached into his cloak and pulled out a piece of beef jerky and started to eat it. He wasn’t being very sneaky about it but he wasn’t also wasn’t obvious. The amount of weight he had gained in a short time just seemed to add to his worsening mood. Ever since his last mission he had been in a funk and been unable to pull himself out of it. He normally considered himself a pretty happy person, but these days the only happiness he found was at the bottom of a bowl of ramen. He knew it wasn’t good for him, his figure showed that, but he still couldn’t help himself.

He had always been able to eat as much as he wanted and his metabolism kept him thin but ever since that fight it was like his metabolism was tired of working and took a vacation.
It was a quiet day at the Hospital. No one was shot or stabbed or blown up today and the Sennin was particularly grateful for that. She walked around the place, checking in on this or that, generally making sure everything was up to par; Preemptive measures just in case a random incident occurred she didn't want to be caught with her pants down.

As she strolled through the emergency waiting area, she saw a lone man sitting there eating. She looked around for the Triage Nurse, but, the desk was left vacant. Slightly annoyed by that, she walked over to make sure the man had at least been spoken too. There short-handedness should not be felt by the patients whom they served. If not she was prepared to do what she could to get him in and out in a swift manner. She walked up to him and eyed him a bit, knowing that she recognized him from some where, but, couldn't quite put her finger on it. No matter.

"Are you being assisted, sir?" Her voice was even toned as usual.

[Topic Entered]
Manzo looked up to see the med-nin asking him a question. Of all the times someone could have approached him, he had to have his mouth full. Quickly swallowing it, perhaps to quickly he coughed a bit, he responded to her. ”No, I have just been waiting here to be seen“.

There was something familiar about this med-nin, he knew that he had seen her before but he was trying to place it. It at last came to him; it was that business at the academy with the student being chased. He wondered if the mid-nin remembered him, his look certainly changed a bit since then, at least his weight had. He would wait to see if she brought it up, did not want to seem like one of those people that were begging people to recognize him.

Getting up he followed to where ever Yomi would lead them, not wanting to talk about his problems out in the open. Once they secluded he would tell her his problem. ”So it would seem that I have broken something inside my chakra network. Up until a few weeks ago, I was able to perform feats, like well teleportation and now when I try all the abilities that are associated with that are no longer there. Oh and I am not sure if it has anything to do with it but it seems that I may have gained a few extra pounds.“ The last part was said in a much lower voice, obvious to anyone that he was a bit self conscious about his extra weight gain.

[MFT: 265]
Yomi guided the man to an empty emergency room bed and motioned for him to sit down. She closed off the curtain and began to triage him there. She would need the basic information to properly assess him. Though, these days, she would delegate any task that could be done by her nurses to protect her time and her head space from the daily demands of her new position.

"Well, I am Yomi and I'll be your attending Physician today. Before we get to far into your presenting problems, can you give me your name, age, and your branch, I'd also just like to have the nurse take your vitals first." The Goddess peeked her head out of the curtain and flagged down a nurse who came in to do just that. The nurse would take his temperature, blood pressure and weigh him before jotting it down on a newly created chart.

"You said you gained a little weight. Over what time period would you say? Based on your new weight, you are 255 pounds." Yomi would note how much weight he gained and the time frame in which he gained it. It would provide some much needed insight, at least on the medical side of it.

"And what do you mean somethings broken in your chakra network? What do you think has caused this "break"?" The woman knew there was no such thing as a true break but more that people were no longer able to access certain things within their network due to exhaustion or damage. So perhaps it was something along those lines. While that would be heartbreaking in the immediate to most, like how the body could create veins, new paths were always made in ones chakra networks it replace what was thought to be lost.

[ooc: Let me know if I went a little overboard with the weight and I'll change it to fit what you more had in mind]
As Yomi started to take down his vitals and giving small talk to him, Manzo responded. ”Hello again Yomi, Not sure If you remember me but my name is Manzo, we met once before. I am 21 years old and part of the ANBU branch.” He wasn’t going to say anything about knowing her but for some reason it still came out.

Stepping on the scale and seeing the number he almost passed out swaying just a bit. He couldn’t believe how much weight he had gained. He was less than two hundred just a few weeks ago. It made him want to go back to the prison and have a private “interrogation” session with the bald headed idiot that did this to him.

” As for what happened to me. I was on a mission, the details of which I won’t’ go into but needless to say that I got into a bit of a scuffle that ended with my opponent blocking my chakra network. Wanting to ensure that I went home at the end of the night I kind of blasted through blockage. The best way I can describe it is I used a firehose to unblock a straw. It worked but ever since that event all of the abilities that I inherited no longer seem to be working.”

Taking a seat, he almost felt a compulsive need to reach into his bag and grab a bite but seeing the numbers on the scale made him stay his hand. ”This happened a few weeks ago”
Yomi looked to Manzo, who, at least felt that they had met before too. Perhaps she didn't recognize him off the bat due to his recent weight gain. She would try to remember him now though. She listened to his explanation of what happened and nodded in understanding before speaking.

"Well, with what you described it sounds like you have damaged your network. The good news is that its not something that is a forever thing. The not so good news is that you may never be able to do the things you used to do, however, it may open to different possibilities and what you can do." Yomi used the sandwich method to give her preliminary diagnosis. Good news, bad news, good news. Her tone, which was even, didn't lend itself to the feeling of being positive or negative. She lived in the neutral realm with people she didn't know. It generally worked out when using it with patients.

"As for your weight gain...have you been overeating to compensate for your inability to access your chakra network properly?" Yomi remembered he was eating when she found him in the waiting room and his admission that this weight has come on in the last few weeks or so. "If so, I would say that to monitor that so it doesn't become something that needs to be medically managed." Yomi would not recommend using food as a coping mechanism, but, she also would never tell anyone to watch their diet. Ninja's bodies were such that it was really hard for them to be unhealthy in a general sense. However, ninja were often plagued by mysterious ailments that could not be simply be caused by poor eating habits. Plus, if he was eating as a coping strategy, nothing she said right now, would stop him from doing so anyway. He needed time and perspective, both of which there was no magic pill or creative jutsu for. There might have been a Godly miracle for it bad she would not provide that to him.
Manzo listened to Yomi tell him the so called good news and bad news. As if he wasn’t feeling bad enough about his situation now he was being told he may never be able to get his old skills back. Sometimes he wished he never had unlocked this ability. He tried to put on a happy face, a face that did not represent how he felt and he wasn’t sure how successful he was.

”I have always been a big eater and never seemed to gain any weight. I may have been eating a bit more since this happened but it wasn’t that much more. It isn’t like I am compensating, just sometimes it makes me feel a little better.” Now that he had said it, he was curious at what horrible treatment he was going to be getting to get him back into shape. He had yet to see Takashi and really did not want to hear what he said about Manzo’s condition. ”So what should I do to get back to normal?”
"Normal?" Yomi hated that word. It was relative to each individual patient. What was worse was that he didn't specify in which area. Still, she would answer him in the best way she knew how while covering the areas she though prevalent to his situation.

"Well, what is normal to you? As far as your weight it concerned. I do not think I need to say what you need to do to get that off if it bothers you. But, to get into a better head space, that would take time to gain perspective on the situation, meditation, and in the end acceptance." The Goddess looked to Manzo, seeing right through his charade. No one came to the hospital and was okay. The woman was pretty sure he was completely enthused about his situation. She was also not a psychologist, but, would soon be studying up on that to offer more comprehensive services. It seemed that this new patient had unknowingly gave her more work to do.

"So what I can only tell you at this point, is to give time, time."
Today was just a day for horrible news. He was hoping that she could fix whatever was broken with him. Which of course would have fixed the weight. After all that didn’t start to become a problem until after his abilities were broken. He stood up slowly getting dressed again. It was obvious that he wasn’t going to get anything else out of this.

”Normal for me was about 50 plus pounds ago and being able to move faster than any three people in the village combined.” He said with a sigh.

acceptance, how am I going to find that? he thought to himself, meditation had only worked so much for him

”Thank you for your help” The fake smile returning to his face as he pulled the arm weighted sleeve over his burn scared arm ”I am not sure how much time I have to get right, but if that is all that there is” Perhaps there was something a little less mainstream that he could do, at this point he was even willing to look into the forbidden route.

As he finished getting dressed he left, holding back the tear that wanted to come for the power that he had lost. All he could do was hope that whatever came next, if anything, was just as good.

[Topic Left]
Yomi watched her patient get up, probably unenthused with the information he was given. She didn't know what else she could do for him and no matter what she said it was probably not going to be enough for him.

"You're welcome" Was her reply to him as she let him leave the room.


Current Ninpocho Time:
