Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Time:

Chigokai Rising (Private- Personal Plot Page)


Well-Known Ninja
Apr 1, 2015
Osu felt like his knees were on the verge of shaking and falling apart as he approached the address in the letter of summons he had received earlier in the week. He was going to meet with the clan he was apparently related to, the Chigokai. They were an ancient and well respected clan that originated here in Lightning Country and they had once stood at the top layer of the hierarchy. They were no longer the power they once were, but they were far from weak. He had been planning on contacting them for some time now, but had kept putting it off for… reasons that involved being afraid of rejection. They had apparently discovered him on their own and were not accepting further delays in his introduction.

They had at least investigated him enough to know where he lived and his body measurements judging from the extremely well-tailored kimono he now wore. He didn't know that much about making clothes but as simple as the design was, the material used to make it could pay for his living expenses for more than a year, heck he could have bought a small place of his own with it. This only served to further unnerve him. Just how much did they observe him before contacting him? Did they have knowledge of his daily habits? Who he hung out with? That embarrassing book someone had tricked him into reading? He stood at the corner of the sidewalk a ways down form the rather large and ornate gate that guarded centuries of history, power and wealth and… maybe he should just go home now. This doesn’t seem like his sort of thing anyway. After all he could just have a life on the run financed by this kimono and…

“You must be Koji Osuteno,” said a gruff voice behind him that startled him. An old butler stood behind him, though Osu had no idea how the man managed to sneak up on him. “My name is Tanake young…” The man squinted his eyes and leaned in closer, “Young man. Goodness you are a rather feminine looking child. Please follow me, there are a few things we need to confirm before you meet the Head of the Clan, and we mustn’t keep the Lady waiting. Hurry now.”

Osu was too nervous to speak so he simply nodded and followed the man to the gates. The large… scary… intimidating gates depicting henomancers tearing the blood out of their enemies to slay an army with an ocean of blood. Pleasant. As Osu began to shift his weight to turn and make a run for it Tanake cleared his throat and spoke up again without even turning around to look. “The Lady is expecting your presence soon and we must not disappoint her. I better keep a good eye on you to make sure you don’t get lost seeing it is your first time here.” The gates were starting to open and Osu understood the silent warning well enough. There seemed to be a less and less chance of avoiding this. It was not like he did not want to join the clan, he was just nervous about meeting blood relatives for the first time. What if he was too low class for them, or a disappointment?

Osu sighed and stepped nervously through the large gates a couple steps behind Tanake and began to see the grounds and numerous guards and help all around the place. Everyone he noticed was unusually fit for people who supposedly cleaned and such for a living there were also a surprising number of people with scars, and not minor injuries, but battle scars.

The next thing he noticed as he followed the butler was the disproportionate number of women. There seemed to be about three women to every man and while there were plenty of women who seemed to be in their late teens and above there didn’t appear to be a single man under 40. As if the man were reading his mind Tanake spoke up, “You won’t find any young men who don’t belong to the clan here aside from the occasional visitors. The Chigokai is a matriarchal clan and young men are lustful. It would be inappropriate for them to be around the young mistresses who will lead the various branches before they are adults and well equipped to put off unwanted advances. This way.” The man was rather direct.

“As for the lack of young ones you are probably noticing that would be because of the very few that actually live here. Only the Main Branch and a few privileged minor branches live here. The few children that are here typically stay inside or in the inner courtyards for their protection.”

The older man stopped and Osu noticed that they had entered some sort of maze and that he couldn’t hear the flowing blood he had just a bit before, as he looked around the butler surprised him with a chuckle. “As you might imagine in a clan where the ability to hear the heartbeats and blood flow around them, several generations ago they designed areas that, for the most part, are sound proof. This maze is one of them, and a favorite for the younger children. In here we won’t be disturbing anyone else while we test your abilities to see how much you can manage so far.”

“How much I can manage?” Osu asked confused. Manage what? Was there some sort of test or riddle now?

“So that is what your voice sounds like.” The butler was all smiles now which just further confused Osu. “I was beginning to worry that you were mute young man. I know this must be an intimidating situation, but you will be just fine if you follow my lead. Now there are levels of proficiency that serve as generalized markers for those who possesses the kekkei genkai. We are already aware you can increase the power of your jutsu by mixing in your blood and you are quite adept with forming weapons for your age… Have you ever tried controlling someone else’s blood before?”

The question startled Osu. “No, I haven’t. That sounds terribly painful.” Not to mention a bit creepy.

The man kept his smile and simply said, “Nonsense, if you can get a good hold on controlling the blood of others you can save someone’s life with it someday, now I wish for you to fill a bit of your blood with chakra and try to make it seep into my pores.”

Osu shivered at how weird this was but did as the man said. A tiny orb of blood came from his own pours and he shot it at the butler and pushed it into his skin. He felt his blood grabbing a hold of Tanake’s and an insane smile creeped across Osu’s face. The older man suddenly gasped from pain and looked at Osu, “Hah, good job, I expected you could do it. And of course you would be one of the excitable ones.” The man rushed forward and put Osu in a gentle but secure lock and started rubbing Osu’s eyelids, bringing a sudden sense of calm to the child.

“You are one of the interesting ones child. Tell me exactly how long it has been since you realized your abilities.” The butler said in an excitable fashion.

Osu on the other hand was rather confused by how quickly he was able to calm down this time and muttered, “About 6 weeks, how did you do that? With my eyelids and the…”

“Six weeks!” Interrupted the man. “Oh the lady will be rather… well not excited but at least amused by this. That is miraculous progress boy. The… ‘possessiveness’ isn’t unheard of and can be controlled to a minor extent through massaging the eyelids to release some of the stress that causes it. It won’t help in a major attack but it helps keep most episodes in order. It is also a good sign of one who will make quick progress. I would test you further but you just barely managed to boil my blood so you are not quite ready for the next level.” The butler seemed awfully cheery for a man who was just boiled a bit from the inside, as if it hardly phased him. Not to mention he spoke and moved so quickly. It was as if he only wanted Osu around for a few minutes.

Osu was soon led out of the maze and entered the main building. Gruesome and terrifying paintings as big as his current home decorated the massive halls, depicting battle scenes and combat he assumed were of family lore. The color scheme was a lot of blood red and black with a little grey here and some white there. Just when he was beginning to assume he was walking down the halls of some death palace, he noticed some people closer to his age peaking from a side hallway at him some 30 meters away.

It was a group of eleven kids, with nine sets of crimson eyes like Osu’s staring at him. Two of the three boys had the red eyes, whereas seven of the eight girls had them. A few of them were whispering amongst themselves while watching Osu, while the smallest boy and girl gave him a wave. They appeared to be about four and five years old respectfully, and he gave them a small wave back. He was unsure why but it was almost as if he made them nervous. He noticed that the three he assumed were the oldest, two girls and a boy would be about 15-17. He heard more whispering as they notice he was staring before he walked too far to see around the corner anymore.

Osu heard Tanake chuckle to himself lightly as he glanced back at the eight-year-old. “They are not used to seeing new children. Especially a young boy who has lived on his own like yourself. They have had few experiences with… well… what most would consider the everyday. Now a few words of advice before we enter that will make it a bit easier for you: don’t speak unless asked a question, sit as formally as you can and remember for a Chigokai, ‘Blood Comes Before all Else,’ understood?” Osu looked at the huge decorated door before him and simply said, “Understood.”

The door opened up to a much more extravagant room than he was really prepared for. Great banners hung from a ceiling too high and too dark to see. Along the walls where he could see were giant representations of even more gruesome images than he had seen before expect rather than battles there were images of people of obviously Chigokai blood killing other warriors in one on one combat with names and dates displayed on them. Goodness they loved these violent images. The chandeliers providing the light hung over each other in towers over pools of water which were spaced every so often on either side of the pathway which led up to stairs shrouded by a thin crimson shroud which held the shadow of a throne. He was spending so much time staring at it all that he barely noticed Tanake giving a slight cough to remind Osu he needed to move forward. The two walked down the long room and finally approached the wide stairs that led up to the shrouded throne where the butler bowed and Osu followed suit.

Tanake raised his voice and said, “Announcing the arrival of Koji Osuteno, here on account of the Lady’s summons.” Moments passed. Then a minute. Osu was starting to get a bit uncomfortable bowing for so long. After about two minutes had passed Tanake spoke even louder, “Announcing the arrival of Koji Osuteno, here for the Lady’s summons!” Another minute passed before a nervous looking maid popped out from a door hidden in the wall and whispered in Tanake’s ear. Tanake started rubbing his forehead and the two bowed towards Osu. “I am sorry master Osuteno, it appears that the Lady had forgotten about the appointment and began taking care of another matter that required her attention. Feel free to relax for a few minutes.”

“That won’t be necessary, I’m here you old wart. What are we doing again?” asked a sultry but unmistakably lazy voice. Tanake had his face in his hand sighing while the maid just put on a nervous smile. “Why do we always keep it so damn dark in here anyway? I had lights installed for a reason.” Osu saw the shadow of a person projected up on the shroud as they fidgeted around as if they were looking for something. “Stupid blighted… where the hell is that infernal device at? Ah here it is.”

Suddenly the room got a whole lot brighter as electric lights came on and really took away the dramatic nature of the room. The shadows on the shroud disappeared to as everything was now bright and Osu, for how nervous he had felt up to this point, felt a bit cheated. “So who is this kid?” asked the voice behind the curtain.

The butler was starting to have a fit. “Madam please, this is Koji Osuteno. We have talked about this several times this week. He is the new addition to the clan.”

“New addition? He seems a bit young for that. Whose kid did he marry? Wasn’t mine was it? Not showing up to the wedding would certainly explain why the brat has been giving me so much attitude these last few days.” She certainly seemed to be a careless woman.

Tanake had his eyes firmly shut as he removed his glasses and ran his fingers along the bridge of his nose. “He didn’t marry anyone. Did you not listen to a single word I have been saying these last few days? He is an orphan with the bloodline. He has already made it to blood boiling at the age of eight for that matter. You asked for his presence to bring him into the clan.”

“I did?” said the voice with a tone that could have been speaking about yesterday’s pleasant weather. “Well I guess if he has no current ties to any other family we could take him in. Hey kid you see that thing there?” Osu had no idea what she was talking about and was rather surprised with her manner of speech.

“Madam, when you turn on those lights no one can see you anymore. I keep telling you this. I told you before you had the lights installed. And ‘that thing there’ is hardly the speech for a person of your status.”

“I know that you old nag, I just forgot for a second. Just… someone move this damn thing out of the way! It isn’t like he will try to kill me, or could even if he wanted to.”

As the shroud was pulled to the side, a regal and intense woman was revealed to be behind it. Her pallor made her seem a few days dead and her small smile promised death. Her hair was golden yet lacked shine and her eyes appeared to be simply orbs of blood somehow liquid in appearance yet keeping their shape. She only wore black which contrasted with her skin radically and she looked at Osu with a gaze that promised him he was simply another one of her possessions now, a toy to be played with and used. That instinct that sometimes pushed itself forward and told Osu that every living thing around him was his now told him that he was nothing compared to the creature before him.

Her gaze held a terrifying promise in it as she smiled at Osu, causing him to shiver and bow deeply without thinking about it. “I am Chigokai Ookami, as my mother and those before her were and my daughter and those after her will be. Back where you entered is the legacy you will uphold,” she said as she pointed to the wall opposite her. There was a massive family tree that covered the wall with countless names branching off though most records of minor branches seemed to stop after a generation or two. It stretched back many generations but two names stuck out. The name Chigokai Kitsune appeared in the space reserved for the clan head until around 400 years prior before it became Chigokai Ookami.

“Your life will be dedicated to protecting and adding to that tree. You shall be adopted into one of the primary minor branches here until I see it fit to marry you off you, or use you as breeding stock. I might even allow you to marry on your own, but that is for me to decide. As you have displayed your abilities before being known to us I think it would be safe to assume that you have already been recruited by the village?”

Osu nodded, “Yes… Lady Chigokai. I will soon be taking the test to be a medical ninja in training under Kitsune-Sama’s mentorship.”

“So you are able to speak, I was afraid you were a mute.” The woman gave a single nod. “I am familiar with the Sennin’s name. A minor branch member held her seat not too many years ago, perhaps you could claim it one day. Very well, you shall represent the Chigokai’s support to the village on your branch’s behalf. It will be one less of our girls to risk losing. But in your service to the village remember these words child, ‘Blood Comes Before all Else.’ Notify Manane’s family that she shall be responsible for raising him. He shall be moved in before the weekend for him to have time to tie up any business. Now I must get back to what I was doing.” As she got up and began to walk away without warning Osu happened to noticed that as she moved, her pajamas peaked a bit from under her dress. Once again, Osu felt a bit cheated. He was happy at least it went over so well.

As he was escorted out he happened to notice a few odd things that had escaped his attention before. First, that the Seki District had an awfully large number of huge estates. Second, that the mansion across the street seemed very familiar to him. As he left the gates of the Chigokai estate he saw a very familiar woman and an even more familiar rock exit the building.

"Oh-no-no-no-no-no-no! Not them, anyone but them!" He started half praying, half demanding. But sure enough...

"Look my dear Roxanne! It is the boy who shall one day be your prince! I knew it was destiny, how else would we become neighbors! Oh! Oh! You will even be childhood friends! That almost guarantees one day you shall be wed as man and rock." Before her little crazy talk was half over though, Osu had already made a run for it.
WC:3178 MFT

Current Ninpocho Time:
