Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Event Church of Death [Event: Shadow Steward]


New Member
May 4, 2023
OOC Rank
Ancient stonework from a time long gone held aloft a broken roof made from terracotta tile with walls that seemed unharmed by any of time’s rough hands. Explosions, earthquakes, the moss that seemed to eat its way into all of the infrastructure; none of it had dented the smooth black marble. Even dust seemed to avoid landing on the inky surface the reflected the light of two lone torches at one end of the dilapidated structure.

It had once been a church to the goddess Mother Suna - a mysterious woman who roamed the desert helping mankind get back on their feet after Primus’ Rebellion. It had been some time since the identity of Shiori had been revealed as an Ancient of the Earthen Courts, making her aid seem dubious. The religion was now niche, with the main practitioners either turning a blind eye to the goddess’ origins or being rural enough for the information to have reached them. Many of the nomadic tribes of Wind still prayed to her for safe passage, for example, but within most city-states religion around Mother Suna had all but dried up. That said, their nigh-indestructible churches still remained.

Most were being used by the rich, the elite, and those able to afford property rights within the major oases. In Sunagakure, they were mostly torn down and had the building materials repurposed into other means. Rumor even has it that many of the surface level churches went to help fortifying the wall as the black marble they were made from was mysteriously durable on even the worst of days. In the Underground, however, they still remained here and there. Most were buried beneath the rubble of terroistic attacks and Tama’s mood-swings, but Uzu knew of one that had been in his base of operations when he was “king”, down here.

Sitting in the throne he had installed himself some fifty years ago, he leaned against an armrest with his head propped up by a fist. The two torches above him were all that illuminated the old church, as it had always been, but looking out towards the rest of the destroyed building brought a sadness he could not describe. He wondered briefly if this was why he had been so mad at Tama for resurrecting him. Uzu once had it all, and this building was the center of his operations. Women, drink, food, weapons, money…he had it all. He traded it all. Down here no one dared to stand against him or his empire until Sousuke cracked down on the enterprise once Uzu had become weak from cancer. Looking out at the empty room full of broken furniture, a lurch in his stomach to remind him how much time had passed only furthered to sour his already bad mood.

After all, he had to help pull a coup now.

The orders had come from “on high,” meaning that the ex-Steward Sousuke had “called on a favor.” The two old men became fast friends despite the robotic hero having been the one who dismantled his empire; but Uzu made sure to not owe the man any favors. That quickly became impossible as his health began to ail, and then on top of that his most treasured weapons had been made by the famous blacksmith himself, with the steel known around the world as the “strongest.” It still irked him. Lifting his right mechanical arm and staring at it caused another spike of ire, knowing that Sousuke had designed it; even though it had been Tama who had customized it’s use for the assassin.

I owe too much to this damn country…” he muttered before lowering the arm back down to tap gently against the arm rest.

He had called his two apprentices in a private way by leaving a single mark on their front door in dunestrider blood. It was draconic, and probably confusing, until a good look at the symbol would activate the ninjutsu hidden beneath to transform the blood into a message of where and when to meet. He couldn’t risk using the official ANBU channels to call them, despite being a leading member of the Black Corps. Wei’s eyes and ears where everywhere, but for the old assassin this was old hat. He assumed they would understand the message.

Both of them excelling in their duties already. Ranran had found the proof needed to start a rebellion within Sunagakure without resorting to a full blood-bath; which, in his battle-lust found quite unfortunate but the Old Council was thrilled. Akari was set up to become the next Uzumoreru Queen, which gave his daughter a rival and their dead clan an even bigger second chance at revival. Both girls had a lot of potential he couldn’t even begin to comprehend, and on their shoulders the weight of the future laid…but for now they were still his “children,” and they needed direction.

His golden eyes glowed softly in the semi-dark as he waited…

[Denizens of the abyss, from ink of blackest night, I summon thee!]


New Member
Dec 6, 2023
OOC Rank
C Rank
A loud yawn echoed down the halls of a small apartment complex as a short pink haired girl slouched down the hallways to head for her temporary residence her eyes heavy as she had been traveling for the better part of this month on a mission in the guide of a merchant blacksmith which meant no high speed running back to the village to keep her cover intact and she had been stuck in a merchant caravan for far longer than the girl would have liked which had taken more of a toll on her than she had thought leaving her tired and grumpy. Arriving at the door Ran lifted a heavy booted foot as if she was planning on kicking a the door open until she noticed a small bit of graffiti on her door which seemed to be made out of blood if her sense of smell was correct. Allowing her foot to drop to floor again Ran tugged on her overalls until she managed to fish a kunai from them before leaning in to examine the mark so she could deduce who was messing with her shit.

Much to her surprise though the mark soon transformed into a small message from Uzu asking her to meet him. A loud sigh escaped Ranran's lips as she denied her bed before she reached into another large pocket and extracted her Anbu mask before donning the annoying bit of her uniform that reminded her of her annoying child hood with a similar mask before she finally flashed away in a burst of speed her overalls falling to the floor discarded as changed back into her normal clothes hidden underneath her disguise.

It took Ranran a bit longer than she would have liked to find the church for the meeting but soon Ranran found herself stepping through old rotted doors her footsteps lighted only by the torches within and what natural light dared to peek through the broken roof. Ranran herself had changed back to her more comfortable clothing with her Anbu mask perched haphazardly on top of her head as she looked upon her sensei who was relaxing on what appeared to be a throne. "Yo ya called Sensei?" Sounding tired Ranran glanced around the room looking for her sister disciple who seemed to like getting the drop on her.

WC: 388
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Kamiya Akari

New Member
Feb 6, 2024
OOC Rank
The burden of knowledge was something which the blonde kunoichi bore willingly, readily, and eagerly. Uzumoereru might consider their techniques a curse, but she relished the new found techniques, even if the methods to acquire them were unorthodox, certainly not ideal and quite mysterious, involving several strange mental tests finishing up with the strange old fossil the captain called "Queen". Still, not only did it bestow upon her much of their secret techniques, but it opened the door to many powers that had laid dormant inside of her, including full access to her bloodline and a curious Shadow being that, while it seemed to simply resemble her, had a will and a mind of its own. One that often thought much clearer and more sadistically than even her own did.

In fact, she was enjoying all these things so much, she picked up a new hobby of learning how to delve into the genetic coding of other beings and was rather enjoying herself. Sure, it was messier than normal, but such was the price for greater strength to push herself ever closer towards her own goals. Of course, one particular ability came with a good deal of pain, but it wasn't unbearable nor crippling and she too it in stride, overall. It wasn't enjoyable, no, but that didn't matter too much. All great things came with a cost. She was rather intrigued with speeding up the ability to go from person to person at the genetic level in addition to building up a tolerance to the great pain. However, while trying to formulate the ability as a whole when an unusual summons came for her. And so...she decided to answer the call, as would only be proper. However, she did not particularly feel the need to change out of the guise of a young woman, slightly older than herself. Attractive features, though more of a "normal" size than her actual height. She was an ANBU, after all, thriving within the world unknown was a must.

And thus, she hurried along her way, completely concealed from the sight of others by using the path of shadows as well as her natural quickness. From afar, she watched the smug little student move towards the church, something which only confirmed that this was the proper place, though she felt it quite tactless for the portly old man to summon the two of them at once.

Though one assumption was wrong. He was quite different from the distended and out of shaped old man she had seen before. She could tell that from afar, looking on before moving with such stealth and quickness that a gentle breeze would find itself green as she seemingly appeared behind Ranran. Though not nearly as towering as she had been before now that she assumed her new form. Of course, to most others, she would appear as a stranger as the technique allowed her to change on the genetic level...though Akari had no doubt Uzu would see the progress she had made. That said...a throne seemed quite gauche. Uzu had transformed himself so quickly, it might as well have been overnight as far as Akari was concerned, into someone that looked quite the warrior, strong and fit, despite the advanced age, but it was him. She could tell. Still...for some reason. She felt a stir seeing her superior in rank looking down upon her in such a position. The only emotion she would show visibly would be a rapid blink as she tried to process what she saw and tried to figure out why is bothered her so much. Otherwise, she would remain still with a bright, cheerful smile upon her lips.

"Well, well, Captain. You've certainly changed from our last meeting. I must commend you! Quite impressive, quite impressive indeed!" she stated, giving a soft clap of acknowledgement at the genuinely impressive change. "Is there a mission you require of me?" Granted, the girl was quite small, the pink haired one in front of her...but no matter what, it was more than obvious the young demoness was intentionally ignoring her existence, especially while so close to her.

"Or, perhaps this is you stating your desire to install yourself as Suna's new leader?" She eyed the throne quite closely, obviously. Intently. And, as always, with a smile.

[WC: 705]
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
