Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Chemistry 101 [Tutor][Osu and Kiri]

Oct 23, 2012
OOC Rank
Wednesday, 8:55am
Kitsune’s laboratory at her estate

Despite it only being 8:55am, Kitsune was already in full swing with her work. She had called for Osuteno to come to her estate, and to bring that minion of his with him. They could both use a bit of training in chemistry, as well as pharmacology. To that end, she had arranged for their schedules to be rearranged a bit at the hospital, so they’d have the time to learn something useful for a change. Of course, if they decided to be late, they’d both be thrown on bedpan duty for the next month or so.

In the laboratory, Kitsune had set up some basic chemistry experiments for the two kiddos to sharpen their teeth on. Hopefully it’d spark the desire to learn more, and then who knows where it’d go from the basics? ”I did say 9am… I hope they aren’t late. It’s been a while since I taught anyone…” she said with a light sigh as she looked around the room. She’d even made sure there’d be refreshments for the three of them, both in terms of food and things to drink. Nothing too out of place of course, it was mainly breakfast foods and a variety of juices and sodas. Hopefully the sugar would get them into a higher gear than normal.

While waiting, she pulled out a pile of super thin paper, with each page detailing a layer of a machine. At first glance it didn’t make sense, but when the papers were put on top of each other it formed what appeared to be a mechanical eye. See, the medical branch had always had a shortage of doujutsu for implant surgeries. And with this, Kitsune aimed to change that by making mechanical replacements for the real deal. Given that she knew exactly how an implanted eye should work, due to having studied it extensively in preparation for when she had her own eye implants done, she felt confident in being able to replicate the mechanics of the eyes properly. And who knows, maybe even improve them in terms of vision?

[MFT; WC: 353]
Osu waited in front of his apartment building for Kiri. It had been a bit of a rough morning for him coming home only a few hours earlier from his last shift, and getting about three hours before Chiai started shifting around in her sleep uncomfortably. The horrid thing about shinobi training is that it made for light sleepers. He smiled a bit at... well Chiai's quite ridiculously large stomach. Twins didn't have a tendency of going the full 9 months at all really but these two were somehow managing it. An easy birth this was not destined to be, well not easy by birth standards that is. None of them were what people would call easy.

Chiai really wasn't having a good sleep, and for a while he he positioned her to where she was sitting up leaning against him which appeared to relax her a little and feel a bit of movement in her belly. He sat there for a while before going ahead and getting ready and preparing a breakfast for Chiai.

Osu looked at the time on his beeper and watched for Kiri... Hmm they might have to hop a little if Kiri took much longer to be there on time. When Kiri finally arrived Osu greeted him politely and motioned that they needed to move so he just began hopping towards Kitsune's estate.

It didn't take long to get there, be brought in by the maids, and being brought to Kitsune. "We cut it a bit close," Osu commented as the clock was about to strike 9. He walked over to grab himself some apple juice to help him wake up a bit more and then began looking back and forth between the sheets Kitsune had laid out with the distant awareness that Uso was scribbling away inside his noggin. They didn't even know what it was for yet, for goodness sake.

"Round, with... chakra feeders?" Osu said while tilting his head and his hands were off breaking an egg onto a hot bowl of rice and adding just a bit of seasoning before beginning to stir and come back for him to enjoy something quickly before he hit the more balanced options.

"I'm not seeing a battery sufficient to hold a long term charge here sensei, and it seems to be entirely chakra powered as much as I can make your blueprints out so far. What is this right here for? It seems pretty similar to the nerve connectors you made before but... the input is different I would guess?" Osu was gradually layering the information with his imagination and Uso was about halfway done copying the blueprints herself. "Did you figure out a different sense input than touch? Sight? The size would suggest so. The rest of this here just seems like gibberish to me though." Osu said shaking his head at... well he had no clue what to be honest.
Kiri had just finished his routine check on the training schedule in the hospital that night when he was given a short notice that tomorrow’s schedule was replaced by something else. A memo called for him to go to a certain Shinrya Estate, and he was a bit unsure about what it could be. Well, he will have to meet up with Osu before going there since he might end up losing his way anyway, so perhaps he could ask his dear snap about this person. All he heard was that Shinrya Kitsune was held in high regards, but he had never met her before so he couldn’t really say much.

In any case, he went straight home that night, took a good long hot bath and slept. He wanted to be fully rested for the next day since he wasn’t sure what would happen, and it was best not to fall asleep on it. Which was ironic since he woke up just thirty minutes before the said time that following day. He must have been incredibly tired to have done so. Or he had repeatedly pummelled his alarm clock that it no longer works. That aside, he rushed to get dressed, and left his small apartment. He ran as fast as he could to get over to the residential district, hoping Osu would not be mad.

Fortunately, he didn’t get an early scolding. Still, he followed immediately as Osu would lead the way to this mysterious Shinrya Estate. And frankly, Kiri was surprised. He didn’t think he’d find anyone in Kumogakure who owned such an expansive land, and though he may have come from a prominent clan back in Leaf, well, he was always caged in so he never knew of these things. He would follow shortly as they were led by maids and then finally in the presence of Shinrya Kistune. He would make sure to remember her features so as not to forget his manners in the future, in case he meets her in the hospital or anywhere for that matter.

However, Kiri would remain standing as Osu went on to begin and eat. He wasn’t entirely sure if they were allowed to but perhaps Osu’s relations with this person was enough for him to act casually. He, on the other hand, was a stranger and it was best not to impose. Still, he may want to take a few bites after rushing off without breakfast.

And while Osu was discussing about the blueprints, Kiri was just trying to stave off his hunger, and potentially a stirring of his beast inside– of which had always offended, if not alerted others about him. But he had been practicing lately on how to control it, so hopefully, he wouldn’t give a bad impression so early on.
Kitsune grinned as Osu correctly deduced a few of the functions of the designs she were making. ”Not bad Osu-kun. You’ll see in due time, but you are correct in that it’s entirely chakra powered and has nerve connectors.” she said with a sly smile before turning her attention to Kiri, the minion of her minion. ”Ah, feel free to eat, Kiri-kun. I had it brought in for the three of us to have something to snack on. Gotta have energy for a day of learning, right?” she said in a chipper tone, grabbing a roll of bread before cracking it open and slathering the insides with soft butter and then placing a thick slice of beef in between the halves.

”Now then. It’s come to my attention that your education in chemistry, and thus pharmacology, is pretty lacking. That changes today. I’ve put together a crash course in the basics of both subjects that’ll keep you on your toes. There’s safety equipment by the door, and each experiment you’ll be conducting has been designed to push your understanding further than the last. The first one, which is over here,” Kitsune began and gestured to a nearby table ”is designed to teach you what happens to flesh, and metal when exposed to acids, bases, and what happens when an acid and a base of equal strength is mixed together.”

This was all pretty basic stuff, and shouldn’t take the kiddos too long to learn. Mixing an acid and a base of equal strength would nullify the properties of both, and usually resulted in plain simple salt water. As for the reaction to flesh and metals, that’d entirely depend on the acids and bases. Some might dissolve the flesh, while others might cause the metals to oxidize. It’d be up to Osu and Kiri to figure out which did what.

[MFT; WC: 309]
Osu... well he wasn't exactly insulted or anything. He was simply a little disappointed with the task presented to him. Five little Osu chibis began climbing clumsily out of the chest area of his yukata and began playing with the chemicals set in front of them as he sat back against a table. The chibis could function on their own... they were just... not that smart. He thought this as he watched one stick its arm directly into an acid and died. Well the only way they would get smarter would be through experience it seemed. He honestly still didn't know how these little guys worked aside from being the very hearts that ran at the core of him.
[spoilername="Chibi Gang"]

He sighed and after a few seconds it had revived and was doing a little bounce up and down making chibi gestures at the other chibis who seemed just as excited by the discovery. So much in fact that they spilled the milk from one glass one had been lifting to pour into another acid, but instead got it on the table. One of them used the rinse off jutsu and two others picked up a fourth and used them to mop up the milk before tossing them into the acid the milk was meant for... Well... That was one way of doing it apparently he though as he watched this one poof after a moment then regenerate after a few seconds fresh and new.

Alright he had to guide them a bit. He knelt down and started tapping lightly on the table. "Hey guys over here, pay attention... Why don't you try... dipping those little instruments over there into the chemicals. No I didn't say to sword fight with the needles. Guys! What? Yes it is a pretty picture but you can't just draw on the table with... Alright fine yes try putting the test strip in the container you put the milk in."

Osu really couldn't believe how reckless these little guys were... “And yes you over there, exactly! Nitric acid and potassium hydroxide make water. Try to keep trying to make water the lot of you. We already know that some strong acids will melt flesh, yes thank you. Very exciting I know, Why don’t you guys also try sticking those metal pins into some of these chemicals instead of each other, yes?”

He sat back against the table again and sighed. "Sorry about how disruptive these little guys are. Kiri, how are you doing over there?"
As this first meeting with someone who seemed to be the mentor of his mentor, Kiri couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious. That didn’t help when his stomach would give a slight growl every now and then, so when Kitsune had given the permission to come and take a bite, Kiri nodded with as much politeness as he could before coming forward to pick out a meal. With so much pastry that he couldn’t have possibly buy on his own, Kiri went to picking, all the while listening to the exchange between the two as much as possible.

Just then, with the sudden introduction of the chibis, Kiri was a bit delighted. He had never seen them before and their antics were rather cute. He chuckled a bit before he quickly straightened himself as he realised he should be paying more attention. After a few pieces of pastry, Kiri would go over to the other end of the table where he examined the beaker and the siphon. He knew the inner workings of how it worked, since, well, in that cafe that he worked part-time at, they siphoned coffee as part of a different type of brewing method. However, these glasses were filled, not with coffee and plain water, but with different acids and chemicals.

Kiri would lift one of the vials and study its bluish color before he placed it back on the rack. He then took an acid test strip and dipped it in, taking note of the change in color, which would represent the hP levels and balance. And while the invitation for testing out a flesh-eroding chemical was offered, Kiri decided to stay away from it.

“Oh, I’m still rather new, but I know a bit of these. We use some at the coffee shop, and well, these test strips are always in the hospital lability for testings.” answered Kiri.

WC: 318

Current Ninpocho Time:
