Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Changing perspectives [PVT]

May 7, 2017
Approaching the medical Sennin's office Yukio had been pondering for some time what to do about Maru his growth was impressive but there was only so much the Hyuuga could teach before he hit a brick wall puppets were not his area of expertise and Maru's rather rebellious personality made things interesting. With such things in mind he recalled the moment he met Maru sitting in the recovery room after the student tournament with Mikasa so going down the logical path she would be the first point of contact though he didn't want that to be the only reason for his visit.

Scratching the back of his head there was the realization in recent months he'd come to rely on the maiden whether it be for medical assistance or simple advice maybe even company and conversation should time and circumstances allow for such things something that was starting to bring a sense of guilt over the ANBU. A letter had been sent to both prior to this meeting a brief explanation given to each about the situation having to modify the details slightly for the AiT considering his nature and sent some time after Mikasa's.

To Mikasa

Apologies to ask for you assistance once more for professional matters rather than one of the more promised out of work meetups however i am having some troubles regarding Maru as i recall you knew him long before i did and as such i would like to bring him to you for guidance once more as i see it i have done what i can for the time being.

- Hyuuga Yukio

To Maru

I'm going to cut to the chase if you want to get stronger you'll meet me at Medical Sennin's office the next two hours there is a potential for you to learn much more than i can teach you at this moment in time in your stronger areas of expertise. An argument is not advised as this is for your benefit.

- Hyuuga Yukio

One professional one blunt and straightforward the way he saw it this was the simplest way to draw his student out without issue or hesitation as much as it hurt his own pride to admit it raising his hand to knock on the door. "Mikasa it's Yukio here at the hour i requested."

[Requesting Mikasa and Maru]
Not only did the Yukio dumped him with someone that wasn't of his branch, but he didn't even give him much of a choice in the matter! If the Hyuuga thought that this wasn't going to end up being argued down he had another thing coming. First and foremost was that Mika wouldn't teach him something that he didn't already know himself. In fact he was able to tutor himself just fine and he was able to learn a lot more. And without warning Yukio sprung this on him as a giant middle finger in his face. Crumbling up the piece of paper, Maru had put on his coat to go where they were supposed to meet.

Maru stomped his way all the way to where the hospital was, entering through the front door he gave a glance from left to right. No sign of the Hyuuga, so he walked within the hospital. Not even bothering to check in at the front desk, he walked along many twist and turns before seeing Yukio knocking at Mikasa's office hoping that this would be a rather peaceful meeting. But as one would know that with Maru, nothing can be peaceful. "ALRIGHT HYUUGA!” Maru yelled as he stomped towards the man angrily. "YOU KNOW I AM WITHIN MY RIGHT MIND TO TELL MAKI THE BULL YOU'VE BEEN PUTTING ME THROUGH SINCE I GOT ON THIS RAGGEDY, TRASH, ASS TEAM!”

When Maru got close enough, he bumped Yukio out of the way and forcefully opened the door. Complaining the whole way inside. "First in order to be able to go on missions that ‘I’ am risking my neck over you decided that we needed to prove ourselves worthy to do something that'll be beneficial to this backwater village! And now you're dumping me on a medical ninja! Are you trying to say I need to he in a lab healing useless scum bags for a living!? Oh wait till Maki hears this bull shit! No I'll tell Takeshi so he can knock your punk ass into next week! “ When Maru finally finished he folded his arms, scrunching up his nose to show his disapproval.


Thundering in the hallway was a familiar set of vocals, under normal circumstances and if the pair that entered the Byoin would Mikasa have not cared about the detail of screaming. Unfortunately there were patients resting and this would not bode well on the mind of the Sennin, lowering her glasses onto the rosewood desk does the the inner crimson line of her optics illuminate in annoyance, the Uchiha portion. The ANBU operatives arrive and thunderously boom through the office door, waltzing in as they please. Tundra orbs fixate on the raven hair marionette shinobi, "Shut up and sit down." her words were far from friendly, his entrance leaving a foul taste in her mouth.

It was as Mikasa felt, the ANBU branch merely allowed his behavior to spiral uncontrollably and only adding to the impression of being unable to keep their members in check. This wasn't the first case and she was sure it wouldn't be the last as Takeshi's suspension surely had numerous downfalls; warranted or not. "I care not of the issues you are having with one another, but while you are in the Byoin you will cease your banter, understood?" she stares coldly towards the pair, clearly not pleased with the sudden bothering of patients. Maru labeling the recovering as 'useless recovering scumbags' and the one Maru being 'dumped' onto was none of than Mikasa herself.

Eying the ivory hair operative, the kunoichi stares him down, "You detailed having difficulties, as far as I see it there are many. What is it that you wish to discuss, Yukio-san?" she inquires, though the usual chipper demeanor would fail to surface. "Shame you only decide to visit in extreme situations, Maru-kun." she adds, gesturing for them both to sit. Normally the Sennin didn't utilize her ranking, but on this day it was be necessary.​
Yukio was usually quite patient when dealing with maru his day to day antics had become normal in regards to the ANBU branch and though he had made the effort as time passed the Hyuuga has come to realise no lesson would work on the ignorant his comment, however, being a man who owed the medical branch a great deal and putting the time and effort to try and make a decent shinobi out of the boy were beginning to make his blood boil a keen eye would notice his right eye turn from the calm green to a dim orange shade a few ashes scattering into the air before he took a deep breath returning to his normal state this was not the time nor the place to cause any more of a rucus. "Please just take a seat Maru and show some respect some here have done more than you have in your lifetime and deserve calm rest."

His voice was monotone and blunt taking a seat and gesturing for Maru to do the same closing the door as he slumped slightly in the chair. "Apologies to take up your time madam, however, I would not come here without good reason so I'll get straight to business" He did not address her by name this was not the time for such things and the fact of the matter was he had to handle the matter with a degree of professionalism. "The facts are as much as I wish to continue training maru I have done all that I can at least in my eyes I'm no expert in the art of puppets and the way I see it you were his teacher, to begin with." Tilting his head back his glare rested on Maru. "As it stands you may be strong or at least see yourself that way but if I were to ask anything it would be this what have you done to give me any trust in you? you spend more time starting fights with your own teammates and teachers than focusing on what you needed to do outside the village."

It was clear the Hyuuga was done giving the boy time and patience if things weren't going to improve then it would be a matter of finding other ways to make him see what was going on. "To that end, i must request I be allowed to leave him in your hands when you have the time I understand such moments are few and far between but if I to remain honest with you I can't think of anyone else to turn to for help here." leaning forward Yukio's arms came to rest on his knees a deep sigh escaping him as he waited to see how Maru would react to this. "If you have something to say about this Maru all I ask is keep it down and show respect"

"You want a calm rest? Get out of the ANBU and go find a job washing dishes in some noodle shop. Looks to me like you're dropping me with ‘her’ because you're little–” Maru would have continued complaining, but of course when Mikasa told him to shut up and sit down, he stopped insulting Yukio which was on a constant basis. He gave the medical kunoichi a mean look, however no words were said. He pulled out one of the empty seats that sat on the other side of Mikasa's desk, forcefully plopping down in his seat with his arms crossed. Honestly Maru haven't done anything ANBU related with his team since the so called team building exercise where him and Juko had to combine their efforts in fighting Yukio in which they lost badly but at least they weren't attacking each other.

Of course, Yukio still seemingly had a hard time trusting Maru because of the many fights he's been starting and all the trouble he's been causing around lately. Maru, like a child being scolded gave a shrug towards Yukio's comments. "Aye I haven't actually fought Juko so the only one hell I don't even try to bust your head open like I would have normally done. And I have been tutoring some students around so you miss me with that I'm not focused on what I need to do.” Maru leaned back in his chair, allowing the two to talk with each other because clearly this wasn't a negotiation. It was true that since he had officially joined the ANBU, he hadn't even stopped by unless he absolutely needed. Maru gave another shrug at the comment, "Honestly if I wanted to get an earful of my behavior, I'd rather bear it when I have to.” the young shinobi said. "Besides I don't see a point in stopping by unless I'm damaged or something.”

With that Yukio began explaining to Mikasa that he is requesting to leave Maru within her care to learn more on puppetry, although Maru was down for learning more on puppets he doubted that the focus would be on actual skill in combat. Not to mention Mikasa was showing signs of not being too fond of how Maru chose to get stronger, which was through darkness and from how Yukio made it sound it was like he was spiraling out of control. "So within this time I'm going to be learning more on how to use puppets in combat, correct?” Maru said as soon as Yukio asked if he had anything to say. Don't want this to be all about teamwork makes the dream work sunshine and rainbows crap. Honestly I get enough of that from my actual ANBU teacher.”
Listening to the Hyuuga ANBU operative, the Medical Sennin merely nods her head occasionally to showcase she were in fact paying attention. Between the pair she identified the main issue, despite the attempts of others to Maru's behavior, no obvious progress occurred and Mikasa feeling a tinge of annoyance that she allowed the young man to leave the care of the medical field. Leaning forward the kunoichi rests her chin upon entangled hands, "I will teach you combat utilizing puppets, but on the condition that you no longer host any courses within the academy, unless I give you specific permission." the kunoichi blatantly states.

"Had that been academy students you may have caused mental damage. This is not a laughing issue and your disrespect for your superior is thinning my patience." she continues, taking a brief pause to assess the conversation further, "I will drill you for one week and then I will find an appropriate mission for you to carry out, since you are so eager to perform ANBU operations despite being still in training." narrowing her tundra gaze the platinum mane woman leans back in her chair to await for any open complaints that were sure to come.

Prior to any additional outburst Maru would have, Mikasa iterates an additional detail, "I will first test your current capabilities with puppets versus a few of my old. I am a bit rusty, but judging from your current tactics you hardly come across as an ANBU. I will drill into your mind what it means to fight like an ANBU." she remarks shifting her eyes to lock against the emerald of the Yukio. A silent exchange between the two would ensue. Shaking her head the medical nin streams her digits through her hair tenderly, "Any additional conversations we need to have on this fine morning?" she inquires.
The more Maru spoke the more the Hyuuga seemed to slump into the chair his digits coming to grasp his temples as a deep sigh escaped Yukio the more time that passed the more exhausted it became to deal with the rather naive nature of the AiT. "The fact you can see the benefits of what is being offered shows just how far you have left to go." Pulling himself up and leaning forward Yukio's arms came to rest on relaxed legs not making eye contact with Maru as he spoke.

"I've seen you numerous times since the days of the student tournament and if i have learned anything in that time it's as much as we may teach you about the prospect of teamwork or learning with others is still a foreign concept to you without the act being forced and treated as a nuisance and from what i can see that's still the facts today. What the good Sennin says is true." Giving a polite gesture to Mikasa acknowledging her statement with a nod. "Your actions up to this point reflect poorly on the branch as a whole and thus far we've shown leniency believing the potential you have will eventually shine but i do wonder how long that will last before you force our hand."

It was blunt and straight forward though the maidens statement was only bringing more concerns to the table meeting her gaze with a look of worry in his eye though most emotion that could be seen in those eyes was cloaked in doubt that the young ANBU would ever change his ways. "Academy students? Mental scarring? This is news to me i wasn't even aware such things were occurring if you wouldn't mind enlightening me on the situation. Feels like as time passes you just wish to test how far we are willing to let you go Maru." his tone grew darker as the emerald orbs finally shifted to meet Maru most things the Hyuuga was willing to forgive minor transgressions being dealt with accordingly however should such things extend to harming others, safe to say Yukio would not allow such actions to go unpunished.

Maru winced at being told that on the condition of being able to be taught how to use puppets in combat, he wouldn't be allowed to continue his dark lessons unless given permission to do otherwise. Maru crossed his arms, his face stiffening, clearly on guard against both his former mentor and his ANBU team leader. "The way I'm seeing it, the only useful thing I'll be able to learn is how to use puppets in combat and the possibility of getting a mission that my or may not be ANBU related.” Maru said abruptly, a spiteful tone within his voice as he spoke. “If anything I'm seeing more strings attached from this deal and for only a few advantages that would benefit me. Hence why I think you're full of it Hyuuga.”

Maru closed his eyes, forced to listen to a few concerns that Mikasa and Yukio had about him causing mental damage to a few academy students who had willingly joined his tutoring knowing that it'll be dark, Yukio was on that prospect of teamwork and learning from others junk he's already heard a million times already. "Well they knew what they were signing up for when they saw that my tutoring would be dark. I only reflected the way Yukio taught me when on that first tutoring session I had with him.” He gestured his head towards Yukio, not bothering to look at him. "Using reflection Justu to make a clone out of my favorite doll, making it turn against me and allow me to watch it shatter into pieces because I was lacking. I don't know about you but that was mentally scarring, but am I complaining about it? No, I've actually tried to replicated that first tutoring session by using genjutsu and my darkness to awaken the worst fear of each student. But mine is needless to say more effective." This wasn't exactly Yukio's fault that his tutoring ended up the way that it did, he just saw something that was useful from the first tutoring session with Yukio, teaching a harsh lesson by using his own fears against him wasn't something that he enjoyed experiencing but it was something that even Maru had to admired. Not to mention his little adventure to gain his Youkai also gave him some ideas to use darkness with that fear.

"Besides, what better way to achieve darkness than experiencing that same darkness yourself?" Maru said, having to smirk from that last part for just a moment. Not because he felt confident, but he just liked that saying of if you want to experience something experience it yourself. Regardless this little meeting went on, Maru would have to test his skill's in puppetry and would be taught how to fight like an ANBU… by a Medical Sennin. With this Maru began chuckling at the woman as if she made a joke. "Oh? A medical ninja teaching me how to fight like an ANBU? I supposed next this guy is gonna make me learn mystic hand and start healing up useless scumbags.” Maru taunted, slapping Yukio on his shoulder as if he was the 'This Guy' he spoke of. He was seemingly doubtful that the medical kunoichi would be able to fight like an ANBU. Much less would her old school puppets can match his, but it was a challenge and Maru never backs away from a challenge.
The Medical Sennin merely deadpan stares at the marionette teen, along the path of ANBU he lost his way and she would have to correct his behavior; ironically Dokuso Maru forgot who showed him the puppets he holds so dear. No longer paying heed to the interaction between the two ANBU, Mikasa leans forward upon clasped hands, tundra orbs fixate against the raven hair lad, "You'll be in a world of surprise, even I know how to shake off rust fairly quickly." she comments with a thin grin. Eying the older ANBU, the kunoichi has half the mind to question the tutoring given to Dokuso Maru, unable to suppress her curiosity, Mikasa speaks, "What is the truth to that statement, Yukio-san?" she inquires in a stoic tone.

Prior to his response the Sennin stares at Maru, knowing he would be swift to jab at the situation she would silence him, "Due to the pact between the branches, I do my utmost to overlook the actions taken within the ANBU branch, however there are items that one can not avoid taking notice of." the woman comments. Flicking her index finger outwards a thin teal chakra string hurls across the room to attach against a container holding a vibrant carrot hue liquid. Snapping her index backwards the container retracts and slides across the desk to halt in the midst of the trio. In turn this action would ensue multiple times, jetting over her shoulder to remove a mug from a shelf conveniently placed behind the sennin.

Pouring the orange juice, Mikasa quietly sips the sweet nectar, "I once wished to keep you under my wing, raising you into a brilliant researcher. I won't state I am disappointed in your development, but I won't lie, your current regime allows you to walk to loosely. You have one week to prepare yourself, Maru-kun." the medical nin murmurs, taking a brief pause, "Darkness is not an excuse I will tolerate, I expected far better of you. The same goes for you as well, Yukio-san." gesturing towards the door she awaits for the pair to take their leave of absence.

[OOC: Topic Left, unless stopped]

Sitting up in the chair in those few moments there was silence from the Hyuuga listening to everything said to him and thinking carefully before opening his mouth to speak, it was true that the methods of his teaching had been direct but was that not always the way of such things. "I can admit I have done that however that was not the meaning of the lesson as a whole, when I brought you in those opening moments you depended entirely on your puppets for combat and as much of a strength as it was there was always a chance it could easily be turned against you."

Taking a deep breath and releasing a sigh he did think back on his teaching methods from the old days looking at neither of them to speak to both. "Every student I teach I have a different method, a different view on things and even before you arrived you showed contempt and a more than rebellious nature towards a much darker side of the world. Almost like an obsession and I doubt any other method would have gotten through to you. Sometimes the harshest and most direct methods of teaching are the only ones that will make the point." Lifting a hand he scratched the back of his head turning to move towards the door seeing Maru had been given time to prepare.

Tiling his head to Mikasa the ANBU nodded slowly accepting what she had planned for Maru "I hope things go well for you both I have no complaints no matter what you do safe to say I've done what i can from my end as previously stated there is little more i can say on the matter." It was not a subject he had any right to comment in at this moment in time he had already accepted his own failure in being unable to keep Maru out of trouble.

Stopping for a split second he didn't turn his head to look to Maru. "Think of this if i had not taught you like that and given you a hint as to what it feels like to lose what you care about most would you have tried to expand your knowledge of Jutsu to better yourself. So in the future when you attempt to say i mentally scarred you how about thinking about the bigger picture and taking note that what i taught you may save you from feeling the loss so many of us have to go through." With that he spoke no more the somber tone in his words speaking leaps and bounds of his own experiences.


Current Ninpocho Time:
