Ninpocho Chronicles

Ninpocho Chronicles is a fantasy-ish setting storyline, set in an alternate universe World of Ninjas, where the Naruto and Boruto series take place. This means that none of the canon characters exists, or existed here.

Each ninja starts from the bottom and start their training as an Academy Student. From there they develop abilities akin to that of demigods as they grow in age and experience.

Along the way they gain new friends (or enemies), take on jobs and complete contracts and missions for their respective villages where their training and skill will be tested to their limits.

The sky is the limit as the blank page you see before you can be filled with countless of adventures with your character in the game.

This is Ninpocho Chronicles.

Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:

Open chuu, chuu, Train-chan?

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Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion was right now a slender and tall, pale-skinned man with messy, shoulder-length brown hair, that partially hangs in front of his face and half-opened brown eyes. His height was a bit bigger thanks to the soft pads inside the shoes, making him almost 185 centimeters tall. "I should probably keep the name Roxas around here..." He muttered out loud as he walked further along the place. On his face, he had a scar over his eye.

Walking all over the place till he noticed something to the side, it was something unfamiliar to the male. "What is this..." He spoke under his breath as he got closer, trying to listen to the people around him. But as expected they all were cautious. 'Guess what the white-haired said the other day was the truth after all.. fight to survive and basically being hungry dogs...' A visible sigh was given before there were wooden creaks under his footsteps.

Getting on top of the floorboards he would try to look a bit around, that was when a train passed by, and Shion kind of freaked out because of that. Leaning back to the small house and just tried to comprehend what that was. "What... was that..." One of the villagers was laughing and pointing to him, yet Shion didn't care about that. He got scared for something he was honestly questioning.

"So... This is a train station..?" He wondered after a while and went near the tracks, but luckily not on them. He had seen with what speed the last train went and he did not want to get sandwiched on the tracks. "So many new technology things I have yet to see and hear of... I should write this up and make more columns over it." He would then grab a piece of paper and pretend to write before putting it away again.

Okami Roku

New Member
Jul 21, 2021
OOC Rank
It was his first time, since being dropped at Suna, to be back out in the greater country region. It was also his first time this far South in the country. It was also his first time at a train station or seeing one in action. As the vehicle moved he would feel his body tense up, still not fully understanding the grunting and growling hunk of moving metal. He would notice that not many shared the same reaction as him, which was a quirk of his; being mindful of those around them and making sure his actions and reactions mirrored them. He was different, for a multitude of reasons, and he was told, in no uncertain terms, to not stand out. That said, there was one person who seemed to have a different reaction to the train too, and he would then watch as they were mocked by others.

This is why Sousuke told me to be mindful of my place and my surroundings.

That said, he didn't like that someone who reacted similarly to him and was brave enough to show it, was being ridiculed. The main reason is that it validated his fears of being 'himself'. That was frustrating.

Just kill them, they seem to be rather weak little flesh bags...

he would mutter under his breath as he would take off jogging toward the pale-skinned, brown-haired person.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Are you here to catch a ride on a train too? I've never ridden on one... they are weird right? Like, do they even make sense... seriously, they have to weigh so much but move that fast..."

Suddenly he would realize he was rambling and wasn't even sure if the stranger would show him any attention or would try and flee.

I've seen a lot of them flee

Just wound their leg so they can't...

he would once more mutter to himself once more before turning his attention back to the stranger.

mft - 320


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Talking out loud or to someone..? One couldn't really tell as Shion was a complete stranger to these parts. As he was making a so-called note, he noticed footsteps nearing, and as he looked in that direction. He noticed someone was jogging toward him. "Hello!" Shion replied to the multiple Hey hey hey that was thrown towards him and he listened longer to him. A smile was given bright and big.

'did I see that well..? Was he... talking to himself there for a moment? Maybe an illness. One to the mind, or maybe something else. Maybe he is like me and a vessel for a spirit...' The thought occurred to him as he was looking at him, but his own spirit remained silent as if it was fast asleep. But Shion knew better that it was just lurking like an owl would do. His smile soften as he then really knowiung he was rambling. "Well. I have to be honest, I have never seen them around. So if anything, I don't even know what to call these metal monsters. They were going so quickly past that I was caught off guard earlier. Do you know more of these things?" You could easily tell one was not from around here.

Only then he really thought about what the other said to him. catch a ride. His eyes widen a little and his mouth dropped slightly. "W-wait..." He told the other to pause. "You can ride those monsters?! Did you tame one?! Do you name it? what did you name it?" He thought it was best to treat it like an animal to gain more information rather than calling it a metal machine. "Weigh much..? But... the one that passed by was so quick!"


Okami Roku

New Member
Jul 21, 2021
OOC Rank
They are friendly! We can be friends!

You might be the most idiotic human to ever live...

He would grunt angrily before returning to not only a smiling expression but back to this new person. They would mention the word name, which would get him excited as he did not know their name.

"Roku!" he would say proudly before a gentle breeze would roll through and the reality of the exchange would sink in. Instantly his face would turn from proud to embarrassed.

"Oh no! You didn't ask for my name, my name is Roku, but you asked about the train!" his panic would continue, "I am not sure their names, but I called that most recent one that let Metallodon."

His composure would seem to return as he calmed down, now his mind focusing on something else.

"In my mind, Metallodon was a noble creature, made of metal and oil, that roamed the sands peacefully. Then the Organization appeared, seeking to profit off of the mighty Metallodon, and captured the beast. They affixed it to these tracks and now make it do their bidding, carrying people and things across the sands."

The story, or assumption, was completely off base of the reality... except some points were surprisingly correct.

"Anyways, my name is Roku... and I am starting to feel like I have said my name way too many times at this point. Do you have a name?"

Do you have a name...

'Do you have a name', how are you this fundamentally inept at humaning?

MFT - 244


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
The train was called Roku? No wait, seemed like this person was overly excited and told his name first. Maybe something he should have done also... He would grin big as he heard the other quickly say that it was his name not the name of the train. He would not a few times and as the other seemed to calm down, Shion would do a step forward, extending his hand in a greeting to shake hands. "The name is Roxas, nice to meet you." A name he had gotten from a strange, it stuck quite well with him as he liked that name.

"I see... Sad to hear that they didn't play fair with the thing and made it it's slave.." He would sound a bit more sad on those tunes.

'This is a strange human...
'Aren't we all? I mean... that is why you kinda choose me back in the day.
'But it is almost like this human never got to correspond with others in the past...'
'True... but we all start somewhere, let's not give this a bad taste for him. Maybe I can learn more also.'

While he had that small conversation the ground slowly started to tremble. "Is another one coming close..?" He asked and would try to look around, but since the sound was inside the ground and not one for the human ear... Shion couldn't exactly see it. A horn of a train sounded hard and most people had to place their hands over their ears. "Loud... god damn loud!" Shion complained and he could see for a moment as far as the sound traveled. And he would see a dust maze behind the train getting closer. The moments they were getting closer, you could slowly see through the thick sand dust that there was more than one of these giant beasts running.

"That... doesn't sound well.." He sheepishly spoke and would look towards Roku, as more people started to scream. The train remained at full speed through the train station as it was trying to get away from the animals. Yet with all the commotion, the sounds, Shion could easily tell more than a regular human at this point. He would slowly 'see' the amount that there were, but also how big these things really were. "Eh-heh... what.. There are 5 of them? What.." He was kinda stuck, he had never ever displayed his shinobi skills till this point and he kinda wanted to keep it that way. But these beasts were getting closer and also showed no sigh of stopping.

General Threat Level – Minimal: D Rank

An imposing creature with a weight between 900 and 1400 pounds, the Armatunk is a massive creature that has been able to survive in Wind Country despite limited resources they require little food or drink. Slow-moving, they carry with them an armored upper body made of heavy bone-like scales. Their underbelly is one of the few places that has superficially thin flesh. Because of this, they are hard to kill despite the fact that they are slow-moving and not necessarily intelligent animals.

Armatunks were first domesticated about 500 years ago by early Sunans that worked the land under the rule of the ancients. Armatunks are easily domesticated and gentle creatures but they are also rather powerful and were helpful in plowing fields and carrying heavy loads that humans could not. While there are still domestic Armatunks in Sunagakure, their uses underground are limited. Wild Armatunks still exist in the Badlands of Wind Country undeterred by the unruly Diamond Maelstrom. They sustain themselves mostly on small plants and animals they find in the desert, but in captivity they thrive on various forms of grain feed.

Armatunks have very little nutritional value if eaten. Not only is their armored hide nearly impossible to get through forcing one to attack from the underbelly, but the meat of this animal spoils quickly and has a bitter taste. Due to its relatively little need for sustenance, there is little protein or other nutrients found in their meat. While their meat may satiate hunger, it will not provide sustenance. Their armored hide, on the other hand, has been used by some indigenous tribes as body armor. The armor is durable and surprisingly light weight but it carries with it a dead animal smell that does not go away even after long periods of use, in fact many people suggest that the stench only gets worse with time.

A special thanks to Mun for information concerning this creature.

Taken from the sand lore page ->
Click me <-



Pack existing of 5 Armatunk, who are in an unraged stage. ie. Mad as fck

Okami Roku

New Member
Jul 21, 2021
OOC Rank
"Isn't just how things are sometimes? A misunderstanding and instead of figuring out and understanding, it is quicker to capture, hurt or, kill."

At least, that is how life had presented itself to him, especially from his time in the Community being nothing more than a number for testing. Either way, this person did not seem to be inherently bad, and Sousuke had told him that the world was full of good people, so maybe this was one of those good people.

"What in the..." he would say with a drifting tone as he would notice the same sound and scene that Roxas had noticed well before him.

Your new friend is very perceptive, much more skilled than you. Keep an eye on them...

"Wait... wait... wait.... what are those!?"

The panic would be noticeable as the creatures from the distance would begin to come into view, trailing behind the train, but they would be beasts that he had never seen before. All he could tell was that they were incredibly large.

"Their size and the number of them... they will destroy this place. Do you have anything to distract them?"

Could they, such massive creatures, even be distracted by something as small as a human? It wasn't something his brain would be able to appropriately process as he would, in lack of better judgment, would start to move forward towards the rampaging creatures.

The rest of the humans are retreating, maybe that is a sign?

Placing his hands into a series of seals, he would begin to mold his chakra as the clouds above him, now saturated with his water element chakra, would become engorged and darken. Suddenly, and rather oddly, rain would begin to fall down upon the area.

"Rain dance."

He wasn't sure if this would do any good, but part of him hoped the rampaging creatures running into the rain, after being out in the arid desert, might get a small shock to their system to wake them up from their rampage. Maybe rain would be enough to calm these beasts?

What a foolish idea...

OOC: Used Mastered Rain Dance... because, Idk!
mft - 340


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
Shion was casually talking till he saw that herd coming from far. "How the heck should I know what they are?! You are the Sunan person!" He said out loud before trying to think of something, seeing how other people were running away. His mind started to say the same thing.
"Their size and the number of them... they will destroy this place. Do you have anything to distract them?"
"How should I know?!"
Shion yelled to him as he already had made a few steps away, yet seeing how the other started to head in first. He couldn't leave the person out. He returned to almost behind him and saw something being made.

There was slowly rain starting to fall down from the sky, Shion could have sworn it was sunny just a moment ago so this was the person's doing. "E-eh.. Rain..?" he questioned before he noticed the behavior change in the animals. They suddenly stopped in their movement as if they had been panicking about the sudden change. Yet as soon as they were calming down, turning around. They saw the city that had demolished their place and they started to get angry again.

"They are moving to the city!" Shion called out and would do what Roku did earlier, run in front of them and try a few hand seals. "Please work... Please work as nana taught me!" With the few hand seals made, he was able to conjure up an Earthslide wall. It wasn't such a big or wide wall as Shion was lacking mastery in it, but it was enough for the first two beasts to collide with the wall. It cracked heavily and parts fell off, but the beasts lay motionless on the floor. Probably having a headache after that one. The other animals started to turn in confusion as to what to do.

"Do you have any ideas?!" He said and as he spoke, the wall disappeared and Shion went face-first into the sand. The animals didn't move any further and some even started to give the motion of laying down. Shion pulled himself up again and started to dust off the sand. "That will now be everywhere..." he complained out loud and already could tell he would shake his boots with endless sand in them.

"What do you think of them..? They are... odd... they seem dosile yet same time angry.."

[mft 400]

Okami Roku

New Member
Jul 21, 2021
OOC Rank
It was impressive, as Roxas was able to take two of the creatures out of the equation with a simple jutsu. While the wall would crumble from the force, the earth jutsu mixed with the continued downpour of rain would eventually turn to mud.

"Well those two may have a bit of a tough time getting back up, but hopefully your technique knocked them back to their senses because I agree... these creatures don't strike me as the usual 'willingly charge into a place full of people' type."

Roxas had mentioned them, the two who had slammed into the earth wall, as seemingly being docile after the fact.

"Roxas, I am a novice, so while I feel like we should chase down the remaining three creatures and clear their minds in a similar fashion to what you did... I don't think I have the jutsu to do such a thing. Allow me to support you."

With that said, he did have an idea of what he could do.

"But now that the remaining three have changed directions, I think we should capitalize and continue to push them out and away from this village."

Chasing after the remaining three creatures, he would perform a series of hand seals before digging his fingers into his palms and causing a small amount of blood to appear in each hand. Suddenly water chakra would begin to swirl around his arms and elongate into two tendrils of swirling currents. The blood from his palms, enhanced by his chakra, would cause the water tendrils to immediately turn blood red. This would be a combination of the Aqua Fang jutsu (Mastered using special action 'Aqua Twin Fang') mixed with his own special blood-based ability (Chigokai's Crimson Water Rank 3).

With the drill-like currents of water, he knew he wouldn't have the power to penetrate the armored skin of the creatures, but in the confusion, he hoped that whipping at them would cause them to continue moving onward and out into the desert expanse away from Yamori Station. He would continue to flail his arms causing the fangs of water to whip behind the large beasts, but unfortunately, he was only able to snap at two of them at the time, which meant that the third one could always veer off course or do something unplanned.

"Once we get them away from Yamori, IF we get them away, we should try to give them all a nice bonk on the head!" he would yell while still wildly whipping at and chasing the beasts.

mft - 415 words


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank
"A-are you sure?! Supporting me?! I hardly know anything in regards to that shinobi stuff my granny spoke of! She only taught me a few things!" He called out to the other, but for him, he could hardly see what the other was doing with their Jutsu. All he could see was a silhouette. Yet he would still go with the other.

The combination of the other users' Jutsu on the animals seemed to be effective. They were seeing and feeling something they had no idea what it was. "That... seems to be very effective..." he spoke and would start to run behind in order to attempt to find out the who what or where. It seemed they were running towards a canyon. ' was that always here? he questioned and would run slowly getting out of breath. He had to stay in character after all.

"They got stamina..." the male stopped and leaned on the top of his knees with his hands looking at the animals. He was looking at the canyon where they started to get into. "Do you know if this is a dead end?!" He called out to Roku, but before could even speak. Getting close to the wall. Maybe he was able to trap them here...

"think..." He would tilt his head and think of something. This was also covered with loose sand and whatnot more... Yet one thing Shion didn't spot earlier on top. The metal small construction. "Uhm... I know Gravel shift well..." and he would place both hands on the wall and use it. He could feel how things were starting to shift... along with some sand falling on him but not enough to cover him fully. Yet... The miscalculation happened. The gravel shift made the rocks on top unstable enough to start tumbling down onto the small metal structure that came down. Lucky for both boys, it came down on the animals who seemed to lie down and luckily for them breathing. Out of the scare, Shion dropped himself on his butt looking at the chaos that had happened.

"E-eh-eh-..." he would attempt to chuckle it off; looking at it and not moving much more except breathing quickly. "Y-you okay..?" He questioned the red-haired who was probably still close by.


Okami Roku

New Member
Jul 21, 2021
OOC Rank
For once in a good long while, his mind would do something that it rarely did, especially in tense situations; it would be silent. There would be no interrupting or responding from his Hunger, but in the same vein, there would be no thoughts of his own. Instead, he was merely enjoying the empty pleasure of running ahead blindly whipping at large creatures. It was absurd, but sometimes life was absurd. There was no need for additional thought, he had no plan, and his plan was exactly what he was doing. The remainder was up to Roxas.

Speaking of that new friend, it would seem that Roxas would attempt to talk to him every so often but because of his focus, or lack thereof, on his own part of the plan, and just the overall noise generated by the creatures moving, it would be hard to decipher what was being said or asked. Instead, because he didn't want to seem rude, he would merely yell the things that came to his mind.

"WE ONLY GOT ONE LIFE TO LIVE! LET'S GOOOOOO!" (in response to 'Is this a dead end?')

He wasn't sure what that response would be attaching itself to in the conversation, nor did he really know if it would make sense as a response at all. Either way, he was whipping at the creatures and waiting for something else to happen. It would seem that something was finally about to happen as he would notice the movement of rocks, and would become very aware of the tumbling over of a metal structure.

Dropping his jutsu he would come to a sliding stop before quickly, nearly slipping in the process, turning to sprint in the opposite direction. Unsure of the distance needed to separate himself from the scene of the ongoing accident, he would overestimate his escape and end up rather far away from Roxas and the now subdued beasts.

"Shit... can't leave my friend..." he would say gasping for air before taking off and sprinting over to Roxas.

They would ask if he was okay as he rolled up to the stranger.

"Me? *gasp* Of course, *pause for catching his breath* Easy peasy."

Letting out a sigh, he would let the wave of anxiety wash over him, pushing out the high from the adrenaline he had been feeling earlier. His prolonged use of chakra would also add a bit to the exhaustion he was now feeling, as he would let out a yawn.

"What about you, Roxas? Sorry that I sort of told you to do something, not sure if you could do it, but I feel like this was a huge success! Right?"

MFT - 395


Jan 11, 2021
OOC Rank

This... guy was nuts, but he was right. Shion was legit a little worried regards of the dead end though, but this guy seemed to enjoy it to the fullest.

After everything had happened... Shion was left panting, cursing into himself why he had limited himself that much, already reflecting if it really was worth it to pretend not to know that much about Jutsu. He was sitting on the ground, he could feel the sand burn into the palm of his hands and butt as he was sitting but him catching his breath was a bit more important. "Glad that." he would pant also in between as he spoke towards Roku. "you are alright." Laying on the sand burned his back, but the sweat was on his forehead. "Me? Beat... Really beat." He would turn his head towards the male and grin after his words.

"It was amazing! Glad my granny taught me a Jutsu or two." He would chuckle and slowly sit up. Already regretting laying down in the sand as it was getting everywhere. "Just... Let's not do this again, not with these things..." He would point towards the now subdued animals that were laying and one of them just calmly walking. "Should we get the right people to handle this..? Or just go..? I could use a cold drink on this." he rattled on and gave an awkward chuckle.

As he stood up, he pretended that his legs were a bit jelly and went through them again. "Aa- I think... I overdid it." He would laugh it off and stand up again, this time bit more firm. "Shall we grab something? My treat?" He would offer a drink to the other, also because of what they had accomplished.

[MFT: 250+]

[topic left unless stopped]
[Sorry for the long wait! It was due to health things. But I am back on track again.]
[We do not necessarily need to create a new topic, but that is up to you.]

Okami Roku

New Member
Jul 21, 2021
OOC Rank
If he had been more observant, he might have noticed something off about this stranger that seemed to be very aggressive in making it known that they were not a shinobi even though they had an impressive repertoire of jutsu that they were able to demonstrate. Maybe if the Hunger within him had been talking more, stating their observations, just maybe he would have questioned this new friend a bit more. Instead, the voice within was oddly silent, and Roku himself was more distracted by the situation as a whole. It seemed that everything had resolved nicely, even with the panic, so maybe it was easier for his mind to relax and miss the potential flags of concern around Roxas. There was another possibility that probably played into it all; he just wanted to make a friend.

"Yes, please give your grandmother my thanks for saving our hide on this one... and, agreed, I think I could go without another stampede of large beasts as well!"

Then Roxas would make an offer that would perk him right up, causing a pure expression of happiness to be etched upon his face.

"YES!" he would realize what he just did, his face would look calmer and his tone would grow more casual and nonchalant, "--I mean, yes. That would be cool with me."

Sousuke, by his own admission, was not the best at socializing or at least hadn't been at a young age, so he had given Roku a journal of his many trials and tribulations with trying to interact with others. Part of the strategies discussed within it mentioned not seeming "too eager" as for some it might come off as the wrong impression. That said, he didn't understand why eagerness was bad. It was his genuine eagerness to want to interact with people, why would someone find that display distasteful? Still, he would rather travel the safer route at this time as this was still a relatively new person in his life.

"Ummmm... do you happen to know where we could go?"

He was looking around confused. He hadn't meant to come to this station, so he wasn't very well-versed with this locale at all.

MFT - 355
OCC: I am fine with either option!
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Current Ninpocho Chronicles Time:
