Faintly the clashing of sheet metal pressing one another would signify the file cabinet containing a majority of maiden’s personal medical research coming to a close. Truthfully, she was not to be bothered with the simplicities of latching as her finding were quite often visible for all to view via the bibliotheca. The purpose of this particular day were contact her personal shadow, to gain knowledge to better allow open communication for the two. Similar to the store of Peter Pan, her shadow deemed itself difficult to come by. Gingerly the tips of her left hand waltz upon the rosewood desk, flowing elegantly as if entranced with an unseen suitor; her method of allowing time to transpire.
Delicately a petite goblet wriggles within her opposing hand, trickling a veil of water against the unit containing a single stargazer lily, her personal center piece in the workspace. Kaori would find little difficulty with understanding facilities depth as two adults arms outstretched are able to cover the entire width. Plain walls of ivory, the window she sought still evading her until a future date.
Attentively she presses her eyewear along the bridge of her nose, the lasses evanescent gaze settling upon the door and in turn a single digit causing the demise of the waltz upon the rosewood. A translucent thread streaks outwards, attaching against the door, and upon her digit tugging backwards would the door burst open. Knocking was awkward, she wished to allow the pair to meet without any oddities.
“Hello!” she pauses, “Greetings.” Another pause, “I’m glad you could join me.” That of a wisp escaping her lips, her digits prodding against the flesh of her brow, “No, that doesn’t seem natural on any level, plus I've said this prior.” she admits aloud. “Oh! Please, come sit.” she settles upon, despite rehearsing against the view of the open hallway, her vocals echoing downwards until the violet and orchid teen would grace Mikasa with her presence.