Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Private Changing of the Guard

Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Shizukesa stepped into the Sennin office, he allowed a small smile to escape his lips as he looked around, the sofa and chairs around a small table and the desk facing the window, away from the door but he decided most of the conversations could be done around the chairs and sofa instead of across from a desk, it felt more comfortable for him. As he sat in one of the chairs, feeling himself almost wrapped in it, he waited for his guest to arrive, he had made his job first to focus on the branch, and with new leadership, change was one inevitable thing.

He had sent the message for Ayeka to come to his office, it seemed that as the next active member inside of the branch, this was the right choice, though he had yet to meet them in person the summon had been sent by messenger, to just arrive at the main branch Sennin office, he had not said that he had been given command of the branch or the changes that were going to take place, no instead he would prefer to allow this to happen in person, some news was better given this way instead of being hidden in the dark.

As he waited patiently he allowed the paper work in his hand to be scrolled through, letting himself look at the names and numbers trying to get his head around just how much work they both needed to get done, and what the best plan would be.

[Summoned Ayeka]
[Topic Entered]


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
A gentle knock came from the door of the Sennin's office before the door slowly began to open as if the person on the other side was struggling to open the door gently. "Um Ano called f.f.for me Nara-San?" The scared almost demure tone that came from Ayeka's lips was in stark contrast to her muscular frame that stood seven feet tall forcing the girl to bow as she came through the door so as not to hit her head or have her horns gouge a chunk out of wood from the wall as they were just as sharp as they looked. Though due to this being a meeting Ayeka had avoided wearing her normal revealing outfit and had instead wrestled herself into a gorgeous blue Yukata with purple trim around the hem and sleeves, the word wrestled into the dress was used mainly because Ayeka had to spend a long time arguing with Aria about what they were going to wear in terms of formal wear since the wildling spirit within her body would have preferred to have gone naked over formal wear.

Ayeka closed the door gently behind herself and stepped over to Shizukesa hoping she didn't end up looking like an ogre in a dress as she often felt she appeared too muscular for any girly types of clothes and she could already feel the tight Yukata start to chafe around her biceps. While she waited for the Nara to acknowledge her arrival Ayeka idly wondered what she had been called in for since she had been on her best behaviour within the village especially since her symbiosis with Aria had reached the point now that her form was a blend of the two people combined together, thanks to her Kinjutsu basically binding her tightly with Aria's spirit which in turn stopped Ayeka from accidently breaking things or sneezing and burning down a restaurant with a bloodline skill by accident. Shaking away the images of a burning noodle stand Ayeka waited with only a small fidget.

WC: 341
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Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
He studied Ayeka for a few moments, watching her in the office, ti seemed that what the file said and what she was like would be two different things, though he knew full well that appearance was not everything and in his eyes actions did speak louder than words and she did make her work known to the Sennin at least, as he smiled he offered the woman a seat on the Sofa to the side of the room. Standing up from his desk the Nara made sure to maintain eye contact with the Chunnin as he walked over to one of the single seats and sat down opposite the Sofa waiting for the Main Branch Member to join him.

"Ayeka, your service record speaks well of you, and your actions inside of the Main Branch, so I figured I would get to know the person behind the file so to speak, and also see what your ambitions and goals were inside of the Branch, since taking over I have found myself needing to get to know those inside more closely and your name came to my attention."

He waited to see the words, he wanted to judge the person on their own goals, and ambitions and see who he was talking to rather than just reading it from a file that he had in a draw. As he pondered the look they had gone for, appearance, ambition, the personality that would be key to this conversation he knew that being formal would get him nowhere.

"Also Shizukesa is fine for a name, don't worry about san part for this conversation."


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Ayeka's face flushed further while a small smile played around her lips as she was given permission to use Shizukesa first name without an honorific which was a small gesture of goodwill but to Ayeka was the first time she was treated like a colleague and not a time bomb waiting to explode like what much of her family treated her as. Nodding in acceptance at the offered seat Ayeka stepped over to the sofa and gently sat down only looking a little worried at the sofa groaned at her weight but fortunately the seat held firm against the giant women weight.

Folding her hands in her lap Ayeka sat surprisingly elegantly as she relaxed a bit while Shizukesa spoke about wanting to know about her ambitions within the branch. "Ah w...w...well you see I was sold in t...t.t. slavery by t..t..the Kyojouran as a baby and was r..r..rescued by the village when I turned ten. Since then I h...h..h...ave been working to repay the village b..b..but recently I have realised that I don''t want to repay the village. Um In..instead I want to protect the f.f.riends I have made here and make s..s...sure everyone that welcomed me i..i..into this village is protected."

Looking down at her lap Ayeka's gaze focused into determination as Ayeka got ready to announce her ambitions for the first time to anyone outside her immediate family. "My ambition is to become the Hokage. I will make sure no child suffers like I did and I will protect the place that gave me a second chance. Not the human weapons the Yakuza made me into but as a proud ninja of the leaf. "

As soon as Ayeka finished her flush faced which had diminished throughout her speech returned in fall force as the girl lost her determined look and looked down demurely as embarrassment got the better of her. "I...i...i mean if that's o..o..ok?"

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Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Shizukesa allowed himself to nod slowly towards the woman as she spoke it seemed that she did have a good head on her shoulders and wanted to achieve goals which was not something he was going to turn away from, but instead he could see a way in which this could be good for the branch, goals and ambitions were something that should never be flushed out like a flame, but instead given the room to breath and grow steadily be it but still any growth was growth. As he pondered his next move and way to word it for a moment.

"Goals and ambition are a good thing to have in this world, and so is one's own drive to achieve more for themselves, nothing wrong with any of that. So let me ask you this, if you were to move up, let's say to Head Jounin inside of the Main Branch, what would your focus be, what would you change, and how would you improve the branch?"

After asking the question he waited to see what the answer would be, his eyes never leaving the woman in front of him, pondering what her choice and words would be given the direct question, this time there was no generic answer only the truth that someone could provide in order see what their real intention was. The main part here as well was thinking about the branch, leadership came with responsibilities, and the main branch had a lot more than most would consider.


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Ayeka took a moment to think carefully on Shizukesa's question as it was a difficult issue to broach as while the main branch had been run efficiently and very well it had failed to inspire ninja for goals and many new graduates had become disillusioned with main branch's lack of clear promotion or what they could inspire to be and had left for Anbu or the med nin branches where promotion was a lot clearer and duties simpler to understand.

"When I...i was a g..g.genin I struggled to find my career was heading and m....m....m....y duties were often unclear. I w..w..would like to engage with s..students more and g..give them a clear picture of m...main branch duties and in t..the same vein I would to offer advanced training and duty allocation to ninja."

Ayeka seemed to pause for a moment as she spoke before turning her head as if she was listening to someone before giving a small nod as her chakra flared for less than a moment. As soon as it did Ayeka's black hair shimmered before turning white while her red eyes turned a golden hue as Aria took Ayeka's place in the interview whose chakra quickly settled once the change had taken place.

"Yo Shizukesa sorry for the late introduction. Names Aria the other half of Ayeka and I just wanted to throw in my ten yen as well to the conversation. My sister dreams of unifying the main branch but I would like to create a stricter training regime within the branch. A lot of people view main branch as a waiting room for a space in Anbu but we are the shock troops and main forces of the village and we need specialised front line training for when we are on missions or taking duties within the village. I want to inspire main branch to become the face of the village once again."

Aria spoke with a confident grin on her face.

[Sorry struggled to think what to post. Sorry it's short]
Jan 8, 2021
OOC Rank
Shizukesa listened to the reply to the questions and listened to what would be the plan in place if allowed to rise into a position to train, it seemed at least half promising and right now the activity was there for Ayeka, so it would seem that they did have a split personality two with very different attitudes and confidences well that wasn't the worst thing in the world in his mind, and right now he could use the assistance bringing the main branch back to the full force that it used to be, after all everyone else was working hard on their branches.

"I see, Let's see what you can do then, I will give you the opportunity and you will be assigned the position of Head Jounin of the Main Branch to work on making sure we have activity and dedication to the branch and what it does, make sure that you prove yourself as this position is only to see how you do in the role and see what you do with this opportunity. Work hard and make sure your focus is on the up-and-coming new members to make them into something the branch can be proud of."

With that he stood up and went over to the desk, signing off the new position inside of the Leaf documentation to make it official there was no need for exams or trail no this could be done right now with little hesitation on his part, he would instead see what Ayeka did with this position and judge her that was instead of the older methods.

"Any questions?"

[Ayeka promoted to Head Jounin]


Jul 28, 2018
OOC Rank
S Rank
Aria couldn't help the massive smile that bloomed over her features as Shizukesa confirmed the draconic girls promotion, her fists balling up and beginning to raise in their air as an obvious sign of jubilation before Aria's hair and eye colour swapped back to Ayeka's stifling the exclamation and awkwardly bringing her fists back down as she chuckled awkwardly.

"Thank you Shizukesa-san. I promise will no regret this." Standing up Ayeka gave a long respectful bow before continuing. "I have no q..q.q.uestions. I l..l.look forward to w...w.w..working with you." Waiting a moment to see if Shizukesa had any orders Ayeka would turn once dismissed and make her way out of the office, her steps noticeably bouncy as she left.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
