Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Over]

Santaru Rin

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012


Tensai Gaburieru​

Gaburieru was a little nervous. He had taught before--not too long ago, in fact--but he had never been given teaching as a long-term assignment. He didn't feel that he was so great at it, actually, and having children's futures in his hands made him distinctly uncomfortable. Moreover, he was a bachelor just over the cusp of thirty. What did he know about children? He had never remained tied down too long to anyone or any place in his life--well, excepting that Kumogakure no Sato was always the place he returned to, eventually. That breadth of experience had made him pretty valuable for teaching about terrain and travel, he granted, but teaching kids about the fundamentals of chakra? Gaburieru didn't really know the first thing about pedagogy.

He paced a little behind the steel-sided teacher's desk in front of the class. Nobody had arrived yet, and he wasn't certain if that was a good or bad thing. He slicked back his pale hair for a moment, chewed on his lower lip until it reddened, and looked around desperately like a prisoner locked away for a life sentence. He had been pulled out of his last mission due to the client's security being blown. It wasn't a Kumogakure error, it was a Bakufuu error. Several intelligence operatives had been publicly named in illicit publications, and his had been among them--not his actual name, granted, but there had been a photograph as well, so the Torre had ordered him to stay in the village. Now he was being handed assignments like this... Odd jobs. It beat running messages back and forth between the ANBU Sennin and her husband, but Gaburieru wasn't certain that teaching Eruditio students was much safer.

Honestly, he'd rather be back in the war zone.

Most of the kids probably had the actual channeling down somewhat by this point, even if they couldn't necessarily perform any jutsu. Anyone in the Eruditio possessed the potential to harness chakra, so at least that was something. The courier sighed. This just wasn't his sort of thing, but he'd still put his back into it. He had borrowed a lecture packet and spent the past couple of days re-familiarizing himself with the accepted terminology. Really, all that had resulted in was nightmares about showing up in front of his second year class in a too-short sweater and no pants.
On the Blackboard said:
Chakra Basics

Welcome to another of my classes! In this class, your character will learn the fundamentals of chakra, how to channel it, its accepted uses, basic jutsu classifications, and more. You might even get a little history on you, so look out!
  • The only minimum word count for this class is the site's minimum word count.
  • Please use the "preview" function to give a basic proof-reading to your posts.
  • The first round will last five days from the datestamp on this post. Feel free to post multiple times in the meantime.

Yoshinaga Miyako

New Member
Nov 4, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Miya smiled, her second class ever was next. It was a chakra basics class, something she could truly make use of. She had never had anyone to tell her about the shinobi way, her father, an Anubu Captin, was killed on duty when she was a young girl, when she was barely able to walk. Her mother was a simple seamstress and hand no knowledge of what Miya's father did in detail. Miya sighed and headed to one of the nearest restrooms, her blue dress would not be appropriate for this next class. She changed into her usual ninja outfit, a black halter top, trimmed in red and a black skirt with light blue mesh stalking shorts underneath and her thigh high sandals. She looked into the mirror and swept her long red hair into a loose pony tail and gave herself a once over to make sure she looked decent enough. She nodded to herself, grabbed her bag and the headed to the next classroom.

As she walked into the room, she saw a man at the front of the room, whom she assumed was the teacher. Remembering her previous class, she walked up to him, placed her bag and hands on her lower thighs and bowed to him. When she straightened up, she noticed he had written his name on the board. "Hello, Tensai-sensei. My name is Yoshinaga Miyako, but I most commonly go by Miya." She smiled at him, then turned on her heel to find a seat. Like her previous class she chose a seat by a window, one seat away from the front. Sighing, she placed her bag on the floor beside her, looked out the window, and waited for the other students to arrive.


Nov 4, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Kaoru had just left her last class and headed to her next, Chakra Basics. Even though she could already channel her chakra and even do a few judtsu from her previous training with her guardian and her own personal training. Like in her last class she was terribly nervous, when she walked in she saw that the teacher was just as nervous as she was. She came up to the teacher and bowed "Hello Tensai - Sensei. My name is Kaoru, it is a pleasure to meet you. She quickly found a seat behind a girl with red hair, leaned forward and whispered in her ear " It's very nice to meet you, I'm Kaoru I hope we can become friends in the future. Kaoru did an innocent smile and began to wait for the response of her new class mate and for the arrival of others.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Walking out on the streets felt dull to Keiji, at least he was walking with his younger brother, which seemed to lighten his spirits a bit.
Keiji had decided to borrow a few of the books about the basics of Chakra he had previously looked at in the library where he had met the two other Academy students.
He carried the books with him in a small shoulder strapped bag.
As he walked he closed his eyes for a bit reminiscing on the names of the people he met at the Library. Miya, Miya, Shisou, Shisou.. I wonder if they'll be joining the same class.

Jin looked up at his older brother and looked worried at him as he seemed concerned for his upcoming class "Are you okay Bro?"

Keiji opened his eyes and looked down at his little brother "Yeah, yeah I'm fine little J, don't worry. I was just thinking about the other day."
"Ah, oki. Aw, I wish I could start going to the Academy soon!" Jin kicked the ground still walking.
Keiji knew full well that Jin wanted to become a ninja, but his fragile body, and his lacking strength would be a big problem for him to even pass the exam at any point. But alas Keiji felt it was duty to reassure his little brother always had a chance. He just needed to stay strong. "Oh Don't worry Little J, you will, of course you will, you'll just have to wait a few more years." He scratched his brother's hair with a smile on his lips.
Jin pouted as a response.

Jin kept his brother's spirit up by talking about all the sorts of stuff he experienced in the Kindergarten with his friends in the earlier days.
It was thanks to Keiji Jin even had a Kindergarten to go to, Keiji didn't go to one, but he had been busy doing small part time work to earn just enough money to put Jin in a Kindergarten.
When they had reached the Academy, they stopped outside. Keiji looked up at the sun and analyzed it position. "I should be in okay time." He looked to the side at Jin and proclaimed; "I'll be heading in little bro." He leaned down and hugged his brother tightly. "Can you wait here for my classes to complete?"
Jin smiled and hugged him back tightly. "Okay bro, no problem, I'll stay right here, you have fun in the class!"
When Keiji got up he smiled widely and pointed at his brother. "I always have fun, heh."
Keiji was the only one available to take care of his brother for the day, mother went to work early, and his father was off to some mission or other. Jin didn't want to spend the day in the kindergarten and instead had forced his brother to take him with him to school. Keiji didn't really get why, but he didn't want to argue with his little brother.

As Keiji went in and started looking for his class, Jin slowly followed his older brother. His curiosity had taken the better of him.
Keiji got to the door of the classroom, he opened it normally, and analyzed quickly the whole classroom. teacher stood by the table, name written on the board, Te.. Tensa.. sai-sensei, Interesting name. He bowed real quick and introduced himself "Hey, Sensei Tensai-sensei" he stood up straight and said casually. "My name's Suzaku.. Suzaku, Keiji!" As he waited for the teachers' response he looked to the currently present students already in the class. Brown hair, slim built, meh. he looked further at the last other girl. The red hair almost instinctively made him smile. Miyako!

He waved and smiled at Miyako, and went over to sit next to her. He threw his bag at the side of the table and chair positioned next to her and placed himself there. He leaned in and whispered "Hey Miya, You doing alright?"
Without Keiji's prior knowledge, Jin had decided to follow him, and saw everything happening, Keiji's smile, his way of speech to his Sensei, and the way he talked to the pretty girl with the red hair.
Jin now stood at the door entrance to the class with his head tilted just into sight so he could see everything. He stood there, smiling and staring.

dNPC Suzaku, Jin​

Yoshinaga Miyako

New Member
Nov 4, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Miya turned to the brunette, young girl that sat behind her. She smiled brightly as the girl introduced herself. "Hi, Kaoru-san. My name is Yoshinaga Miyako, but you can call me Miya." Miya moved her hand to shake the Kaoru's hand but she remembered her chilled skin and didn't wish to startle the girl. She remembered Kaoru from her last class. She seemed rather shy and didn't speak too much in the last class, aside from answering the sensei.

Then Keiji entered the room. Miya smiled at him when he entered, but his attention was pulled by the sensei first. When he introduced himself, Miya giggled. He then came over to sit beside her, pulling the chair from the desk next to her, to sit closer to her. "Hey Miya, you doing alright?", he whispered to her. Miya smiled at him and nodded. "It's good to see you, Sazaku-kun." Her eyes turn to the door, where a small boy stood, smiling, and watching all the 'happenings' in the classroom. Miya smiled at the boy and forgetting about the cold in her skin, tapped Keiji on the shoulder lightly, motioning to the boy, "You brought company, Sazaku-kun?"


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

“Huh?, What’d you mean?” </B><i></i> Keiji looked in the direction of the door, and as he was turning his head, Jin had subtracted his head from obvious visibility.
Keiji kept his stare on the door for a little while, he thought he knew just who Miya was referring to.
Jin stayed his ground, he knew full well how his brother normally would intercept him. Which was by staring at the location he might have been spotted from, and then as soon as Jin would move his head again to re-check, Keiji would then spot him.
The stare remained for a little while. Until Keiji turned his head for a second and said in the direction of Miya “I don’t see anyone Miya. Whoever would you be talking about, my brother would surely be-” <i></i> He paused quickly and moved his head back towards the door to see Jin’s head sticking out and staring at Keiji with a grin. That was, until he noticed that Keiji was staring right at him “sitting outside.. Waiting for me.” <i></i> He looked at Jin with a serious stare.
Jin’s face changed into a shameful saddened face, he turned around shamefully and walked off outside, he sat on a bench, took out his notebook and a pen from his pouch and began sketching.
Keiji turned to Miya again. “Um. Sorry about that, that was my brother, he doesn’t normally come with me to school the Academy, but today he insisted, sorry.” <i></i> He stood up and bowed in the direction of the Sensei “I apologize for the inconvenience sensei.” <i></i> He sat back down again and scratched the back of his head “Ehehe..” <i></i>

dNPC Suzaku, Jin


Nov 4, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

"Hi, Kaoru-san. My name is Yoshinaga Miyako, but you can call me Miya." Yoshinaga san's answer made Kaoru smile, she couldn't remeber the last time she had a normal conversation with a girl her age. Then a boy, who seemed to be a friend of Yoshinaga san, walked into the room. His name was Sazaku kun, but he didn't come alone, there in the doorway was a young boy he couldn't be any older than five.“Um. Sorry about that, that was my brother, he doesn’t normally come with me to school the Academy, but today he insisted, sorry. was what Kaoru heard Sazaku kun say she let out a slight giggle "aww Sazaku kun your little brother is so cute!"
Oct 23, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

The morning had not been a particularly hard one for Shisou. Woken up before the sun was hanging in the sky by a kunai being first thrown and then buried into the spot directly adjacent to where his head was currently placed in the spectrum of the universe, Shisou was pissed. No one enjoys being abruptly awoken while enjoying the the sweetness in the solace of sleep; Shisou was not an exception to that rule. Briefly, Shisou imagined that the plunk of the kunai was simply a sweet apple being graciously dropped near his head to sate his unmitigated hunger. However, such an apple could not kill Shisou, and such the boy was forced to wake and spring from his bed unceremoniously, still being dressed in his nightly attire which consisted of nothing but a simple pair of knickers around his waist. Knowing what he would find there already, Shisou glanced up to the threshold of his room; there he spied his own father. 'Of course the bastard would wake me up early on the nights he chooses not to drink.' Swiftly, Shisou grasped the kunai tucked away in his boxers. "Go to hell." With a flick of his wrist, he sent the kunai barreling towards his father. In turn, Shinji flickered from his existence in that spot and appeared beside Shisou, and without a moments hesitation, the man drove his fist into Shisou's ribs. Already being broken a few days before from Shinji smacking them with a mace, Shisou's ribs let out a plaintive crack; Shisou knew they had just been fractured again.

"That is for getting me with your kunai a few days ago. Be quicker or you will end up dying on the edge of my blade, and I will whet it with your blood." Speaking those words in his rasping voice, Shinji slowly departed from Shisou's room, leaving the boy lying crumpled on the ground in obvious pain. It took a matter of minutes before Shisou could calm his racing heart and bring himself to sit up. His fingers traced the large bruise on his right side, pressing slightly which brought a wince to his face and tears to his eyes. Not broken outright, but it is clearly fractured. 'Great ass bastard...' It took moments longer before Shisou could stand up and begin searching for his body wrap. Locating it, Shisou wrapped the material tightly around his torso, which only furthered to stoke the blazing fire of pain within his body. Inaction causes more pain so Shisou, knowing he had class later in the day, began to don his outfit. Nothing tight would suffice now however, his father had seen to that, so Shisou slipped into a loose vest which he passed on buttoning -tightness was not allowed at all. So his choice of pants were limited in scope, and Shisou chose the long, fitted, black pants. They were shinobi in nature, but weren't as form-tight. Shortly after, Shisou hooked his standard ninja belt around his waist and made his way out of the house and onto the streets.

Endorphines running through his body mixing with his muddled amounts of malady, Shisou wanted to make his trip to the Academy a short one. Even though it was early, the class was still starting soon, and in his condition, Shisou couldn't guarantee that his legs would aptly carry him quickly. Limping the entire way was clearly the way he wanted to walk to school, but nevertheless, Shisou buckled down and continued on until the large building dubbed the Aurora Erudito loomed within view. It cut an imposing figure, sitting there nonchalantly, completely uncaring about the students who called it home. The building cared not whether Shisou was bleeding internally or if he was already dead, for the building had no feelings. Just a thought, clearly, but Shisou thought it all the same. Walking with as much ease as he could possibly muster, Shisou made his way up to his classroom. 'I think that my class is on chakra. I hope that I learn a lot. I don't know much on the subject, and I know that it is an essential part of being a ninja. Even more so, that is what the Medical Branch uses to heal people, I have to learn about it.' With a determined stature, Shisou walked briskly into class. He took in the sight of the class quickly, more importantly, Shisou viewed the information written clearly on the board.

Shisou cut quite the figure walking into class. His cloak billowed about him slightly from the eddies of wind kicked up by his brisk walking. Shisou's vest, as noted earlier, was unbuttoned, so Shisou's chest was bared to the world, body wrap and all. Knowing that his attire would speak of ignorance and disrespect to his teacher, Shisou, despite the great pain it put him in, put himself into a deep keirei. Staying in the bow much longer than needed, Shisou began his apology, "I apologize for my attire Tensai-sensei! I have met with extenuating circumstances this morning which does not allow me to don the traditional robe of the shinobi. I understand that by coming here this way I am disrespecting your rank and message, but please allow me to stay and learn from you. My deepest most sincere apologies once more." With the embarrassing part out of the way, Shisou realigned his body and viewed the students in the classroom more closely; he was more than pleasantly surprised.

Quickly, Shisou positioned himself into the desk adjacent to Miya and Keiji. These two individuals were ones he did not feel hopelessly alone with, and as such, Shisou was glad that they were here with him. However, another girl, Kaoru, was also in the class. Shisou inclined his head to all three individuals. "Good day Kaoru, it is nice to see you again. The same goes for you as well Miya and Keiji. How are you both doing today?"

Yoshinaga Miyako

New Member
Nov 4, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Miya laughed out loud at Keiji, "Your brother is adorable Sazaku-kun! That poor little face when he had to leave." She smiled at him. His little brother was too cute, and Kaoru also voiced her opinion on it, agreeing.

Then Shisou walked in, Miya blushed brightly because his shirt was unbuttoned, not leaving much to imagination. When he bowed to the teacher to apologize for his appearance, Miya noticed a slight flinch in pain. Her eyes narrowed slightly, and she wondered what he had gotten into this time. Yes, he was wearing bandages, but they were very popular in shinobi styling. He sat down and greeted Kaoru, then herself and Keiji. He asked how they were doing. Miya smiled and nodded at him, "Thank you for asking Kagatsuchi-kun. I am doing well." Her eyes still narrowed at him, she asked, "How are you doing today? Hope you are feeling well today?" She was worried about him. The past two times she had seen him, he was hurt. She wondered to herself, how he was managing to get injured so badly that it showed.


New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Walking pass a kid smaller than him that looked like the saddest creature on the face of the earth in the hall way as he progressed to his next, Uki Eji walked into his next class and scanned rather quickly in comparison to what happened before. Noticing that he recognized just about everyone in the class with the exception of the teacher, Eji quickly recognized that there was writing on the wall and quickly bowed to the teacher. "Good Morning Tensai-sensei, My name is Uki Eji." Walking quickly over to a free desk desk, the small boy quickly took his seat and waited for instruction.

Santaru Rin

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

OOC said:
I'm sorry! Thanksgiving shenanigans had me busy today. Okay, so it's the day after Thanksgiving, and I was hung-over and trying to make a late Thanksgiving dinner. Something will pop up here in 10-12 hours. If you were going to post, go ahead and post anyway! :)


Nov 4, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Kaoru watched the next two students come into the classroom. The first was Kagatsuchi - kun his outfit caused Kaoru to blush slightly, he was wearing an unbuttoned shirt with a body wrap underneath. He asked Kaoru how she was doing she replied by saying"I'm doing well, but how about you it apppears as if you are injured would you like me to look at it? I have some herbs on me if you want any." Yoshinaga - san seemed to be having the same feelings as Kaoru about Kagatsuchi - Kun's condition.

The second boy was Uki - kun he was on the small side and seemed quite shy, but he looked to be a kind boy.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

"hah, cute is just the words befitting my brother eh?, if you like him all that much I'll introduce him to you both when we're done with class, he'll be waiting outside the Academy. If you wanna meet him." Keiji looked and smiled at the brown haired girl sitting just behind Miya, then at Miya. His question was towards both of them. He'd love to see Jin interact with cute girls like them, he'd find it rather entertaining to say the least.

Just as he had asked, Shisou entered the class. At first Keiji smiled at seeing yet another familiar face. And then he pouted, seeing Shisou with yet another damage caused to him made him worry a bit. Thankfully he actually came to class at least. Maybe, hopefully, we'll learn and see some basic healing techniques thanks to Shisou? Keiji analyzed the posture and clothing of the sensei.. Eehh, he doesn't seem medically trained. Keiji could sort of imagine the stature and looks of a medically trained individual after having a nurse for a mother and having met the Medic-nin Kitsune. He shivered by the thought of her.
"Hey Shisou! I'm doing pretty good!" He replied back at Shisou's question. Keiji stretched his arms above him. "Feeling pretty solid about my skills today after having read into Chakra at the Library, I had a chance to try a few things out. Hehe" Keiji looked closely over the body wrap around Shisou's torso. He pointed and said; "Hey Shisou?, look, I know this really great Medic-nin she could look over that for you once we're done here. That is, if you want to of course."
Keiji noticed quickly after Shisou, Eji walked in the class. Keiji didn't wave, but he remembered him quite clearly from a previous class. Wonder what he'll be doing this round, heh. Keiji remembered clearly how he had attempted to throw the Kunais and Shurikens, it definitely seemed quite interesting.

Korikawa Ai

New Member
Oct 24, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Ai trudged through the academy corridors a bit down-trodden. He couldn’t quite put a reason as to why he was so down… perhaps the fact that his mother managed to snag him literally seconds away from the door and force him into a kimono? Perhaps the knowledge that the fledgling tea-house that was to support his family was entirely in his hands now? Whatever it was it weighed heavily on him as he meandered his way to class.

Giving himself a small slap to reinvigorate himself he thought ‘No way I can let all that distract me now! Okaa-san and Tou-san might want me to be a Geisha, but I’ll be damned if I let being a ninja slip away from me without a fight.’

Swiftly making his way to the room he had been assigned to he glanced curiously at the rather put out youngster sitting nearby. While he didn’t seem to be that much of a threat one never knew when dealing with ninjas. Giving the boy a bit of a berth, he stood somewhat defensively as he poked his head in the door. Discretely examining the room Ai’s gaze scanned side-to-side. It didn’t look like anything had happened yet, but he didn’t really want to chance being late, it wouldn’t do to make a bad impression. Finally satisfied that he wasn’t going to have to apologize for tardiness on the first day he made his way into the room quickly finding and taking a seat, unmindful of who he might be sitting by.

Sighing slightly as he slid once more into torpor he looked around the class in an attempt to figure out the budding social structure of the room. Every gathering of individuals had one and –here he smiled a bit dastardly- he was damned good at making sure he was never on the bottom.

Falling into an intensity that was common to him, Ai focused all of his attention to following the different flows of conversation bouncing about the room. Every meeting was a battle, a clash of personalities to see which would shine bright and powerful, and which would subverted, uprooted and evolved into a new form more like that of the alpha. He would not let himself lose.


((Like what you guys are doing with the revamped class system, a lot more people are getting involved.))

Santaru Rin

Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open



Tensai Gaburieru​

"Hello Yoshinaga-san," Gaburieru replied quietly. He nodded to the girl. Well, I guess that's a good omen. Classes with more girls seemed to go more quietly. As terrifying as women could be, they typically, for some unfathomable reason, tended to be good students. Actually, maybe that was even more terrifying. They were absorbing unknowable information that probably had nothing to do with the official class topic and were instead formulating strategies for the complete subjugation of mankind... No one was safe.

A second girl followed the first. Gaburieru greeted her as well, and then nodded to the newcomer who quickly bobbed and gabbed out an introduction. He was followed by a still younger boy who lingered in the doorway, staring at everything.

"Ah, hey, kid," Gaburieru said, "Aren't you going to take a seat?" The boy was a little underdeveloped to be a student, but what did the courier know? Maybe the school was grooming 'em younger these days.

The previous kid's attention had been directed to the boy, though, and after a scolding, the little kid slunk off. Gaburieru felt kinda bad, but then again, someone so young probably wouldn't have been safe during the practice part of the day...

"It's nothing, Suzaku-san," Gaburieru waved the boy's apology off. Chatter picked back up. He checked the clock--it would be time to start, soon. He'd probably have some latecomers like every other time, so some basic questions would be the best way to start...

He'd been about to begin when a few other kids came in, filling in the rear seats. They were tailed by a dashing looking figure--dashing for a shounen manga, maybe. An awkwardly-applied wrap spoke to self-treatment of something, probably quite painful wounds from the stiff way the boy bowed. Before Gaburieru could respond, the boy had insinuated himself among the students.

Another boy walked in, introducing himself as Uki Eji. Gaburieru hastily replied with a simple greeting before leaving his desk and approaching Shisou where he was trying to engage in small talk with the others.

"Kagatsuchi-san," Gaburieru said quietly. "Hold still a moment. I am going to demonstrate a more advanced technique." The jounin sensei flicked through some handseals until his chakra coalesced in green fire around his hands. He wasn't a med-nin, but few jounin reached that rank without some understanding of first aid techniques. The healing hand technique wasn't especially robust, but it could heal most simple abrasions and reduce swelling, which was often the greatest source of pain. "I would like to see you after class."

Without waiting on further comment, Gaburieru returned tot he front of the room.

"Today, I will be your instructor on chakra and its use. Some of you may have already begun learning how to harness your life energies, but many of you haven't yet, which is what we're here to practice.

"We will discuss the more academic side of chakra energy, including its nature and its history, as well as the various types of techniques which use harnessed chakra. Then we will have some demonstrations, and then we will practice harnessing our chakra and maybe learn a simple jutsu or two. We may have a guest as well.

"Before we start, I want to caution you all that chakra energy is not just a tool like any other. Every living thing depends on its energy for survival. You can kill yourself by channeling too much energy--so be careful and do not push your limits too far. Likewise, you can hurt others by trying to do too much too quickly. Take your time and learn your limits before you try to surpass them. I know that our histories are full of tales of prodigies who were Sennin by age ten, but most of us will never be prodigies, and honestly, that's probably for the best."

With a few more handseals, Gaburieru filled the board with notes on chakra, including an illustration of a human body. "There are various types of techniques which use life energy. This energy collects in various centers of the body which we call chakra. Over time, the term 'chakra' has become synonymous with that energy, but today, I will be talking about 'chakra' in the technical sense, so that you learn channeling properly.

"You all know about ninjutsu, which mainly use elemental energies by using handseals based on the twelve zodiac beasts. There are some non-elemental ninjutsu as well. Ninjutsu simply means 'ninja techniques.' Then there are genjutsu, which use illusions to help or hinder. Genjutsu are, you could say, the opposite of ninjutsu--ninjutsu are real regardless of whether the target believes in them, whereas a genjutsu is most powerful when its target believes them--either from the placebo effect or from being tricked. Taijutsu are 'body techniques,' and they are used to optimize your physical potential. Taijutsu can make you faster, stronger, can release your inner power, and make you an even fiercer opponent in battle. Taijutsu are the easiest to learn because you can feel the effects, but the most difficult to master. They consume less chakra energy, but they fatigue you more quickly because you are relying only on your own body to create these effects. Many kinjutsu, or 'forbidden techniques,' are taijutsu. They are forbidden because of how they harm the user's body, often permanently, and how they can forever alter the user's mind.

"In time, many of you will learn kekkei genkai, 'bloodline limits,' which you have inherited from your parents, who inherited them from their parents, and so on. These bloodlines have been strengthened and preserved through selective breeding, and those techniques are held in secret by every clan. Kekkei genkai techniques are taught mainly within families and are extremely secret. Most famous among them are doujutsu, eye techniques, such as the Sharingan, or strong bonds with complex elements, such as the Santaru and storm-type techniques. Actually, in legend, Santaru also commanded doujutsu of sorts, though I don't know if such techniques still exist.

"Fuuinjutsu, 'seal techniques,' are much more complex. They require both exquisite chakra control and excellent skills in calligraphy and timing. Of all skills, fuuinjutsu seem to be the most difficult to learn."

"That is simply an overview of how ninja use energy from our chakra... So, if anyone would like to step up... Who here has already been able to channel chakra? Have any of you learned a jutsu? Also, if you have any questions, feel free to ask. I may ask you to wait if it is something I plan to cover in today's class."


Nov 4, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Kaoru listened intently to the sensei's instructions when he asked if any one has channeld chakra before, she slipped up her hand and said " Sensei I have only learned one jutsu and that is a simple healing jutsu that my guardian taught me for small cuts and bruises, but thats about it" Kaoru quickly sat back down satisfied with her answer. She awaited to see if any of her classmates knew any jutsu too.


The Unfortunate Overlord
Staff member
Oct 25, 2012
OOC Rank
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Keiji sat back and relaxed as Tensai went on about the formalities in Chakra. He found it relatively interesting, not enough for him to go in depth. But he knew full well this knowledge could and probably will easily save his life in one or other way.

After the sensei had finished his speech and gave the question. Keiji looked to his sides and looked at Miya and Shisou, smiled and raised his hand quickly, when addressed he rose from his chair and said out loud towards Tensai "Sensei?, I was wondering aren't there other Doujutsu eye techniques?, I read in the library sometime ago, something about a white eyed one, I couldn't manage to read enough into the subject at the time, would you be able to elaborate on the subject?" Keiji took a short breath, waited a second, clenched his fists and then said "Sensei, I believe I am able to control my chakra in one or other way. I am able to punch through approximately 3cm thick wood with my index and middle finger outstretched! Like so!" He reached out and pointed at the teacher as he concentrated on his fingers as he had done multiple time when was training by himself in his hidden training area near his home. His chakra gathered, but it wasn't visible to him, and he doubted anyone else could see it. But he sensed it, the enhanced strength and precision applied to the thrust and attack when he launches an attack with this. "If you ever want me to demonstrate, I'll be happy to!" Keiji grinned wickedly as he sat back down.


New Member
Oct 23, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

"I can't do anything, sensei," said boy seemingly content and happy that he did not know anything. More less, he didn't really care that he didn't know; however, that just made the boy extremely happy on the inside for the quest of knowledge could not start if you already knew everything. Since the small Uki loved to learn knew things all the time, this class was just becoming more exciting for him.

Yoshinaga Miyako

New Member
Nov 4, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Miya listened closely to the teacher as he began a lecture. She smiled and watched as the other students spoke to the teacher, answering his questions. She paused for a moment, knowing she had no experience. Shaking her head to the teacher, her cheeks becoming ever so slightly pink. "I have never had the practice to experience channeling chakra." She smiled at Tensai-sensei, eyes shining, wanting to get all the information he could give.

(OCC: I'm sorry my post is short tonight. I have been way too busy. I will try to beef it up more the next go. ^.^)

Horo Danshi

New Member
Oct 22, 2012
Re: Chakra Basics: Transhumanism in the Age of Science [Open

Horo Danshi woke with the sun - which was to say, he did not believe overly much in alarm clocks, and given his penchant towards adult evening proclivities (Horo Horo~) the day had typically advanced a fair ways before he saw fit to rise to greet it. Its warmth and light slipped through the shades of his cluttered, musty domicile in the Main Branch Barracks, where seniority (and several complaints) had left him without roommates to otherwise shame him into waking. And so it was to something of his own surprise when the self-described Dipshit Kid of Kumo opened his eyes, remarkably clear of sleep-bestowed fog, and read that the analog clock at his mattress-side still read in the earlier hours of the late-late morning.

SLEEP RETURN! was the first thought that swept through the chuunin's mind, and with almost angry resolve he smashed his face back into the pillows and sought to bury himself once again in slumber. When that failed, he spent a long time gazing irritated at the ceiling, holding his breath for minutes on end in an attempt to pass out by sheer willpower. When he inevitably got bored and breathed again (it was no easy thing to strangle a shinobi), it was to the fresh and hopeless realization that he would not be getting back to sleep this morning.

Rolling from his mattress and dusting off the storm-gray chuunin vest, below which he wore the fatigues typical of his station and rank, Danshi stretched and scratched lazily in the light of the window, which caught on one of the many rooftops of the Eruditio nearby, a reflection that turned the windows there a gleam of opaque and impenetrable white.

Something about the scene jarred a memory inside the shinobi's mind. He was working this afternoon as usual, corralling the afterschool studentry in his typical off-mission duties, making sure they didn't glue themselves to anything dangerous and the like as they stayed late between afternoon and evening classes, or waited for overprotective parents to come retrieve them. But it was something more immediate that scratched at his subconscious now, a something that only fully registered when his gaze dropped to the schoolhouse gates, where a series of young things were doing chakra-meditation kata in the open yard just beyond.

"Raiden's earlobes," the chuunin nearly shrieked as the recollection arrived to him at last. He remembered. Walking home in the afternoon after a rousing bout of drinking at the Squint, stumbling literally into a blonde-haired Kumo-nin of no mean personal disposition. Confusion for a notable Lightning Country pop-star. Haven't I seen you on the TELEVISION? Forced attempts at dancing in the middle of the business-district. Flailing injuriously. Threats of lawsuit. Pleas for mercy. The demand, from the Kumo-nin who was not a famous pop star nor dancer whatsoever:

"Be. There.

Miserably and mourning his pathetic chuunin life, his Seikon addled brain destroying worlds entire in sympathy with his plight, Horo Danshi trudged out of his room unwashed, unshaven, and made his way towards the Eruditio. For today, Horo Danshi had work. In the morning.


In the guts of the schoolhouse where Horo Danshi had absolutely no desire to be this morning, nosiree not me no no, the Dipshit Kid took a quick, confirming glimpse at the number above the classroom door and, heaving the heaviest of sighs, pushed it open with a gingerly peep of wood-on-wood.

Glimpsing the interior of the classroom almost made him turn on his heel and leave, lawsuit or no. Oh Ho-ro-nooo what have you done to deserve this??? For if any of the younglings turned to face the newcomer (and honestly, who wouldn't?), gazing upon his greasy mop of dark hair, stubbled and impossibly-square jawline, and up-tilted trunk of a nose (but very pretty blue eyes, thank you very MUCH~), then the Dipshit Kid would have no cause NOT to see their little eyes, their tiny features, their hopeful faces, their exuberant digits and limbs and whoa now Horo keep it together, they're just kids that's all you see em everyday, they're just small PEOPLE OH SWEET RAIDEN THEY ARE NOTHING BUT TINY PEOPLE-

"Ohayo Gabu-samAAAAAAAAA," Horo Danshi sang, throwing the door wide and making his way into the room, nearly screaming to hide the tremulous quality of his voice. "Your TA. Has. Arrived!" He plastered the largest smile he could muster on his stubble-soiled rictus, ignoring the beads of nervous sweat that were already forming under the scrutiny of half a dozen academy students. Coulda had the lawsuit, he reminded himself as he stomped towards the front of the class in large, measured motions meant to allow him enough focus to keep from hyperventilating. But no, Horo Danshi, you had to be the good guy, and here you are.

An S-rank mission was underway in Horoville. And it was only just getting started.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
