Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Can I Get to Know You? [ Private ]


12th Kazekage
Feb 7, 2013

After traveling through the Susukino district Uziuke began to feel at home. It offered a lot of the same fun as the Main Islands of Kiri. Though the boy was headed back to Ayumi's place he had only one thing in mind. Earlier the boy ran into a pair of kids, a girl and a boy, neither looking older than 15. They asked the white haired shinobi if he had any yen to help out with their mother's injury. The boy ended up handing the kids over some medical herbs and helped them find a civilian with a bit of medical knowledge. Uzi hadn't participated much in the medical field so he didn't have enough knowledge to carry out the procedure himself. He was always glad to help out though.

The night's sky covered the village in complete darkness. It was enough to make the boy head back to his new home. The new garbs that the boy wore felt comfortable on his skin. He wore a pink silk buttoned shirt, revealing a bit of his chest. Two Kanji symbols lay on either side of the boy's chest partially visible. One read Astral while the other read Hell. His pants were an off khaki color. The clothing here was different from the clothing in Kiri probably because of the climate, but it didn't bother the boy. In fact, he liked the differences in what he saw. It's what made traveling worth while.

Uzi approached the snow covered mansion with pink cheecks. The thin gray hooded jacket that he wore was enough to keep the boy warm. That and the warmth of the alcohol was enough to keep him from shivering. The boy moved to the front door of Ayumi's complex.
As he opened the door he took his last sip of sake, opening another bottle as he stepped in the doorway. His eyes were teary as though he were about to cry, but not a tear fell from his eyes. A rather natural sweet aroma brushed pass the boy's nose as he stepped inside. The large snow covered tree that he chopped down earlier sat neatly in it's own corner of the entrance area. Various kunai, senbon, and shuriken hang from the tree. Near the fireplace sat a rug made out of some type of animal fur. Uziuke was relieved to finally be able to get a bit of rest after his adventure through the village. He still had quite a bit if exploring to do, but he could save it for a later date.

The white haired boy vanished, reappearing in one of the comfy recliners near the fireplace in a cloud of smoke. The heat felt as a kiss against the boy's skin as he removed his jacket. "I didn't get much done today. It feels as though I'm slacking off a bit." The boy merely shrugged, opening another bottle of sake. A number of bottles sat on a counter that the boy passed before sitting down. He took a moment to glance up the staircase leading to the second floor of the home. He wondered if the female shinobi was up at such a time. He didn't know if she was home or not.

He looked out to the small iced over pond just outside of the home. The pink petals of a fine flower growong on the branches of a small tree gave off the sweet scent that swept pass the boy's nose earlier. The pink petals were covered with snow. Uzi took another swig from his bottle of sake, watching as things began to become a bit blurry before his eyes.
Ayumi was laying down in her bed as she had heard her door opening, with a slight sigh and decided to venture downstairs after getting a lavender robe on. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, she had seen that it was Uziuke, just as she figured. She crossed her arms as she sighed, with a slightly annoyed expression on her face. "Uziuke, do you know the time it is...?" She asked.

[~Topic entered/So sorry for the terribly bad post~]

[Yukiko Ayumi]
The boy took another swig of sake. His blurred vision only became worse as the alcohol began to affect him. ‘This place is pretty big. I haven’t seen a village this large and well organized since…’ Suddenly the boy could hear footsteps coming from the upper floor of the home. He moved his hand to his coat pocket, pulling out a kunai as he kept his sights on the stairway. Of course it was probably just Ayumi, but he couldn’t be quite sure. There wasn’t anything wrong with being cautious was there?

What he saw was a blur coming down the stairs. He couldn’t make out the figure, but judging from the white top, he guessed that it was Ayumi. But to be sure, the boy’s eyes shifted from a purple color to red. The black swirls within his red iris began to spin as he looked the blur over. The chakra aura suggested that his guess was correct, and it was Ayumi coming down the stairway and not some burglar trying to flee the scene. It was enough for the boy to breathe out a sigh of relief. Fighting while drunk was something he didn’t think he’d be too good at.

The rather serious expression on the boy’s face turned into a smile. He hid the kunai back in the coat that he took off earlier. “I’m sorry, I got lost venturing the village.” The Uchiha paused, wondering if he angered the girl a bit. It wasn’t his intentions to say the least. “I was just thinking to myself that this is a pretty big place. I’m surprised that I found my way back.” The boy place the sake bottle down that he was drinking. “Maybe you could show me around this place. I’m not familiar with anything outside of Kirigakure.”

[ MFT | WC: +300 ]
Ayumi watched Uziuke and listened to him as he spoke, before nodding slightly. "Alright. I'll show you around sometime but lets get some sleep. I have a spare room upstairs. Follow me." She spoke, before walking back up the stairs, and walking to the door to a spare room in which she would open the door to have Uziuke sleep in, before heading back to her room.

[Topic Left - Sorry, I have so little muse to post]
Upon hearing the home had a spare room the boy closed his eyes and grinned softly. His body slowly faded from the sitting area, reappearing at the top of the staircase. He looked around the upper half of the home as he approached where he would be sleeping. As the door was opened the boy vanished into the darkness of room. With his head on a pillow and his eyes closed he took a rest from the ventures that he encountered.

[ Topic Left ]

Current Ninpocho Time:
