"Enough Neophyte. Stay silent for once, your opinion was not asked."
Reaper snapped at her. It seemed that his patience was reaching a terminal point. She looked over at him through the dark pits of her mask, she was struggling to maintain her hold over the demon. Her word and her song were not easily escaped and with each day she only grew more powerful and enduring. The great tree, only seen by herself and Akkuma would shift as the roots hooked his ankles and the branches wrapped around his limbs and stretched them away from his torso.
Sousuke went into a line of questioning.
"For the record. Were you ever taken into Soragakure? Do you have any recollections or slight memory lapses of ... any laboratories or ... Did you ... meet any foreign practitioners of the dark arts? When I say foreign, I mean of a location or symbol you are not innately familiar with?"
Why would that even matter?
"Kazekage, sir... he came from Soons Haven." Those nice samurai men said so. And why would foreign dark arts users be a consideration. This was an odd line of questioning that made her feel unsettled. Her mental grip over Akkuma was starting to diminish, she would not be able to hold him much longer.
"There were a few things that stood out, one was the teleportation seal that was stamped upon participants. I'm unfamiliar with its craftsmanship, whoever designed it was a master sealer. I believe if the dummies had been inspected at the Arena one would have found the work of a Jashinist. As for foreign practitioners of the Dark Arts there was a youth who was enrolled as a chuunin...Isayama Takayuki from Otogakure I believe. Only thing is...if that youth was a chuunin then I'm a saint. Also I don't know many chuunin who are practitioners of Jashin."
She was not familiar with Sound beyond rumor and legacy. She knew that it was a foreign shinobi village located someplace in Tea. As for Jashinism, she understood that religion first-hand. She was never a practitioner of that sadomasochist's faith, but she was once a victim. She shivered, something Reaper's hand would feel if he had maintained contact but if he had she would then try to subtly pull away. She did not like being touched when she remembered Shouki, not only because she lost her pride and felt fear not of death but of pain but also because that was the day she saw Sousuke for the monster he truly was. When she saw him take from Mikaboshi what was not his to take but he felt he had the right. When she saw him subjugate her brother because he could, because Mikaboshi
might do something wrong. Consequences before a crime was even committed. Following, she plead for the Deep Court Lord's freedom and was denied because again, he might do wrong but she saw his act as one of selfish greed and pride and hated him for it.
"Those samurai seemed like nice men," Neophyte protested gently. She did not have strong emotions one way or another, she was going to ignore the pale one's offer for a date but considering how antsy the word samurai seemed to make them she might consider his offer after all.
"Yes ... Shoma is a person of good character. He handled a particular situation quite well. Perhaps too well."
"In my experience its often those very same good men who find themselves manipulated for someone else's schemes."
Yes, that was exactly what she had planned. Using his ethic against her enemies. Scary how spot-on that was, perhaps he was not all brawn and no brains.
"This prison is quite old. Bringing it down in its entirety would prove impossible. Ebonite is not something one ... this is the largest known quantity of it in an area. This prison, material alone, is beyond the financial means of many. Ebonite does not bend or break in a furious display of martial prowess or reckless use of power."
They did not know still -- Good. And what the hell was 'Ebonite'?
"Yes it does look quite structurally sound, even though it is unmalleable...I think you'd find the earth beneath it is far less stubborn...one only needs to take out a section to escape or get in."
The structure known as the Obsidian predated humanity and could be traced back to the dawn of her kind. She did not know or at least remember who built it or why, but it had always served as a prison in one form or another. The dark stones seemed to absorb light. Impenetrable at the deepest, darkest of depths, there were symbols etched into every stone that repelled chakra use. That was why no prisoner had barged through a door, slithered between bars or shifted through solid matter using an advanced earth ninjutsu such as Inner Earth Reflection Lure. Of course, the levels closest to the surface were not made by these long-forgotten builders but rather the tribes of men. Offices and bureaucratic structure, storage, interrogation, recreation. Weak, yes. Those walls could be broken, those doors could be smashed apart. Perhaps these walls were made from the inert substance Sousuke credited, but it mattered little because chakra made men capable of bending the elements to their will. The prisoners housed in the deepest parts of the Obsidian lingered there still, the
reason this structure seems to consume the chakra of its inhabitants.
"After all with what I just saw...I'm sure there's lots of secrets & creatures down here you wouldn't want getting loose."
Oh... darling, you do not know the half of it.
She could see the Reaper approach her from behind, even without his icy aura she never lost sight of her surroundings. Her keen sense of sound was one of the few skills sustained through death. She felt uncomfortable allowing the Delphic Sennin to draw so near. She would look ahead, never turning back. She needed to hold the demon in his place.
"The decision is yours to make Kazekage, but I do have something to say about it. It seems Akkuma and our good AiT here."
The Reaper planted his hands on her shoulders and her body tenses under the weight of his palms. He would be able to feel the bandages beneath the thin robes that concealed a bony frame. She did not say a word, not yet. She did not know anything about the Reaper, he could be an utter imbecile or he could be a threat she was not prepared to counter. His confidence was disquieting.
"Have created certain ill feelings between both. I am certain they will try to kill each other at the first opportunity. I recommend that, if either shows up dead, we throw the other into the Pit, no question asked. If they are seen together in a not peaceful way, they are thrown into the Pit together. If any of them is found stalking the other, he or she will be thrown into the Pit. Any kind of physical or psychological warfare from any of you, will gain you an indefinite stay at the Pit."
She would try to pull herself away from the Sennin.
How fucking dare he. "My opinion not asked, but with all-due-respect," which is none
"it is unreasonable that I would have any responsibility for consequences of his deviance. He is a criminal who has not only assaulted foreign delegates but terrorized a domestic community in the midst of a public event. He has many enemies, least of all me. I refuse to take responsibility for the life of a monster and risk imprisonment in the pit for doing my job. And good luck Sir finding any ANBU willing if this is your practice." She understood why -- she was a nobody and she would not be missed if she was dropped into the pit. A nameless, faceless victim of circumstance. They wanted an excuse to release the demon because he was tied to Sennin Toraono, the fallout of having the border Sennin's brother-in-law imprisoned socially and politically would rock the very foundation of this community. An AiT that disappears one day, or is blamed for the unfortunate fate of the Sennin's in-law, would probably barely make the papers. The Toraono family's mourning, however would make the front page.
"I have taken a snapshot of the questioning the prisoner was submitted to before the uprising. I can give it you for analysis if you want."
"Akkuma does own a rather particularly disturbing business in the Grand Palais. I will kindly ask that you put that business to bed, not in a literal sense but to just shut it down."
It would seem that Akkuma's businesses made Sousuke a bit uncomfortable, he had such a Victorian mind. What kinds of businesses were these? Did that pervert own
The Lotus Blossom? Figures, why did that even surprise her?
"I'll need a week to get the necessary changes in order..."
Akkuma was astonishingly was amicable to Sousuke's requested change. She did not believe or trust him, but his world would likely be good enough for the Kazekage.
"Despite hearing this - I am going to think positive. I am going to ... for Seika's sake - believe that Akkuma has been, since courting her, honest and faithful to her. In the event of children, I would think Akkuma would, in his best interest, want to have children think well of him."
Akkuma would rip free of her hold.
"I have NEVER betrayed Seika & I never will!"<i></i>
"Sir, stand back!" Neophyte would shout as she prepared to mentally grapple the demon once again.
"Stand down demon!" The demon started to strip; hadn't they seen enough of him already? He pulled off his chest plate of armor, revealing the binding seal upon his chest. She would not personally recognize the seal, but that seal was not the only seal ascribed onto his body Akkuma's body was covered with various seals and she wondered how many of them were inert and how many of them tethered him something or someone, how many gave him power, preserved him and how many were inert or perhaps decorative scaring.
"You see this seal? If I betray Seika it's the end of me. I know I'm a masochist & a deviant...but that's who I am. It doesn't detract from my love for Seika, I'd never hurt her. In regards to our children I will be honest with them, they will know the man their father is. I have no doubt they proud to say I'm their father...why don't you ask Riyota sometime? He seems to be fitting in with the clan quite well & his made fine progress as a shinobi. He's well on his way to joining our council at this rate."
He was just handing out targets like candy. A seal that could 'end' him if he betrayed Seika.
Easy. A child, a waif perhaps or a child from a previous lover.
Well, that kid is dead. She was not going to see her country overrun by demons.
"And no, I don't really want to watch the snapshot of all this. What happened was a private matter, and I do not wish to embarrass Neophyte any further? I don't know. Is it embarrassing? It probably is."
"Not embarrassed Sir, it was just a demon dick," she muttered. It was not as if she was a young, puritan child.
"It was not even that impressive." She actually had no opinion on the matter, it could have been glorious or monstrous but she would not have known and it would not have been relevant. She had never laid with a man or a demon and had no intention of ever trying. She lacked the sick curiosities of her brothers and considered it a mark of pride that there was no half-breed Earth Court members.
"I don't know she seemed to enjoying herself letting out all that anger, having a foul demon to direct it upon."
Akkuma interjected. Neophyte nodded in agreement.
"First. Neophyte and Akkuma now have a restraining order placed between them. Distance is no less than one thousand meters. Akkuma is permitted access to and from the Toraono dojo, but will have an escort when present in the Grand Palais. Your marriage... Is still going forward. I trust what happened here does not leave this room. Your actions at the exam, thankfully were done under another banner, if you had done so under a Sunagakure banner then ... the punishment would be far more severe."
"How--" She started to say before Akkuma raised a few questions of his own. They were not the questions that she had, but they were indeed valid. She felt mildly disgusted agreeing with a demon.
"My first issue with this restraining order is how are we, well mainly myself meant to know when I'm in breach of the distance? After all its not like I know her identity."
Really -- do you think that you are dealing with a pair of morons that would order her to announce her name or address so that he could steer clear of her? Actually, nevermind. They just might.
"As for your condition of tails while I travel through the Grand Palais I have no objection to that. But should your shinobi meddle in my affairs without cause you will find them left outside your tower with quite the headache."
Sure, threaten them --
great plan.
He missed the one question she was about to ask.
"How will you know when he is in the Grand Palais?" For that matter, how will she also know where he is. There was next to no chance she was going to let them scribe a complimentary seal onto her. Not only was the seal a means of aversion, potentially Pavlovian Conditioning if there were immediate consequences associated but it was also a way to identify her. She was hardly humdrum. The average Sunan was either dark-haired or a ginger and in many cases nearly a foot shorter than she. It would not take long for the demon to identify her if he had two brain cells he could rub together to keep warm. The seal, also could be used for others to potentially track her, using the same method of discomfort to tell them that they are 'warmer.' She crossed her arms defensively over her chest.
"I am as good as dead if you give him a viable method of tracking me," she reminded him. HE had already been sentenced to the pit once, he would be more than willing to go there again.
"Why would I hold a grudge against Neophyte for following her orders? You were her superior. You should have known of her prejudice against my kind...maybe you did who knows. But I do know that you chose not to intervene at any point even going so far as to leave me alone in the cell with her. So who do you think holds the blame in my eyes? An overzealous initiate or a captain who can't even control his subordinate?"
Bullshit. He was not after the captain, but he was doing a fine job defaming him.
Still, this needed to conclude soon, she needed to pee.
"Scribe... this," she would announce as she searched the cell for a trinket before she found a bit of dull, black metal on the ground that was pounded flat and was a hair smaller than the palm of her hand.
"I can carry this and control MY FATE in terms of dealing with Akkuma when he is released. If I feel it safer to enforce a distance or if I feel that I can remain safely within proximity, it would be my choice." She would pass it over to the 'sealing expert' -- was Sousuke a capable sealer? If so, she was unaware. If it was Reaper, that would be an interesting tidbit.
"Then seal Akkuma, binding the seal ascribed on this trinket to Akkuma's form." If they asked her for a recommended site, she would point to his tail. She would have recommended his genitalia for the sake of damaging his pride but she felt the sealer would be too squeamish. Except for potentially a stone-skin seal and something that could emulate an Akimichi's growth, that part of his body was likely barren.
"Surely you can have the seal release an elemental burst, such as fire or lightning when he breeches the distance he must remain apart from me." Nothing fatal, although she would not have debated them if it was something fatal.
"As for knowing when the barrier is about to be breached, if you use lightning it is likely that he will feel a static-like tingle the last several feet before that invisible line is crossed." She shrugged and looked at Akkuma mockingly as she delineated her idea. There was a reason she asked for lightning. There was also a reason she asked for it to be on a trinket. Hopefully they would not catch onto either.
"Finally, if you are concerned about me. A novice ANBU still in training," they should be concerned.
"I suggest that perhaps you tie him to the community, he has no village to speak of and his deviant behaviors and crimes are hardly forgotten. Conscript him into your shinobi army, allow him to spend his days surrounded by those who hate him. He will have places to be, people that check in on him. People who will know if he is missing. I won't have the time or the oppertunity to cause him harm, not that I ever could." She totally could.
"He will fall back into a life of deviancy and debauchery and betray his station soon enough, and he will be held accountable AGAIN for his actions. Only this time hopefully they will stick and Sennin Toraono's pride will be too damaged to defend his twice apostate in-law." She was putting a shorter leash on him than he would potentially realize, this would make him harder to track and easier to blame.
He would not last long, she would make sure of it.