Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Burnt, Beaten and Probably Broken [Private]

Nov 7, 2012
OOC Rank
Takeshi walked in the dead of night, he was surrounded by four of the ANBU as he held a figure in his arms, almost like a small child the damage that had been inflicted on this body was clear and the amount of suffering that the person had to go under would also be known. But what was important was to make sure that they got the attention that they requested and required, it was clear that they still had much to learn but the punishment that had been handed out was enough for them to be no need to pursue the matter. As Takeshi walked through the empty streets at the night he allowed himself to glance out to find sight of the familiar lights of the hospital. Takeshi walked therw the doors and headed past the reception only turning briefly to speak a few words.

“Summon the medical chief to the room that I put this boy into, inform them that they have been summoned directly by the ANBU Sennin. I don’t want my time to be wasted and one of my men needs the wounds healed by someone competent enough and discrete enough for it to matter.”

Takeshi didn’t even wait for a reply as he carried Yukio off towards a private room deciding to keep this matter to the night where it belonged, he allowed himself to put Yukio in the bed as he turned to the ANBU instructing the four of them to wait outside and only allow the entrance of the person he had summoned deciding to make this matter as he looked back to Yukio. Waiting for the person to come and help with the damage that had been rippled threw his body, the pain to be stopped and the wrongs of his lies to be righted by healing.

[Topic Entered with Yukio]
[Requested Tsukasa Mikasa]
Yukio was, safe to say, out cold any sweat that would be running down his face at the time was being quickly turned into smoke off his smoldering body, it was a strange feeling or rather a lack there of his body felt numb and had he been awake and conscious there may have been a comment to be spoken about it here. However as of now the Hyuuga was trapped in his own mind seeing the images of the battle flash through his mind over and over again as he stirred and tensed only to flinch as the pain sent him back into the world of his dreams.

It was so fast at first feeling like there was a small chance he may be able to hold his own but all that was gone in but an instant, what stuck most was the world created by the Sharingan. In truth what caused him the most distress was how helpless he'd been in that moment near impossible to tell reality from illusion yet the pain he'd felt in that place was real that much was a certainty.

He didn't talk in his sleep his mind too occupied on trying to take itself away from the experience but that wasn't happening any time soon it had been embedded the lesson he'd been taught this day would be one that he would remember for a long time but then again that was more than likely the point of his punishment.
Fortunately the medical chief roams the hallways due to night watch, a duty she partakes in herself to allow her underlings reprieve from the strain of overnights. Due to Takeshi's name being tossed about, Mikasa receives emergency call and wastes no time bustling to the opposite wing to stare down a quad of faceless ANBU, "Don't waste my time, move aside." she murmurs in a dull tone, feeding off the serious nature that they produce - her latent abilities of mimicking emotions of others in full effect. To be summoned by the ANBU Sennin the hospital meant one of two options, the initial being one to be interrogated needing to be resurrected from the brink of death and the second being one being gravely injured on the job.

Pressing forward, the medical chief bursts into the scene to eye Takeshi's moss colored hair and a figure who she couldn't quite make out due to the severity of the injuries and charred appearance. "What happened?" is the only item that comes to mind to inquire of, prior to squinting her eyes to catch shreds of ivory locks and piecing the puzzle together the maiden comes to a single conclusion, "Yukio..." she races forward past the Sennin, not taking a rocket scientist to piece the occupation an ANBU captive or operative to the ghostly hue tendril color. "How did this happen?" she inquires in a rushed voice, managing to keep her calm despite the tension in room.

Placing her palm against her necktie, the medical-nin begins to loosen the clasp to expose the flesh of her neck. Mikasa instinctively closes her eyes and her palm becomes veiled in a brilliant teal, pulsating waves of chakra outwards before solidifying into a barrier surrounding the trio - Emotion Barrier<i></i>.

The maidens very essence required for the technique, the risk in utilizing the ability without preparation could potentially place her system into shock, yet the risk is outweighed by the pro. Beads of perspiration begin to accumulate on her brow, her ungloved hand reaches out, coated in an identical hue of chakra, slicing downwards as if scalpels. The attire of the ANBU part, rather the remainder of the singed clothing cleaved in two from the waist up. To state that the shinobi were in critical condition an understatement, unsure if she could repair the enormous amount of damage done. "Do not speak to me unless questioned. I need to concentrate." her words were firm, not her usual tone, "The severity of this may be not repairable..." she calls out, doing her utmost to free of herself of the emotions coursing through her thoughts.

Would she be able to mend? The flesh of his body crisp, easily third degree burns and the amount of fractures unknown. How in the world could've he come to this state? Weaving handseals, Mikasa would not be able to count on anyone in this crisis outside of herself, Medical Assistant<i></i>. "Burn marks, begin mending them." she whispers in a low tone, the clone merely nodding placing its digits above the scarred flesh - System Restoration</COLOR><i></i><COLOR color="#238E68">.. All the while the medical chief begins hovers above the battle torn male, "How did he obtain this degree of burn?" she inquires roughly, coating the male in teal chakra by clasping her hands upon his skull, Skeleton Fortification<i></i>, to repair any amount of bone damage.​
Takeshi watched as he was side stepped in a split second, it was interesting to see someone care for Yukio that much that they were willing to avoid the Sennin gaze completely kept on the new comer it seemed tha the medical chief was competent enough that was a good start, but right now this was the second time that Takeshi had brought someone into the hospital for their own actions. It was becoming a habit and something he didn’t enjoy. As he leaned over closing the gap between the two of them he allowed himself to consider his words before speaking them.

“Well I think he needs the kiss of life, but that is just a by the by”

Takeshi turned around and spun on his heals moving to the wall in the corner of the wall as he watched the situation that was unfolding in front of him. Though he knew that Yukio was now in safe hands the Sennin allowed a small yawn to come from himself. His robes showed the casual battle damage that probably had not gone unnoticed as well as the deep red soaking into the golden trim of the Sennin robes, the white already darkened by its how there was simply no point in trying to lie his way out of this situation.

“He lied to me, I dealt with him as is expected of any Sennin. I will not and never have tolerated such lies inside of my branch, I am sure it is a mistake that Yukio will never make again”

Takeshi was direct and to the point, he wasn’t going to hide out why he did what he did, and they’re was a reason behind it. Maybe he had unleashed to much anger, but he knew full well that this was the best way to go about this. Wondering how the medical chief would actually reply to the direct action that had been spoken about, and the fact that this damage had come from the ANBU Sennin himself.
Yukio was far too gone to understand anything happening to him in the outside world, while his body was being repaired his mind was taking it's own steps to ensure there wouldn't be any lasting damage from this encounter, his body stirring but not waking as the process began the healing touch of the medical chief causing the tension coursing through his body to subside even if only slightly though he was in a realm of his minds own design in that moment in time.

His vision was very much the same as it had been the day he awakened the Byakugan as he found himself sat within a field, the feeling of grass brushing against his skin as a gentle breeze shifted the ivory locks out of his face. Looking around the confusion on his face was understandable unaware this was not in fact the real world but an illusion within his own mind keeping him locked in case the influence of Genjutsu was still present. Taking a few paces what was noted the most was how silent it was not the sound of the grass in the breeze nor the sound of his own voice the only thing there with him being the bird cage left behind something that he remembered from so long ago the bars now rusted and fading was he ran his hand across it.

Meanwhile back in reality the sweat began to have a layer to form on his closed eyes firmly shut as his breathing became sharp and heavy, the broken body sustaining itself with his own strength as much as it could without hindering the progress of the focused Mikasa though as time passed he still showed no sighs of coming round though such a thing was expected considering the events that had transpired between himself and Takeshi.
Takeshi's words take Mikasa by surprise, yet this were not the time and place to dwell on the subject. Pressing the thoughts to the back shelf, the medical chief continues with her duties of treating the ANBU operative; although the 'lies' must've been severe to result in this degree of brutality. "Do you require aid as well?" she inquires towards the superior, the droplets of perspiration dot her forehead and cause her locks to stick uncomfortably. "Continue to address any internal bleeding and ensure to apply anesthesia." she directs her other, beginning to look severally pale and running out of chakra to prolong the clone technique. Medical Assistant -<i></i> Anesthetic Infusion and</COLOR><i></i> <COLOR color="#238E68">Coagulation<i></i>.

Wisps of smoke dissipate upwards, the assistant vanishing from sight leaving the trio alone once more. Gritting her teeth the kunoichi takes notice of her heavy breathing, her chest raising and falling far quicker than anticipated. The damage accumulated from multiple seemed more plausible, yet a single? The finite line of questioning the practices of the ANBU branch were not her forte, yet she would not agree to this level of brutality. Pivoting upon her heel, Mikasa paces over to the doors, spreading them apart to gun down the ANBU operatives guarding the door, "Out of the way." her vocals cold, her usual shimmering gaze glacial - frigid. "I need body wrap equipment and cast measurements immediately!" she calls down the hallway, cupping her hands around her lips to project her voice.

A few faceless medical-nin rush into the room to begin the necessary preparations to begin mummifying the poor Hyuuga. "Chief or not, I hope you were not expecting him to walk out in one piece." she murmurs, streaming her digits through her hair to adjust the unsightly mess. Once the unconscious lad were to become wrapped and encased, minus the face, she pushes up her ivory coat sleeves. Inhaling deeply she would initiate one final technique, her chakra pool drastically low due to the usual rounds and on top of the amount necessary to remedy Takeshi's mistakes, her palms hover over the Hyuuga - Resuscitate<i></i>.

Yukio may or may not awake at that very moment, the amount of recuperating it would take currently stood at a bare minimum of a month in her eyes. Tossing her ivory coat against a chair, Mikasa reaches behind her head to undo the clasp clutching her tendrils into a braid, allowing the mane to shower downwards. Despite the exhaustion one item would remain clear, she passes by the Sennin.


"If you bring me someone in this state once again, you'll end up in a very similar cast." With that being said, the maiden settles down in a chair, leaning her head back until needed, catching a much needed breath of air.​
Takeshi leaned against the wall in that split second as he pondered for a few moments on the words that Mikasa decided to speak though he wondered how much of her irrational words where coming because of the feels that she had towards the Hyuuga this was an interesting revelation for the Uchiha to say the least as he stood dormant his vengeance already done and released towards his student as he walked around behind Mikasa he looked at her then back to the Hyuuga.

“A man is only as worthy as the truth he tells, one day you should ask Yukio how he managed to achieve those eyes, what price they cost him and what lie was given that got him to the place he is in today. He is lucky that he still has them in his skull. Do not mistake idol threats for real ones, he was punished for his lies and ended up here, I have done what was needed and required of me nothing more and nothing less. Now I may ask that you sort him out however long it takes.”

Takeshi leaned away as he took a seat in the corner of the room deciding that he had already explained enough and going into detail would raise more questions that he cared to ask for right now, he allowed a small smile to come to his lips. It seemed that Takeshi was well informed on most things but that was expected from someone in his branch.

“You know, I have heard that you wish to do joint branch activities, I figured this would be the best way to meet, I hate dragging people to offices at least.”
Trapped in his own world a light blinded Yukio in that moment, his eyes now half open back in reality he was glistening with sweat his eyes darting around not quite sure where he was in that moment. He may have been in panic, but he was also clearly only half there, the pain not completely setting in as his mind tried to make sense of the situation the last thing going through his mind being that of a flash of lightning and then darkness.

As he spoke his voice was quite weak considering he could speak at all was somewhat astounding but after everything he’d been through it had begun to adjust to punishment though maybe not of that calibre “Wait, where, what happened? I remember a flash of light if I remember correctly. Broken hands and reality seemed twisted” that was his only recollection of the genjutsu he had been under though having no experiance with it

His words were, safe to say, all over the place much like his thoughts slowly piecing together the circumstances that lead him there though he did not make any attempt to move anything bar his eyes, for all they didn’t need to be moved to see around him it was more out of natural instinct and habit setting them on his teacher and Mikasa.

