Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

C-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Squall said:
A technique that releases a beam of storm energy at two targets, that once hit, disperses into minuscule, barley visible threads of storm energy around the targets. This storm energy does not deal any damage, though the discharge both shocks the victim and and interferes with projectiles, while attracting other storm based techniques.

Prerequisites: Storm Affinity, C-rank

Rank 1: Infuses storm chakra into a target, inflicting the 'Polarize' effect upon them. Lasts a full round.
Master: Infuses storm chakra into two targets, inflicting the 'Polarize' effect upon them. Lasts a full round.

Rank 1 Cost: 450 Cp, 230 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 560 Cp, 280 Cp/Rnd

- While a target is effected by this jutsu, the user's Storm jutsu may gain the damage buff as well.
- The 'Polarize' effect causes weapon-based attacks used by the victim to have a -2 Accuracy. Additionally, Weapons and Storm Jutsu deal +5% damage for every weapon the target has equipped up to +10%.
Shielding Tempest said:
Shielding Tempest
The Storm element involves skillful control of Lightning and Water into concentrated energy; though this isn't necessarily limited to any one form. This skill creates an electrifying shield of storm chakra to protect the user from harm, while simultaneously warding off those who might try to come to close. Contact with this chakra instantly zaps the attacker, sending volts of static coursing through their body.

Prerequisites: Storm Affinity, C-rank

Rank 1: The user conjures up a wall of condensed water and electricity to shield themselves up to 1215 damage. Melee contact with the wall has a 12% chance to 'Stun' the attacker.
Master: The user conjures up a wall of condensed water and electricity to shield themselves up to 1520 damage. Melee contact with the wall has a 18% chance to 'Stun' the attacker.

Rank 1 Cost: 450 Cp, 230 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 560 Cp, 280 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to three rounds or until destroyed.
- Defends against physical, non-elemental, and elemental attacks.
- If destroyed, surplus damage may hit the user at normal accuracy.
- The user may not use melee accuracy while this jutsu is maintained.
- Shield Hp may be increased with Storm Buffs.
- The 'Stun' effect lowers the victim's dodge by -2 to the next attack aimed at them as well as preventing them from auto-dodging it, as well as give the attack +1 critical chance.
Laser Prison said:
Laser Prison
By focusing water and electricity into a condensed energy state, one is able to project beams of energy around an opponent. This technique is said to surround an opponent in crossfire of beams causing one to halt in place. These beams of energy are extremely dangerous to the touch and the thin spacing between the beams only makes it harder to maneuver.

Prerequisites: Storm Affinity, C-rank

Rank 1: Traps a target within a field of lasers at -5 Accuracy. This has a 18% chance of activating the 'Laser Guided' effect.
Master: Traps a target within a field of lasers at -4 Accuracy. This has a 24% chance of activating the 'Laser Guided' effect.

Rank 1 Cost: 500 Cp to initiate, 250 Cp/Rnd.
Master Cost: 575 Cp to initiate, 290 Cp/Rnd.

- When bound, the victim cannot perform handseals or move.
- The bound victim may attempt to escape for 1.5 Ap, with a 15% chance of success.
- This bind is broken if the victim takes damage, or the user attacks the victim. (They have a -3 Dodge penalty to the attack aimed at them though)
- If the user takes more than 10% of their Max Hp in damage during a round, this bind is dispelled.
- Failed escape attempts deal 1% Max Hp damage due to the shock of the bind.
- The 'Laser Guided' effect grants this jutsu +2 Accuracy.
Fissure Slash said:
Fissure Slash
A storm technique that molds chakra not into a rapid beam like many storm techniques, but into a crescent shape arc of chakra. Though this technique is a bit more difficult to guide than other storm techniques, it makes up for it by being both razor sharp and significantly powerful.

Prerequisites: Storm Affinity, C-rank

Rank 1: Creates a razor sharp arc of storm energy dealing 1415 damage at -1 Accuracy. This has a 12% chance to cause bleeding and activate 'Laser Guided'.
Master: Creates a razor sharp arc of storm energy dealing 1770 damage at -1 Accuracy. This has a 18% chance to cause bleeding and activate 'Laser Guided'.

Rank 1 Cost: 495 Cp
Master Cost: 620 Cp

- The 'Laser Guided' effect grants this jutsu +2 Accuracy.

Current Ninpocho Time:
