Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

C-Rank Jutsu

Ninpocho Admin

Staff member
Jan 15, 2013
Jutsu Sealing said:
A special technique that allows the user to seal away an enemy's attack into a scroll, allowing you to avoid it, while also giving another weapon to use upon the opponent. This can be a risky maneuver, however, as the user must face an oncoming attack head on to efficiently scribe it, and one mistake could put you in a bad situation.

Prerequisites: C-rank, 3 mastered jutsu of the chosen element, Sealing Scroll

Rank 1: Allows the user to scribe and release Ninjutsu attacks up to level D.
Master: Allows the user to scribe and release Ninjutsu attacks up to level C.

Special Action: For 1 AP and 20% of the initial CP cost, the user may release a Jutsu previously sealed in battle. This jutsu only has any damage buffs/effects initially used with it, but uses the user's accuracy. This destroys the Scroll the jutsu was sealed within.

Cost: AP of the sealed Jutsu, CP of the Sealed Jutsu +20%.

- This jutsu is used reflexively, and may only be used successfully once per round.
- The user must have 3 mastered Jutsu of an element in order to recognize and attempt to scribe a jutsu of that element.
- This requires ten seconds of cool down between uses, does not work on any Level B+ jutsu.
- When used, this causes the attack to make a check against the user's Ninjutsu Accuracy instead of evasion. The user cannot dodge if they fail this check, and the scroll is destroyed in the process.
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Stunt Double said:
A jutsu meant to be used with foresight, this skill is essentially a Kawarimi technique used before the user is even in danger. Successful execution of this skill allows a shinobi to switch places with a clone in the blink of an eye without the slightest hint to those around them. This is achieved by increasing the user's speed similar in a manner similar to a shunshin jutsu for a brief moment, allowing them to both create a clone and hide themselves away all in the time span of a split second. This speed generally leaves opponents confused as even those watching the user intently can miss the switch and fall prey to the technique.

Prerequisites: C-rank, Body Switch Mastered, any Clone jutsu

Rank 1: Allows the user to cast a clone jutsu and attempt to hide themselves into stealth with a +1 Stealth bonus upon the initial check.
Master: Allows the user to cast a clone jutsu and attempt to hide themselves into stealth with a +2 Stealth bonus upon the initial check.

Special Action: This may be used reflexively; doing so replaces the stealth bonus with a Dodge bonus. They do not attempt to go into stealth during this time, but make a stealth check to determine if they are confused for a Clone by others in battle. If the user is initially hit this jutsu has a 40% chance of failing. If they dodge, their clones take the damage the user avoided (Divided among the clones created).

Cost: AP cost of the clone jutsu +1; CP cost of the clone jutsu +40%

- This Jutsu is a hidden action, and may only be used once per round.
- This jutsu may only be used when tagged to a Clone jutsu.
- Illusionary clones may be used with this technique, though they require a genjutsu check in addition to the stealth check. If the Genjutsu check fails, then the user creates no clones, and the opponent just notices the user vanish.
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One Element Sealing said:
A weaker version of one of the more difficult sealing skills, the mark this technique leaves negatively impairs the opponent€™s chakra system, counteracting the natural flow and forcing the victim to struggle to perform the simplest of techniques. Hastily performed, this version may only seal specific types of energy, such as the ability to create Fire or manipulate air. In addition, the user must maintain a constant flow of chakra, or the seal will weaken and disperse.

Prerequisites: C-rank, 5 Mastered Jutsu of the chosen Element

Rank 1: Scribes a seal upon the target at -2 Accuracy. The seal gives Jutsu of the sealed element +15% Cp cost. Additionally, the Jutsu has a 18% chance to be treated one rank lower.
Master: Scribes a seal upon the target at -2 Accuracy. The seal gives Jutsu of the sealed element +15% Cp cost, and prevents any Major Affinity Moves from being used with them. Additionally, the Jutsu has a 24% chance to be treated one rank lower.

Special Action: Instead of scribing the seal, the user may attempt to remove one from themselves or another target. This make a Ninjutsu check against the original user.

Rank 1 Cost: 500 Cp, 250 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 625 Cp, 320 Cp/Rnd

- Lasts up to thirty seconds.
- Uses Melee Accuracy to scribe the seal, and a Ninjutsu check each round after the first.
- If a maintain check is resisted, the jutsu is not dispelled; its effects are negated for the round. It will remain until the time limit is reached or it is no longer maintained.
- The user must have 5 mastered Jutsu of the chosen element, and chooses an element to seal upon initiation.
- This jutsu may be used against a target more than once, however the same element may not be sealed multiple times.
- If a base element is sealed, then all Advanced Elements with the sealed element as a 'Major' are treated as if effected by this Jutsu, but at Rank 1. This does not apply to Advanced elements with the sealed base element as a 'Minor', and does not stack if the user seals both the base element, and the advanced element on the victim (They would take the higher penalties).
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Elemental Negation said:
The various elemental natures of chakra all have properties unique to them; strengths that they don't share between each other. But each one also has a weakness, an opposing nature that can negate its effects, and a skilled shinobi can channel an opposing nature through their body to alleviate the problems caused by another.

Prerequisites: C-rank, two Mastered Ninjutsu of the channeled Element

Rank 1: Allows the user to cancel out 'secondary effects' effecting them of a single element by channeling its opposing one. The user has a -3 penalty on all checks from this technique. They are not able to cancel debuffs created with the debilitate Affinity move.
Master: The user requires a minor affinity in the channeled element to use this rank. The user has a -2 Penalty on all checks from this technique. They may now cancel debuffs boosted by the minor affinity version of debilitate.

Rank 1 Cost: 500 Cp
Master Cost: 625 Cp

- When used, a Ninjutsu check is made between the user and the jutsu affecting them. This check is made individually for each effect.
- The user chooses an element to channel, and all opposing debuffs are affected by this technique. This only applies to 'temporary' effects such as 'burns'; this does not apply to permanent effects such as bleeding.
- Fire counters Wind, Wind counters Lightning, Lightning counters Earth, Earth counters Water, and Water counters Fire.
- Advanced Element effects may also be countered; however the user requires the opposing elemental affinities of both elements. Effects caused by Wind Major+Lightning Minor Element require the user to have Fire major+Wind minor element
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Elemental Clone said:
A standard skill for all skilled shinobi: the ability to create a physical clone. This jutsu leaves room for much customization; allowing the user to alter the composition of their clones to their own affinity to have a variety of effects. Even choosing not to use a specific element has its benefits.

Prerequisites: C-rank, a Major Affinity with the Chosen Element

Rank 1: Creates a clone with -6 of the user's secondaries and Hp/Cp equal to 15% of the user's max Cp. This clone may use up to level D Jutsu of its chosen element at Rank 1.
Master: Creates a clone with -5 of the user's secondaries and Hp/Cp equal to 17% of the user's max Cp. This clone may use up to level D Jutsu of its chosen element at Master Rank

Special Action: Instead of creating a single clone, the user may instead choose to create up to three clones. However for each additional clone, their secondaries are reduced by -1 each, their secondary effects are lowered by -6% each, and Hp/Cp is divided among all clones equally. Additionally, creating additional clones lowers all their jutsu by 1 rank per additional clone created.

Special Action: Upon Creation, the user chooses an element to treat the clones. Each element grants the clone a specific effect, though this effect has a 18%/24% chance of activating when they are destroyed. Earth gains 'Crush', Water gains 'Suffocate', Fire gains 'Burn', Wind gains 'Air Disruption', and Lightning gains 'Stun'

Rank 1 Cost: 500 Cp, 250 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 625 Cp, 320 Cp/Rnd

- The user may only create a clone of an element they have an affinity in. Advanced elements cannot be chosen.
- If no element is chosen, then the clones cannot use Ninjutsu. Instead, they may use Taijutsu of an equivalent level. (Base damage is treated as the user's currently equipped weapon ignoring special effects, poisons applied, and augments).
- May only have one type of elemental clone(s) on the field at a time.
- All clones have 1/4 of the users AP. Lowest AP can go is .5 AP.
- Once clones run out of Chakra, they disperse.
- The amount of Max Cp is split into however many clones are created. At master rank, each clone would not have 17%, but the 17% would be divided equally.
- Casting this jutsu while it is already active will remove all current clones from play.
- Each has a unique effect that happens when destroyed, however this only applies if hit by a technique using melee accuracy and this requires a Ninjutsu check between the user and the attacker. All clones may choose to "automatically" disperse on melee contact, whether when attacked or if they choose to strike the target physically (.5 Ap).

- The 'Crush' effect causes suppression and raises the called shot level of a single limb chosen at random.
- The 'Suffocate' effect increases their next jutsu's Cp cost by +20%, lowers its accuracy by -2, and causes the victim to take 1% Max Hp damage.
- The 'Burn' effect causes the target to take +5% damage for ten seconds. 'Burn' stacks up to three times.
- The 'Air Disruption' effect lowers the targets Accuracy by -2 for ten seconds.
- The 'Stun' effect lowers the victim's dodge by -2 to the next attack aimed at them as well as preventing them from auto-dodging it, as well as give the attack +1 critical chance.
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Barrier said:

A defensive jutsu that allows the user to create a sphere of chakra that protects them from all harm, so long as their energy is able to hold out. This barrier blocks out all forms of physical harm whether they be literal physical weapons, or the chakra infused art of Ninjutsu to include illusionary techniques. However, while one is protected on the inside, they cannot attack.

Prerequisites: C-rank

Rank 1: Creates a Barrier that has 1,350 Damage. This has a 18% chance of activating the 'Non-Elemental' effect. Must be used with a special action.
Master: Creates a Barrier that has 1,685 Damage. This has a 24% chance of activating the 'Non-Elemental' effect. Must be used with a special action.

Special Action - Energy Sphere: Gains DR against Physical and Elemental damage. This Barrier only has 90% of the base Hp, and cannot be used reflexively but can be maintained.

Special Action - Wall of Spirits: Gains DR against Elemental, Illusionary damage and blocks Genjutsu directed at the user; this does not affect any jutsu currently in effect. This Barrier has 100% of the base Hp, and cannot be used reflexively but can be maintained.

Special Action - Energy Wall: Gains DR against Physical and Elemental Damage equal to 110% of the Base Damage against a single attack.

Rank 1 Cost: 450 Cp, 230 Cp/Rnd
Master Cost: 560 Cp, 280 Cp/Rnd

- Only one may be active at a time.
- The 'Non-Elemental' effect increases this jutsu's Hp by +10%. This does not apply to caps.
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Chakra Jumping
The natural progression of learning Chakra Manipulation, after a shinobi has mastered Tree Climbing and Water Walking techniques, the next step is to master using a burst of Chakra to take to the skies, if only briefly, giving them almost supernatural leaping abilities.

Prerequisites: C-rank

Rank 1/2: Allows the user to apply the Airborne Status to themselves for the next 3/5 seconds. Rank 2 allows use of the special action.

Special Action - Falling with Style: This can be used reflexively to end the Airborne Status on the user.

Rank 1/2 Cost: 450/560 CP

Current Ninpocho Time:
