Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Private Cannot hide... Uchiha Masami

Nao was working in his herbal garden, he always tried to spend at least two hours a day here, but today was a heavy one for him. He was working along with Excursai on various things inside the garden and was happy to have his company.

Back at the Byoin, you would find a note he was out for the moment, if you were to ask around what that meant; they would reply with either a smoke break in the back of the Byoin, or the botanical garden. If you were to walk to the back, there would be no adult in seight except those who were walking a patient. If you were to walk towards the botanical garden, just outside the open doors, you would find a can with some smoke coming from it. That tin was being used as an ashtray at this moment. Better not drink from it.

Nao would be found inside, trying to re-plant some of the plants to their new homes. Some of them had been stacked in boxes. “I know about it Sai…” he would comment as he was having a conversation with his contract, it made him feel less lonely. Yet at a point he picked up a heavier hand shovel, it would clatter to the ground and the adult would hold his wrist. “more often…” He would mutter as Sai started to hover over, grab the shovel and replace it with a lighter material one. “Just… gotta take it easy…” He would comment and look towards Nao. “I know what you are doing…”

“Glad you know… It doesn’t seem like you are running a fever… You did eat properly… but you do have trouble with heavier stuff again.” A loud sigh would be heard from Nao as he would once more move around. “Guess this just means I got it light up to medium… It seems to reach that side more often these days…” He would mutter the last bits as he would then sit back down and replant a plant in the box beside him. “This shipment is almost ready…” He commented and Sai would nod before looking at the door if the other was there. “We have a visitor…”

OOC said:
I rolled a 3 on my private, cannot printscreen right now so will add later.

light - medium: Having trouble holding cups

Topic for Uchiha Masami

sorry for the wait.
A rare moment of respite from her duties and training, the young woman was struck with an urge to visit Nao. The Uchiha had been hard at work—usually she would seek to try and cram more knowledge from the library into her head during her breaks, but she felt that it would be nice to see one of her fated mentors; let the teachings and advice she took in over the weeks settle in for the time being. In turn, she went on her search for the Medical Sennin. Her start was the usual location she found him.

After checking his usual station in the Byoin, she discovered the note specifying his temporary absence. A modicum of asking around later and she learned that it was between a smoke break and the botanical garden; she decided to check both in that order. Checking in the back found no purchase, and therefore she proceeded to go with the alternative thereafter. Telling was the used can and the plumes of smoke wafting off it from the opening, and after taking inventory of that, the young woman was certain she was on the right track. Hopefully he wouldn’t find her presence intrusive.

Tracings of a conversation reached her ears, although much of it was buffered by the door before her. Balled fist prepared to knock, she held it before the door, contemplating to herself if this was a good time. Steeling her nerves, she knocked on it and spoke. “Hello? It’s Masami—I’m on a break at the moment and I thought to visit if you’re not busy.” Should she be granted permission for entry, the trainee would do so tentatively. Two figures encroached her vision; one of them was significantly more familiar than the other, which she suspected by virtue of a conversation having went on.

“Oh, hi there - I hope I’m not interrupting? Ah, if you’ll have me, perhaps I could lend a hand? I’ve always been interested in botany,” she continued afterward, taking inventory of the sights around her. Being an artist, she was always intrigued and allured by beautiful sights, and the botanical, both endemic and otherwise, certainly had that effect on her. However, training rigorously for awhile now, she was quick to pick up on discrepancies and anomalies when it came to people’s condition. Pangs of worry seemed to seep into her eyes; she was incapable of concealing it. Something seemed slightly off, but she didn’t want to vocalize it quite yet.

OOC said:
Alright! And no worries at all. :)
As Sai had noticed the Uchiha in the doorway and given Nao a heads up. Nao would stand up more and look towards Masami. "Good morning, Masami-chan." he would start and Nao slowly would tilt his head to the side; almost asking what she was doing around this place and if she was in and need of him. "I am not that busy, just trying to replant and replace some shipments for different places." He would explain and point to the box on the ground. Sai would turn the box and now you could see a small chalk plate with chalk writing on it; Pharmacy Oak Town.

"Guess I never introduced you to each other..." Nao would look a bit surprised as Sai was almost always around with him and helping him. At this moment he would turn towards Excursai and back to Masami. "Masami, this is my Kami Contract Excursai. Sai for short." He would point towards his Kami who would wave soft. "nice to meet you." Sai spoke towards her and now Nao addressed back to the little uchiha.

He saw the worry in her eyes and he would place a hand on his cheek, leaning with his elbow in his other hand. "That obvious heh..." He would leave a bigger sigh at that and would just mention her to get close. "You will most likely see me like this more often... Just please don't worry. I hate to make people worried..." he would incline right behind his words and point towards the plants. "Near the couch, there is a map, inside the map there we have checklists and the map of the botanic garden here and the small ones outside. The ones outside will be used for Medical exams... an exam you take if you want to scale up. So you might as well get used to it." With talking directly over the botanical, he was somewhat hoping she wouldn't catch on that he basically skipped about telling why he was this way today.
The Uchiha’s eyes widened slightly upon hearing the manner of address. She enjoyed the endearment, the transient look of surprise replaced with a gentle smile. “Good morning, Nao-san,” Masami answered, a small, polite bow ensuing thereafter. The brunette proceeded to listen to the Medical Sennin, taking note of the activity he was engaged with. Auburn eyes heeding the box on the ground, and the subsequent revelation of the respective plate on it, she nodded in response—her interest clearly piqued courtesy of her lifelong interest in the botanical.

Attention drawn towards the other individual, she indeed had yet to be formally introduced. The trainee’s mind sported numerous inquiries about the man, but most of them were subsequently answered by the following revelation: He was part of a contract—Kami to be exact. Although she lacked a plethora of knowledge in the area, it explained certain anomalies that she originally wouldn’t have been able to explain. “It’s very nice to meet you too, Excursai-san,” Masami continued, turning to him to conclude with another short bow.

When beckoned forth, she made her way over. It seemed that she was on the mark when it came to her suspicions—it seemed like more, from the initial look anyway, than just being under the weather. “Oh, is that so? I would like to, so I think I will take inventory of that while I’m here.” Making her way over towards the couch, she began in earnest to begin investigating the designated map in question. Botany always struck her as both a beautiful and helpful practice, but her concern still lingered. “But ah, I’m really sorry if I’m prying—but I don’t think I could conceal concern even if I tried. Is it just a seasonal bug making you ill or something?”
He was glad that someone else thought of botany as something amazing as he was doing; Given the fact also that she was sticking out her neck for it. "Sorry that it's not that much as for the moment." He would comment and eventually hear her. He made a small gulp. 'I guess she did hear Sai...' Sai would reply to that through the telepathic mind back. ' Or maybe very observant... I mean, with how it's going lately, people will notice... Given your position, you cannot take many days off'. Almost everyone is away.' On that Nao let out a deep sigh, knowing that he carried a heavy burden as of the moment.

"You... Are somewhat correct. As for titles, I can go by many names. The Phantom Doctor, since no one knew me before I got my sennin status... The ill doctor, since I can cure them but I am that also... I am chronically ill by something that I don't even understand." He would look towards his hand and make it to a fist before he would look up towards the young female. "This illness sometimes leaves me bedridden and wishing for death. While other days I have no problem. It fluctuates throughout the day even. As of the moment; it struck in a light-medium way... Make my tension on the muscles less... Depending on how it goes... it can go away in minutes, hours or worsen. I have had this all my life already, the reason why that couch is actually a sleep couch, is that I could do my work and just sleep the illness away of sorts. It's something that becomes hards to hide... You must have noticed I use, from time to time, plastic cups... instead of the regular ones." He would comment and wait for her comment on this brief explanation.

[OOc;; Sorry this took me so long. Will try to reply quicker next time.]

Current Ninpocho Time:
