Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Business Casual? [Open]

Aug 24, 2012

Faintly the clashing of sheet metal pressing one another would signify the file cabinet containing a majority of maiden’s personal medical research coming to a close. Truthfully, she was not to be bothered with the simplicities of latching as her finding were quite often visible for all to view via the bibliotheca. The purpose of this particular day were contact her personal shadow, to gain knowledge to better allow open communication for the two. Similar to the store of Peter Pan, her shadow deemed itself difficult to come by. Gingerly the tips of her left hand waltz upon the rosewood desk, flowing elegantly as if entranced with an unseen suitor; her method of allowing time to transpire.

Delicately a petite goblet wriggles within her opposing hand, trickling a veil of water against the unit containing a single stargazer lily, her personal center piece in the workspace. Kaori would find little difficulty with understanding facilities depth as two adults arms outstretched are able to cover the entire width. Plain walls of ivory, the window she sought still evading her until a future date.

Attentively she presses her eyewear along the bridge of her nose, the lasses evanescent gaze settling upon the door and in turn a single digit causing the demise of the waltz upon the rosewood. A translucent thread streaks outwards, attaching against the door, and upon her digit tugging backwards would the door burst open. Knocking was awkward, she wished to allow the pair to meet without any oddities.

“Hello!” she pauses, “Greetings.” Another pause, “I’m glad you could join me.” That of a wisp escaping her lips, her digits prodding against the flesh of her brow, “No, that doesn’t seem natural on any level, plus I've said this prior.” she admits aloud. “Oh! Please, come sit.” she settles upon, despite rehearsing against the view of the open hallway, her vocals echoing downwards until the violet and orchid teen would grace Mikasa with her presence.
A new and shiny shinobi headband was given to Kaori not long after she completed her meeting with Yomi. The headband was delivered to the Shrine and the uproarious fanfare made by Kaori was enough to shake the foundations of the Shrine. Several variants of the headband was made, to match the outfits that Kaori could potentially wear. Her usual outfit, the blue skirt with the white and blue corset top was made to wear the headband like a belt. The belt wasn't as rugged or rough-looking like the legendary 'Green Beast of Konoha' would have worn it. No, that was stuff of legends, and as far as other people know, that person didn't exist. However, the way Kaori wore it was a bit more stylish while at the same time, it was durable. Normally, she would wear the headband across her forehead, but the fact that she had horns protruding out the side of her head made wearing the headband properly just a little bit uncomfortable; having to wrap the headband around her horns which put pressure on the side of her head and just caused an intense amount of pain to shoot through her head. Something Kaori didn't particularly care for.

Today was a beautiful day, not too hot and not too cold. The leaves had changed colors and a swift breeze took some of the leaves for a journey through the wind. The gentle falling of leaves caressed her skin, causing her to brush them away as she walked her usual route through the village, waving hello to her neighbors. Congratulatory greetings were given as some of the locals noticed the shining emblem upon her waist causing Kaori to smile and wave and even lightly bow to some of the people she passed by, thanking them for their congratulations. It was a big day for Kaori as this was the first time she got to show off that she was actually, finally, a shinobi of Konoha. No matter if her promise with Mina had been fulfilled, the skies still seemed too small for her, as if having the same feelings of a caged bird. It wasn't a curse or anything that kept her back but it was the feeling that she couldn't spread her wings and fly; being imprisoned by society, itself. Typical teenage angst.

The hospital was in sight and Kaori made her way inside. She greeted the usual suspects within the hospital, still repeating the same process of thanking people for their kind words for her achievement. She did bust her hump to get to where she was at now and not feeling a little bit of pride for one's own accomplishments was simply foolish. Kaori stopped as she found herself in front of Yomi's office and blinked as the door was closed. Today she wouldn't be stopping by this office; no, today she would be stopping by her new mentor's office. One going by the name of Mikasa. Kaori looked around and noticed an open door and hearing a feminine voice come from the door. The voice was quite familiar.

Kaori found herself near the door as the demure woman greeted her in. Perhaps it was simply coincidence, as if Mikasa was reading from a script, but she smiled and waved to Mikasa before moving into the office, following her in. This was quite the awkward way to meet with the woman she was to be shadowing until she became a fully functional medic, herself, but not all introductions had to be perfect and concise; just needed to be suitable and not hostile in any manner. Following Mikasa into her office, Kaori instantly took a seat and with her usual smile upon her face, she placed her hands upon her knees and nodded her head. "You wanted to see me?" Kaori asked. She kind of has an idea of what this meeting would be about, but wouldn't jump to conclusions.​

In due time would the maiden find her gaze reflecting against 'her shadow', the tale of Peter Pan’s lost shadow coming to a closure. Gingerly her ungloved digits would protrude outwards, fanning about before settling towards a double finger point towards the headband; a single finger was quite rude in her opinion. “To be quite frank with you, I’m shocked you wear the headband so . . .” a momentary reprieve, “Normally?” she suggests with a finite grin, “What I mean is that I feel bearing it around your neck would suit you better.” Mikasa swiftly adds, not wishing to make qualms so early within their budding relationship.

Cupping her hands together upon the rosewood, her frame leans forward against the desk, “Before we collaborate together, I wish to know a bit more about you.” she admits, “Your aspirations and what you seek from within our esteemed field.” she summarizes. The maiden’s nose would wrinkle nearly indiscreetly, shifting her spectacles to settle into a far more comfortable state.

“In turn, feel free to inquire anything you wish of me.” she nods gently while speaking gingerly, a melting wafer; nearly the quality of autonomous sensory meridian response. All the while, a single set of fingertips caress against the vase upon her desk, the sole stargazer lily the main attraction and commanding total respect. “Please though, you can drop the formalities and address me as you wish.” she begins, allowing her body to lean back within the armchair, “I only address in formalities while in front of the eyes of the superiors.” she admits, not understanding the relation between Yomi and Kaori.

All cards would lay bare upon the tabletop, if Kaori wished; no secrets would be out of the question in hopes of constructing the basis of a bond that was sure to be tested as time progressed. Would the lass find similarities between the flora and her locks? Her earlier compliment in the office of the sennin holding true.

And straight to the small-talk. A suggestion was made in reference to the placement of her headband,
in this case her waistband, and she took it into account. Perhaps it would look better as a choker of some sorts rather than as a belt. These headbands offer very little in terms of protection considering the amount of fireballs and lightning bolts and even dimensional distortions that could be thrown at a person. The idea of a piece of metal blocking attacks was a bit silly to her. Certainly, it might be a bit more effective against some weapons from piercing a small portion of the wearer's skull, but reality is much stranger than fiction. In a fictional world, someone would intentionally block kunai and senbon needles with their headband, but in this reality, the headband is kinda pointless as a piece of armor; so Kaori would use it as a piece of aesthetic jewelry to represent her homeland.

"Perhaps. I was thinking of maybe having a choker made out of it. But, for now, I think this is good enough. I'm just more proud to wear it than anything really," she explained. Which she felt was more true than anything. After the brief small-talk, she got to the brass-tacks. She wanted to get to know Kaori a bit more and what she wanted to do in the medical field. Kaori simply smiled in a half-hearted manner. "Well, i think it would be a better idea to start off with why I want to become a medical ninja first," she said as she shifted her weight upon the chair.

"When I was younger, I had a friend named Mina," she said as she crossed her legs and placed her gloved hands, interlaced with one another, over her top-most knee. The gloves had an ornate design inscribed upon it, looking not less different from a standard shinobi glove. Kaori removed the bulky, weighted objects that would go around the gloves that held puppetry within it for when she had no intention of going into battle.
The puppetry items involved in the gloves are a bit too high tech and quite cumbersome to wield to simply use for an interview. She wouldn't go without them though as there were two wheel-shaped objects hanging off of her hips.

"Mina was very sick with a disease and she ended up dying without the doctors here knowing what was wrong with her. I wanted to enter medicine, preferably pathology, to discover cures to these terrible diseases or ways to control them to make lives easier. I don't want to see anyone else lose someone they care about to a disease that doctors don't know how to cure," Kaori said as she nodded her head. It was a hard topic for her to talk about, even though the spirit of the girl (Mina) had resided within the Gloves of Divine Dragon Flame that she wore quite casually and quite literally everywhere.

"My life story will probably come a little later," Kaori said as she brushed some of her hair over her horns. Unlike the way she was as a child, she didn't go out of her way to hide her horns. It was something she was born with and couldn't change so she got over the fact that people would call her a monster for having this. The implications of the horns, involving her family and the cult she was born into, was a whole different story altogether. A story that wouldn't nor shouldn't be explained during this single meeting with someone Kaori still deemed as a stranger. It does take Kaori a little while to adjust to people she just barely met. She was happy, none-the-less, to meet another person that had a similar career path, but to actually trust her was also a different story.

Kaori's face turned to another smile as she started to gently kick her propped up foot, swinging it as it pivoted upon her knee. "So what got you interested in the study of flowers?" she asked. The thoughts of Daisy being in that field caused Kaori to pause for a moment. Scary bitch.​

WC: 688

Silence would befall upon the medical kunoichi, there would be not one of word of interruption as she listens to the tale of Tenkawa Kaori; occasionally her head nods, signifying Mikasa had been following the story thus far. “It never ceases to amaze me that those of a similar feather flock together.” she admits, leaning forward within her armchair once again, digits settle upon the workspace flat. “Originally, the flowers were nothing, but a mere distraction to anchor me to this world.” A momentary reprieve, the leather glove upon her right hand rising upwards, pressing faintly against her lower lip.

“If you wish to not view, then I advise you glance the other way.” she cautions, teeth pinching the fabric, before forcefully yanking upwards to reveal the crudeness beneath. Kaori’s initial observation, if she so choose, would reveal a thin work of puppetry; each individual digit creaking clock gear. “I too lost one due to my lack of resolve and knowledge.” her vocals lowering, revealing inners working was far from pleasant; however she truly were placing hopes upon their relationship taking root.

Daintily her creation, no, hardly correct, Mikasa’s masterpiece lifts upwards against the fluorescent ceiling lamp. Marvelous in its own right, yet a curse in the same instance – never the least she hastily sheathes her prosthetic, not wishing to bother her underclassman. The brilliant twinkling gaze fell dimmer, “I studied with him, every item he cherished I in turn did the same. He was the sky above me and the earth below my feet.” Reminiscing, her eyes begin to haze, glossing over with an infinite loop of still images. “At a young age I was taken in, his father accepting me as part of the family in order up bring those who truly sought to repair the harm the samurai regimen produced.”

Similarly, her legs fold upon one another, her free hand caressing against the flower between them, “Little to my knowledge, we worked ourselves to the point of illness – not one in which common knowledge could mend.” Their eyes haunt her to this day, the lighting within their eyes faded so rapidly, decaying into emptiness and overwhelming sadness. “I risked everything, I kept him alive as long as possible, extending the pain in hopes of finding a cure.” she states darkly, Tenkawa Kaori no longer within the room; only that of the lily and Mikasa remaining – a personal stage. “Transferring of organs.” Lowering her gaze upon the lily did the appearance alter within her mind, crimson stains, “Siphoning my own chakra into his own system to the unconventional.” her unclothed digits directing towards the now gloved.

Propping her frame upright, her conscious returning to the state of now, the past unable to be altered, “All modern research had not become the savior I sought and after a few years I turned to the very earth he became.” A pause, “The studying of flora, each beautiful and many unstudied. My hopes still linger.” she admits, giving an apologetic grimace of her rambling.

Every individual within this world fought their own personal demons, none outweighing another; each circumstance significant in its own right.
Kaori just glanced at the woman evenly as she continued to speak in cryptic messages. Usually when Kaori's having a conversation, she doesn't like doing a lot of thinking and she liked to just have a conversation (even if it was about absolutely nothing at all). However, the longer she spoke to Mikasa, the more her head started to ache. She wanted to shout out 'what the f-- are you talking about' but restrained herself. All Kaori did was smile and nod her head as most of the riddles and cryptic words spoken by the medic just went right over her head.
Maybe it was because of Kaori's inability to comprehend metaphors or similes or Kaori's inability to comprehend the metaphysical or other spiritualist crap. It could also be that Kaori just has a limited vocabulary and didn't understand half of what Mikasa was trying to convey. While she's more than willing to learn, she'd almost rather Mikasa just speak plainly without causing Kaori to think and come up with her own interpretations.

It was then that her mind was blown. She saw the woman was a puppet and that her insides worked a lot different from the rest of the people. Now she gets it. The woman didn't speak in a cryptic manner, she was (most likely) being extremely literal in her words. Perhaps the flowers DID literally anchor her to this world. The glance of the puppetry and clockwork didn't bother her one bit. On the contrary, it interested her to the point that Kaori got uncomfortably close to the opening that was made so she could get a better look at it. Kaori dropped her jaw and just simply stated "Whoaaaa. I didn't know something like this could exist" she simply said as she continued to examine the movements within the woman.

Kaori cleared her throat as the thing was moving around and Mikasa moved the prosthetic out of the way and gave Mikasa a bit more space. It seemed that, Kaori's strange and newly found interest in puppetry, had taken up a lot of Mikasa's personal space. Realizing her folly, she gave Mikasa her space once again. It was then that Kaori started to listen. It was evident that she adored this man and the admiration was plainly evident in the words spoken about him. She was envious. She wanted to be someone that someone would see in that light. She wanted that kind of adoration. As the story continued, her eyes darted to the left for a moment. It seemed this woman was familiar with how Kaori felt having a friend or loved one die to malady.

As tragic as it is, it is starting to become cliche`. It was sad what happened between the two and Kaori slapped her hands upon the desk and balled a hand into a fist next to her heart. "THAT!" she said with a pause to give a moment to clear the air from when she slammed her hand down into the desk. "That is why I want to get into pathology. If we don't know what a certain disease is, we can't develop a cure,
right? So in order to find cures, we need to discover what these diseases are so we can eradicate them!
" she said as she shot her hand straight up into the air as her nostrils flared open, oscillating between wide open and just regular open several times. She obviously seemed a bit fired up.​

In the initial moments Mikasa found herself baffled, head tilting towards the left ever so slightly; unable to determine any previous instances where one found enjoyment from her irregularities. Truth to be told, the fact that the kunoichi didn’t consider Kaori being one of the few to understand, due to her own oddities, left the kunoichi feeling quite silly. In turn she would allow the lass to examine to her hearts content; a form of silent apology for being arrogant on the matter. “I’m glad you don’t find it strange.” she comments in a sincere tone, “Many odd things exist in this world.” she adds.

The youngster continued to amaze, the gall behavior brought a grin upon her lips, “I completely agree.” Upon closer inspection would Kaori be able to note her subtle lurch due to the sudden slamming upon her desk and hand extending outwards to balance the flask containing the flower. “Pathology, huh?” she inquires, streaking her free hand through the platinum mane, adjusting the locks to the rear of her ears. “Then we will be in for a treat.” she begins to beam, showcasing a glimmer of the same enthusiasm her shadow possessed.

Diligently the medical-nin would swivel about in her armchair, sliding out the sole drawer of her ivory filing cabinet. After a brief moment of silence could her mumbling become audible, “Now, where did I place it?” she inquires rhetorically, rummaging about. Eventually, would she find the item she sought, despite being fairly new, a crumbled passport smacks down upon the desk with equal furiosity of Kaori’s earlier actions.

“Couldn’t agree with you more.” she states for the second time that day. Unable to contain her own excitement any longer, most likely due to the youngster’s antics, would Mikasa follow suit and come to a stand. “That is why we are going for an adventure.” Two fingers press together to point downwards towards the passport, “You’ll need to obtain one, but we are going to go Moon Country!”

A pause, a swift cough would follow before she sat herself within the armchair most hastily. Despite the woman’s ability to appear mature, Tsukasa Mikasa considered herself childish in a majority of affairs; however she didn’t wish for Kaori to view her in that particular light – as of yet. “Any objections?” she inquires, cupping her hands together once more. Clearly, their discussion was far from finished.
Kaori was emboldened by nothing but pure fervor. She had a lot, personally, invested in going down the path of pathology. She had no other real motivation other than that. Some may say that she would have some sinister things planned while playing with containers of diseases; maybe even be asked to weaponize something as atrocious is that. No, she wouldn't be easily corrupted to take something she wants to eradicate and turn it into a weapon. That goes against her code of ethics; though the thought did cross her mind that, as a nation of human weapons, using another living creature to fight their battles WOULD potentially save the lives of those that she grew to care for in this village. Even those unsavory ANBU scumbags.

No, the thought of any disease being used in a weapon could be spread relatively easily due to how much traveling could be done. If the source of the disease was traced back to Konoha, they could always send out a suicide shinobi to infect the village, thus eradicating the original plan of saving lives. It was probably best that, once she goes down that road and has a lot of those viruses and other infectious agents at her disposal, she would need to keep the specimens safe and under the proper controls. Those were things she had to develop and practices she'd have to put into place when she gets to that point.

Her thoughts were broken when Robo-senpai mentioned that 'they'd be in for a treat'. This caused Kaori to focus on the woman and tilt her head inquisitively. Kaori was left confused as the woman gently fumbled about in her thoughts and in her actions trying to find something. While Kaori would love to help, she couldn't possibly know what Mikasa wanted nor where it would be found. It was best that she simply waited for her to find what it was and address her. A crumpled up passport was slammed upon the desk as Kaori rummaged through her pockets and pulled hers out. She wasn't too happy about the picture she took, having had everything perfect for the photo except for the fact that she blinked when the picture was taken, giving Kaori a rather unflattering appearance. Instead of showing the picture, she just flashed the cover of the passport.

Kaori actually obtained her passport on the very same day she left Yomi's office and waited hours.. and hours... and hours... until a grumpy woman made Kaori even grumpier by her infectious mood. Kaori pocketed the booklet and smiled big. "Oooo! Moon! I've heard of that place before!" Kaori said as excitement and dread filled her heart. There was a Dragon Statue in that country which means Kaori must perform her duties and exorcise that statue. She knew the one in Moon was particularly dangerous, causing her heart to beat rapidly at the thought of having to fight something that might actually kill her. Oooo, Yomi would be SO PISSED.

Kaori returned the smile upon her face and shook her head. "N-n-no. No objections here!" she said with excitement laced in her voice. While she was excited to leave her home land, hoping the sky would look bigger out in the world outside of this cramped village. "But before I go, I have a couple things I need to do. So um, maybe give me a few days to sort that out?" Kaori asked, almost pleading for the time to make proper preparations.​

Inquisitively the maiden fixes her gaze upon the neat passport the lass rummaged to locate moments prior, her paling in comparison. It was quite clear the pair handled their possessions in far different manners from one another, but that would certainly add to the excitement. “A land plagued with mysterious and not too well known.” she begins to explain, the excitement within her vocals raise exponentially. “A perfect location to seek the unknown.” She concludes, unsure of what would be encountered. Mikasa would fail to mention she had never once been to the shrouded veil of interest; however she did on purpose as to note alarm Kaori.

“East of fire country we will travel, where the lightning and sea meet.” she continues, in a ginger tone, “Personally, I wish to examine the supposed reefs for any potential medical uses.” Mikasa gestures with her hands, summarizing the goal of the adventure. Much to her dismay the youngster would require a few days to prepare, though in the depths of her mind would she find no fault in her choice of words. “Of course.” a momentary pause, the maiden had yet to pack any gear herself – surely she would need to seal a few personal belongings before the journey began. “Three days is more than enough?” she inquires, the medical kunoichi’s head tilting towards the left, her platinum locks swaying daintily.

Mikasa wouldn’t comment on Kaori’s facial expression, rather the passport, Kaori’s senior wastes no time in exposing the photo without consent; only that of a faint grin would be given as to mock her fully. “I advise you pack for various weather, I am unsure of how it will be this time of year.” she advises, though she herself was not entirely sure of what the pair would encounter in regards to weather patterns. Better safe than sorry.

In three days I will be at the gate and if you aren’t there awaiting, then that wouldn’t make you a very good shadow would it?” With that the superior would allow for the new recruit to speak. Would the Medical Sennin be knowledgeable of this adventure? Ultimately, at some point Mikasa was confident word of ear would extend its hand outwards into the lap of Yomi and that bridge she would cross when the time came. Research waited for no man, or woman for that matter.

The faint sound of pitter pattering would emit from beneath the desk, Mikasa's leather boots tapping away excitedly, not wishing to expose her childish-side in front of Kaori; however this was becoming far too much to bear.
While the majority of the land would seem to be filled with the unknown, there was one thing that she knew for a fact to exist there. It was that one thing that would drive her to go there. Now given the opportunity to travel, she could handle that little problem on her own when she was given the time. Their very limited stay would make Kaori's ability to search for the Dragon Statue very limited, but if this statue was like the one in Konoha, she'd know that civilizations would crowd around it due to the parasitic demon that resided within the Statue. Feeding off of the praise and worship granted to them and the promise of feeding young virgins to it. If all of the demons were the same, the creature and it's nest wouldn't be hard to locate.

Kaori simply smiled at Mikasa with a weak smile, trying to shrug off the idea that she would have to exorcise the demon, and nodded her head towards the mechanized woman. "Yeah, perfect place," she said to show that she was paying attention. It was then that the talk of the ocean came about. For as long as Kaori had lived, she had never seen the ocean and the idea of seeing something like that made her more and more excited to go. Kaori nodded her head at the question of 3 days being ample. It was more than enough. Truth be told, she was ready to leave tomorrow; all she had to do was assign someone as the current leader of the Shrine and she would be ready and raring to go.

It was then that Mikasa announced that she will be at the gates in three days. Kaori stood up and bowed towards Mikasa with a big smile upon her face,
still pushing down the idea of a life-threatening exorcism. "Of course! Three days will be more than enough. Thank you for the opportunity," she said once more as she bowed, letting herself hang there for a moment before standing back up, face red as the blood rushed into her face. "Is there anything else you need from me?"

Inquisitively the medical-nin adjusts her spectacles, digits toying with the thin black rims. "“Excellent, I’ll be able to store all necessary equipment within sealing scrolls to aid our adventure.” she explains, crossing her right left daintily over the left, “I believe we have covered enough for the day, wouldn’t want to spoil all of our secrets so early, right?” she inquires with a faint grim, fanning her digits outwards against the doorway, signifying the medical kunoichi in training was dismissed.

Truth to be told, Mikasa was ecstatic, the opportunity to travel with one following in her footsteps made her gitty to the core. Three sunrises from this moment would signal the beginning of their travels, assuming that all went according to plan; yet the unexpected tend to pry on every corner. Mikasa would not speak any further, turning attention to the ivory filing cabinet, prying the contents ajar enough for her gaze to peer into.

Swiftly her fingertips brush through the contents, formulating her next phase of action and contemplating which items would be necessary for the expedition. “Sampling vials?” she inquires aloud, “Yes, certainly!” she nods her head, causing the platinum locks to sway.


Hours would pass, the Konoha Byoin ceasing a majority of its functions for the night, outside of the urgent care unit – which rotated shifts to ensure all emergencies would be taken care of. A faint knocking upon the entrance gained her attention, equal azure orbs match against her own. “Is this everything you wished it to be?” the raven hair male inquires, a light smile settles upon his lips and in a similar fashion to her own movements would his hands glide through messy locks. “Yes, very much so!” she chimes without missing a hitch, “I didn’t expect you to stay this close by though.” she retorts cheekily.

“Hmm?” the voice calls back from the doorway, “I can’t leave my Meadowlark on her own, not quite yet.” he begins before being interrupted by the maiden, “I’m learning to stand on my own and I am taking those under my wings.” she interjects, “I don’t think you need to worry.” a blank stare would rival one another, “We shall see.” he calmly replies, the figure turning about, back turned towards Mikasa. “Thank you, S-“ her words would be silenced by his raising hand, “Don’t mention it, Tsukasa Mikasa.” the male calls back behind him, slinking away into the corridors.

"Business casual as usual.."

[OOC: Topic Left]
Wouldn't want to spoil the adventure of looking at plants and coral right? Because nothing says high epic adventure than looking for plants through other deadly plants and plants that'll simply give you a nasty rash. Neat-o! Kaori tilts her head and gave Mikasa a rather uncomfortable laugh. She expected adventures to be fun and not tedious and laborious journeys through thick brush to find another brush to study the brush. But as Mikasa's shadow, she has to do what she's told. Now that Kaori thinks about it, since Mikasa is a mechanized puppet-creature-thing, does Mikasa need mortar and pistil or would she just use the gears inside of her body to grind up whatever plants she needed. More thoughts for later.

With a quick bow, Kaori stood up with a different smile, one that seemed a bit more pleasing to the eye. "I'll see you then!" she said before calmly making her way out of the medic's door and closes the door behind her. She leaned on the wall next to the door and closed her eyes. The thought of having to take down yet another demon within the dragon statue had her a bit on edge. This one was exceedingly powerful due to some of the more primitive worship techniques known to man. It was rumored that the people in Moon performed animal and often performed human sacrifices. If Leaf had the custom of sacrificing girls born with horns, then what would the rituals of the Moon Statue be? This caused shortness of breath within Kaori before she pushed herself away from the wall and tried to level her breathing pattern.

She didn't have time to cool down, she had things to do before the day comes, including telling Yomi. Yes, regardless of how secret Mikasa wanted to keep this, Kaori would have to, eventually, tell Yomi. Yomi was her 'older sister' in a way and she didn't keep secrets from her older sister.

[Topic Left]

Current Ninpocho Time:
