[I]Chimeiarashi are often called “Storm born”, not because of an affinity to actual weather events but because their arrival on the field of battle is like a hurricane smashing an armada. With their speed and strength, they are often seen flitting from foe to foe, leaving a weapon embedded in each as it takes too much time to draw it back out after it’s been put in place. Chimeiarashi do not behold themselves to their equipment, believing them to be mere tools to their trade. And their trade is death.[/I]
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Kinjutsu Application, 3 Ability Slots, B Rank
[*]The user’s passive weapon modifiers, (Such as the weapon Acc/Damage modifiers and [URL='https://www.ninpocho.com/threads/weapon-attunement.51367/']Weapon Attunement[/URL]), do not count towards the Acc/Damage cap.
[*]The user’s weapons cannot have their base damage modifier lowered by any means. This means the +5/10% from weapon creation. (Does not apply to damage modifiers gained from sources such as buffing taijutsu.)
[*]The user gains the [URL='https://www.ninpocho.com/threads/quickdraw.5400/']Quickdraw[/URL] Ability and will not take up a slot
[quote][B]Disposable Impalement – [I]Kinjutsu Ability[/I][/B]
[I]Chimeiarashi often leaves a weapon impaled into an opponent after striking, the time it takes to pull it out usually being longer than it would to simply move on to the next foe and strike them down. This presents some curious upsides in that if your opponent didn’t die this could make them wish they had.[/I]
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Chimeiarashi
[B]Effect:[/B] The user may lower the base damage of a Taijutsu Technique by -15% to [I]Impale[/I] the target with the weapon used. A target that is [I]Impaled[/I] has +10% Bleed Chance and after 10 seconds has their Bleed Rank increased by 1.
[*]The weapon used to cause the [I]Impaled[/I] status is not usable while the target is [I]Impaled[/I].
[*]When the weapon is removed the [I]Impaled[/I] status ends, and the weapon is dropped.
[*]A target can be [I]Impaled[/I] by multiple weapons, the Bleed Level increase does not stack.
[*]The [I]Impaled[/I] Status can be removed for 1 AP. This may be done by the user or the [I]Impaled[/I] target, removing all weapons [I]Impaled[/I] in the target.
[*]When the [I]Impaled[/I] Status is removed, if the target was [I]Impaled[/I] by 5 weapons, their Bleed Level increases by 1.
[*]This technique uses Basic Strike Damage as per the user’s OOC rank.
[*]Removing the [I]Impaled[/I] Status causes Basic Strike Damage from each Weapon, with a +10% bleed chance per weapon removed [I](3 weapons removed would deal 450 Physical Damage with a +30% Bleed chance at S-Rank).[/I].
[*]When the user removes the [I]Impaled[/I] Status, they may choose one weapon’s augments to apply to this damage. If the target removes the [I]Impaled[/I] Status, no augments will apply.
[*]Raising a target’s Bleed Level by removing the [I]Impaled[/I] Status may happen once per 10 seconds.
[*]An [I]Impaled[/I] target cannot have their Bleed Rank lowered while [I]Impaled[/I].
[*]A target can only be [I]Impaled[/I] by a maximum of 5 weapons at a time.
[*]May not be used with Weapon Creation Techniques except [I]Armiger Arsenal[/I]
[*]If the user makes an attack using multiple weapons, each weapon can be used to [i]Impale[/i] the target(s).
[quote][B]Force of Nature – [I]Kinjutsu Ability[/I][/B]
[I]Sometimes, a weapon just doesn’t cut it. Steel can only go so far, and against chakra that distance is not much. When they are required to use more than mere steel, a Chimearashi reaches into their talent pool for this technique. Through specific chakra manipulation, they can change the way their weapon is perceived by the world.[/I]
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Chimeiarashi
[B]Effect:[/B] The user may change the Damage Type of their Taijutsu attacks, which has the following effects:
[*]Changing a Taijutsu into Elemental Damage lowers the base damage by 10%.
[*]Changing a Taijutsu into Illusionary Damage lowers the base damage by 20%.
[*]Changing the Damage Type allows other damage buffs to apply. [I](A Taijutsu changed to Elemental Damage receives the user’s Elemental Damage buffs in addition to their Taijutsu Damage buffs.)[/I]
[*]The user’s weapon damage buff still applies.
[*]This does not affect accuracy modifiers.
[quote][B]Armiger Arsenal – [I]Buffing Taijutsu[/I][/B]
[I]The Chimeiarashi have developed a technique to be surrounded by floating spectral copies of their weapons, always within reach for any attack they wish to make.[/I]
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Chimeiarashi
Rank 1/2: The user creates a [I]Spectral Copy[/I] of 5/7 of the weapons in their inventory. Each [I]Spectral Copy[/I] is not dispelled as long as the user maintains [I]Armiger Arsenal[/I].
[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Armorer’s Sacrifice[/I]: On a full hit, the user may choose to break a [I]Spectral Copy[/I] used for the technique to ignore the target’s DR. The [I]Spectral Copy[/I] used this way is destroyed.
[B]Cost:[/B] 2.25 AP and 680 CP, 340 CP/rnd
[*]This is a Weapon Creation Technique
[*][I]Armiger Arsenal[/I] ends when there are no [I]Spectral Copies[/I] left.
[*]May be maintained for a maximum of 30 seconds.
[*][I]Armorer’s Sacrifice[/I] may only be used once per 10 seconds.
[*]Cannot be used with [url=https://ninpocho.com/threads/permanency.66002/]Permanency[/url]
[quote][B]Steelwind – [I]Variable Taijutsu[/I][/B]
[I]A Chimearashi is a master of multiple weapons, and no skill shows that better than this. By utilizing expert control, they can attack with multiple weapons at once, looking like a whirlwind of blows.[/I]
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Chimeiarashi
[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] The user makes two attacks each with 4/5 different weapons from their inventory at +1 accuracy against a single target.
[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Enforced Harakiri:[/I] The user may pay +20% CP to use any weapon currently causing the [I]Impaled[/I] status on the target for [I]Steelwind[/I]. Each weapon used this way applies +5% Bleed Chance. This does not end the [I]Impaled[/I] Status.
[B]Cost:[/B] 2.25 AP 680 CP
[*]This technique uses Basic Strike Damage as per the user’s OOC rank.
[*]The user draws and sheaths the weapons used for [I]Steelwind[/I] for no cost.
[*]All augments apply as normal.
[*]May not be used with Weapon Creation Techniques except [I]Armiger Arsenal[/I]
[*]The user may [i]Impale[/i] the target with each weapon used for [i]Steelwind[/i] if using the [i]Disposable Impalement[/i] kinjutsu ability.
[B]Soul of the Sword – [I]Buffing Taijutsu[/I][/B]
[IMG alt="5d3EEMC.jpg"]https://i.imgur.com/5d3EEMC.jpg[/IMG]
[I]By attuning their chakra to one of their weapons, a Chimearashi harnesses their chakra to create an inanimate ally in the midst of battle. While this costs them the weapon for that fight, it can create openings that would otherwise not be possible.[/I]
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Chimeiarashi, A rank
[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] The user chooses one weapon from their inventory to create an [I]Animated Weapon[/I]. The [I]Animated Weapon[/I] has 5280/6600 HP and -4/-3 secondaries of the user. Rank 2 applies the user’s buffs at the time of creation to the [I]Animated Weapon[/I]. Whenever the user performs an offensive Taijutsu Technique, the [I]Animated Weapon[/I] will mimic the same Technique, retaining the same Primary and Secondary Effects, but dealing 1170/1470 damage.
[B]Cost:[/B] 2.75 3025 CP, 1510 CP/rnd
[*]This is a Creation Technique.
[*]The [I]Animated Weapon[/I] may only mimic 3 offensive Taijutsu Techniques every 10 seconds.
[*]The weapon used to create the [I]Animated Weapon [/I]cannot be used while [I]Soul of the Sword[/I] is maintained.
[*]The mimicked technique will match the Taijutsu subtype of the [I]Animated Weapon[/I], not the mimicked technique.
[*]Attacks from the [I]Animated Weapon[/I] will count as attacks from the user in regards to conditionals.
[*]May not be used with Weapon Creation Techniques except [I]Armiger Arsenal[/I]
[quote][B]Calamity Storm – [I]Buffing Taijutsu[/I][/B]
[I]The ultimate defense can often be a great offense instead. – A technique that utilizes the prowess of a multi-weapon master at great cost. By channeling their inner fury, a Chimearashi can become the very storm they embody.[/I]
[B]Prerequisites:[/B] Chimeiarashi, S rank
[B]Rank 1/2:[/B] Creates a whirlwind of weapons around the user using each weapon in the user’s Inventory. Any non-Genjutsu Technique targeting the user has a 5%/10% chance of being [I]Parried[/I] per weapon in [I]Calamity Storm[/I], capping at 25%/50%. A [I]Parried[/I] Technique has -1/-2 Accuracy/Gen DC and gives the user +5%/+10% DR per weapon used in [I]Calamity Storm[/I]. If a Technique is [I]Parried[/I], each weapon makes a single Basic Strike targeting the attacker.
[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Sheathing the Sword:[/I] The user may reflexively cause the [I]Impaled[/I] status to the attacker if they are hit with the Basic Strike from the [I]Calamity Storm[/I]. Each weapon used this way is removed from the [I]Calamity Storm[/I].
[B]Special Action[/B] - [I]Drawing the Sword:[/I] For 0.5 AP and no CP cost, the user may end the [I]Impaled[/I] status on a target and add the weapons to [I]Calamity Storm[/I]. This may be used when [I]Calamity Storm[/I] is first used for no AP cost.
[B]Cost:[/B] 3.75 AP 3940 CP, 1970 CP/rnd.
[*]This is a Chakra Armor Technique.
[*]A target may receive a maximum of 5 Basic Strikes from [I]Calamity Storm[/I] per [I]Parried[/I] Technique.
[*]The [I]Parried[/I] technique Acc/Gen DC penalty caps at -5
[*]The [I]Parried[/I] technique DR caps at 50%.
[*]While [I]Calamity Storm[/I] is maintained, if the user uses a Taijutsu Technique, they may use a weapon from [I]Calamity Storm[/I]. This removes the weapon from [I]Calamity Storm[/I] for the duration of the Taijutsu Technique.
[*]The Basic Strikes from a [I]Parried[/I] technique do not count as Melee Contact.
[*]May not be used unless the user has at least 3 non-broken weapons in their inventory.
[*]If [I]Calamity Storm[/I]’s [I]Parried[/I] chance is reduced to 0%, [I]Calamity Storm[/I] ends.
[*]This may be maintained for a maximum of 30 seconds.
[*]May not be used with Weapon Creation Techniques except [I]Armiger Arsenal[/I]