“Hello? I think, apologies I’m having a hard time processing everything at the moment it all happened so fast. Everything is somewhat a mess though from what I can figure out I can’t really move at this point”
The Sennin's words were not incorrect, yet circumstances prevent for the full truth and each member of the village fight their own inner demons on a regular basis. Locking her ocean optics against the special forces head, she speaks, "I too am surprised they are in his skull, as whoever placed them couldn't even pass as a medic-in training." Gesturing towards the Hyuuga clan member, Mikasa continues with her statement, "No sort of medication to prevent rejection of the tissue. No counter measures. In short, a ticking time bomb." Streaming her digits through her platinum locks she comes to a stand at the stirring of Yukio and crosses the room to hover above him.

"You are in the Byoin, fortunate enough to be in a state where you are considered in one piece. You are unable to move due to the body cast placed on you, which will not be removed for at least three weeks, depending on your healing speed." the maiden iterates, inhaling silently as a means to collect her thoughts, "Takeshi-kun brought you in a heap, placed into my care, and I did my utmost to repair the the damage you sustained." bringing the silver hair shinobi up to speed before pivoting about to face the Sennin once more, shaking her head at the statement of branch interaction; while she had said the words she didn't exactly have this in mind. One of two options go through her thoughts, Kenshin or Yuki speaking directly to the Uchiha and the more obvious being his bride to be, Yuki.

Extending her hand outwards to grab hold of her ivory coat, Mikasa slings the attire over her shoulders, neatly adjusting the settlings, "That is true, as I made an agreement with your captain, I will not ask inquiries and perform as long as I obtain muscle for missions of our own." taking two steps forward she looks upwards towards the moss hair of the male, "While we are here, would you like to discuss anything further?" her vocals lowering a few octaves, "It won't be difficult to have Yukio-kun unable to hear for a short duration."
Takeshi looked over to Mikasa as she spoke about he eyes and how they ended up in his head, though Takeshi had to admit he probably wasn’t the neatest person in the world and was probably completely unqualified to do what he did. It still didn’t matter to him the eyes had finally made there way into his skull and were at least working. Takeshi allowed himself to ponder for a few minutes before he leaned over Yukio to look at the eyes up close, it seemed that the cast had helped him get a nice look at them without his student moving.

“I see what you mean, my guess would be it looks like a morgue guy did this, someone that doesn’t deal with living bodies. But that would just be my random guess if I was to make one”

Takeshi leaned back and made eye contact with Mikasa, as he allowed a small smile to come to his face as he leaned back for a second and listened to the words of Mikasa though it seemed the branch had a joint future with Medical he allowed this to sink into him as he considered what to say in reply to this. Knowing full well he had to be careful about how he worded this situation.

“I will give you the man power you need for your missions, and in return you give me the medical staff I need when I have missions that require it. This seems like a fair trade off if you ask me. Yukio can hear I don’t mind he has been on some pretty rough missions lately anyway from the reports I have gotten back. So what did you have in mind specifically if I may ask?”
Yukio had no choice but to lay there motionless and simply listen to what the pair had to say, on the bright side he had now somewhat pieced together the circumstances that lead him to this moment though a tsk escaped him in that moment hearing how long he would be stuck in the cast. "Seems i have no choice but to remain my healing is not what it once was something Takeshi will surely be aware of at this moment in time after our recent interactions." the act of gaining his sage mode had unfortunately taken away the Curse seal he'd once had, his unique healing abilities not being lost to him overwritten by the natural energy he could not posses.

As if the displeasure were to continue the notion that he should be deafened was not a pleasing one to him, withholding his need to sigh out of habit in situations such as this one. It was not often Yukio became irritated less so towards troublesome circumstances however at that moment his expression was going deadpan the thought of being essentially useless to the branch and those he cared for being something he did not approve of though the lesson he learned in exchange was one well taught.

Leaning his eyes as far as he could towards the two he spoke to confirm Takeshi's statement "We have known each other since i was only a young academy student there is little in the way of secrecy between us at this moment in time unless absolutely required for the betterment of the village. Trust like that is hard to come by these days."

Yukio, at least in his mind, spoke the truth his student teacher relationship with Takeshi being a rather open one though being stuck as he was many words passed through the Hyuuga's mind, words he would keep to himself less he risk another swift smack up the side of the face from his teacher. "Good interbranch relations sure that's what we'll go for here not like i have a choice given the postition we are in i just hope this doesn't get worse than it already is"
Clapping her hands together, Mikasa nods her head, "Indeed, definitely one who merely fits pieces together with glue hoping it dries correctly." she affirms Takeshi's statement, "I only ask that if you come across the one who did this, Takeshi-san and Yukio-kun, to inquire them to seek out professional aid, as extending a helping hand to those in the village in hopes of strengthening themselves isn't a crime." Turning about she crosses the room to stare downwards towards the Hyuuga, a thin smile creeps upon her features, tenderly her digits extend against the wrapping to ensure nothing loose.

Returning her attention the Sennin, the maiden once more nods her head, "It is quite fair, no questions asked as to why we are mending those in need and medical-nin still perform their duties as per usual. All in all, strengthening our relations in this time is definitely needed." she restates, allowing her the opportunity to respond appropriately to the inquiry asked of her. "In the future I wish to gather information of the medical state of other villages, to send medic-nins on a journey alone isn't ideal and I would much appreciate the gesture of allowing an ANBU accompaniment." the chief finalizes, allowing for the Sennin to fill in any sort of blanks there may be. In short, there was one clear factor, being that of joint missions to a degree which wouldn't jeopardize the secrecy of the ANBU department, while allowing gradual relation builders.

Truth to be told, Mikasa felt the current system was a bit outdated, there doesn't quite seem to be enough on hands medic staff as in the past. "I'm more than willing to have your guise warriors attend proper medical classes, since Yuki-san made it clear I can not send medical-nin on ANBU missions. Although, I am hoping one day this no longer holds true." she finalizes, nearly winded from the amount of speaking she had to perform. Although, the kunoichi finds herself a bit sour in regards to the state of Yukio being in, but at times sacrifice was necessary and their relationship had yet to become more than a seed in the soil.

"Yukio-kun, it seems you will be under my care for a bit longer."
Takeshi listened to the words that were being spoken it seemed that Mikasa knew what she was doing as he watcher her work on the man she allowed himself to nod at the words that she spoke it seemed that she had this sense of pride Takeshi watcher her as he pondered a reply that would handle this situation that was taking place between them.

“I am sure that I will point the person who put those eyes in towards you, I am sure they can improve that little talent of theirs to a better level. I see no issue with getting that sorted for you leave it with me ill have a consider it, just don’t expect any results quickly”

Takeshi stood dormant as he allowed himself to listen to what the med chief had in mind for the two branches, he had to admit that even the prospect was somewhat enthralling for him it did seem to have lots of good benefits to himself and it would bring the medical and ANBU branch close together, though he would speak once the conversation was over and Mikasa had her point across.

“I can get behind this idea, I approve the fact that the ANBU can accompany the medical team to different villages we already have a alliance with cloud, and with my recent return we have a signed peace treaty with Sand they will be welcoming to anyone that comes to them seeking to share the knowledge. As for your proposition of Medics not coming out on missions, I am willing to oversee this on the fact that what happens on those missions is down to the ANBU in charge, killing, torture there will be no interference from the Medical branch and we might be able to see a common ground on sending a medic out with the ANBU teams.”

Takeshi was blunt about it, if they wanted to see life from an ANBU they would see the dirty side of the deal and must accept that they had no control over it. Takeshi knew that this would be a hard pill to swallow but on the other hand it would see medics being allowed to go on ANBU missions at the same time, a tempting offer for Mikasa to think on.

“Look after Yukio I will leave him in your care, just make sure he reads up on Genjutsu, it seems it was missed in his academy training”
Laying there Yukio listened to the conversation transpiring between the two, safe to say there wasn't much he could do given the current situation but considering they allowed him to listen to what was going on he was more than happy just to lay there smiling to Mikasa in return as she checked his wrappings before he finally spoke. "Well I'll be sure to keep that in mind, given enough time we should be able to track them down without issue considering who we are." His voice didn't waver in that statement though it was somewhat awkward knowing that both involved in that incident were standing there with her.

"As for the matter of branch interactions I would be more than happy to give what assistance I can in those matters, I've wished for the branches to work closer with one another for some time now and have even taken steps to give students looking at multiple branches experiences in all areas rather than just ours."
he would have made a gesture or nodded to that statement however decided against such things remaining still so as not to mess up the delicate wrapping work coating his body nor did he wish to risk the possibility of making his own injuries worse than they already were.

He had long accepted the fact he would be here for a prolonged period of time at this point the matter of fact was if he didn't there was a risk of long term damage both externally and internally finally making an effort to tilt his head to Mikasa as to be polite as he could be. "I understand and as such I am in your care for the foreseeable future, thank you in advance for your efforts during this time. As for genjutsu you could leave the book anywhere and I could still see it which is a bonus the only problem I will have as you can see is turning the pages. Not like I can exactly move around like this at least for the time being."

he thought a moment wondering what else would have to be addressed before a rather audible sigh escaped him at the realisation of what could come of this in one particular area "For reference between us three I have been training some students in particular one of which being the young Maru, if he asks where I have gone inform him that I am out on a mission it's hard enough to get his respect as it is without him finding out I'm in this state. Safe to say it wouldn't be the most pleasant experience of my life." he let out a deep breath afterwards, he knew he wasn't at the same level as those before him however if he had any useful input he was more than willing to give it for the benefit of others.
The words of the ANBU Sennin were amusing, a portion of the medical chief was uncertain if the branch as a whole would be able to handle a situation where they are powerless over a potential death; however in the shinobi realm, not all deaths are unavoidable. Mikasa tenderly adjust the matted locks upon her forehead, weighing the pros and cons of the situation, deeming the pros far greater, "Very well, I see no issue with that." she finally speaks. In the rear of her mind, to task herself with developing one who crudely places transplants into another may be an interesting challenge, though the maidens knows fully well the chances of the said individual lingering within the ANBU branch were significantly high.

Clearing her throat, the medical chief smiles gently, "Once more, feel free to send as many operatives to my door and I will ensure they learn the basics to address their own wounds in the midst of combat." Mikasa finishes, taking a stand to loom over Yukio who spoke of teaching the newest generation of academy students. "Dokuso Maru, I taught him poisons, I can vogue for his interesting character." she murmurs, not wishing to go into further detail as the village as a whole knew the kunoichi spent ample time in the village engaging the students with various of classes.

Concerning the text of genjutsu, the platinum hair woman merely shaking her head and in turn causing her mane to fan outwards, "Genjutsu is the most difficult of subjects to teach, you may have to go an actual expert." she muses, unsure if any additional words between the branch leaders were needed until a later date. "You can rest easy, our staff is more than capable of ensuring a hasty recovery for Yukio-kun. He will be back to normal in no more than a month." she summarizes one last time.​
Takeshi looked at Mikasa as he seemed to have squared away the situation that had taken place, it seemed that Yukio was now in good hands and that is all that mattered to him as he allowed himself to look to Yukio then back to the more than capable medic as he allowed himself to smile for a few seconds pondering what to do but decided that their was no real point in him sticking around any longer than he was required for. With that Takeshi allowed himself to walk over to the door though he stopped just at the handle and looked over to the two of them.

“Well it seems that Yukio is in good hands and with that I will leave you in those capable hands Yukio, just make sure from this point forward that you consider what you do and say to other people. It can come back and bite you like it did today, that’s something to always consider when you find yourself in these situations”

Takeshi allowed himself to open the door as the ANBU that were waiting instantly stood up straight. It seemed that they knew when their commander was leaving with one last look back to Yukio the ANBU Sennin left the two of them to do their work deciding to not just hang around any more. He knew that the boy would be recovering for a while and in that split second he figured that it would be best to let them have a conversation in private.

[Topic Left]
A deep breath escaped Yukio at his teachers words it was true he would have to be careful of his words from this point forward but for all it had landed him in hospital for a month it had also taught him the value of putting faith in others. At the end of the day if he didn't trust anyone enough to tell them the truth then he would eventually find himself alone and in the wrong kind of lifestyle for a Shinobi.

"I shall keep such things in mind Sensei thank you for the advice and lesson it is something i will not soon forget."

Tilting his head to Mikasa on the subject of the young student he sighed it was going to be a long process in training him and not one that would be enjoyable if he was being honest with himself. "I have taught the young Maru personally now and i can say he has a long way to go, safe to say he does little to make it seem like he cares very much for the advice of others or working with a team to make the best of his abilities." It had been the first time in a long time that Yukio had felt so deflated being brought somewhere the matter that should Maru turn up the respect he had tried to earn would vanish in an instant.

"I will do what i can to rest here though i do not like the idea of simply laying around and doing nothing, if I'm going to be laying here may as well make the most of it. Then again the company is appreciated too" Yukio was not one to lay still for long periods of time rarely sleeping at all if it meant he could do his duty for the village at large and improve his skills to teach others with the same skill he'd one seen in his teachers.
Yukio seemed keen on the notion of being able take refuge in the Konohaga Byoin, though Mikasa hardly could fault the shinobi. Turning her attention towards Takeshi, the kunoichi bows her head politely as he takes his leave and the ANBU posse following suit. Adjusting the necktie, she swiftly turns about to cross the room to loam above the Hyuuga, "If find yourself in need of food, requiring aid to use the bathroom, or any extremities, please press the call for aid button." she addresses, gesturing towards the simple device, conveniently snug in place mere centimeters from his exposed fingers.

On cue, her usual complacent grin widens, her eyes softening, "You'll recover in no time, no worries!" she jabs playfully at the shoulder of the ANBU, clanking against the cast. To focus the entirety of her time on a single patient was far from ideal, hence the use of the button, although she would personally return at specific intervals, "Not to worry, I'll be stopping in, so you don't get too lonely." she pauses for a moment to consider what sort of items the male could possibly require. In any event, she places her hands upon the handle bars to escort the Hyuuga down the hallway to his new temporary abode.

Fortunately Mikasa would not bump into any corners and safely settle the mobile bed against the wall, gesturing upwards to an old fashion screen, "You have a fantastic window view." she murmurs, opening the curtains to take notice of the dreary scene of patients exercising to rehabilitate themselves; swiftly she clutches the curtains and pulls them together once more, "Never mind." Waving her hand frantically she heads to the door, closing it swiftly before popping the door open once more, her platinum mane cascading downwards, "If you need anything, press the button." she iterates once more before disappearing.

[OOC: Topic left]​
Shifting his eyes up to the figure of Mikasa now looming over him a long held back sigh escapes the Hyuuga's lungs, seeing the button he should press should he require any assistance twitching his fingers in response. "Well at least I can still move something so that's always a bonus, I'll make sure to remember that it's there should anything happen." A smile crossed his face making a change from the deadpan expression he felt like he'd been wearing since arriving at the hospital or at least since waking up covered in a cast.

Her playful jab was well received though he flinched slightly, a chuckle following it. He would have done and said much more had his body not felt like it was dragged though explosion jutsu, feeling more like a well done steak than a Shinobi at that moment in time as he took a deep breath letting fresh air fill his lungs before a more gentle look rested on his features. "I appreciate it, I find having company these days has become a lot more pleasant than it once was." Upon being taken by Mikasa in his mobile bed he would be lying if he said it didn't make him feel weak and feeble not being able to move himself around though at the same time Yukio had learnt that accepting the assistance of others was a major step to becoming a better person.

Watching her open the curtains was something of a comedic moment to him finally relaxing enough to laugh at the irony of the attempt though it was the thought that counts. "It's ok so long as I don't strain my eyes it's actually quite a nice view looking out there." making a few flicking gestures towards the window with his fingers, that being as much as he could manage at that point. "I will be sure to keep the button in mind, though I think I should also spend some time doing what I can from this bed without straining my body of course." He had in mind his more Chakra based techniques, small time Justu to keep his chakra network running and in check so he wouldn't lose his touch while resting there.

[Topic left, recovering by a window]

Current Ninpocho Time:
