Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Contract Search Cast-away


New Member
Mar 12, 2024
OOC Rank

The small white-haired boy found himself standing in the middle of the vast desert that surrounded Sunagakure, a village so unfamiliar compared to his own somewhat serene hometown. His father, a stern man with a hidden tenderness in his eyes, had sent him to live in this arid place for reasons that Daiki was struggling to comprehend.

As the sun beat down on Daiki's fragile frame, he felt a mix of trepidation and curiosity swirling within him. The landscape was harsh and unforgiving, the sand stretching endlessly in all directions. Daiki's heart ached for the cool wind and gentle streams of his childhood home, for the lightning storms that had played overhead whilst he dodged the blows of his tsukumogami tormentors in games that lasted for hours. He missed the taste of the water named after his uncle, Doku - the falls named after another lost uncle, Yong… and most of all he missed his families’ dojo, and the many ancient manuscripts and artefacts that graced the monastery's walls.

But nostalgia was a weakness, as was all emotion unless you were manipulating others with yours. What he did need to do was find solace and understanding in this new environment.

With a determined look in his eyes, Daiki set off on his journey through the desert, not knowing exactly where he was going, but knowing that he simply must… go. As he walked, the heat of the sun bore down on him, making his small body glisten with sweat. The poultice his father had provided gave some respite to the sun’s bite on his melanin-free skin, but it still was painful.

Physical pain always helped remove emotional pain.

And so he pushed forward, his tiny feet leaving imprints in the sand as he ventured deeper into the unknown, Daiki's resolve tested at every turn. His thoughts often drifted back to his father and the cryptic words he had spoken before bidding him farewell.
"In Sunagakure, you will find not only strength but also wisdom, my son,"
his father had said, his voice tinged with a mixture of pride and sorrow. What did his father mean? He could learn strength and wisdom back in Yamigakure - probably more so than in this giant sandcastle full of weirdos.

As Daiki trudged on, his mind began to clear, and he started to notice the subtle beauty hidden within the harshness of the desert. The way the sand shifted under his feet, creating mesmerising patterns that danced in the sunlight. The hawks soaring high above, their cries echoing across the vast expanse. Snakes and lizards fighting for spots on the warmest rocks. He stopped for a while, watching the movements of a bunch of ants, rushing to gather what little sustenance they could.

Daiki felt a sense of peace settling within him, a quiet understanding that began to blossom in his young heart. His expert gaze saw how each of these creatures, so alike to himself, survived amidst the harshest of conditions.

His father had taught him his own knowledge of the land of Wind - the ancient histories of the battles of Primus, and even his belief in a conversation with Mother Suna herself. He had told him that he would reveal more to him in time.

As Diaki stood there, his thoughts started to drift. He unscrewed the water canteen at his side and took a small drink. Soon he would have to return to the Bazaar and his father for their formal farewell, but for now he would watch life struggle amidst the sand.

It was then that the desert seemed to start to whisper its ancient secrets around him, whether it was the heat or something else Daiki could not understand. What he was figuring out was the true reason his father had sent him to Sunagakure. It wasn't just about strength or wisdom; it was about resilience, about learning to adapt and thrive in even the harshest of environments. Yes, that was exactly what his father had hoped he would learn here… and he had done so in the first few days!

The sun was increasingly becoming irritating, and Daiki instinctively scanned the region for a place to escape its glare in order to gather his strength before setting back ‘home’. A rocky outcropping was not far at all, a place he had walked past as he watched the various animals of the desert do their dance. He turned, walking back towards the outcropping.

His eyes quickly spotted what appeared to be a small crevice, in the outcropping’s face, an opening that promised at least a change of a wider opening behind it. To his relief, the crevice led into a hidden cave. On edge and holding a kunai before him, Daiki crouched down low and entered the cave. Almost immediately a cool breeze caressed his skin, sending shivers down his spine. It was clear that it descended into a larger cavern, one that had another air source. Raising a hand he used a small amount of his already small amount of chakra to cause a small fire to appear in his palm.

The cave, now dimly lit, provided Daiki with the ability to make out strange markings on the walls. Unbeknownst to Daiki, this cave held secrets from a bygone era. It was a sacred place, filled with ancient wisdom and mystical tales. The writing seemed old, unimaginative, a crude forum of runework that the boy certainly didn't recognise. Perhaps he should tell his father about this place. But for now, he needed to rest and rehydrate. It was clear he was alone in this place given the lack of markings on the caverns sandy floor, so he allowed himself to relax. Exhausted, he drifted into a restless sleep, unaware of the mysterious presence that resided within the cave.

Sleep came automatically for the head-stroked young boy, the sweat on his brow a clear indicator that he had foolishly thought himself invulnerable to the elements outside. Strange dreams plagued the boys mind as he rested. An image of an albino dragon, rising up to consume the sun. A tentacled monster grabbing hold of an ancient, Iron tower and pulling it downwards. The sound of rats gnawing on wooden framework, causing the collapse of an ancient building.

With a start, Daiki awoke, immediately looking around. Somehow he had moved in his sleep, moving further down into the cave. Summoning up his chakra ‘torch’ once again, he looked around at this new area. In the depths of the cave, Daiki was surrounded by a trove of ancient artefacts scattered amidst cobwebs and dust. Each piece carried a sense of history and whispered untold stories, inaccessible to those who could not read the ancient language. Golden amulets, weathered scrolls, and intricately carved stone relics piqued his curiosity and captured his imagination, or would have if he was not directly concerned about his own safety! Unbeknownst to Daiki, these artefacts held immense historical value. They belonged to an ancient civilization that had long vanished, leaving behind fragments of their once-thriving existence.
Moving closer to the various artefacts, Daikicast an innocent gaze not recognising either the language, nor the symbolism of the various imagery that covered the walls. His hand rested on what appeared to be an ancient tanto, strange in design as a loop seemed to have been carved into its base, as if it was supposed to hang from something. Still, apart from this tanto which he slid into his waist-wrap for additional protection, and what appeared to be an old but sturdy manuscript, mostly for his father to decipher, Daiki was unwilling to touch anything else. This was something that could be gifted to his father, or even Sunagakure if such things held value. To him, the only valuable item was justu and the power they granted, and from a cursory look most of this was… well… dull.

What was more important was to get out of here. Strangely enough, there didnt seem to be any indication of how he got here - no drag marks or footsteps that could aid him in finding an exit.

Little did Daiki know, he was not alone. Something seemed to have been watching the poor boy enter the cavern, and had taken him below to rest in more comfortable conditions. The gaze had continued to see what the boy would do with the untold wealth in front of him and seemed to have been judging him based simply on what he had taken.

It seemed to have been appeased. The boy had taken a weapon and knowledge and left the gold… what this this portend?

Scanning around the room with his little flame, Daiki soon found what appeared to be a passageway leading upward. Tentatively, and knowing that he had not simply teleported down there, he started to make his way up the passageway, keenly aware of the footprints he was leaving behind. Hopefully the people of this place were long dead and would just leave him be.

But that would not be the case.

“Well mortal… no thank you for saving your life?”

WC: 1504
[Roll me a good'un please :p]
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
