Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

C-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Ice Shards said:
Ice Shards
A technique that allows the user to wave their hand, freezing the air into a long streak of ice that shatters into smaller, jagged shards before launching themselves at targets at high speeds. With both their speed and sharp edges, these sharps can pierce their victims in a icy volley.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, C-rank

Rank 1: Freezes a streak of air that shatters into 5 shards that each deal 255 damage at +1 accuracy. Each shard has a 5% chance to cause bleeding. 'Hypothermia' has a 18% chance of activating.
Master: Freezes a streak of air that shatters into 6 shards that each deal 320 damage at +1 accuracy. Each shard has a 6% chance to cause bleeding. 'Hypothermia' has a 24% chance of activating.

Special Action - Ice Shrapnel: By paying +20% Cp and lowering the base damage by -20%, these shards may burst into shrapnel midair and effect +1 target.

Special Action - Ice Spear: The user may pay +20% Cp to condense all the shards into a single spear of Ice; this deals the combined damage at -2 Accuracy. This has a 18%/24% chance of causing bleeding and 'Hypothermia'.

Rank 1 Cost: 410 Cp
Master Cost: 510 Cp

- Only 5 Shards may hit a single target.
- Bleeding may only be increased once per use.
- If a shard causes bleeding (Or would have caused bleeding if multiple shards are successful), then there is a chance of the victim suffering the 'Hypothermia' effect.
- The 'Hypothermia' effect lowers the victim’s dodge cap by -1. This lasts 10 seconds, and stacks twice with later effects resetting the timer. This debuff cannot be increased through any other method.
Frigid Ice Blast said:
Frigid Ice Blast
A jutsu that allows the user to create a super-chilled burst of Icy Air. When launched at a target this can freeze their skin and clothing to a visible degree, appearing as a bright frost covering them. This impairs their movements significantly for a short moment until they shake off the effects.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, C-rank

Rank 1: Shoots a blast of icy vapor that chills a target, dealing 1485 damage at -2 Accuracy. This has a 12% chance to cause the 'Frostbite' and 'Numb' effects.
Master: Shoots a blast of icy vapor that chills a target, dealing 1855 damage at -2 Accuracy. This has a 18% chance to cause the 'Frostbit' and 'Numb' effects.

Special Action: By paying +20% Cp, the user may sacrifice either secondary effect to increase the other by +12%.

Rank 1 Cost: 540 Cp
Master Cost: 675 Cp

- The 'Numb' effect causes victim’s actions to be modded as if +.5 Ap slower; this does not actually increase Ap cost, only the round timing. (A victim may still complete all their actions during a round). This lasts 10 seconds.
- The 'Frostbite' effect raises the called shot level of a single limb by 1 and increases further called shot attempts on it by +5% (If not stated, the limb is chosen at random). This cannot stack upon the same limb, and is dispelled when the victim takes level C+ Fire damage.
Hypothermic Touch said:
Hypothermic Touch
A technique which the user performs by sending burst of sub-zero energy into the joints of the target, dealing no noticeable damage, but affecting muscles. This freezing chakra significantly reduces a victim’s speed and coordination, making each movement sluggish and impaired.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, C-rank

Rank 1: Inflicts two 'Hypothermia' debuffs. Any Auto-dodge attempts have a 24% chance of failing during this time.
Master: At +1 Accuracy, inflicts two 'Hypothermia' debuffs, and allows it to stack up to -2.5 Dodge cap. Any Auto-dodge attempts have a 30% chance of failing during this time.

Special Action: By paying +20% Cp, this may use Melee Accuracy.

Rank 1 Cost: 500 Cp
Master Cost: 620 Cp

- Lasts up to 20 seconds, and requires a nin check at the start of each round.
- This is the only effect that may increase 'Hypothermia's’'debuff.
- This jutsu's version of 'Hypothermia' effect lowers the victim’s dodge cap by -2, and lasts 20 seconds. This cannot stack or be increased; though at rank 2/3 this may stack for an additional 0.5/1 debuff from other 'Hypothermia' sources.
Arctic Aether said:
Arctic Aether
An advanced Ice technique that draws upon properties of wind, that creates an icy gust of air filled with snowflakes that freezes over the area. Those caught within this icy gust feel their bodies go numb, and their defenses lowered.

Prerequisites: - Ice Affinity, C-rank

Rank 1: Creates an Icy gust of wind that chills two targets at +1 Accuracy. This icy wind deals 1025 damage with a 12% chance of causing the 'Hypothermia' and 'Chill' effects.
Master: Creates an Icy gust of wind that chills two targets at +1 Accuracy. This icy wind deals 1280 damage with a 18% chance of causing the 'Hypothermia' and 'Chill'effects.

Rank 1 Cost: 410 Cp
Master Cost: 510 Cp

- This jutsu may blow away physical vision impairing jutsu/items and effects that may be dispersed by 'Wind Based' techniques.
- The 'Chill' effect causes the target to take +10% damage for a full round.
- The 'Hypothermia' effect lowers the victim’s dodge cap by -1. This lasts up to 10 seconds and stacks twice with later effects resetting the timer. This debuff cannot be increased through any other method.

Current Ninpocho Time:
